Anthony Weiner’s sext featuring his son, Ex-Jehovah’s witness reveals secrets of group, Holy Hell – Buddhafield, Lord Greville Janner

August 30, 2016 Comments Off on Anthony Weiner’s sext featuring his son, Ex-Jehovah’s witness reveals secrets of group, Holy Hell – Buddhafield, Lord Greville Janner

– Anthony Weiner’s sext featuring his son could lead to child neglect inquiry (Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, a top adviser to Hillary Clinton)

– Ex-Jehovah’s witness reveals secrets of religious group
(“they believe child abuse is only a sin, not really a crime”)

– Holy Hell, Buddhafield, a mysterious spiritual sect

– Greville Janner’s family pushes for delay in child abuse inquiry
“Lord Janner is alleged to have abused youngsters over a period spanning more than 30 years.”

– Child Abuse Wiki  (Ritual Abuse, Recovered Memory, Dissociative Identity Disorder)

Anthony Weiner’s sext featuring his son could lead to child neglect inquiry

BY  Barbara Ross  Adam Edelman  Stephen Rex Brown NEW YORK DAILY NEWS  Monday, August 29, 2016,
Anthony Weiner’s latest cyber-sexcapades, featuring a photo of his sleeping son beside the pervy ex-pol’s bulging crotch, ended his marriage Monday — and could now lead to an investigation for child neglect, experts say.

“Any time adults draw children into their own sexual activity they have crossed the line. It is always inappropriate for an adult to connect any child to their sexual activities, however peripheral,” said Tim Hathaway, executive director at Prevent Child Abuse New York.

Hours after the sexts were made public, Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, a top adviser to Hillary Clinton, announced she was separating from her…hubby.

This time, the messages Weiner sent from his Twitter account — which was taken down Monday morning — reportedly included him cracking a joke and snapping a photo of his 5-year-old son, Jordan, jumping into bed beside him as his dad sexted with a woman….

It has been previously reported that Clinton’s people have wanted Abedin to leave Weiner because he could be a liability to her presidential campaign.

Sources said Weiner and Abedin had been estranged for some time and that her decision to separate was not due solely to his latest sexts. Their son was a major reason why they stuck together for so long, sources said….

NY1, where Weiner was a frequent guest, put him on indefinite leave on Monday.

The Daily News also said it would no longer publish his opinion columns.

Weiner and Abedin married in a 2010 wedding officiated by Bill Clinton. Weiner was considered a rising star in the Democratic Party, while she was practically a member of the Clinton family.

But Weiner’s online indiscretions derailed his once-promising political career in 2011 when he resigned from Congress and again in 2013 while embarking on a campaign for mayor.

Abedin stood by Weiner on both those occasions.

Ex-Jehovah’s witness reveals secrets of religious group

The treatment of women, child abuse and how to prevent being visited by followers of the religion are among topics confronted by ex-member  29 August 2016      Samuel Osborne

A former Jehovah’s Witness has offered a rare insight into the religious group, describing it as a cult that “tries to control emotions, thought, information and behavior of a person”.

The man, who did not want to be formally identified, shared his experience of growing up as a Jehovah’s Witness in Poland in an Ask Me Anything post on Reddit.

Using the username “Ohmyjw”, the former Jehovah’s Witness (JW) elder speaks out against the group’s rules, such as prohibiting blood transfusion “even if that costs them their life” or believing the world “will end in Armageddon ‘very soon'”….

Those who leave the faith are called “apostates” and are “disfellowshipped”, a term for formal expulsion and shunning, where members are “prohibited from talking, and even from saying ‘hello’ to them”, according to Ohmyjw.

In one situation where an elder started to lose his faith and challenge the group, he said they allegedly denounced him and spread gossip about him, pressuring him “so much he jumped into a river and killed himself”.

When asked how women were regarded in JW society, the former elder said they were thought of as “a complement for a man”, adding: “She should be submissive to her husband, who is the head of their family and it is he who makes all the important decisions.

“Women cannot teach in the congregation, they cannot deliver public talks or say public prayers. When they conduct a private Bible study or say a prayer with another person, while a man is around, she has to wear a scarf on her head as a sign of being submissive.”….

He also criticised the group for having a “big problem with child abuse,” saying “they believe child abuse is only a sin, not really a crime, the elders in almost all cases don’t report to the authorities, instead they try to handle it inside the congregation”.

The group allegedly requires “two witnesses to the event” and regularly decide to “leave the matter in the hands of Jehovah”.

“They basically value the ‘good name of the organisation’ more than the safety of the children,” he adds….

Holy Hell
Premieres Thursday, September 1, 2016
“Holy Hell” reveals an intimate, never-before-seen world inside Buddhafield, a mysterious spiritual sect that filmmaker Will Allen joined and became its unofficial documentarian for 22 years.

Greville Janner’s family pushes for delay in child abuse inquiry

Labour peer’s son says public inquiry’s investigation of his father should wait until after civil court cases
Lord Janner is alleged to have abused youngsters over a period spanning more than 30 years. His son said he was entirely innocent.  Press Association  Sunday 28 August 2016

The family of Greville Janner wants the public inquiry into child abuse to delay its investigation of the late Labour peer.

Lord Janner, 87, who died in December, is alleged to have abused youngsters over a period spanning more than 30 years dating back to the 1950s, with offending said to have taken place at children’s homes and hotels.

The allegations against him are due to be examined at hearings of the public inquiry next March.

But his son has said that as civil proceedings by some of his alleged victims have been started, the claims should go through the courts – where his father’s accusers can be cross-examined – before they feature in the inquiry.

Daniel Janner QC told the BBC he had prepared a submission for the home affairs select committee, which is due to question the home secretary, Amber Rudd, next month….

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