MI5 accused of covering up sexual abuse at boys’ home, Did leaders of Jehovah’s Witnesses cover up child sex abuse

February 18, 2015 Comments Off on MI5 accused of covering up sexual abuse at boys’ home, Did leaders of Jehovah’s Witnesses cover up child sex abuse

MI5 accused of covering up sexual abuse at boys’ home
Court case to address alleged cover-up of British state involvement at the Kincora children’s home in Northern Ireland

Vikram Dodd and Richard Norton-Taylor

Sunday 15 February 2015

MI5 is facing allegations it was complicit in the sexual abuse of children, the high court in Northern Ireland will hear on Tuesday.

Victims of the abuse are taking legal action to force a full independent inquiry with the power to compel witnesses to testify and the security service to hand over documents.

The case, in Belfast, is the first in court over the alleged cover-up of British state involvement at the Kincora children’s home in Northern Ireland in the 1970s. It is also the first of the recent sex abuse cases allegedly tying in the British state directly. Victims allege that the cover-up over Kincora has lasted decades….

Amnesty International branded Kincora “one of the biggest scandals of our age” and backed the victims’ calls for an inquiry with full powers: “There are longstanding claims that MI5 blocked one or more police investigations into Kincora in the 1970s in order to protect its own intelligence-gathering operation, a terrible indictment which raises the spectre of countless vulnerable boys having faced further years of brutal abuse….

Children are alleged to have suffered sustained sexual abuse after being taken from the east Belfast children’s home, run by a member of a Protestant paramilitary organisation, to be offered to men.

Lawyers for the victims will argue in court that “there is credible evidence (and it is therefore arguable) that the security forces and security services were aware of the abuse, permitted it to continue and colluded in protecting the individuals involved from investigation or prosecution”, according to papers lodged with the Belfast high court….

Three men were jailed for their part in abuse at Kincora in 1981, but attempts to establish the truth about British state involvement have been blocked. It has persistently been alleged that William McGrath, Kincora’s housemaster and the leader of an extreme evangelical Protestant group called Tara, was an informant for British intelligence. McGrath was jailed for sexual offences in 1981 and is now dead.

There have been limited inquiries into Kincora, but officers of the former Royal Ulster Constabulary, army intelligence officers, a former Northern Ireland ombudsman, and the judges conducting those earlier inquiries all said the truth about what went on there – and why it was allowed to continue for so many years – had been suppressed.

RUC officers were repeatedly refused permission in the 1980s to interview a senior MI5 official about the affair….

Did leaders of Jehovah’s Witnesses cover up child sex abuse
February 16, 2015
In San Francisco, a woman is suing the Jehovah’s Witnesses for failing to protect her from a known child abuser when she was a child. The Center for Investigative Reporting has shed light on accusations that religious leaders led a cover-up of child sex abuse. Special correspondent Trey Bundy of the CIR’s Reveal reports on how the organization is using the first amendment to fight these charges.

GWEN IFILL: Next: an investigation into child sexual abuse among Jehovah’s Witness and accusations that religious leaders led a cover-up within inside some of the group’s 14,000 U.S. congregations….

TREY BUNDY: The case hinges on letters from Jehovah’s Witness leaders to the heads of local congregations. For almost 20 years, they have ordered them to send reports like this one for every known child abuser, to hide these cases from their congregations, and not to cooperate with law enforcement or the courts, unless instructed to.

They have refused judges’ orders to turn over these abuse reports, so no one knows how many cases like Conti’s are out there.

JAMES MCCABE, Jehovah’s Witnesses lawyer: Jehovah’s Witnesses abhor child abuse of any form.

TREY BUNDY: The Jehovah’s Witnesses insist that they comply with the law. And their lawyers argue that the First Amendment gives them the right to set child abuse policies as they see fit….

TREY BUNDY: Clarke never called the police. He followed Watchtower protocol. He wrote to New York headquarters, asking how to deal with Kendrick’s confession. They told him not to investigate the matter further.

Instead they said, “Provide him with strong scriptural counsel to avoid a repetition of such a serious offense.”

MICHAEL CLARKE: We don’t make that public to the congregation. It’s confidential.

TREY BUNDY: The elders didn’t warn other members that one of their own was a child abuser.

MAN: And that’s the policy and the practice of Jehovah’s Witnesses that you learned as an elder, correct?


TREY BUNDY: Clarke says the elders told Kendrick not to be alone with children. But he was still allowed to join in congregation activities that included minors. A year later, one of those minors was Candace Conti….

