Edward Heath abuse claims: Police defend investigation, David Beckham tattoos come to life for child abuse campaign

December 6, 2016 Comments Off on Edward Heath abuse claims: Police defend investigation, David Beckham tattoos come to life for child abuse campaign

– Edward Heath abuse claims: Police defend investigation
– Edward Heath child abuse investigation ‘not a witch-hunt’
– David Beckham tattoos come to life for child abuse campaign
– Violence marks forever – Join David Beckham and end violence against children

Edward Heath abuse claims: Police defend investigation

2 December 2016  UK
An inquiry into child sex abuse claims involving ex-Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath is exploring a “significant number” of lines, police say.

Wiltshire Police Chief Constable Mike Veale has defended Operation Conifer, insisting it is not a “fishing trip or witch-hunt”.

He said officers had received “allegations spanning a significant number of individuals”.

It emerged last month that two people had been arrested and bailed.

Former Conservative prime minister Sir Edward died at his home in Salisbury in July 2005, aged 89.

In an open letter, Mr Veale said he would not be “buckling under pressure to not investigate or to conclude the investigation prematurely”.

He said he wanted to “set the record straight” amid press reports the inquiry was floundering.

‘Satanic abuse’

The chief constable described Sir Edward as an “extremely prominent, influential and high profile person”.

“The decision to undertake this incredibly complex and challenging investigation was not taken lightly particularly knowing, or at least expecting, that we would be placed under intense scrutiny,” he said.

Mr Veale also confirmed reports that satanic ritual sex abuse was a feature of the investigation, although he said it was a small part and did not relate to Sir Edward.

Edward Heath child abuse investigation ‘not a witch-hunt’
Wiltshire chief constable says significant number of people have disclosed claims of historical abuse against ex-prime minister  Vikram Dodd and Owen Bowcott Friday 2 December 2016

The chief constable of the force investigating claims that Sir Edward Heath sexually abused children has vowed not to buckle under “unacceptable” media pressure, insisting the investigation into the late prime minister is not a “fishing trip” or a “witch-hunt”.

A “significant number of individuals have disclosed allegations of abuse”, the Wiltshire police chief, Mike Veale, said on Friday in an extraordinary 1,600-word statement that sought to rebuff media criticism and keep the 15-month investigation on track.

The Guardian understands that at least 15 people have made allegations to the police around the country claiming Heath, who died in 2005, was involved in the sexual abuse of children.

Multiple sources say the Wiltshire-led Operation Conifer remains live and the claims are regarded by police as credible, with inquiries continuing into whether they can be shown to be true or disproved. Police are describing the complainants as “victims” in private….

Dr Rachel Hoskins, an expert on ritual sacrifice who has been asked by detectives to examine claims made against Heath and others as part of Operation Conifer, has been highly critical of the investigation….

Heath was prime minister from 1970-74. A world-class yachtsman in his spare time, he took Britain into what was then the European Economic Community. His time in power was beset by industrial strife, and confrontations with the then powerful trade unions plunged Britain into a three-day week.

He was elected leader of the the Conservative party in 1965 and won the 1970 election…..

David Beckham tattoos come to life for child abuse campaign
By Judith Burns Education reporter  5 December 2016
David Beckham’s tattoos have taken on a life of their own in a Unicef film highlighting physical and psychological abuse that can leave lasting marks.

In the one-minute film, scenes of violence against children appear as animated tattoos on the former footballer’s body.

David Beckham, now a Unicef goodwill ambassador, said he had been shocked by children’s accounts of violence.

He is urging people to share the film on social media.
Meaningful marks

Beckham, 41, said his real tattoos represented happy or important memories, but the film was highlighting the fact millions of children bore marks they had not chosen – the long-lasting scars of violence and abuse.

The animations in the film depict forms of violence that children endure in places where they should be safe, such as their homes, schools, online and in their communities.

The father of four, said he was committed to doing “everything I can to make the world a safer place for children and to speak out on issues that are having a devastating impact on children’s lives”.

“One of those issues is violence,” he said.

“Every five minutes, somewhere in the world, a child dies from violence.

“Millions more are in danger of physical, emotional and sexual abuse that could destroy their childhoods forever.”….

Two-thirds of 190,000 children and young people around the world who responded to a Unicef call for information via its online U-report tool, said they had personally experienced physical or verbal abuse or knew someone else who had.

The responses suggested the biggest perpetrators were:
police and other law enforcers (33%)
other children and young people (29%)
parents or care givers (28%)
teachers (9%)….

Violence marks forever – Join David Beckham and end violence against children
David Beckham chose the marks on his skin, but millions of children bear marks that they haven’t chosen. Violence against children is wrong. It’s on all of us to end it.

S.M.A.R.T.’s Ritual Abuse Page

Neil Brick

Child abuse wiki – ritual abuse

Rotherham child abuse scandal; Missing files, £40,000 pay-off; Stories of murder, animal sacrifice, Satanism

October 18, 2014 Comments Off on Rotherham child abuse scandal; Missing files, £40,000 pay-off; Stories of murder, animal sacrifice, Satanism

– Rotherham child abuse scandal: Missing files ‘fuel public suspicion of a deliberate cover-up’, say MPs
– Rotherham child abuse scandal: Shamed former children’s services boss gets £40,000 pay-off
– Visitor at home shared by couple heard stories of murder, animal sacrifice

Rotherham child abuse scandal: Missing files ‘fuel public suspicion of a deliberate cover-up’, say MPs
MPs accuse council and police of ignoring credible warnings
Nigel Morris Author Biography
Deputy Political Editor
Saturday 18 October 2014

Fears of a “deliberate cover-up” by public officials of the sexual abuse of children in Rotherham have been fuelled by the large number of documents detailing the scandal which have vanished, an investigation by MPs has concluded.

They urged the Home Office to launch an immediate search for the missing paperwork and to examine claims that files warning about the activities of paedophile rings were stolen from a locked council office in the South Yorkshire town.

