London police: we believe claims of ‘VIP’ child sex abuse and murder

December 19, 2014 Comments Off on London police: we believe claims of ‘VIP’ child sex abuse and murder

London police: we believe claims of ‘VIP’ child sex abuse and murder
Scotland Yard says victim’s allegations against prominent political and establishment figures are credible and true Vikram Dodd Thursday 18 December 2014

Scotland Yard officers have said they believe allegations that a ring of prominent politicians and members of the establishment abused and terrorised children as young as seven more than 30 years ago and went on to kill three young boys.

Detectives appealed for victims and witnesses to come forward and identified a flat in Dolphin Square, London, near the Houses of Parliament, as a scene of some of the alleged abuse, as well as military premises and other locations across London and the home counties.

So far one victim, known by the pseudonym Nick, has come forward to tell of a decade of abuse he suffered at the hands of people including senior politicians and members of Britain’s establishment, and of three homicides. Police as yet have no bodies, full names of those abused or killed, or exact locations where the killings took place.

But the detective in charge of the investigation pointedly described Nick’s allegations as “true” and said Nick had been abused from 1975 to 1984, between the ages of seven and 16….

in Nick’s case experienced detectives from two teams had concluded his accounts were true. “Nick has been spoken to by experienced officers from the child abuse team and experienced officers from the murder investigation team. They and I believe what Nick is saying is credible and true.”….
Claims that boys were murdered by VIP sex ring are credible and true – police
Metropolitan police launch murder inquiry into role alleged Westminster ring might have had in killings of three boys Vikram Dodd Thursday 18 December 2014

Scotland Yard has said claims by a witness that a “VIP” sex abuse ring murdered three boys are “credible and true”.

The allegations made by the witness, known by the pseudonym Nick, have triggered a murder investigation.

Police said the alleged abuse by a Westminster-based paedophile ring lasted a decade at locations across London and the Home Counties, including military premises….

Police vent fury over cancelled inquiries into VIP child abuse: Officers claim covert investigations were shut down as they closed in on Establishment figures

December 16, 2014 Comments Off on Police vent fury over cancelled inquiries into VIP child abuse: Officers claim covert investigations were shut down as they closed in on Establishment figures

Police vent fury over cancelled inquiries into VIP child abuse: Officers claim covert investigations were shut down as they closed in on Establishment figures

Serving and former detectives vented their fury on internet chat forum
They claim child sex abuse investigations in 80s and 90s were ‘canned’
Comes as senior MP said he was aware of six police probes being shelved
Cover-up claims will heap pressure on Government and Scotland Yard
By Rebecca Camber, Crime Correspondent For The Daily Mail
15 December 2014

A series of covert police investigations into alleged VIP paedophile rings were shut down as they went ‘to the heart of the Establishment’, officers have claimed.

Serving and former detectives have vented their fury on an internet chat forum, claiming Scotland Yard investigations into child sex abuse were ‘canned’ during the 1980s and 1990s as they closed in on powerful figures, some of whom were said to be at ‘cabinet level’.

It comes as a senior MP said he was aware of six police probes into child sex abuse being shelved, five of which were run by Scotland Yard.
‘This is about kids being raped by those in power that included politicians of all sorts. It goes to the very heart of our Establishment.

‘There is very clear evidence that the general nature of the allegations are true.

‘There are enough officers on this site who have mentioned paedophile ops involving high-profile politicians being stopped at the eleventh hour.’

Labour MP John Mann yesterday admitted that he was aware of six inquiries which were shelved for ‘no good reason’

A former detective constable said: ‘In the 90s I uncovered a middle class paedo ring at [a police station in east London]. It linked into a massive UC [undercover] paedo job which was being run by [a named detective sergeant].

‘The UC who shall remain nameless found that it went to cabinet level and four years of work was pulled overnight.’

Some of the officers also claimed there was a secret file dating back to the 1960s on a celebrity recently linked to historic abuse.

One civil servant, who said he had signed the Official Secrets Act, wrote: ‘The cover up began in 1985 when operations were closed for no apparent reason except that prominent persons were allegedly involved and again in 1990 and again over the North Wales child abuse and successive governments have continued the practice.’ The forum is open only to those who have worked in the Metropolitan Police or closely alongside the force.




Man sentenced to jail for ‘execution’ of cat during sex ritual
Daryl Slade, Calgary Herald More from Daryl Slade, Calgary Herald
Published on: December 15, 2014

A man who slit the throat of a cat obtained on an Internet site and used it as part of a sick sexual ritual with his girlfriend has been jailed for 20 months and banned from owning any animals for life.

Provincial court Judge Brian Stevenson said Monday in sentencing Steven Edward Alcorn, 29, that the offender committed the act on Sept. 25, 2012 — just days after it was purchased through an ad on Kijiji — for his own sexual gratification.

“This is nothing short of an execution,” the judge concluded. “He found it to be sexually arousing and violated the trust that should be present between an owner and a pet.”

Stevenson also gave Alcorn three months consecutive for an assault on his girlfriend three months after the cat was slain and one month consecutive for breaching release conditions for a total 24-month sentence. With just over three months pre-trial credit, he has just under 21 months to serve.

Alcorn, who had pleaded guilty in November 2013, was also placed on probation for three years and must take counselling for domestic abuse and anger management….

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