TREY BUNDY: When Kendrick moved to the Oakley congregation, no one was told he was a child molester, not even Roger Bentley, who served as an elder there for 30 years. He reviewed this letter of introduction from Kendrick’s old congregation.

ROGER BENTLEY, Former Elder, Oakley Congregation: There’s no indication at all that he’s guilty of child abuse.

TREY BUNDY: So no mention of child abuse, but any mention of children?

ROGER BENTLEY: Well, if you read it, it very specifically says he’s a very interesting individual who has taken the lead with some young ones in the congregation and helped them from veering off course….

TREY BUNDY: The courts continue to grapple with the question: Should freedom of religion outweigh the responsibility to protect children?

In Candace Conti’s case, the jury overrode the First Amendment claims and decided the Watchtower and the North Fremont congregation were negligent and didn’t adequately protect her from abuse.

Kendrick maintains he never molested her. Pending appeal, she was awarded more than $15 million in compensation and damages. It’s the first time a jury has ordered the Watchtower to pay for its child abuse policies.

But for Kendrick’s other victim, her case against the Watchtower was thrown out. Even though Kendrick confessed to the abuse in this deposition and served about eight months in jail, the judge affirmed that the Watchtower’s policies were protected by the First Amendment. It wasn’t liable because the abuse occurred at home and not in the course of religious activity. The Watchtower had no obligation to warn the family about Kendrick’s past.

Kendrick is now free and still an active member of the Oakley congregation….

There’s no evidence of hundreds of cases of false convictions of child sexual abuse in this era, “Evidence of abuse in the Keller case has been minimized or denied”, Westminster ‘chumocracy’ has protected itself from paedophile revelations, claims Cameron’s advisor

July 12, 2014 Comments Off on There’s no evidence of hundreds of cases of false convictions of child sexual abuse in this era, “Evidence of abuse in the Keller case has been minimized or denied”, Westminster ‘chumocracy’ has protected itself from paedophile revelations, claims Cameron’s advisor

Mythical Numbers and Satanic Ritual Abuse
Ross Cheit  Professor at Brown University 07/11/2014

There’s no evidence of hundreds of cases of false convictions of child sexual abuse in this era. In my new book, The Witch-Hunt Narrative, I examine dozens of specific cases from the 1980s and early 90s that are said to be wrongful prosecutions or wrongful convictions. Aided by dozens of research assistants, I spent fifteen years doing the painstaking work of original trial court research to figure out what kind of evidence actually existed in these cases….

In many of the cases proclaimed to be witch hunts, looking closely at the record revealed substantial evidence of abuse and compelling reasons that jurors voted to convict. It’s true that I also found cases where people were charged who shouldn’t have been. Yet even in some of those cases, there was strong evidence of abuse. A crime was committed and a child was assaulted by someone who was never apprehended, but only the false accusation story lives on…..

on the day that the 3-year-old complained to her mother about Dan Keller pulling down her pants and spanking her at day-care, she later screamed while she was urinating, “It hurts, it hurts.” That prompted her mother to take the preschooler to the emergency room.

The emergency room doctor found what he believed were two physical indications of sexual abuse: “what appeared to be lacerations of the hymen” and “a tear of the posterior fourchette,” a fold of skin on the vagina. It might surprise readers to learn that a year after the 1991 added emergency room visit, the doctor “didn’t have any independent recollection” of the exam and testified entirely from the medical records.

….omits that fact in reporting that, when contacted by a newspaper in 2009, the doctor described a revelation that supposedly happened “years after” the trial. We don’t know what year. But according to Dr. Mouw, while attending a professional training seminar, he saw a slide about normal variations in hymens and realized that what he thought had been lacerations in the Keller case were probably innocuous. In 2013, Dr. Mouw filed an affidavit to this effect. Notably, the affidavit does not withdraw his finding of a vaginal tear, which had been the more certain of his original findings….

Douglas Perry, a friend of the Kellers, confessed to being at a beer-and-sex party where adults sexually abused a boy and a girl who were under the Kellers’ care. He said that, “Fran had a pen and was sticking it in and out of the little girl’s vagina.” He identified the 3-year-old girl from the trial in a videotape. Perry later recanted his confession, but he also pleaded guilty to “indecency with a child by contact.” ….

The Fuster case originated with a child spontaneously talking about being abused. That clear statement caused two families to withdraw their children from Fuster’s home daycare, which they did without informing anyone else. Months later, a spontaneous statement from a different child, started an investigation by law enforcement. An articulate 5-year-old boy was soon located, who gave several detailed statements that were later corroborated in various ways. The case was tagged by some as “satanic ritual abuse” because children made statements about Fuster wearing masks, killing a bird and playing with feces. Those allegations quietly disappeared from the witch-hunt narrative when adult testimony and photographic evidence corroborated these statements….

