BBC, Cult Leader, Childhood neglect, Children with Disabilities, Northern Ireland, Pedophiles Down Under

June 6, 2013 Comments Off on BBC, Cult Leader, Childhood neglect, Children with Disabilities, Northern Ireland, Pedophiles Down Under

– BBC: New Child Abuse Allegations Emerge
– ‘Some women enjoy rape,’ Tel Aviv judge says
– Sex cult leader who paraded his girlfriend around on a leash is jailed for three years
– Childhood neglect affects adult close-relationship capacity
– Sexual Abuse of Children with Disabilities
– Sexual Abuse of Children with Disabilities: A National Snapshot
– Northern Ireland abuse inquiry calls for Australian victims to come forward
– Pedophiles Down Under

Pedophiles Down Under

Welcome to this site which aims to give a voice to the many Australian victims of high-end paedophilia and ritual abuse indulged in by our trusted institutions including universities, police, child protection, schools, lawyers, medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, and churches.

BBC: New Child Abuse Allegations Emerge  5/31/2013
Twenty current or former employees of the U.K. public broadcaster have faced a total of 36 allegations since the Jimmy Savile scandal last fall.

Twenty BBC employees have faced a total of 36 allegations of sexually abusing children and teenagers since the Jimmy Savile scandal rocked the U.K. public broadcaster last year, according to the Guardian….

The complaints, regarding an unknown number of victims under the age of 18, have come to light in the six months since October, according to the response to a Freedom of Information request to the BBC….

The complaints were among a total of 152 recent and past allegations of sexual abuse against 81 BBC employees and freelancers, including 48 about Savile.

Half of the accused are current members of BBC staff or contributors said the Guardian, and cases against five are being examined by the police. Three people have been suspended pending the outcome of the police investigations, it said.

‘Some women enjoy rape,’ Tel Aviv judge says
Retired magistrate Nissim Yeshaya makes inflammatory remark while hearing appeal in the case of rape of 13-year-old girl
By Gavriel Fiske June 5, 2013

A judge in Tel Aviv sparked outrage on Wednesday after he reportedly remarked, during an appeals hearing on a rape case several days ago, that some women enjoy rape.
Nissim Yeshaya later apologized for his remark….

The hearing involved the case of a 13-year-old Israeli girl who was raped by four Palestinian teenagers from the Shuafat refugee camp six years ago.

The four were captured, convicted and imprisoned, but the Defense Ministry ruled that the rape was not a “hostile act” — that is, an act of political aggression. This meant the victim was not be entitled to government compensation and other benefits which terror victims receive. The Defense Ministry oversees criminal cases involving West Bank Palestinians….

Sex cult leader who paraded his girlfriend around on a leash is jailed for three years 
By Daily Mail Reporter 5 June 2013

The leader of a sex cult who paraded his girlfriend round a town centre on a leash has been jailed for three years.  Inspired by science fiction novels Lee Thompson, 34, launched the cult from his pebble-dashed semi-detached house in Darlington.

His followers lead a sadomasochistic lifestyle inspired by a series of 1960s fantasy novels, Chronicles of Gor. In the books, written by US college professor John Norman, women are viewed as natural slaves to men.

Heavily-tattooed Thompson, a self-styled sex master, came to the attention of police when he paraded his girlfriend round the town on a leash as she wore a dog collar and wrist cuffs.  Businesses in the town centre were incensed by his behaviour and the local butcher’s banned him from his store.

Thompson claimed that his grandmother was a pagan high priestess and she passed on her powers to him. Yesterday he was jailed for three years for forcing one of his lover’s to have sex with other men against her will.

At Teesside Crown Court, Thompson – who describes himself as a pagan – admitted two counts of procuring a woman to have sexual intercourse….

Thompson had a conviction for serious sexual assault, and one for making threats to kill, for which he was sent for treatment to Rampton Secure Hospital.  After the case Detective Constable Scott Denham said: ‘He is a self-styled sex cult leader. He is a very intimidating character with a very forceful personality. He has children all over the world.’

Childhood neglect affects adult close-relationship capacity
By: SHERRY BOSCHERT, Clinical Psychiatry News Digital Network

SAN FRANCISCO – Childhood neglect correlated with impaired capacity for close social relationships as an adult in a study of 114 nonpsychotic psychiatric inpatients.

The difficulty for patients with a history of childhood neglect centered more in maintaining than in starting close social relationships as adults, Thachell Tanis and Lisa J. Cohen, Ph.D., reported in a press briefing and a poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association….

The deficits were most striking in patients’ capacity for enduring relationships, said Dr. Cohen, professor of clinical psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York. Childhood neglect as a whole, for example, correlated with an 81% greater negative effect on adult capacity for enduring relationships, compared with the negative effect on capacity for intimacy.

Sexual Abuse of Children with Disabilities
By James R. Marsh on June 4, 2013

According to the 2010 Administration on Children Youth and Families (ACYF) report, more than 3 million reports of child maltreatment were made in 2009. Of those cases, 10 percent involved sexual abuse, and 11 percent of sexual abuse victims reported having a disability.

The Vera Institute of Justice’s Center on Victimization and Safety recently partnered with the Ms. Foundation for Women to research factors contributing to the sexual abuse of children with disabilities and determine possible action steps for prevention.

Sexual Abuse of Children with Disabilities: A National Snapshot Nancy Smith • Sandra Harrell    Issue Brief • March 2013

Children with disabilities are at higher risk for child sexual abuse than children without disabilities. The risk of sexual abuse is excaberated and heightened because of unique dynamics related to disability and the supports these children receive.

There is an alarming lack of primary prevention efforts geared to preventing sexual abuse of children with disabilities.

Children with disabilities who experience sexual abuse are less likely to receive the services and supports they need to heal and seek justice….

Northern Ireland abuse inquiry calls for Australian victims to come forward

By Europe correspondent Barbara Miller, ABC Updated June 5, 2013

A woman in Northern Ireland looks at a billboard asking victims of abuse at government and religious-run institutions to come forward

An inquiry into institutional abuse in Northern Ireland wants to hear from dozens of potential victims who were sent to Australia as child migrants.  The says it has uncovered information suggesting 112 children were sent mainly in the post-war years from Northern Ireland to Australia.

Many of the child migrants are believed to have gone from Catholic-run institutions to comparable institutions in Western Australia.  The inquiry’s chair Sir Anthony Hart says before they left Northern Ireland the children may have been subject to a variety of abuse.

“We have to consider whether they might have been physically abused, whether they might have been sexually abused, but in addition we take a broad view of what is abuse, we include emotional abuse, such as humiliation of children. It may also include simple neglect, not feeding people properly, not clothing them properly,” he said.

Sir Anthony, a retired High Court judge, says he accepts it may be difficult for people to come forward, but says the inquiry is keen to hear their stories….


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