In a report published on Saturday, the Commons home affairs select committee said the “shocking” failure to act on repeated warnings of systematic exploitation had exposed more victims to abuse.

At least 1,400 girls as young as 11 were groomed and abused by gangs in the town over a 16 year period and new victims continue to come forward.

The committee, in its second inquiry into Rotherham, said there was “compelling evidence” that the town’s council and South Yorkshire Police ignored “numerous, credible warnings about the scale of child sexual exploitation”.

And it raised suspicions that officials colluded to conceal evidence which could have uncovered the scandal years before it came to light.

The MPs heard private evidence from a former researcher who was hired by Rotherham Council to find ways of catching men who tried to lure girls and vulnerable young women into prostitution….

Rotherham child abuse scandal: Shamed former children’s services boss gets £40,000 pay-off
Oct 18, 2014     By Karen Rockett

Joyce Thacker has been given the pay-off as she was named as one of the people singled out for criticism in a new report into the child sex abuse scandal

Shamed former Rotherham children’s services boss Joyce Thacker has received a £40,000 pay-off.

The revelation comes as Mrs Thacker is among key figures in the town’s child sex abuse scandal singled out for criticism in a new report.

Mrs Thacker agreed the five-figure sum as a pay-off for leaving her £130,000 per year job, which took immediate effect last month.

Furious abuse victims said Mrs Thacker should donate her pay-off to the Rotherham Women’s Counselling Service….

Mrs Thacker was criticised in Home Affairs Select Committee report, which has also called for an independent investigation to be launched by the Home Office.

It says the probe should focus on whether there was a “deliberate cover-up” after files relating to the town’s child sexual exploitation problems were stolen from the office of a council researcher in 2002.

MPs on the committee, which called for Mrs Thacker to resign a week before she left, also concluded South Yorkshire Police and Rotherham Council had “ignored numerous credible warnings about the scale of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham”….

Mrs Thacker had faced repeated calls to resign or be sacked in the wake of the Jay Report, which revealed at least 1,400 children in had been sexually exploited between 1997 and 2013….

Visitor at home shared by couple heard stories of murder, animal sacrifice
Warrants sealed in Clemmons homicides; Crews clear debris
Thursday, October 16, 2014 9:00 pm
Wesley Young/Winston-Salem Journal

More details continue to emerge about the lives of Pazuzu Algarad and Amber Burch, the two people arrested on Oct. 5 and charged in the murder and burial of two men at their Clemmons home.

According to a friend of Burch, Algarad’s girlfriend, he claimed to get a high from eating the “still-beating heart” of a sacrificial animal and bragged openly about having killed two prostitutes.

That friend visited the house in 2009 where the couple lived on Knob Hill Drive in Clemmons. Algarad and Burch are each charged with murder in connection with the deaths of two men whose remains were found recently in the couple’s backyard….

Walking into the house, trying not to step in excrement, Burch’s friend saw Satanic sayings written on the walls and filthy dishes piled up with “bugs crawling all over them.”

Algarad bragged about killing two prostitutes, the friend said, adding that neither she nor Burch really believed he had done it.

“The facial tattoos, the Satanism, I never gave it much thought,” the friend said. “I figured he was just trying to psych everybody out.”

The friend said she never saw anyone from the Winston-Salem area at the couple’s house when she was there, and doesn’t know anything about Joshua Wetzler and Tommy Dean Welch, who have been identified as the two men buried in the backyard. She said she and her friends have been wondering about the victims — who they were, and how they might have ended up at the house.

Authorities have not said how the two men were killed or what connection they had to Algarad and Burch. Arrest warrants say Algarad, who is 35, killed Wetzler in July 2009 and that Burch, who is 24, helped him bury the body. In October 2009, arrest warrants say, Burch killed Welch and Algarad helped with the burial….

Algarad talked a lot about ritual sacrifices, Burch’s friend said, but never mentioned human sacrifice.

“He made it a point to mention all the time that once a month he has to sacrifice … a small rabbit or small animal,” the friend said. “He would describe the animal and bathing in or drinking the blood. He would get a drug-like high from eating the still-beating heart. I thought he was feeding me a load of crap. I thought it was a big show, one of those shock factors. He would say something along the lines of, ‘We sacrificed it and had sex in its blood.’ I slept there on a number of occasions and I never worried about him slicing my throat or anything.”

Burch’s friends had nicknamed her Bubbles because of her bright personality, the friend said, but the woman she saw in Winston-Salem was not the Amber she had known.

“She was the type of girl that it didn’t matter what was going on that was bad, it was her personal goal to put a smile on her friends’ faces,” the friend said.

Burch’s friend said she thinks Algarad “brainwashed” Burch….

The change in Burch is what “blows my mind,” the friend said.

“She couldn’t handle someone spanking a dog for peeing on the floor,” she said. “She was into peace, love and happiness. She was a hippie. She wasn’t a devil-worshipping Satanist killing machine that everyone is saying she is.”

Myths About the Country Walk Case, Ugandans drum alarms to rescue abducted children (ritual killings), India’s ‘Temple Slaves’ Struggle to Break Free

June 24, 2014 Comments Off on Myths About the Country Walk Case, Ugandans drum alarms to rescue abducted children (ritual killings), India’s ‘Temple Slaves’ Struggle to Break Free

Myths About the Country Walk Case 
Ross E. Cheit David Mervis

The Country Walk case in Dade County, Florida was long considered a model for how to prosecute a multi-victim child sexual abuse case involving young children. In the past 10 years, however, a contrary view has emerged that the case was tainted by improper interviewing and was likely a false conviction. This is the first scholarly effort to assess the competing views of this case. Critics of this case advance three primary claims: (1) the positive STD test result from Frank Fuster’s son was unreliable; (2) highly suggestive interviewing produced the children’s claims; and (3) Frank Fuster’s wife, Ileana, was coerced into testifying against her husband. On close examination, all three claims prove to be false. This article documents the reasons why these claims constitute myths and why those findings are significant in the larger debate on children as witnesses.