When the charges emerged in the home daycare case, Frank Fuster was on parole for sexually assaulting a 9-year-old two years earlier. The jury that convicted Fuster in 1985 was unaware of this prior conviction….But the fact is that Fuster admitted in his parole violation hearing on the 1984 charges that, in the course of driving the girl home, he made her sit on his lap and he touched “her chest area” and “her vagina area.”….

But what did Judy Johnson do to set off the “witch-hunt?” She saw a spot of blood on her son’s anus and called the police, who told her to take him to a doctor, which she did. She was then referred to a pediatric specialist, who reported to the Manhattan Beach Police Department that “the victim’s anus was forcibly entered several days ago.” That’s why the original defendant, Ray Buckey, was arrested….

even the defense lawyer, Danny Davis, allowed that the genital injuries on one girl were “serious and convincing.” (His main argument to the jury was that much of the time that this girl attended McMartin was outside the statute of limitations.) They don’t mention that vaginal injuries on another girl, one of the three involved in both McMartin trials, were described by a pediatrician as proving sexual abuse “to a medical certainty.”….

many jurors believed the original defendant Ray Buckey was guilty and voted to convict him. Within an hour after the first trial ended in a hung jury, seven jurors held a press conference to announce that they thought children had been sexually abused. They spoke about the difficulty in proving such claims “beyond a reasonable doubt.”….

Now, while the media publicizes sexual abuse stories about celebrities and cover-ups of abuse in the past, and repeats the mythical numbers from the witch-hunt narrative, they overlook a real number that concerns real victims — the number of children being sexually abused today. It’s a major public health problem that gets almost no attention at all.

While this type of crime is, not surprisingly, difficult to quantify, studies over many years have found that 20 percent of women and 5 to 10 percent of men report having been sexually abused as children. Just last month, a study in the American Journal of Public Health showed much higher rates of male victimization than previously thought. There’s every reason to believe that child sexual abuse is still widespread. Yet how often do the media delve into that real problem? How often do they examine the enormous gap between the number of children — judging from studies — being abused today and the number of their abusers who end up in court, much less in prison? ….

Evidence in the Keller Case
July 10, 2014

This post elaborates on some of the evidence in the Keller case, discussed in an article that was just published on Huffington Post. The article, which is about the witch-hunt narrative writ large, argues that the evidence of abuse in the Keller case has been minimized or denied, while the “satanic” aspects of the case, which were never part of the charges, have been exaggerated.

Dr. Mouw’s Testimony

The Keller case began the day that a mother took her daughter to the Emergency Room, after the little girl screamed “It hurts, it hurts” while urinating. The Emergency Room doctor, Dr. Michael Mouw, found two different signs of sexual abuse. Seventeen years later, the doctor told a reporter that his diagnosis was likely incorrect.

Dr. Mouw’s claim has been accepted at face value, without any apparent skepticism or scrutiny by those advancing the witch-hunt narrative. Yet, on close examination, there are two reasons to discount Dr. Mouw’s current claim. First and foremost, it is flatly contradicted by his testimony in 1992, when he said repeatedly that he had “no independent recollection” of the exam….

Second, even accepting what Dr. Mouw now says at face value, his current position, contained in this affidavit filed in 2013, contradicts only one of the two findings in his 1992 report. Dr. Mouw claims that the “lacerations” he reported seeing in two places in the girl’s vagina were probably normal hymenal variations. But his affidavit did not withdraw his finding of a “tear in the posterior fourchette.”….

A civil complaint filed by the parents of one of the children who attended the Keller’s home daycare contains the allegation that a “longtime friend and confident” of Francis Keller was told about “Daniel Keller’s abusive habit toward children” (p. 2). If this allegation is true, it provides additional support, beyond the word of the children, for the allegation against the Kellers. But this evidence was never heard in court because the defendants were ultimately successful in an appeal that argued that such causes of action should not be allowed in Texas.

Westminster ‘chumocracy’ has protected itself from paedophile revelations, claims Cameron’s advisor on child abuse

Claire Perry says politicians have ‘out of touch sense of entitlement’
Tory junior minister launched blistering attack on establishment cover up
Comes after Theresa May this week launched two probes into historic abuse

By Tom Mctague, Mail Online Deputy Political Editor  11 July 2014

David Cameron’s advisor on child abuse has lashed out at the Westminster ‘chumocracy’ that has protected itself from allegations of paedophilia.

