William Sargant patient experiments, Wisc. Church Members Charged With Abuse. Leslie Kenton

April 3, 2011 Comments Off on William Sargant patient experiments, Wisc. Church Members Charged With Abuse. Leslie Kenton

My electric shock nightmare at the hands of the CIA’s evil doctor
Wisconsin Church Members Charged With Abusing Infants
‘My father’s relationship with me ultimately destroyed him’: Writer Leslie Kenton reveals the secret incest she endured

My electric shock nightmare at the hands of the CIA’s evil doctor By Celia Imrie 2nd April 2011

…. Trembling, I slid the already opened letter from its envelope and read the fatal words: ‘Celia is very good and advanced for her age, but sadly she is going to be too big ever to become a dancer.’ ….Over 18 months I lost an astonishing amount of weight. It was noticed first at six months by our nanny, known as Pop, when we had to try on summer clothes for our annual family holiday near Bognor Regis, West Sussex. After that I realised I was being watched at mealtimes.  I would look at myself in the mirror and, even though I was something near a skeleton, I didn’t think I had gone far enough. In despair and I am sure with some embarrassment – my father being an eminent doctor – my parents brought in a child psychologist.  I was 5ft 2in and weighed 4st. What was the problem? Why couldn’t they make me eat?

….I was sent for a brief spell in the local hospital, where, bewildered by a condition they had not seen before, staff simply offered me three meals a day, which I politely refused.  After a few weeks, I was released to spend Christmas with my family. I was happy to come home, but, far from being cured, I now knew that in future I must find even better ways of avoiding eating. I became sly. I worked out every way to dispose of food. I was so successful at it that soon I was little more than a carcass with skin.

Desperate now, my parents decided to send me away to St Thomas’ Hospital in London, to enter one of the special wards belonging to the Department of Psychological Medicine. And once there I was placed under the care of world-famous psychiatrist William Sargant. I was 14.

Now, more than 20 years after his death, Sargant is notorious for his work for MI5 and the CIA, particularly its covert MK-ULTRA mind control programme. Even then, Sargant was a world expert on brainwashing. Today his books are said to be studied by Al Qaeda. His work has links to the mysterious death of CIA biochemist Frank Olson after being given LSD; the Jonestown massacre in Guyana, where 900 people killed themselves; and to the mind-bending and occasionally lethal drug experiments performed on unwitting human guinea pigs at the Porton Down research centre in Wiltshire.

Sargant’s methods were simple: electric-shock treatment and insulin-induced comas leading to continuous narcosis, or deep-sleep therapy, complete with tape recorded ‘brainwashing’ orders being played at the patients from beneath their pillows. And to think that all this came free on the NHS!….After Sargant left the ward, the nurses would start preparing the horrors he had prescribed for the day  –  the electro-convulsive therapy….I remember also the famous Narcosis Room, a ward where patients were forced into a drug-induced sleep for days while tapes played instructions to them from under the pillow….

I do recall being given massive doses, three tumblers a day, of Largactil, an anti-psychotic drug. The effect of this drug was startling. My hands shook uncontrollably for most of the day and I’d wake up to find clumps of my hair on the pillow. But the worst consequence was that everything I saw was multiplied by four. When Sargant came into the room, I saw four of him. It was horrific and terrifying. Even simple tasks such as picking up a glass of water became impossible. The drugs had turned me into a victim….The Happy Hoofer, by Celia Imrie, is published by Hodder & Stoughton      http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1372700/My-electric-shock-nightmare-hands-CIAs-evil-doctor.html

Wisconsin Church Members Charged With Abusing Infants Mar 26, 2011  by Lisa Holewa The pastor and seven members of a small church in central Wisconsin have been charged with using wooden rods to spank infants as young as 2 months old for “being emotional, grumpy or crying,” the Dane County Sheriff’s office said….