Three major claims that have been advanced to challenge the conviction of Frank Fuster do not stand up to close factual scrutiny; they stand only as myths. As such, they inform us about our cultural fears and they alert us to our cultural blind spots. This is not an explication of all the evidence in the case. A longer version of this analysis, covering virtually every claim advanced at the trial and since, will be published as a chapter in a forthcoming book. This analysis covers enough of the evidence to generate a hypothesis about the previously unrecognized problem of disconfirmation bias. Ceci and Bruck (1995) “believe that the evolution of many of the mass-allegation day-care cases” are caused by the phenomenon of “interviewer’s bias,” also known as “confirmation bias” (p. 93). A close examination of the Country Walk case, however, reveals that a reverse kind of bias is apparently at work. Disconfirmation bias involves a selective examination of evidence with a predisposition toward the child-suggestibility defense.

The persistence of all three myths analyzed in this article seems to exemplify disconfirmation bias. These myths can be believed only by ignoring available evidence to the contrary. The exaggerated claim on error rates and STD testing can be uncovered by reading the sources cited in Whittington’s affidavit. So, too, the child-suggestibility defense can be debunked by reading the trial transcripts….

Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, Vol. 16(3) 2007
doi:10.1300/J070v16n03_06 http://blogs.brown.edu/pols-1821t-2010fall-s01/files/2010/12/Country_Walk_Myths.pdf

Ugandans drum alarms to rescue abducted children
Mon Jun 23, 2014
By Rodney Muhumuza AP Writer

BUIKWE, Uganda — When a child goes missing in this central Ugandan district, villagers beat drums into a pulsing rhythm that sends rescuers scampering through bushes. Others, riding motorcycles, try to block exit routes.

In response to the kidnappings and ritual killings of children here, the traumatized community has created a rudimentary but effective abduction alert system that has saved at least two children so far this year.

Although the problem of children being killed as human sacrifices is reported in several parts of Uganda, Buikwe has gained notoriety recently as the country’s witchcraft capital. One in three households here keeps a shrine — a thatched hut in which so-called witchdoctors can be consulted — a frightening statistic that explains the prevalence of superstitious practices that threaten the lives of many children and even adults….

Eight children have been abducted and ritualistically killed in Buikwe this year, their mutilated bodies dumped in bushes and sugarcane plantations, according to local officials.

Across Uganda, at least 729 children were abducted in 2013, according to a Ugandan police report that also cited a 39 percent increase in crimes against children over the previous year….. http://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/ugandans-drum-alarms-to-rescue-abducted-children/article_ddac5238-2ba8-512e-a0f8-9056ba3925c1.html 

India’s ‘Temple Slaves’ Struggle to Break Free
By Stella Paul Tuesday, June 24, 2014

NIZAMABAD, India, Jun 22 2014 (IPS) – At 32, Nalluri Poshani looks like an old woman. Squatting on the floor amidst piles of tobacco and tree leaves that she expertly transforms into ‘beedis’, a local cigarette, she tells IPS, “I feel dizzy. The tobacco gives me headaches and nausea.”

At the rate of two dollars for 1,000 cigarettes, she earns about 36 dollars a month. “I wish I could do some other job,” the young woman says longingly.

But no other jobs are open to her in the village of Vellpoor, located in the Nizamabad region of the southern Indian state of Telangana, because Poshani is no ordinary woman.

She is a former jogini, which translates loosely as a ‘temple slave’, one of thousands of young Dalit girls who are dedicated at a very young age to the village deity named Yellamma, based on the belief that their presence in the local temple will ward off evil spirits and usher in prosperity for all.

Poshani says she was just five years old when she went through the dedication ritual.

First she was bathed, dressed like a bride, and taken to the temple where a priest tied a ‘thali’ (a sacred thread symbolising marriage) around her neck. She was then brought outside where crowds of villagers were gathered, held up to their scrutiny and proclaimed the new jogini.

For several years she simply lived and worked in the temple, but when she reached puberty men from the village – usually from higher castes who otherwise consider her ‘untouchable’ – would visit her in the night and have sex with her.

Poshani says she was never a sex worker in the typical sense of the word, because she was never properly paid for her ‘services’. Rather, she was bound, by the dedication ritual and the villagers’ firm belief in her supernatural powers, to the temple….

According to official records, there are an estimated 30,000 joginis – also known as devdasis or matammas – in Telangana today. An additional 20,000 live in the neighbouring state of Andhra Pradesh….. http://www.ipsnews.net/2014/06/indias-temple-slaves-struggle-to-break-free/

Soweto teens appear for Satanic killings, Hey Dad! TV father Robert Hughes, guilty of sexually assaulting three girls, How the cult of Santa Muerte has infested Mexico’s drug cartels with gruesome consequences, alleged Ontario polygamist cult ring leaders face 31 sex and assault charges

April 8, 2014 Comments Off on Soweto teens appear for Satanic killings, Hey Dad! TV father Robert Hughes, guilty of sexually assaulting three girls, How the cult of Santa Muerte has infested Mexico’s drug cartels with gruesome consequences, alleged Ontario polygamist cult ring leaders face 31 sex and assault charges

– Soweto teens appear for Satanic killings
– Evil triumphs when society looks away
– Prey Dad: the fiendish sins of TV father Robert Hughes, guilty of sexually assaulting three girls
– The battle for a nation’s soul: How the cult of Santa Muerte has infested Mexico’s drug cartels with gruesome consequences
– Two brothers, alleged Ontario polygamist cult ring leaders, face 31 sex and assault charges
– Women Arise condemns spate of ritual killings, kidnaps and jungle justice
– Cult head charged with illegal detention, faces more raps

Soweto teens appear for Satanic killings

Johannesburg – Two 16-year-old boys arrested in connection with the murder of two Soweto schoolgirls appeared in the Protea Magistrate’s Court on Monday….

