Marilyn Manson: His satanic majesty, Mind Control,Torture, Rape, Love Bombing-

February 2, 2021 Comments Off on Marilyn Manson: His satanic majesty, Mind Control,Torture, Rape, Love Bombing-

Marilyn Manson: His satanic majesty, Mind Control,Torture, Rape, Love Bombing

– Ashley Walters Accuses Marilyn Manson Of Using Mind Control And Torture Tactics To Control Her

Artist Gabriella Says Marilyn Manson Sliced Their Hands To Make A Blood Pact, Tied Her Up, And Raped Her- Model Sarah McNeilly Says Marilyn Manson Love Bombed Her Then Tortured And Terrorized Her

– Model Ashley Lindsay Morgan Says Marilyn Manson Would Cut And Burn Her, Was Obsessed With Nazi Memorabilia

Friday 07 February 2014
….Manson would further stir up the fury of his adversaries by gleefully declaring himself a Satanist, despite the fact that in his book he states: “I’m not, and never have been, a spokesperson for Satanism. It’s simply part of what I believe in, along with Dr Seuss, Dr Hook, Nietzsche and the Bible…”

Ashley Walters Accuses Marilyn Manson Of Using Mind Control And Torture Tactics To Control Her
Charisse Van Horn Feb 1, 2021
Photographer Ashley Walters has joined Evan Rachel Woods in coming forward with allegations of abuse against rocker Marilyn Manson, whose real name is Brian Warner. Turning to her official Instagram account, Ashley shared a slideshow where she posted a four-part statement where she accused Marilyn Manson of using mind control and torture tactics to bring her under his control. She explained how she met Manson and came to work for him as his assistant after he reached out to her in 2010. She then describes her time with Marilyn Manson as one where he isolated her from her friends and family members and then used extreme, manipulative tactics to control her. She described Marilyn Manson as exhibiting horrifying and deranged behavior. The allegations are very similar to those made by others over the past decade, including Evan Rachel Wood’s claims….

I’d witness him inflict this psychological abuse on everyone he employed, everyone he dated. He would dictate the perimiters of our reality. Horrifying, deranged behavior and insane scenarios became normalized. He was extremely interested in mind control, torture tactics [ie. different sound frequencies that would shift your mood, or make you nauseous], and spy devices to gather information for blackmailing and manipulation.

Artist Gabriella Says Marilyn Manson Sliced Their Hands To Make A Blood Pact, Tied Her Up, And Raped Her
Charisse Van Horn Feb 1, 2021

An artist known as Gabriella, joined with other women including actress Evan Rachel Wood, on February 1, 2021, to make her allegations of abuse against rocker Marilyn Manson public. Choosing her Instagram platform to make her allegations, Gabriella stated that she met Marilyn Manson (real name Brian Warner) backstage at one of his concerts in 2015. She echoed allegations made by model Sarah McNeilly who alleged that Marilyn Manson love bombed her before devolving into depraved and terrorizing behavior. According to Gabriella’s statement, Manson quickly wooed her, fed her drugs, and on their second meeting, broke a wine glass, and cut both of their hands so the two would enter a blood pact. She then described their six-month romantic relationship as one where Manson exhibited control over her through tactics of manipulation, intimidation, fear, and sexual violence.   She alleged that Manson repeatedly tied her up and raped her. When she would respond in tears, he stated that was a symbol of her love for him. In addition to Gabriella’s and Evan Rachel Wood‘s public statements, three other women went public on February 1, 2021, to allege that they too were abused by Marilyn Manson. They are Ashley Walters, Ashley Lindsay Morgan, and Sarah McNeilly.

Model Sarah McNeilly Says Marilyn Manson Love Bombed Her Then Tortured And Terrorized Her
Charisse Van Horn Feb 1, 2021

Model Sarah McNeilly made her allegations of abuse against rocker Marilyn Manson (real name Brian Warner) known on social media. Turning to her Instagram account on February 1, 2021, Sarah McNeilly joined Evan Rachel Wood, Ashley Walters, Ashley Lindsay Morgan, and artist Gabriella by sharing her own encounters with Manson. Like many of the others, she stated that Marilyn Manson lured her in, love bombed her, and then after gaining her trust, quickly revealed his dark persona.   It’s unclear why the women chose February 1, 2021, to make their allegations public nor is it known if any of the women have spoken to the police. Evan Rachel Wood has told her story of abuse for years, but though she alleged a former romantic partner had sexually, physically, and emotionally brutalized her, she never stated his name. Now, Sarah McNeilly has added her voice to the other women’s allegations as they collectively state they want Brian Warner to stop abusing women.

Sarah’s story is similar to the other women’s tales of terror as she alleges that she would be punished for bad behavior. According to Ashley Lindsay Morgan, Marilyn Manson would punish her by locking her out of the home with little to no clothing on. Ashley Walters described punishments as including holding her hostage in his home and refusing to allow her to leave. This coincides with Sarah McNeilly’s allegations that Marilyn Manson would lock her in a room when he felt she was being ‘bad.’

Model Ashley Lindsay Morgan Says Marilyn Manson Would Cut And Burn Her, Was Obsessed With Nazi Memorabilia
Charisse Van Horn Feb 1, 2021

Model Ashley Lindsay Morgan has joined forces with actress Rachel Evan Wood, Ashley Walters, Gabriella, and Sarah McNeilly by choosing on February 1, 2021, to publicly bring allegations against rockstar Marilyn Manson. Each woman shared a statement on their personal Instagram accounts with many sharing each other’s messages in their Instastories accusing the Grammy-nominated artist of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. At this time, Marilyn Manson hasn’t responded to the recent allegations, but he has categorically denied past allegations of abuse.
….Ashley says that Manson lured her in, flew her to Los Angeles, then after her arrival, eventually had her move into his home with him. It was while she was living in his house, that Ashley says his behavior quickly changed and he began to show his dark side.   Like the other statements, Ashley alleged that Marilyn Manson established a controlling environment where she was expected to follow rules and would be punished if she disobeyed. She stated that she would be punished for any behavior that Manson disapproved of. She alleged that she experienced sexual violence, coercion, physical violence, and abuse. It’s unclear if Ashley Lindsay Morgan has filed a police report against Manson. She described some of the punishments that she experience and said that he would lock her out of the house with little to no clothing on if she fell asleep. The other women also alleged that Marilyn Manson used sleep deprivation as a form of control.

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