The investigation into the Aleitheia Bible Church began last November, when former members contacted authorities with concerns about how children were being treated, according to the sheriff’s office. Six church members pleaded innocent to charges of child abuse during an appearance Thursday in Dane County Circuit Court. They were booked and released….The victims included 12 children ranging in age from infancy to 6 years old, according to the sheriff’s office.

“During interviews with detectives, Phil expressed his belief that the Bible dictates the use of a rod over a hand to punish children. He stated that children only a few months old are ‘worthy’ of the rod and that by ‘one and a half months,’ a child is old enough to be spanked,” according to the sheriff’s office release….The children often were punished when they cried or failed to sit still during church services, a former church member told authorities. “Phil was very strict about children being quiet during church,” the complaint states

….John Caminiti told investigators in November that he does not allow his family to communicate with people outside his religious beliefs and has punished his wife and son by confining them to their rooms until they corrected their disobedience, according to the Wisconsin State Journal. http://www.aolnews.com/2011/03/26/members-of-aleitheia-bible-church-in-wisconsin-charged-with-abus/

Black Earth pastor, brother charged with child abuse for spanking kids with dowels, rods By DEVIN ROSE  The head pastor of a Black Earth church and his brother have been charged with a total of 12 counts of child abuse, according to a criminal complaint filed Friday in Dane County Circuit Court. http://host.madison.com/wsj/news/local/crime_and_courts/article_dcf65a46-51d5-11e0-8db1-001cc4c03286.html

‘My father’s relationship with me ultimately destroyed him’: Writer Leslie Kenton reveals the secret incest she endured By Louette Harding  31st January 2010

In her new memoir, beauty guru Leslie Kenton reveals for the first time that she was raped aged 11 by her own father, and describes the secret incest that lasted until she was 13….‘I was not enamoured of the world I grew up in,’ she told an interviewer in 1993 when asked about her father, the American jazz band leader Stan Kenton, and her mother Violet. ‘I felt alienated.’ Two years later, she revealed a childhood suicide attempt. Now we learn in Love Affair the full extent of the horrors and the secret incest at its heart….

During the summer of 1952, she met him on tour, sharing his hotel room, sleeping back to back. He was drinking heavily while she, though aged only ten, was trying to police him, this six-foot four-inch man. He was, in many ways, treating her as a substitute for Violet. One night the final boundary was crossed and he raped his daughter. It was the beginning of an incestuous relationship that lasted until she was 13.

During visits, the days were as sunny as ever. They shared a unique exhilaration when together. Some nights he left her alone. ‘I believe he tried his best to resist touching me. Then, drowning in a sea of alcohol, he would come to my bed, only to deny the next morning that he’d been there.’ This was not cynical. Stanley had become so skilled in keeping secrets he could hide his guiltiest one even from himself. ‘He was born into guilt. As a child he was taught by his mother, “There’s something wrong with you, Stanley.”’ From talking to relatives, Leslie has learnt of a highly dysfunctional family with a history of manipulation, neglect and bizarre cult-like rituals.

‘I do not know how to express the damage that a family like this does. This is a disease that’s passed on. Some people survive it and others are deeply damaged.’ Leslie thinks Stanley experienced a condition known as dissociative identity disorder, involving selective amnesia, which she also developed as she blocked out the incest.

Her body, though, provided mute testimony. She suffered intense fevers and pains. ‘I believe my body was processing a lot of trauma and getting it out. I had the same recurring dream where I was being chased across rooftops and I was terrified, and I looked behind only to see myself come up over the side of the building.’ She ripped the flesh from the soles of her feet, tore at one of her nails. ‘There was no way I could stop doing that.’….

Despite the disassociation, he was [unconsciously] terrified of someone finding out,’ Leslie reasons. He raged and screamed at his daughter. ‘One night he shook me to the point where it didn’t matter to me if he killed me. Something broke in me and my relationship with him broke.  Love Affair: The Memoir of a Forbidden
Father-Daughter Relationship by Leslie Kenton – Vermilion

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