Tory junior minister Claire Perry said Parliament was full of ‘too many people with the same interests and the same out-of-touch sense of entitlement coming together to protect their own’.

Her damning remarks come amid allegations that a paedophile network was operating in Westminster and was being protected by senior politicians….

Miss Perry added: ‘The other, and more worrying part of the problem is the way that the voices of victims were ignored for so long – children told to keep quiet, ridiculed, or threatened – with tragically the most vulnerable of all being more likely to be targeted for abuse.

‘That, to me, is the real scandal and we must do all we can to make sure that when victims speak out they are heard and action is taken.”….


Paedo MP cover-up claim: Top cop removed from sex abuse probe after naming politicians as suspects, Anger rises in Gabon after rash of ritual killings, Ritual Abuse Crimes, Ritual Abuse Legal Codes

March 27, 2013 Comments Off on Paedo MP cover-up claim: Top cop removed from sex abuse probe after naming politicians as suspects, Anger rises in Gabon after rash of ritual killings, Ritual Abuse Crimes, Ritual Abuse Legal Codes

Paedo MP cover-up claim: Top cop removed from sex abuse probe after naming politicians as suspects
By Tom Pettifor 26 Mar 2013

The officer suddenly found himself booted off the case and put on a disciplinary after revealing ­politicians were among the suspects

Tasked with flushing out ­paedophiles preying on vulnerable youngsters at children’s homes, Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll relished the challenge.

But the officer suddenly found himself booted off the case and put on a ­disciplinary after revealing ­politicians were named among the suspects. At least one of the figures is understood to have been an MP.

And former Labour councillor Anna Tapsell claims she was visited by a police chief to “warn her off” after she raised concerns that detectives would not ­properly investigate allegations of ­paedophile activity in care homes.

Mr Driscoll launched his probe into child sex abuse claims in the South London borough of Lambeth in 1998. But he claims Scotland Yard began meddling as soon as the politicians were named….

The Met set up a five year investigation into sexual abuse linked to Lambeth social care called Operation Middleton. It was a joint probe with the council and was based in the town hall, leading to criticism that the Met were working too closely with the organisation that had employed abusers.

Officers traced 200 victims between 1998 to 2003 and the probe secured three convictions. A total of 19 suspects were never identified, fuelling fears a ­paedophile ring had operated involving men from outside the care system.

Michael John Carroll, the former boss of the Angell Road home, was arrested in 1998 by Merseyside police for abuse spanning decades. By that time Ms Tapsell had spent more than 10 years highlighting his case after she discovered Lambeth bosses let him run children’s homes until 1991 despite ­executives learning in 1986 he was a convicted ­paedophile.

In 1994, she wrote to Elizabeth Appleby QC, who had been ­commissioned to head a probe into sex abuse and misconduct in the borough. Ms Tapsell told the judge that Carroll, who had not at that point been arrested, was “protected” by Lambeth social ­services bosses along with paedophile Les Paul who worked in South Vale.

Paul was jailed for two and a half years in 1994 for abusing three boys including one from the children’s home. Ms Tapsell wrote: “Les Paul took little boys home and on holiday, just as Carroll did with the full knowledge of area staff. The examples are numerous.

“Almost all the internal abuse issues have involved collusion across divisions.
“I have no doubt Angell Road may have been used for organised child abuse which involved adults other than staff. “This view is reinforced by the strong investment that officers and politicians have in blocking any effective investigation.”….

Anger rises in Gabon after rash of ritual killings
By Jean Rovys Dabany Reuters 3/26/13

LIBREVILLE (Reuters) – A rising number of mutilated bodies washing up on Gabon’s beaches this year has sown fear in the normally sleepy capital Libreville of a resurgence in ritual killings.

The body parts of humans and animals are prized by some in central Africa for their supposed supernatural powers, including among some politicians bent on gaining influence.

“We have seen 20 killings since the start of the year,” said Jean-Elvis Ebang Ondo, the president of Gabon’s Association for the Prevention of Ritual Crimes, in Libreville….

“The phenomenon of ritual crimes is real. But no one here is willing to turn anyone else in for fear they too will be in danger,” said a member of parliament, who asked that his name not be used for fear of reprisals.

In the most high-profile ritual murder court case in Gabon to date, a convicted killer accused a Gabonese senator of ordering the 2009 murder of a 12-year-old girl for her organs.

The senator’s immunity was lifted after the accusation was made late last year, but he has not been indicted. The senator has denied any involvement….

