Dartmoor ewe slaughtered in ‘Satanic ritual’ Farmer says it the latest in a line of night attacks by devil worshippers across Devon and Cornwall

July 1, 2015 Comments Off on Dartmoor ewe slaughtered in ‘Satanic ritual’ Farmer says it the latest in a line of night attacks by devil worshippers across Devon and Cornwall

Dartmoor ewe slaughtered in ‘Satanic ritual’
Farmer says it the latest in a line of night attacks by devil worshippers across Devon and Cornwall
By Agency 25 Jun 2015

describes rituals
A rare-breed sheep has been slaughtered on Dartmoor in a Satanic ritual to mark the midsummer solstice….
The farmer says it the latest in a line of attacks by devil worshippers across Devon and Cornwall – mostly carried out on lonely moors at night….

“It was on Sunday – the summer solstice – and we found the ewe around 10.30am….
Police have recorded it as a case of “inflicting unnecessary suffering on an animal” but wouldn’t speculate on whether it was a Satanic ritual killing.

In 2013 a farming family on the edge of Dartmoor said members of a Satanic cult were slaughtering their animals including horses.
Maxine Beesley, whose livestock were killed in a series of horrendous attacks, said the secret cult was torturing them for warped sacrifices….

Locals feared the two thoroughbreds were attacked to mark the summer solstice – a key date in the Satanic calender.

Satanic ritual details emerge in gruesome murder of Texas teen

June 24, 2015 Comments Off on Satanic ritual details emerge in gruesome murder of Texas teen

Satanic ritual details emerge in gruesome murder of Texas teen
Published June 17, 2015

describes graphic crimes

A ghastly, demonic twist was added to one of the most grisly murder cases the Houston area has witnessed in recent memory.

Harris County prosecutors said earlier this week that the 2014 murder of Corriann Cervantes was being investigated as a satanic ritual killing after an upside cross was found carved on her abdomen. Other Satanic symbols were discovered scrawled on the wall of the vacant apartment where she was killed, they said.

The new details were released as part of the ongoing capital murder trial of Victor Alas, who allegedly helped stab, beat and strangle Cervantes because he was afraid she would testify against him in his pending criminal cases….

During Reyes’ trial, the prosecution read letters to the court that Reyes wrote while imprisoned in which he said the Devil was watching him and directing him to act during the brutal murder.

“He was standing there, watching me and Victor,” the teen wrote in a letter read to jurors in that case. “It’s all good. It’s what the Devil asked for.”….

Inside the horrific Mexican satanist ‘Black Mass’ with live sacrifices, Evidence mounts in Britain’s child abuse cover-up investigation, Australian Archbishop Charged With Concealing Child Abuse

March 18, 2015 Comments Off on Inside the horrific Mexican satanist ‘Black Mass’ with live sacrifices, Evidence mounts in Britain’s child abuse cover-up investigation, Australian Archbishop Charged With Concealing Child Abuse

Inside the horrific Mexican satanist ‘Black Mass’ with live sacrifices


‘The blood pumped from a still-beating heart is the purest form of energy’: Inside the horrific Mexican satanist ‘Black Mass’ with live sacrifices that shocked disgusted tourists

Tourists watched massacre of live animals including goats and chickens that horrified tourists seeking ‘spirituality’
American visitors said: ‘The next step would be human sacrifice’. Others questioned whether they’d done it already
Twisted cult believe smearing blood of sacrificed animals can save lives and used it to pledge souls to Satan

By Alasdair Baverstock In Veracruz, Mexico For Mailonline

13 March 2015

Horrified tourists have told of their shock and disgust after attending a devil-worshipping ‘Black Mass’ in Mexico.

They looked on as chicken and goats were sacrificed before their fresh blood was poured over participants who had pledged their souls to Satan.

At the twisted cult’s annual ‘Black Mass’ in the Mexican state of Veracruz, people from across the world to seek change in their lives by taking part in devil worship.

Worshippers indulge in brutal animal sacrifice, dance before burning pentagrams and disappear into a subterranean cave where solemn oaths are sworn before a large statue of the devil and a committee of shamans….

In total, eight animals were sacrificed during the ritual.

Following the sacrifices, the shamans stood before a large burning pentagram and attempted to summon the devil through their chants, before descending with the new adherents of the black mass to an underground cave decorated with inverted crosses, animal carcasses and a large statue of Satan with an erect penis.

The eight shamans gathered round each individual penitent and swore oaths to the effect that their soul now belonged to Satan, and that if their promises to the devil were not upheld then their spirit would be forfeit.

The committee of shamans screamed ‘Hail Lucifer!’ following each new oath and prostrated themselves before the statue, over which the remaining blood from the sacrificial offerings had been poured….