The boys were implicated in the murders of Thandeka Moganetsi, 15, and Chwayita Rathazayo, 16.

The girls were found dead in a field in Dobsonville in February….

The murder was believed to have been linked to a satanic ritual.

Evil triumphs when society looks away
sarrah le marquand  The Daily Telegraph  April 08, 2014
IT took less than four days for a jury to return from deliberating to find Hey Dad! star Robert Hughes guilty of seven counts of indecent assault on a person under the age of 16. Four days — just imagine how much sooner a guilty verdict might have been delivered if it hadn’t taken two decades for the wheels of justice to turn.

What a shame his victims had to wait over 20 years to finally get their day in court. It need not have been that way….

In response into a parliamentary inquiry into the handling of child sex abuse complaints, the Victorian government will pass legislation making it illegal to fail to report information about suspected child sexual abuse….

If we have learned anything from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, it is surely that abuse is only allowed to flourish when people who should know better opt to look the other way.

Speaking out isn’t always easy — and as Batty rightfully points out, in some instances can be life-threatening — but the purpose of mandatory reporting is to bring about cultural change.

Most people have come to accept that zero tolerance should be extended to perpetrators of child abuse. But if we are serious in coming as close as possible to eradicating sexual abuse from our community then we also need to extend zero tolerance to those are aware of suspected abuse, but fail to report it.

How many people chose to turn the other way when Hughes sexually assaulted numerous girls between 1983 and 1990? Is it really possible that no one during that time suspected something was not right?

Had there been laws in place making it clear any innocent third parties were legally obliged to come forward with their fears, it might not have taken two decades for the law to slowly catch up with Robert Hughes.

As philosopher Edmund Burke famously noted, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing….

Prey Dad: the fiendish sins of TV father Robert Hughes, guilty of sexually assaulting three girls
janet fife-yeomans     The Daily Telegraph      April 08, 2014

HE may have once been Australia’s best-loved TV father on the top-rating sitcom Hey Dad! but off-screen Robert Hughes was a serial sex fiend preying on underage girls.

Those devastating revelations finally hit home yesterday when the 65-year-old actor was convicted of sexually assaulting three girls.

Yesterday a jury, which had listened to six weeks of chilling evidence, convicted Hughes of nine of 11 counts of sexual assault involving the girls, aged about seven, 11 and 15.

The jurors will return today to continue deliberating over charges involving two other girls after being told by Judge Peter Zahra that he would accept majority verdicts….

THE shocked jury looked on yesterday as a furious Robert Hughes walked to the edge of the dock and screamed: “I am innocent!”

The outburst came seconds after the jury found him guilty of nine out of 11 historic child offences….

The battle for a nation’s soul: How the cult of Santa Muerte has infested Mexico’s drug cartels with gruesome consequences
March 28, 2014
Saint Death … the cult of Santa Muerte has millions of followers


IN a country racked by a deadly and protracted drugs war, the adoration of Santa Muerte has taken sinister and gruesome forms.

Father Ernesto Caro simply cannot forget the drug gang hitman who came to be exorcised at his Monterrey church. The cartel member confessed to cutting up the bodies of his victims into pieces and burning others alive. He also told how he enjoyed hearing their screams as he did so. The man, believing himself to be possessed by demons, explained he was devoted to the service of Santa Muerte.

And he is not the only disciple among the murderous and brutal gangs and cartels of Mexico.

“Santa Muerte is being used by all our drug dealers and those linked to these brutal murders. We’ve found that most of them, if not all, follow Santa Muerte,” Father Caro told the BBC.

For men and women dealing daily with death and the threat of death, the attraction of an amoral deity is not surprisingly potent.

“For most of the cartels’ foot soldiers and their gang associates, brutal deaths prove almost certain,” Robert J. Bunker, author and visiting professor at the Strategic Studies Institute in the US, writes in an article published on the FBI website. “Such a form of imminent mortality facing adherents makes the worship of Santa Muerte spiritually dark. The death of someone’s enemies, protection from harm (or, at least, hope for a quick and glorious death), cultivation of a dangerous reputation, and ability to enjoy the benefits of fabulous riches, including the company of beautiful women become paramount.”

The implications of such “dark” worship are terrifyingly clear.

“With the stakes so high, the sacrifices and offerings to Santa Muerte have become primeval and barbaric. Rather than plates of food, beer, and tobacco, in some instances, the heads of victims (and presumably their souls) have served as offerings to invoke powerful petitions for divine intervention,” Bunker says….

For example:

* A powerful criminal figure in Tepito is said to have killed virgins and babies once a year and offered them as sacrifices to gain magical protection;

* Gang members have taken rival cartel members to Santa Muerte shrines and executed them as offerings;

* Police discovered a skeleton dressed as a bride at a Santa Muerte altar in a house used to hold kidnap victims; and

* Authorities found 50 victims of a mass murder in the northern state of Sinaloa, all with tattoos and jewellery depicting Santa Muerte…..

Two brothers, alleged Ontario polygamist cult ring leaders, face 31 sex and assault charges
Rob Gowan, QMI Agency Monday, April 07, 2014

OWEN SOUND, Ont. — Two brothers whose cloistered Ontario church has been accused of being a polygamist cult by former members, have been charged with 31 sex and assault charges.

The charges come as a result of a 16-month police investigation.

The charges come from the claims of seven alleged victims — all members of the Church of Jesus Christ Restored at the time — and some allegations date back to 1978.

Judson William King has been arrested in Oakville, Ont. He faces charges of assault with a weapon, uttering death threats and four counts of assault, and is to appear in court in Owen Sound, Ont., on May 15….

Fred King has been charged with sexual exploitation, sexual interference, three counts of sexual assault, three counts of assault causing bodily harm, five counts of uttering death threats, two counts of assault with a weapon and 10 counts of assault….

