Pope Accepts Resignation of Bishop Who Failed to Report Priest’s Suspected Child Abuse, True Detective season two: the secret occult history of the United States transportation system

April 22, 2015 Comments Off on Pope Accepts Resignation of Bishop Who Failed to Report Priest’s Suspected Child Abuse, True Detective season two: the secret occult history of the United States transportation system

Pope Accepts Resignation of Bishop Who Failed to Report Priest’s Suspected Child Abuse
By Taylor Wofford 4/21/15

Pope Francis on Tuesday accepted the resignation of Bishop Robert Finn of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Missouri, who in 2012 pleaded guilty in Clay County circuit court to a misdemeanor charge of failure to report suspected child abuse by one of the priests in his diocese. The announcement was given a single sentence in the Vatican Information Service’s emailed morning news bulletin, listed under “Other Pontifical Acts.”….

In December 2010, Finn failed to contact police when a computer technician informed him that he had discovered hundreds of lewd photographs of young girls on the laptop of Shawn Ratigan, a priest in Finn’s diocese, some of which were believed to have been taken by Ratigan. According to The New York Times,

Bishop Finn sent Father Ratigan to live in a convent and told him to avoid contact with minors. But until [the following] May the priest attended children’s parties, spent weekends in the homes of parish families, hosted an Easter egg hunt and presided, with the bishop’s permission, at a girl’s First Communion, according to interviews with parishioners and a civil lawsuit filed by a victim’s family.

Ratigan was arrested after the second-ranking officer in the diocese, Monsignor Robert Murphy, contacted the police about the material on Ratigan’s laptop in mid-May 2011.

Ratigan later pleaded guilty to five child pornography charges in 2012 and was sentenced to 50 years in prison. Two weeks after Ratigan’s arrest, Finn removed another priest, Michael Tierney, from his parish after finding “recent reports of Father Tierney’s sexual abuse of minors in the early 1970s were credible,” according to a law firm asked by Finn to conduct an independent investigation into the diocese’s handling of the incident….

While Finn has resigned from his post in the diocese, he will remain a Catholic bishop with all attendant rights, including being allowed to practice Mass. “He’s still a bishop in good standing,” Smith said…. http://www.newsweek.com/pope-francis-accepts-resignation-kansas-city-bishop-who-failed-report-sexual-323941

True Detective season two: first trailer
Watch Colin Farrell, Vince Vaughn, Rachel McAdams and Taylor Kitsch in the new True Detective trailer
09 Apr 2015   The first teaser trailer for the hotly anticipated second season of HBO’s True Detective has been released.

Starring Colin Farrell, Vince Vaughn, Taylor Kitsch and McAdams, the new season is set in Seventies California, and will tell the story of a mob boss (Vaughn) who joins with law enforcement officials to investigate a strange murder case….

The first season of the show, which was set in the Nineties, starred Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey as partners investigating a Louisiana murder case: it’s storyline dealt with the disturbing topic of satanic child abuse.

Writer Nic Pizzolatto has said the new season will continue these dark themes, exploring “the secret occult history of the United States transportation system”.

Season two of True Detective premieres on June 21…. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/11526242/True-Detective-Season-Two-first-trailer.html 

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