Evidence mounts in Britain’s child abuse cover-up investigation

A dam of official silence around child abuse in Britain began to break after the 2011 death of entertainer Jimmy Savile.
By Jill Lawless, Associated Press March 17, 2015

London — A toxic mix of misuse of power and official silence has become Britain’s shame as the country faces up to a growing web of evidence that the abuse of vulnerable children by powerful men was covered up for decades.

Several lawmakers said Tuesday that former detectives and intelligence officers should be guaranteed protection from prosecution if they speak out about child abuse by senior police, politicians, and other prominent people.

On Monday, the BBC’s “Newsnight” program reported that an ex-detective had told it that a lawmaker, Cyril Smith, was arrested in the early 1980s as part of an investigation into child-sex parties, but was released hours later.

He said officers were ordered to hand over notebooks and video footage from their undercover operation, and were told they would be violating the Official Secrets Act if they revealed what had happened.

The BBC did not identify the former detective because of the legal threat hanging over him.

After Smith died in 2010, prosecutors revealed that in 1970 eight men had accused the Liberal lawmaker of abusing them as teens. The prosecutors said Smith was never charged, but should have been….

Australian Archbishop Charged With Concealing Child Abuse
CANBERRA, Australia — Mar 17, 2015, 2:29 AM ET
By ROD McGUIRK Associated Press

A Roman Catholic archbishop in Australia was charged Tuesday with covering up for a pedophile priest during the 1970s.

Archbishop of Adelaide Philip Wilson said he was disappointed that New South Wales state police had decided to charge him with concealing a serious child sexual abuse offence. Wilson said he would fight the charge, which carries a potential two-year prison sentence.

The charge alleges the 64-year-old failed to report child sex abuse carried out by priest James Fletcher during the 1970s when they both served in the town of Maitland, north of Sydney.

Fletcher died in prison aged 65 in 2006, a year into an almost eight-year sentence for raping an altar boy between 1989 and 1991.

“The suggestion appears to be that I failed to bring to the attention of police a conversation I am alleged to have had in 1976, when I was a junior priest, that a now deceased priest had abused a child,” Wilson said in a statement.

“From the time this was first brought to my attention last year, I have completely denied the allegation,” he said….

Teen sentenced to life in satanic killing, N.C. Church Members Charged With Beating Gay Man to Banish ‘Demons’, 130,000 children were forced from the U.K. to Canada, Zimbabwe and Australia, GCHQ to help tackle ‘dark net’ child abuse images

December 12, 2014 Comments Off on Teen sentenced to life in satanic killing, N.C. Church Members Charged With Beating Gay Man to Banish ‘Demons’, 130,000 children were forced from the U.K. to Canada, Zimbabwe and Australia, GCHQ to help tackle ‘dark net’ child abuse images

– Teen sentenced to life in satanic killing
– Trial Begins for Teen Accused in ‘Satanic Ritual’ Killing – NBC News
– N.C. Church Members Charged With Beating Gay Man to Banish ‘Demons’
– A Different Kind of Deportation – A Del Rey Oaks man struggles to get his unreal life story recorded before it’s too late.
– GCHQ to help tackle ‘dark net’ child abuse images

Teen sentenced to life in satanic killing
By Brian Rogers  December 11, 2014  Houston

Corriann Cervantes’ beaming smile and bright eyes lit up a Harris County courtroom Thursday, even though it was just a posterboard-sized photograph that her family brought to show Jose E. Reyes he had not beaten them.

The 15-year-old’s aunt, who had just seen Reyes sentenced to life in prison for capital murder in a killing prosecutors said was part of a satanic ritual, made sure the 18-year-old saw the photo on an easel in the center of the courtroom as she berated him from the witness stand….

Reyes, who prosecutors said had bragged that he brutally killed Cervantes with a friend so they could sell their souls to the devil, showed little reaction during four days of emotional testimony and grisly photos, and was emotionless during the verdict….

Among other inflammatory evidence, the jury saw graphic photos of heinous injuries including an upside down cross carved on Cervantes’ stomach….

The last piece of evidence in the trial were letters from jail in which Reyes said the Devil was in the room directing him to act during the slaying.

“He was standing there, watching me and Victor,” the teen wrote in a letter read to jurors Thursday. “It’s all good. It’s what the Devil asked for.”….

Trial Begins for Teen Accused in ‘Satanic Ritual’ Killing – NBC News.com

N.C. Church Members Charged With Beating Gay Man to Banish ‘Demons’
Five members of the Word of Faith Fellowship face kidnapping and assault charges.
BY Trudy Ring December 11 2014

Five members of an evangelical Christian church in western North Carolina have been charged with kidnapping and assault in connection with an attack on a young gay man, which he says was meant to rid him of “homosexual demons.”