In late 2012, the church was thrust into the spotlight when Carol Christie alleged in media interviews she spent close to 40 years brainwashed, under the control of her husband Stan King, then his son Fred.

She wrote a book about her experience called Property: The True Story of a Polygamous Church Wife.

Christie claims she was one of the many wives of self-proclaimed “prophet” Stan King, living on the church grounds — a sprawling former ski resort just south of Owen Sound.

Fred, Stan’s youngest son by his only legal wife, took over the Church of Jesus Christ Restored after his father died in 1986.

She wrote about beatings and rampant sexual abuse. Other former members have recalled similar stories and accused the brothers of using them as slave labour.

Christie said Fred repeatedly told his followers that he would kill anyone who left.

None of the allegations have been proven in court….

Women Arise condemns spate of ritual killings, kidnaps and jungle justice 

By Wale Odunsi on April 7, 2014

A non-governmental organiation, Women Arise says it is seriously disturbed at the new direction that inhumanity is taking in the country.

A statement by its President, Dr. Joe Odumakin said “While we are fighting hard, tooth and nail to stop visible financial corruption in official Government quarters, it has become yet another bone cringing development, the unwholesome rise in the rate of kidnaps, ritual killings and accompanying jungle justice particularly in the South-West.”….

“At Soka in Ibadan, the kidnappers’ den of horror was discovered where several people had been held hostage. The victims, who include women, are so emaciated and malnourished. The women victims also have had several children for their captors who raped them in the cells where they were falsely imprisoned. Women Arise recalls that one of the women upon her rescue said that she had been in the den since 2008-six years of captivity and rape!….

“I have visited the scene in Abeokuta and inspected the house. Even though some horrifying exhibits such human parts and other ritual items discovered were said to have been removed by when I visited, I still saw some terrifying things like charms that suggested more than had been removed.”

Odumakin said her group is perturbed over the barbaric ritual premiums which some wicked souls have equated with values of women.

She added that in all three cases of rape, kidnap and ritual hostages mentioned above including the Ejigbo sodomy, it is clear enough that women have become the targets of horror….

Cult head charged with illegal detention, faces more raps
By Ador Vincent Mayol   Inquirer Visayas  Saturday, March 29th, 2014

CEBU CITY—A cult leader is facing a criminal complaint after he was accused of detaining a 33-year-old woman who was allegedly used as his sex slave for five years.

Casiano Apduhan, alias “Tatay Loloy” and known to his followers as “Dios Amahan,” also faces a murder case for the death of a 14-year-old boy whose decomposing body was found in a tunnel underneath his house in Balamban town, about 48 kilometers west of here.

The complaint for serious illegal detention was filed by the National Bureau of Investigation in Central Visayas on Thursday in the provincial prosecutor’s office….

Another complaint for murder and human trafficking, particularly on the provision against forced labor, will also be filed against him, said NBI supervising agent Rey Villordon.

Apduhan is accused of using Angelo Repuela as a human sacrifice, supposedly for the gods to help him find gold. NBI agents found Repuela’s body wrapped in a blanket in the tunnel.

Apduhan, who is detained at the NBI regional stockade, denied the allegations, saying his followers will swear that he is a good man….

“We want to know the extent of the damage [on the woman] after she has been detained for more than five years,” said Largo, also a consultant of the Provincial Women’s Commission.

NBI agents also noticed that Apduhan’s house was designed like a prison, since its lone entrance was barricaded with padlocked steel grills.

“Other doors and windows were heavily barricaded and the grills were locked. There is no way for a member of the household to escape,” Villordon said in an affidavit.

He said the dead boy’s father, Eleuterio, was a member of Apduhan’s cult.

In 2012, Apduhan offered the boy as a sacrifice for a treasure-hunting activity and promised the parents that the boy would be brought back to life in 2013, said Villordon….


Do Church and State Continue to Cover-up Child Abuse?, Satanic cult blamed for ritualistic killing, ‘Against Their Will’ looks at children used for tests

July 26, 2013 Comments Off on Do Church and State Continue to Cover-up Child Abuse?, Satanic cult blamed for ritualistic killing, ‘Against Their Will’ looks at children used for tests

Led by the Catholic Pope, Do Church and State Continue to Cover-up Child Abuse?
Child Safety  July 24, 2013 By: Judy Byington

“Catholic Pope Francis’s July 2013 ruling to protect perpetrators rather than their child victims and the 20 years it took Kevin Annett of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) to bring justice for 150,000 missing children from Canadian, Catholic and other church-run residential schools are only a few examples where church and state are blatantly covering up crimes against children,” stated Judy Byington, CEO of Child Abuse Recovery (CAR http://www.ChildAbuseRecovery.com  and author of “Twenty-Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities” (Tate Publishing, Oklahoma: 2012 http://www.22faces.com ).

“That’s why CAR and Neil Brick of Stop Mind Control and Ritual Abuse Today (S.M.A.R.T. http://ritualabuse.us ) are joining forces with the ITCCS on September 2 in New York to unite severe abuse survivors and expose child trafficking networks (time and place to be announced on http://www.itccs.org ).”

SMART’s annual conference which draws severe abuse survivors, their helpers and therapists from across the US, will be held August 9-11 in Windsor Locks, Connecticut, ( http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/    ).

….Saturday night of the SMART conference features Kevin Annett of the ITCCS (via live feed) and Judy Byington, author of “Twenty-Two Faces,” the biography of Jenny Hill, the only-known survivor of a human sacrifice ceremony. Hill was made to witness the murder of another six year-old identified as Kathleen Shea. Although the murder took place back on June 21 1965, Hill’s and Shea’s cases in Garden Grove California and Tyrone Penn. remain unsolved.

“One complication for investigators is the often-inability of survivors like Hill, who are severely affected by their childhood torture, to come forward until they are adults – also a major problem for prosecutors in Catholic Priest sex abuse scandals,” Byington says. “Another commonality is the very effective cover-ups of child abuse by perpetrators who have high ranking in church and state.”

