Scale of sexual abuse in UK universities, Grenville Christian College/Community of Jesus, Ritual Abuse and Mind Control

October 19, 2016 Comments Off on Scale of sexual abuse in UK universities, Grenville Christian College/Community of Jesus, Ritual Abuse and Mind Control

– Scale of sexual abuse in UK universities likened to Savile and Catholic scandals
– Former Christian school headmaster’s son charged with sexual assault
– Ritual Abuse and Mind Control

Former Christian school headmaster’s son charged with sexual assault

Eric Andrew-Gee  The Globe and Mail Friday, Oct. 07, 2016

The son of a former headmaster of an Ontario Christian school that was closed in 2007 amid accusations of abuse and cult-like practices has been charged with sexual assault for alleged offences dating back 30 years….

He is the son of Charles Farnsworth, the late headmaster of Grenville Christian College, an elite private school near Brockville that was affiliated with the Community of Jesus, a controversial U.S. religious sect often described as a cult. Grenville closed in 2007 after 38 years in operation, citing declining enrolment and rising operating costs.

The closing coincided with a growing chorus of alumni accusing the school of chronic abuse and bizarre religious rites. A $225-million class action lawsuit filed in 2008 alleges former students were “sexually, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually traumatized” by their time at the school. The suit is ongoing….

Former students have described a climate of intense sexual repression in which women suspected of immoral behaviour were described as “Jezebels” and “bitches in heat,” and romantic relationships between students were discouraged and brutally policed.

Extreme physical punishment was common for students who ran afoul of the school’s stringent rules, a 2007 Globe investigation found….

Scale of sexual abuse in UK universities likened to Savile and Catholic scandals

Stories of more than 100 women shared with Guardian expose pattern of harassment which remains largely hidden
Sally Weale and David Batty  Friday 7 October 2016

The scale of sexual harassment and gender violence by UK university staff has been likened to the scandals involving the Catholic church and Jimmy Savile in accounts shared by more than 100 women with the Guardian.

Their stories – including those of verbal bullying, serial harassment, assault, sexual assault and rape – expose an alarming pattern of abuse and harassment in British universities which remains largely hidden….

Many women said they had not pursued complaints for fear of jeopardising their academic careers. Those who did complain said they felt isolated and unprotected, while the more powerful men they accused appeared to be untouchable.

The women’s accounts follow an exclusive Guardian report on the use of non-disclosure agreements in university sexual harassment cases….

Later this month Universities UK (UUK) is publishing its long awaited report on sexual violence and harassment in universities, but there is concern that it will focus on “lad culture” and incidents between students, rather than those involving staff and students, which have remained largely under the radar.

The majority of cases reported to the Guardian involve senior male academics, often professors, harassing and abusing younger female PhD students whose work they supervise. There are also accounts from undergraduates and female academics, while a small number of other allegations involve assault, male-on-male harassment and one allegation of sexual assault by a female lecturer.

Many of the accounts indicate that universities are failing in their duty of care to students and staff who are harassed. One female academic who made a complaint of sexual harassment against a more senior male colleague – against whom there had been previous complaints – said she was marched off the university premises and suspended for three months after he accused her of making a false allegation….

In another statement, a PhD student, who brought a complaint after being raped by a senior member of staff with whom she was in a relationship, described her sense of utter powerlessness: “He is a renowned professor. He can do what he wants.”….

Becoming Yourself: Overcoming Mind Control and Ritual Abuse by Alison Miller
Audio versions

Becoming Yourself: Overcoming Mind Control and Ritual Abuse – part 1 – YouTube

Becoming Yourself: Overcoming Mind Control and Ritual Abuse – part 2 – YouTube
In contrast to the author’s previous book, Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control, which was for therapists, this book is designed for survivors of these abuses.

It takes the survivor systematically through understanding the abuses and how his or her symptoms may be consequences of these abuses, and gives practical advice regarding how a survivor can achieve stability and manage the life issues with which he or she may have difficulty.
The book also teaches the survivor how to work with his or her complex personality system and with the traumatic memories, to heal the wounds created by the abuse.

A unique feature of this book is that it addresses the reader as if he or she is dissociative, and directs some information and exercises towards the internal leaders of the personality system, teaching them how to build a cooperative and healing inner community within which information is shared, each part’s needs are met, and traumatic memories can be worked through successfully.

Self-Esteem Loosens Mind Control by Wendy Hoffman – Survivorship Conference 2016 ttps://

Internal Keys to Safety by Alison Miller – Survivorship Conference 2016ttps://

may be heavy for survivors
Hypnosis in MPD : Ritual Abuse, Greenbaum Speech, Mind Control Programming

also at:

Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse. The Greenbaum Speech.
audio recording:

Petition to Stop Attacks Against Child Abuse and Ritual Abuse Survivors and Neil Brickttps:// 

The Power of Story  An Interview with Neil Brick – Facing Down Fears

Child Abuse Research

Ritual abuse information
by Neil Brick

Information on ritual abuse and child abuse crimes and advocacy to help stop these crimes.

How to Avoid Being Mind Controlled at a Conference by Neil Brick
– Presentation at the 2016 Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference – August 2016

The information in this article was written with the help and research of several survivors and well-known, well-published therapists in the child abuse, ritual abuse and mind control fields over almost a twenty year period.  Participants of several ritual abuse conferences helped research the information in this article.  

The Urban Legends of Those Attacking Ritual Abuse Theories and the False Logic of False Memory Proponents and Their Occultist Supporters by Neil Brick

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