Matthew Fenner, now 21, says that in January 2013, “he was threatened with confinement for two days, slapped, strangled and verbally assaulted” by members of the Word of Faith Fellowship in Spindale, reports North Carolina’s LGBT outlet QNotes.

In an affidavit he submitted to local law enforcement, Fenner said church members confronted him about being gay, telling him it was disgusting. They then began a ritual called “deliverance,” which, he wrote, “meant extremely rough pushing, loud screaming, and other violent measures intended to ‘break me free of the homosexual demons.’”….

The Word of Faith Fellowship has previously faced other accusations of abuse and cult-like practices. In one such instance, in 2012 another man said church members held him against his will for weeks because he is gay, and the U.S. Department of Justice initiated a hate-crime investigation, but the man then recanted his story. Now, though, he says he was manipulated into recanting and has left the church, according to the newspaper. Fenner has also left the congregation, although his mother and brother remain in the church and testified on its behalf before the grand jury….

A Different Kind of Deportation – A Del Rey Oaks man struggles to get his unreal life story recorded before it’s too late.

Thursday, December 11, 2014 by Mark Anderson

Roderick Mackay’s earliest memories are of explosions and urine.
He lived at an orphanage in London, sent there from the squalorous Edinburgh housing project where he was born. His father, fresh off a divorce from his mom, sent him there as he was heading off to fight in World War II….

Sixteen of those small children were loaded on an old banana freighter called the SS Bayano that wasn’t any safer than the shelter. As they were shipped across the Atlantic to Canada, the convoy with them lost an oil tanker and nearly an American destroyer to German torpedoes….

Suddenly his entire family was an ocean away.

He and the others were bussed from Quebec to a group home/school in rural Victoria. When he reached his new home, the Nov. 10, 1941 Victoria Daily Times headline read “‘Orphans of Blitz’ Arrive at Fairbridge School After Hazardous Journey From Britain.”

Life at Fairbridge School proved more than enough to make Oliver Twist blush, and inspired a memoir that recently topped 240 pages. Ritual humiliations, head trauma and lashings all figured in.

Decades later, then-prime minister Gordon Brown invited Mackay and company to England to personally apologize….

All told some 130,000 children were forced from the U.K. to Canada, Zimbabwe (then Rhodesia) and Australia.

“Many child migrants were sent overseas by specialist agencies such as the Fairbridge Society, established for the purpose of migrating young children to populate the empire with ‘good, white British stock,’” reports the Child Migrants Trust, which eventually sprang up to help reunite families split by the moves….

GCHQ to help tackle ‘dark net’ child abuse images  11 December 2014

Intelligence experts and organised crime specialists will join forces to tackle child abuse images on the “dark net”, David Cameron has said.

The prime minister said a joint GCHQ and National Crime Agency unit would hunt online paedophiles with the same “effort” used to track terrorists.

Speaking at a London summit, he said online child exploitation existed on an “almost industrial scale” worldwide.

He also unveiled a law to stop adults sending children “sexual” messages….

Mr Cameron said the new unit was part of a drive to remove millions of “sickening and depraved” images from the internet.

The term “dark net” refers to parts of the internet that are hidden and can be hard to access without special software, and Downing Street said the new unit would be able to analyse huge volumes of images….

Mr Cameron said children were being “abused to order” by some international gangs….

Responding to Mr Cameron’s comments, shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper said there were “very serious gaps” in the government’s plans because “thousands of cases of abuse are not being followed up by the police”.

“We know the National Crime Agency has details of over 20,000 suspected of accessing images of child abuse under Operation Notarise, and yet they have only investigated a tiny proportion of these – and arrested fewer than 1,000,” she said….

Fran’s Day Care/Keller Case  http://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/articles/frans-day-care/

Pennsylvania High Court Won’t Hear Sandusky Appeal, Dobsonville satanic murder case postponed, Alleged cult leader faces multiple raps, 3 Cognitive Strategies That Deny, Discount, & Dismiss Torture: How Individuals, Groups, Governments, & Cultures Enable Torturers

April 3, 2014 Comments Off on Pennsylvania High Court Won’t Hear Sandusky Appeal, Dobsonville satanic murder case postponed, Alleged cult leader faces multiple raps, 3 Cognitive Strategies That Deny, Discount, & Dismiss Torture: How Individuals, Groups, Governments, & Cultures Enable Torturers

Pennsylvania High Court Won’t Hear Sandusky Appeal
AP / Mark Scolforo  4/2/14

(HARRISBURG, Pa.) — Former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky’s child molestation conviction will not be reviewed by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, under an order issued Wednesday.

Sandusky asked the court to take up his 45-count conviction, arguing his lawyers were rushed too quickly to trial in 2012 and that prosecutors improperly made reference to his decision not to testify.