….Another example was when over an almost 20-year period, the Walter E. Fernald State residential school in Waltham Mass. enrolled children who were fed a steady diet of radioactive isotopes and placed in solitary confinement if they refused to cooperate. Allen Hornblum, Judith Newman, and Gregory Dober painfully describe the state residential school atrocities in their chilling new book, “Against Their Will: The Secret History of Medical Experimentation on Children in Cold War America.”….

Satanic cult blamed for ritualistic killing of Dartmoor foal which was horrifically mutilated in centre of ring of fire during full moon

….There are fears the stricken animal may have been alive during its ordeal
The pony was found in a remote part of Devon National Park on Tuesday
Patches of burned grass surrounded it and it had white paint on it’s leg
By Stuart Woledge  25 July 2013

A Satanic cult has been blamed for the sickening death of a pony, which was found horrifically mutilated and laying in the remnants of a ring of fire after full moon….

It was also surrounded by circular patches of burnt moorland, which experts believe were left by a ring of torches or candles. The two-month old pony seemed to have been dragged into a clearing and placed at the foot of a slope to face the previous night’s full moon.  It was found on Tuesday morning by a horse rider at Yennadon Down, a remote, area of Devon National Park….

Horse carers believe the butchery was part of an evil occult or Pagan ceremony by Devil worshippers….

Dartmoor and the surrounding countryside in Devon and Cornwall has been dogged by rumours of Satanic rituals for years. In 2012 a two-year-old horse called Eric belonging to Dawn Jewell, 27, was found mutilated on the day of satanic animal sacrifice….

The horrific attack happened on St Winebald Day, a date in the satanic calendar traditionally celebrated with bloody rituals. In 2006 around 100 sheep animals were found slaughtered….

The bodies had been arranged in a Satanic star shape, known as a pentangle, or laid out in a circle….

In June of this year police appealed for information after two horses were found … in neighbouring fields in the village of Stokeinteignhead, Devon. Locals feared the two thoroughbred were attacked to mark the summer solstice, a key date in the Satanic calender.

Book Review
‘Against Their Will’ looks at children used for tests
By Dennis Rosen  Globe Correspondent     July 08, 2013

Unfortunately, as Allen Hornblum, Judith Newman, and Gregory Dober painfully describe in their chilling new book, “Against Their Will: The Secret History of Medical Experimentation on Children in Cold War America,’’ Fernald was not the only institution in the country, or even in the state, where children were conscripted into sometimes deadly medical experiments. These were conducted by ambitious physicians and scientists whose belief in what they were trying to accomplish often blinded them to the potentially horrific consequences of their actions.

“Against Their Will’’ opens with an overview of the eugenics movement in the United States, which found sympathizers among many luminaries of American medicine in the 19th and early 20th centuries. With its disdain for the disabled, who were considered genetically inferior, the movement paved the way for use of “defective’’ children in research. The book then provides multiple examples of medical experiments perpetrated on developmentally delayed and physically disabled children at multiple institutions across the country over the course of decades.

Often reading like case studies straight out of the 1947 Nazi doctors’ trial, these include the forced castration of dozens of boys to prevent or halt regular masturbation; infecting developmentally delayed children as young as 4 with gonorrhea; and treating children as young as 6 who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia or autism with twice-daily doses of LSD for months on end.

One of the most famous examples of the abuse of institutionalized children occurred at the Willowbrook State School on Staten Island, where hundreds of mentally and physically disabled children were purposely infected with hepatitis. While the experiments did yield information about the disease, there is no escaping the fact that these were conducted on children who were supposedly under the protection of the state and who had nothing to gain, but everything to lose, by participating….

Hungry aboriginal people subject of experiments, paper finds, Satan worshiper gets life in prison for killing, Jersey States appoint UK judge to lead abuse inquiry

July 18, 2013 Comments Off on Hungry aboriginal people subject of experiments, paper finds, Satan worshiper gets life in prison for killing, Jersey States appoint UK judge to lead abuse inquiry

Hungry aboriginal people subject of experiments, paper finds
Food historian published details of experiments that began in the 1940s  The Canadian Press  Jul 16, 2013

The Canadian government says it’s appalled to hear hungry aboriginal children and adults may have been used as unwitting subjects in nutritional experiments by federal bureaucrats.

Recently published research by food historian Ian Mosby has revealed details about one of the least-known but perhaps most disturbing aspects of government policy toward aboriginal people immediately after the Second World War.

“It was experiments being conducted on malnourished aboriginal people,” Mosby, a post-doctoral fellow in history at the University of Guelph, told CBC’s As It Happens program on Tuesday.

“It started with research trips in northern Manitoba where they found, you know, widespread hunger, if not starvation, among certain members of the community. And one of their immediate responses was to design a controlled experiment on the effectiveness of vitamin supplementation on this population.”

Mosby also found that plans were developed for research on aboriginal children in residential schools in British Columbia, Ontario, Nova Scotia and Alberta….

describes graphic crimes

Satan worshiper gets life in prison for killing, skinning mom
By Matt Hamilton  July 17, 2013

A Maywood man whom prosecutors described as a Satan worshiper was sentenced Wednesday for strangling and killing his mother, then dismembering her body.

Moises Meraz-Espinoza, 21, was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison for the Feb. 2, 2011, slaying of Amelia Espinoza, 42.

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Thomas I. McKnew Jr. said Meraz-Espinoza’s crime “ranks right up there at the top” among “the most disgusting, hideous, and vulgar” cases he’s seen in more than 50 years in the legal profession….

Prosecutors argued that Meraz-Espinoza was a follower of the church of Satan, and that he was performing a ritual human sacrifice.

During the trial this spring, defense attorney Jonathan Roberts disputed that his client acted alone. After the sentence Wednesday, Roberts explained that the church of Satan has renounced ritual human sacrifice and said the prosecutor’s argument relied on dated interpretations of satanic rituals….