Criminal sentence – Colin David Batley – court  Swansea Crown Court
Colin David Batley….
Total Sentence : 11 Years…

Distinguishing Features/Facts : He was the leader of a cult which operated as a paedophile ring sexually abusing children, both male and female, as young as 10-years-old over a period of at least 10-years. Children were told if they behaved and did what they were told that they would be rewarded in the afterlife by going to ‘The Palace’ where they would be looked after by the gods, otherwise they would fall into the abyss. They were also threatened with assassination by the cult. Two female victims became pregnant as a result of the rapes and were told children conceived within the cult belonged to the cult. One of the victims went to the police fearing her child would also become a victim of the cult.

He faced 36 charges and was sentenced on 35 offences. He was found not guilty of one count of rape which he faced with a co-defendant and he pleaded guilty to an indecent assault….

Blood-drinking devil worshippers face life for ritual Satanic killing
Murder trial reveals sinister link to British vampire groups     John Hooper in Berlin
The Guardian, Thursday 31 January 2002

A young married couple who admitted to a ritual Satanic killing were yesterday told they could spend the rest of their lives in a secure psychiatric unit after a trial which has raised the spectre of bizarre underground occult groups in Britain.

Manuela Ruda, aged 23, who told a German court she had become a vampire in London, and her husband, Daniel, aged 26, were given prison sentences of 13 and 15 years respectively after admitting to the hacking to death of a friend in their flat in Witten, in the Ruhr valley.
….The couple stabbed Hackert 66 times, carving an occult pentagram on his chest and collecting his blood in a bowl and then drinking it. When police broke into the flat they found a scalpel still embedded in his stomach with his body lying beneath a banner saying “When Satan Lives”.

They also found imitation human skulls and a coffin in which Manuela slept during the day….

Neither of the two self-styled devil worshippers showed the slightest emotion as the sentences were read out to a courtroom dotted with supporters and admirers of the bizarre couple, many dressed in black and holding roses.

….When she was on the stand, Manuela’s lawyer asked her if she had actually signed over her soul to the devil. “That was two-and-a-half years ago, on the night before Halloween,” she replied, adding in quasi-Biblical language: “That was when I placed myself in, and swore myself, to, the service of our Lord, his will to perform.”

Her Lord, though, was Satan, and he had come to play a big role too in the life of Daniel, the car parts salesman she met through an advert he placed in a heavy metal magazine in August 2000. “Pitch-black vampire seeks princess of darkness who hates everything and everyone,” he wrote.

She and her husband were arrested after being spotted at a petrol station after a nationwide manhunt. Police found a list in their flat of their intended future victims. There were 16 names on it.

Manuela, in verbal testimony, and Daniel, in a statement read to the court, both denied murder on the grounds that they were acting on a command from a higher authority. “I got the order to sacrifice a human for Satan,” Daniel insisted.

Argentinean courts confirm boy was killed in satanic ritual
Buenos Aires, Argentina, Jan 28, 2008 (CNA)

In Argentina the trial of Cesar Beguiristain has begun, the 20 year-old leader of an Afro-Brazilian, satanic cult accused of carrying out the ritual killing of a 12 year-old street boy. Last week Beguiristain confessed to killing “Ramoncito,” a street boy who the cult leader said “had agreed to sell his soul to the devil.”

….According to prosecutor Gustavo Schmitt, Beguiristain “broke down and confessed to decapitating the boy, but he claimed that it was not his idea and that he was hired to do the killing during a satanic game.”

Schmitt said seven people have been detained in the case, but that authorities are still seeking other individuals “who organized and financed the murder.”
….According to the investigation, the boy was raped, decapitated and dismembered in an Afro-Brazilian ritual. The witness to the crime said the method of killing caused the boy immense pain and was a source of excitement for his killers….

National Center for Prosecution of Child Abuse
National District Attorneys Association

(1) A person is guilty of a felony when he commits any of the following acts with, upon, or in the presence of a child as part of a ceremony, rite or any similar observance:
(a) Actually or in simulation, tortures, mutilates or sacrifices any warm blooded animal or human being;
(b) Forces ingestion, injection or other application of any narcotic, drug, hallucinogen or
anaesthetic for the purpose of dulling sensitivity, cognition, recollection of, or resistance to any criminal activity;
(c) Forces ingestion, or external application, of human or animal urine, feces, flesh, blood, bones, body secretions, nonprescribed drugs or chemical compounds; (d) Involves the child in a mock, unauthorized or unlawful marriage ceremony with another person or representation of any force or deity, followed by sexual contact with the child;
(e) Places a living child into a coffin or open grave containing a human corpse or remains;
(f) Threatens death or serious harm to a child, his parents, family, pets or friends which instills a well founded fear in the child that the threat will be carried out; or
(g) Unlawfully dissects, mutilates, or incinerates a human corpse.

