Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges, Catholic church in Scotland asks forgiveness from child abuse victims, Edward Heath child abuse claims

August 19, 2015 Comments Off on Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges, Catholic church in Scotland asks forgiveness from child abuse victims, Edward Heath child abuse claims

– Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges
– Catholic church in Scotland asks forgiveness from child abuse victims
– Executive director of Jared Foundation arrested on child pornography, exploitation charges
– Police records search finds no link to Edward Heath crime
– Edward Heath child abuse claims: Prison officer makes further allegation against former Prime Minister

Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges
August 18, 2015, by Amanda Rakes – Digital Manager and Shannon Houser
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Aug. 18, 2015)— FOX59 has confirmed Jared Fogle, the former Subway spokesman, is expected to plead guilty to possession of child pornography charges.

Sources say Fogle will accept a plea deal Wednesday. The U.S. Attorney’s Office will hold a press conference tomorrow afternoon to discuss the deal and charges against Fogle.

Fogle’s attorney, Ron Elberger, had no comment in regards to the plea deal. He said any information regarding the charges would come from the attorney’s office. Elberger did say Fogle’s suspension with Subway continues.

Subway issued the following statement to FOX59 Tuesday:

“We have already ended our relationship with Jared and have no further comment.”….

Earlier this year, Russell Taylor, the former director of the Jared Foundation started by Fogle, was arrested in a child pornography case. He was accused of possessing and producing child pornography. Investigators said a search of Taylor’s home turned up more than 500 videos with images of child pornography….

Executive director of Jared Foundation arrested on child pornography, exploitation charges
April 29, 2015, by Greg Margason – Digital Producer and Kendall Downing

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind (April 29, 2015)– There’s trouble at the top for a central Indiana-based foundation started by Subway spokesman and Indiana native Jared Fogle.

The executive director of the Jared Foundation, 43-year-old Russell Taylor, is behind bars, preliminarily charged with child exploitation, possession of child pornography, and voyeurism….

Catholic church in Scotland asks forgiveness from child abuse victims

Archbishop Philip Tartaglia pledges to make reparations and change practices after independent report accuses bishops of covering up crimes for decades

Severin Carrell Scotland editor  Tuesday 18 August 2015

The Scottish Catholic church has offered a “profound apology” to victims of child abuse and the church’s failure to investigate and punish the culprits, after a damning independent report into its conduct.

Archbishop Philip Tartaglia, the official head of the Scottish church, told a congregation in Glasgow on Tuesday that their bishops were “shamed and pained” by the abuse suffered by children and adults over recent decades. “We say sorry. We ask forgiveness.”

After pledging to act on an independent inquiry commissioned by the church, which accused its bishops of covering up the crimes for decades, Tartaglia said: “Child abuse is a horrific crime. That this abuse should have been carried out within the church, and by priests and religious [orders], takes that abuse to another level….

The McLellan inquiry was set up by Scotland’s bishops in November 2013 after a string of highly damaging historical abuse scandals came to light, including repeated child abuse by paedophile priests, which was often covered up or ignored, systematic abuse by staff at Fort Augustus Catholic boarding school, and the admissions of sexual misconduct against adult priests by Cardinal Keith O’Brien, then the UK’s most senior Catholic.

The church’s own investigations in 2013 disclosed that there were also 46 live allegations of abuse against priests made between 2006 and 2012, leading to seven prosecutions.

In 2013, there were another 15 allegations made, six of which were historical. Three priests were removed from roles involving the public, and two cases are with Scottish prosecutors, with prosecutors also studying allegations of abuse by nine men at Fort Augustus between 1967 and 1992….

Police records search finds no link to Edward Heath crime
18 August 2015
A police force has said it has found no evidence to link Sir Edward Heath to a crime in its area.

However, North Yorkshire Police said it had passed a “piece of intelligence” to Wiltshire Police, the force leading inquiries into the former prime minister.

The force added the intelligence was “not connected to the North Yorkshire area”.

Wiltshire Police said it “wouldn’t discuss any intelligence passed to us”.

North Yorkshire Police launched the search of its records earlier this month following allegations of child sex abuse levelled against Sir Edward, who was Conservative prime minister between 1970 and 1974….

Edward Heath child abuse claims: Prison officer makes further allegation against former Prime Minister
18 August 2015    By Mikey Smith
Wiltshire Police has received a further allegation relating to Sir Edward, but he’s no longer under investigation in North Yorkshire
A prison officer has made a further allegation against Sir Edward Heath.

The alleged offence is reportedly being dealt with by Wiltshire Police, and is not thought to have taken place in North Yorkshire, according to Sky News.

The Wiltshire force is leading the investigation against the former Prime Minister, which now involves seven forces across the country….

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