Jersey States appoint UK judge to lead abuse inquiry
16 July 2013

Jersey politicians have voted unanimously in favour of having a senior UK judge lead an investigation into historical child abuse.

Deputy High Court Judge Sally Bradley QC will chair the £6m committee of inquiry into abuse in the care system.

She has 35 years of experience in family law and worked on physical, sexual and emotional abuse cases.

The inquiry will look into allegations of abuse in children’s homes and fostering services from 1960….

A three-year long £7.5m investigation by Jersey police into historical child abuse in the island’s care homes began in 2007 after allegations of abuse at former children’s home Haut de la Garenne….

Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland, Cleveland kidnapping captive Michelle Knight

May 12, 2013 Comments Off on Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland, Cleveland kidnapping captive Michelle Knight

– Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland, and Abroad: An Eyewitness Comes Forward and Names her Torturers
– Cleveland kidnappings: Was Ariel Castro record of abuse a red flag?
– Cleveland captive Michelle Knight was gang-raped while in junior high
Michelle Knight bore a child as a result of the sex attack, which happened roughly a year before she was abducted in August 2002
– Cleveland captive Michelle Knight leaves hospital without telling family

Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland, and Abroad: An Eyewitness Comes Forward and Names her Torturers
(ZWOLLE, Holland) – A survivor of a high-level ring involving child sacrifice, torture and trafficking went public today in an exclusive disclosure and interview with Freedom Central’s Mel Ve and ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett. May-08-2013

Toos Nijenhuis, a fifty four year old physiotherapist and mother of five from Holland, was tortured, raped and used experimentally from the age of four years old by wealthy and powerful men around the world, including top officials of churches and governments.

And, Nijenhuis claims, these crimes are continuing today, including the ritual sacrifice of children in rural Holland.

On May 7, Ms. Nijenhuis accompanied Kevin Annett, Mel Ve and other investigators to a forested site near to Zwolle where such child murders took place as recently as November, 2010, according to Ms. Nijenhuis….

These assaults occurred in Holland, Scotland, and a military experimental base in Melbourne, Australia, where Toos was subjected to what appears to be pain threshold and behaviour modification experiments. She also witnessed the torture and murder of other children.

Key excerpts from the interview and statement of Toos Nijenhuis are found in this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyrPEu7nk1Q


Cleveland kidnappings: Was Ariel Castro record of abuse a red flag? (+video)
What if Ariel Castro’s past record of domestic violence had resulted in legal action? Could it have led authorities to discover that he was holding three women in his house? Could it have prevented the kidnappings from occurring?

By Mark Trumbull, Staff writer May 11, 2013

What if Ariel Castro’s past record of alleged domestic violence had resulted in legal action against him?

Could it have led authorities to discover sooner that the Cleveland man was holding three kidnapped women in his house? Could it have even prevented the kidnappings from occurring?

Those questions are emerging after details have surfaced that the Ohio kidnapping suspect had several run-ins with the law regarding alleged domestic violence.

The incidents involved the woman, Grimilda Figueroa, with whom Mr. Castro fathered four children.

Now Castro has been arrested and stands accused of kidnapping and abusing three other women and keeping them locked in his house since 2002, 2003, and 2004 respectively.

The Reuters news agency reported Saturday that Ms. Figueroa’s accusations against Castro began as early as 1989 and spanned through 2005. The most recent case involved a request by her for a court order of protection….

Cleveland captive Michelle Knight was gang-raped while in junior high 

Michelle Knight bore a child as a result of the sex attack, which happened roughly a year before she was abducted in August 2002 By Rich Schapiro AND Corky Siemaszko  NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Michelle Knight went through hell even before she was kidnapped off a Cleveland street and imprisoned as a sex slave for nearly 11 harrowing years.

A year before her August 2002 disappearance, Knight was gang-raped while in junior high school and bore a child as a result of the ordeal, her great-aunt said Thursday. The boy, who she named Joey, was later taken from her and placed in foster care.

“She was a delightful girl, outgoing,” Deborah Knight, 62, told the Daily News. “She was very helpful. We just had a lot of fun together.”

But all that changed when three classmates “grabbed her by the arm and raped her at the school,” the great-aunt said. “That’s how she had Joey.”

Then, when Knight was at her lowest, Ariel Castro slithered into her life, police say.

Her abduction, imprisonment and rape — all at Castro’s hands, police say — ended on Monday, when she and two other women — escaped from Castro’s house of horrors on Seymour Ave. in Cleveland. Also liberated was a 6-year-old girl born to one of Knight’s two fellow captives. Knight, now 32, was forced to serve as a midwife during the delivery….

While fellow captives Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus were quickly reunited with their families, it took police several hours to track down Michelle Knight’s twin brother, Freddie, the first member of her family police were able to reach.

Freddie Knight — who in earlier interviews said he wasn’t even aware his sister had been kidnapped because he was kicked out of the family’s home at age 14 — said “she looked white as a ghost.”

Michelle Knight suffered several miscarriages while imprisoned and lived in darkness for long stretches of her confinement.

Cleveland captive Michelle Knight leaves hospital without telling family
After one visit with her mother, Barbara Knight, the hospital says the daughter refused to see visitors, including close family members.

By Michael Walsh / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Kidnapping victim Michelle Knight slipped away from the hospital without seeing her family — upsetting and confusing her mother.

“Michelle Knight has been discharged from MetroHealth. She is asking for her privacy at this time,” MetroHealth Hospital said in a statement Friday.

Earlier that day, the hospital released a statement saying that Knight, now 32, is in good spirits and grateful for flowers and gifts from well-wishers. They added that she is particularly thankful for the Cleveland Courage Fund….

Michelle Knight’s grandmother, Deborah Knight, told local station WOIO-TV that Knight the young woman’s face had been beaten so severely that she might need to undergo facial reconstruction surgery.