33. Ritualized abuse of a child. (a) A person is guilty of ritualized abuse of a child when
he or she commits any of the following acts with, upon, or in the presence of a child as part of a ceremony, rite or any similar observance: (1) actually or in simulation, tortures, mutilates, or sacrifices any warm blooded animal or human being;
(2) forces ingestion, injection or other application of any narcotic, drug, hallucinogen or
anaesthetic for the purpose of dulling sensitivity, cognition, recollection of, or resistance to any criminal activity;
(3) forces ingestion, or external application, of human or animal urine, feces, flesh, blood, bones,
body secretions, nonprescribed drugs or chemical compounds;
(4) involves the child in a mock, unauthorized or unlawful marriage ceremony with another person or representation of any force or deity, followed by sexual contact with the child;
(5) places a living child into a coffin or open grave containing a human corpse or remains;
(6) threatens death or serious harm to a child, his or her parents, family, pets, or friends that instills a well founded fear in the child that the threat will be carried out; or
(7) unlawfully dissects, mutilates, or incinerates a human corpse.

A. (1) The legislature hereby finds that this enactment is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, morals, safety, and welfare and for the support of state government and its existing public institutions.
(2) The legislature further recognizes that:
(a) The preamble to the Constitution of Louisiana affirmatively states “We, the people of
Louisiana, grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political, economic, and religious liberties we enjoy, and desiring to protect individual rights to life, liberty, and property; afford opportunity for the fullest development of the individual; assure equality of rights; promote the health, safety, education, and welfare of the people; maintain a representative and orderly government; ensure
domestic tranquility; provide for the common defense; and secure the blessings of freedom and justice to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establis
h this constitution.”
(b) The state, under its police power, may enact laws in order to promote public peace, health, morals, and safety.
B. (1) For purposes of this Subsection, “ritualistic acts” means those acts undertaken as part of a ceremony, rite, initiation, observance, performance, or practice that result in or are intended to result in:
(a) The mutilation, dismemberment, torture, abuse, or sacrifice of animals.
(b) The ingestion of human or animal blood or human or animal waste.
(2) The acts defined in this Subsection are hereby determined to be destructive of the peace, health, morals, and safety of the citizens of this state and are hereby prohibited.
(3) Any person committing, attempting to commit, or conspiring with another to commit a ritualistic act may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five years or fined not more than five thousand dollars, or both.
C. (1) No person shall commit ritualistic mutilation, dismemberment, or torture of a human as part of a ceremony, rite, initiation, observance, performance, or practice.
(2) No person shall commit ritualistic sexual abuse of children or of physically or mentally disabled adults as part of a ceremony, rite, initiation, observance, performance, or practice.
(3) No person shall commit ritualistic psychological abuse of children or of physically or
mentally disabled adults as part of a ceremony, rite, initiation, observance, performance, or practice.
(4) Any person who commits, attempts to commit, or conspires with another to comm
it a violation of this Subsection shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not less than five nor more
than twenty five years and may be fined not more than twenty five thousand dollars.
D. Each violation that occurs under the provisions of this Section shall be considered a separate violation.
E. The provisions of this Section shall not be construed to apply to generally accepted agricultural or horticultural practices and specifically the branding or identification of livestock.
F. The provisions of this Section shall not be construed to apply to any state or federally
approved, licensed, or funded research project.

(1) A person commits the offense of ritual abuse of a minor if the person purposely or knowingly and as part of any ceremony, rite, or ritual or of any training or practice for any ceremony, rite, or ritual:
(a) has sexual intercourse without consent with a per
son less than 16 years of age; commits assault, aggravated assault, assault on a minor, or assault with a weapon against a victim less than 16 years of age; or kills a person less than 16 years of age;
(b) actually or by simulation tortures, mutilates, or sacrifices an animal or person in the presence of the minor;
(c) dissects, mutilates, or incinerates a human corpse or remains in the presence of the minor;
(d) forces upon the minor or upon another person in the presence of a minor the ingestion or the external bodily application of human or animal urine, feces, flesh, blood, bone, or bodily secretions or drugs or chemical compounds;
(e) places a living minor or another living person in the presence of a minor in a coffin or open grave that is empty or that contains a human corpse or remains; or
(f) threatens the minor or, in the presence of the minor, threatens any person or animal with death or serious bodily harm and the minor reasonably believes that the threat will or may be carried out.

