Ilana Glazer and Reese Witherspoon join the chorus of women sharing Hollywood abuse stories

October 19, 2017 Comments Off on Ilana Glazer and Reese Witherspoon join the chorus of women sharing Hollywood abuse stories

Ilana Glazer and Reese Witherspoon join the chorus of women sharing Hollywood abuse stories
By Stephanie Merry October 18

Ever since the allegations of serial abuse by Harvey Weinstein blew up, a tidal wave of women — plus a few men — in Hollywood have shared their own troubling tales involving high-powered producers, directors and executives….

The #MeToo stories spreading across Twitter and Facebook show that just about every woman has their own personal nightmare, and A-list actresses are no exception. Reese Witherspoon, for example, used her speech at the Elle Women in Hollywood event Monday night to reveal that a director sexually assaulted her when she was just 16. That was the first time it happened to her, she said, though not the last….

She’s not alone. America Ferrera acknowledged that a man sexually assaulted her when she was 9 years old. The actress shared her story in an Instagram post, during which she urged women to “break the silence” to help future generations.

Jennifer Lawrence added her own anecdotes to the growing list. At the same Elle-sponsored event, the Oscar winner talked about being part of a humiliating nude lineup. As a way to shame her into losing weight for a role, she was forced to stand beside much thinner women, then photographed. A female producer suggested Lawrence use the picture as weight-loss “inspiration.”….

One exception is Isa Hackett, a producer for “The Man in the High Castle,” who went public last week with her story about Amazon Studios chief Roy Price, who she alleges sexually harassed her. Price was suspended by the company…. 

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