He also said the trial judge should have issued a jury instruction about how long it took his victims to report the abuse and that jurors should not have been told to weigh evidence of his good character against all other evidence.

The state attorney general’s office had countered that Sandusky did not provide sufficient basis for the Supreme Court to take up the matter, and that decisions made by the trial judge did not violate his rights.

Sandusky, 70, is serving a 30- to 60-year prison sentence for sexual abuse of 10 boys. His lawyer said he is disappointed the court denied his appeal.

Eight of his victims testified at trial, describing a range of abuse from grooming and fondling to oral and anal sex, including attacks in the basement of Sandusky’s home outside State College. Another witness, a graduate assistant for the team who had been a quarterback for the Nittany Lions, testified he saw Sandusky having sexual contact with a boy inside a team shower late on a Friday night….

Dobsonville satanic murder case postponed
Masego Rahlaga 3/27/14
JOHANNESBURG – The case against two boys accused of killing two teenage girls in an apparent satanic ritual in Soweto has been postponed in the Protea Magistrates Court.

The delay has been granted to allow the state time to make copies of the dockets and hand them over to the defence.

The boys, aged 15 and 16, are accused of killing 15-year-old Thandeka Moganetsi and 16-year-old Cwayita Rathazwayo whose bodies were discovered in a veld in the Dobsonville area last month.

Burnt black candles and razor blades were found at the murder scene.

The police’s Kay Makhubela said, “The case was postponed to 7 April after the legal representatives requested copies and the investigation continues.”

Alleged cult leader faces multiple raps
By Edgar Escalante, ABS-CBN News Central Visayas 04/02/2014

CEBU CITY – An alleged cult leader is facing multiple charges filed against him by the National Bureau of Investigation on Tuesday.

Casiano Apduhan, alias “Tatay Loloy” and known to his followers as “Dios Amahan”, is facing murder, expanded trafficking in persons thru child labor and child abuse cases, and a complaint for serious illegal detention.

Apduhan is facing a murder case for the death of 14-year-old Angelo Repuela whose decomposing body was found in a tunnel underneath his house in Balamban town.

Another complaint for human trafficking was filed against Apduhan for detaining a 33-year-old woman whom the cult leader allegedly used as his sex slave for five years….

3 Cognitive Strategies That Deny, Discount, & Dismiss Torture:
How Individuals, Groups, Governments, & Cultures Enable Torturers

Kenneth S. Pope, Ph.D., ABPP

1. Reflexively Dismissing All Evidence As Questionable, Incomplete, Misleading, False, Or In Some Other Way Inadequate

Denying and enabling torture require nothing more than refusing to acknowledge evidence that torture occurred or that specific individuals were involved.

Governments, groups, cultures, or individuals need only reflexively dismiss all evidence as questionable, incomplete, misleading, false, or in some other way inadequate….

2. Using Euphemism, Abstraction, and other Linguistic Transformations….

3. Turning Away: “I’m not involved,” “There is nothing I can do about it,” “I have no authority, jurisdiction, power, or influence,” “This is no concern of mine,” etc….

Randofontein teen confesses to satanic ritual killing, Police say Jimmy Savile abused at least 1,300 people over 54 years

October 5, 2013 Comments Off on Randofontein teen confesses to satanic ritual killing, Police say Jimmy Savile abused at least 1,300 people over 54 years

Randfontein teen confesses satanic killing of friend
South Africa Friday 4 October 2013

JOHANNESBURG – A 15-year-old Johannesburg girl has confessed to stabbing her friend to death as part of a Satanic ritual.

The teenager has told the Palm Ridge High Court she killed her schoolmate in order to move up the ranks of a Satanic cult in Randfontein, west of Johannesburg.

The accused says Keamogetswe Sefularo posed a threat to the group, because she could identify its members and knew about the cult’s practices.

She claims these rituals include visiting graveyards and members cutting themselves and sucking each other’s blood….

New Savile abuse victims are STILL coming forward a year after paedophile presenter’s reign of terror was exposed

Police say Jimmy Savile abused at least 1,300 people over 54 years
Children’s charity NSPCC says more victims are still coming forward
Charity has also seen an overall surge in the number of child victims of sexual abuse and rape contacting them
The number of cases it is referring to police and social services is up 84%
By Daniel Martin
3 October 2013

The NSPCC is still receiving calls from victims of Jimmy Savile a year on from the TV documentary which exposed the serial paedophile’s reign of terror.

Police say there the former BBC broadcaster abused at least 1,300 people over 54 years – but the children’s charity said more were still coming forward.

The charity revealed that publicity over the scandal has led to an overall surge in the number of child victims of sexual abuse and rape contacting the NSPCC….

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