Satanists Accused of Ritual Killing, Haut de la Garenne sexual abuse cover up, South African girl murdered in satanic killing

March 7, 2013 Comments Off on Satanists Accused of Ritual Killing, Haut de la Garenne sexual abuse cover up, South African girl murdered in satanic killing

– Student faces 15 years in prison for ritual murder
– Satanists Accused of Ritual Killing in Cemetery
– The Journalist Who Was Arrested for Investigating a Pedophile Orphanage
“The Haut de la Garenne children’s home on the island of Jersey….investigation exposed a history of sexual abuse at the orphanage”
– South African girl murdered in ‘satanic killing’; 10 classmates suspended

Student faces 15 years in prison for ritual murder
by Aleksandras Budrys 06/03/2013

An 18-year-old student suspected of committing a ritual murder in the Moscow Region on Walpurgis Night last year faces imprisonment of up to 15 years if proven guilty, regional police said on Wednesday.

The investigation revealed that the student with a 21-year-old accomplice, both of whom practiced occultism, had beaten a man to death with nunchucks at a suburban cemetery on the night of May 1, 2012, and later carved a swastika on his forehead with a knife to shift the blame on skinheads, it said in a statement.

It also revealed that prior to that crime the two performed a ritual act over the body of another man the accomplice killed in 2010 by chopping off his head and placing it on an anthill.

Satanists Accused of Ritual Killing in Cemetery
06 March 2013  Issue 5083 The Moscow Times

Two self-proclaimed Satanists killed a man they found sleeping in a cemetery and carved a swastika into his head to pass the blame onto neo-Nazis, the Investigative Committee said Wednesday in a statement announcing the completion of the investigation into the May 2012 incident.

The two suspects, an 18-year-old student and his 21-year-old convicted-felon friend, are accused of beating the man with homemade nunchuks and then stabbing him 28 times. Police said the attack was performed in recognition of Walpurgis Night, a witching celebration in Northern and Eastern Europe exactly six months from Halloween.

After the suspects were detained, investigators found that the younger one had been involved in the 2010 killing of a robbery accomplice who cooperated with police. In that case, investigators say, the suspect severed the victim’s head and buried the body in an anthill, only to disinter the body to perform an occult ritual with his friend in April 2012….

The Journalist Who Was Arrested for Investigating a Pedophile Orphanage By Camille Standen
The Haut de la Garenne children’s home on the island of Jersey.

Jersey is an island of around 100,000 people nestled into a cozy nook between Guernsey and the coast of Normandy. It’s mostly been recognized in recent public memory for its potatoes and the fact that it’s basically in France but everyone there speaks English. In 2008, however, small human remains were found at Haut de la Garenne, a former orphanage on the island. A subsequent investigation exposed a history of sexual abuse at the orphanage, tainting the good name of the people of Jersey in the world’s media.

The list of suspects in the case included British government officials and—according to the detective who led the three-year child-abuse probe—media personality Jimmy Savile was also investigated by police, four years before the full extent of his crimes would eventually be exposed. The problem is, because Jersey is self-governing and has its own, slightly unorthodox court system, decades of possible crime against children in the orphanage may remain almost entirely hidden, unexamined, and untried. Since the initial media Mardi Gras, international interest has faded and locals who have continued searching for justice—including bloggers, senators, and police—have been shouted down….

VICE: Hi, Leah. So, when did sexual assault start taking place at Haut de la Garenne, approximately?
Leah McGrath Goodman: We’re not sure how far back it goes, and we’re not sure exactly when it stopped—that’s all still being researched. According to people on the island, there were incidents against children at the home before World War II, but they largely stopped during the Nazi occupation there. So the alleged crimes of physical and sexual violence against children there had been going on for decades. It closed in the late 80s, but my understanding is that a pedophile ring continued to meet there to commit acts of abuse against minors…..

Yeah, it seems a little shady.
What we do know from the law-enforcement officials who conducted interviews in Jersey is that nearly 200 people came forward and that nearly all of them had credible testimonies relating to abuse. We also know there were 151 suspects, 30 of them now dead, 121 still alive, which doesn’t sound that historic to me.

Were any of the suspects convicted?
Seven were brought to justice in Jersey, and four were convicted of physical and/or sexual crimes against children at Haut de la Garenne. During a trial I attended, I saw a victim beg Jersey’s government to bring charges against one of the “priority suspects”, who, as I understand it, still works in a government position in Jersey that exposes him to children every day. Yet nothing has been done.

What are some of the methods the Jersey government are using to cover up the situation?
I’ve seen what I would call a “standard playbook” that comes out whenever they detect a threat: The island’s press and judiciary push to marginalize whoever speaks out—be it police, victims, or the health minister who was in charge at the time—by attacking their credibility and soundness of mind; more or less calling them liars….

What did the health minister do?

Jersey’s then health minister, Stuart Syvret, pushed for a full investigation into Haut de la Garenne in 2008, also known as Operation Rectangle. Before speaking out, he was one of the most popular senators on the island. After speaking out, he found himself under fire, eventually losing his job and being sent to prison—twice—on grounds that I’d consider flimsy. All the while, he was smeared by the island’s only newspaper, the Jersey Evening Post, which is subsidized by the local government and doesn’t hesitate to act as its mouthpiece. Blogs have sprung up accusing the paper of the same thing.

I see.
To this day, if the former health minister speaks out, the paper strikes up, saying stuff like, “Here he goes again with his conspiracy theories and his children being murdered and raped.” That shows the island’s populace that anyone who stands up for victims’ rights will risk the same kind of treatment….

Why do you think they’re so committed to covering all of this up?
If you look at the number of suspects—151—and the number of victims—just shy of 200—identified in the Jersey investigation, you’ll notice two things. First, most of the people involved are still alive. Second, there are a lot of suspects per victim. Some of the “priority suspects” remain in high-level positions in Jersey’s leadership. Some of them have been identified by name by the victims as some of the worst of the abusers. Some of them are in positions in Jersey’s education and health departments, where they have access to vulnerable people and children every day….

South African girl murdered in ‘satanic killing’; 10 classmates suspended
Talia Ralph and Erin Conway-Smith March 6, 2013
South African teen Keamogetswe Sefularo was stabbed to death by a fellow classmate.
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa — A South African teenager was murdered Monday outside Lukhanyo Secondary School near Randfontein by a fellow student, prompting allegations that it was a “satanic killing.”

Seventeen-year-old Kamogetswe Sefularo was stabbed to death in her chest, throat and abdomen by a 15-year-old girl who allegedly drank her blood afterwards, South Africa’s Eye Witness News reported.

A friend of Sefularo’s told her family that “the leader and the girl who did the stabbing sucked Keamo’s blood from [a wound] on her neck,” the victim’s brother Zali Nxabi told News24.

“Her friend even told us that she knew nothing about their cult and that their leader had always been after Keamo’s blood,” he added.

The suspect appeared briefly in court Tuesday, and will remain in custody until her next court appearance on Tuesday next week, according to the Times Live….

GlobalPost senior correspondent in South Africa, Erin Conway-Smith, says that there have been several murders of young people where “satanism” was said to be involved, in the last few years in South Africa.

For example, there is a trial continuing in the murder of 18-year-old Kirsty Theologo who was doused with gas and set on fire in what was described as a satanic ritual.

Another example is the killing of a 6-year-old girl last month in KwaZulu-Natal province; charged in her murder is Wiseman Tholelani Shandu who is said to be part of a satanist group.

A leaked South African police memo from last year said that two detectives per province would receive special training to investigate “harmful occult-related crimes,” according to Conway-Smith.
Girl’s attackers ‘drank her blood’  2013-03-06

Johannesburg – The family of a murdered West Rand schoolgirl have told of their horror at hearing that her murderers had drunk blood from her body after stabbing her.

Keamogetswe Sefularo was stabbed in the neck, chest and stomach but lived long enough to tell her mother who her attackers were, The Times reported on Wednesday.

The murdered teen’s brother, Zali Nxabi, 28, said the family were holding a prayer meeting at their home when a friend of his murdered sister ran into the house and told them that “their leader” had instructed them to kill her. The family recorded the conversation.

“She [the friend] said the leader and the girl who did the stabbing sucked Keamo’s blood from [a wound] on her neck,” said Nxabi.

He said he had heard rumours of satanic activity in the area but never thought it would affect his family.

“Her friend even told us that she knew nothing about their cult and that their leader had always been after Keamo’s blood.”….

‘They killed my sister and drank her blood’
POPPY LOUW  06 March, 2013

Keamogetswe Sefularo’s relatives listened in horror as one of her friends described how her killers drank the blood from her limp body after stabbing her three times.

The 14-year-old’s brother, Zali Nxabi, 28, said his sister’s friend had stormed into their home in Mohlakeng, on the West Rand, on Saturday while the family was holding a prayer meeting.

“We recorded everything she told us and about how they were instructed by their ‘leader’ to kill Keamo.

“She [the friend] said the leader and the girl who did the stabbing sucked Keamo’s blood from [a wound] on her neck.”

Nxabi said he had heard rumours of satanic activity in the area but never thought it would affect his family….

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