Knight, the first of the three victims, was likely subjected to additional physical abuse at the age of 20 — before Gina DeJesus and Amanda Berry joined her in the home on Seymour Ave. in Cleveland.

Large awareness campaigns were launched to find Gina DeJesus and Amanda Berry, the other victims, but Knight’s case was largely dismissed as a runaway case. She was removed from the FBI’s list of missing people after 15 months.

Hall: victims say abused at BBC, Ritual killing accused found hanged, How Commune Became Cult Movie, Lost in the Mall Critique, Women forced into sex 25 times a day

May 4, 2013 Comments Off on Hall: victims say abused at BBC, Ritual killing accused found hanged, How Commune Became Cult Movie, Lost in the Mall Critique, Women forced into sex 25 times a day

– Stuart Hall: victims say they were abused at BBC
– Ritual killing accused found hanged
– Chile ‘Devil Baby’ Murder: Cult Leader Who Sacrificed Three-Day-Old Child Found Dead in Peru
– Movie Review  How Commune Became Cult
– U.S.: Women forced into sex 25 times a day

Stuart Hall: victims say they were abused at BBC
Steven Swinford – 03 May 2013

Two of his victims have come forward to say they were sexually abused by Hall in the 1960s and 1970s after he was hired for their school prizegivings.

Hall invited both girls to the BBC’s Manchester headquarters after promising that he would help them with their careers. One victim said Hall plied her with “plenty of champagne” before raping her in his dressing room.

Another said Hall sexually assaulted her in his car after inviting her to a “mocked up” studio session at the corporation’s Manchester studios.

Both said Hall was helped by his friends, amid growing concerns that other staff at BBC may have turned a blind eye to the abuse.

Angie Bray, a Conservative member of the culture, media and sport select committee, said: “They have to look at this all over again. Depressingly, we see a pattern developing. Jimmy Savile is not just a one-off.”

The investigation into Hall’s activities began after one of his victims wrote an anonymous letter to a columnist at The Independent newspaper.

She said that she had been groomed and sexually abused by Hall after meeting him at her school prize-giving in the 1970s, when he was a presenter on Look North, a local BBC news programme.

Hall told her headmaster he was “impressed” and thought she could have a “future in television journalism”, inviting her back to the BBC’s studios.

She said:”I was young for my years and easy meat for a man like him,” the woman wrote. To have a man of my father’s age take a benevolent interest in me seemed wonderful.

“Sadly the world is too full of girls (and boys) who are looking for love, and find out too late that they have found sex with a predator instead.”….

Ritual killing accused found hanged
   02 May 2013

The body of a Chilean man accused in the ritual killing of a three-day-old boy has been found hanged in an abandoned house in Peru.
Ramon Castillo, 36, was found hanging from a beam on the second floor of the house in the highlands city of Cuzco.

He was wearing jeans, a gray jacket, a cap, shoes and a backpack, General Javier Avalos, the regional police chief, said.

He said the body was identified through fingerprints that Chile sent via Interpol. He said it was too early to say whether Castillo’s death was suicide….

Chile ‘Devil Baby’ Murder: Cult Leader Who Sacrificed Three-Day-Old Child Found Dead
in Peru   By Drishya Nair    May 3, 2013
A Chilean man accused of “sacrificing” a three-day-old baby girl has been found hanged in an abandoned house in Peru.

Ramon Gustavo Castillo Gaete, 36, is believed to have been the leader of a 12-member cult that declared the baby girl the anti-Christ and killed her by burning her alive.

The incident took place on 23 November, in the town of Colliguay. Gaete has been on the run since February.
Ramon Gustavo Castillo Gaete was found dead in the second floor of an abandoned house in Peru….

Movie Review
How Commune Became Cult
‘The Source Family,’ a Documentary on Father Yod
Jim Baker, also known as Father Yod, center, used his Hollywood health food restaurant to recruit members for what became the Source Family.

For anyone looking to teach a master class in brainwashing techniques, “The Source Family” might be an excellent place to start. Documenting the hippy-dippy lifestyle and hedonistic principles of Hollywood’s favorite 1970s cult — led by the self-professed guru and suspected bank robber Jim Baker, a k a Father Yod — Maria Demopoulos and Jodi Wille’s disturbing film is an object lesson in psychological manipulation.

Working a powerful combo of personal magnetism and easy-to-digest philosophies — what young person doesn’t want to hear that marijuana-enhanced sex is the purest route to enlightenment? — Mr. Baker became the “superrich father” to a band of gorgeous devotees (not a few of them underage girls)….


By: Wendy Murphy, JD; Megan Mitchell, JD (expected 2013); Alexa Sardina, PhD
(expected 2014)

Study Name and citation : Loftus, E. & Pickrell, J. E. (1995). The Formation of False Memories.  Psychiatric Annals, 25(12), 720-725.
(Commonly known as the “Lost in the Mall”  study).

Theory Advanced by the Study: False childhood memories can be implanted into adults by repeatedly stating the false memory as true.

Conclusion: The study’s theory and methodology are not reliable under either Frye or Daubert standards.

….For example, any attempt to use the Lost in the Mall study to prove or disprove that a person is telling the truth about sexual abuse should be unsuccessful simply because memories about getting lost in a mall have nothing to do with memories of being sexually or physically violated.   Put another way, the capacity to make a person falsely believe they were once lost in a mall does not “fit” and bears no relevance in a dispute over whether a person can be made to falsely believe they were sexually abused as a child.

U.S.: Women forced into sex 25 times a day

Associated Press Wed May 1, 2013 12:57 PM

NEW YORK — The young Mexican women were driven to rural New Jersey, where their handlers used threats to make them have sex with 25 farmworkers a day. Or they were confined to dingy brothels in the New York City area that advertised their services with “chica cards,” business cards passed out on street corners to attract customers. They were paid very little, or nothing at all.

U.S. authorities detailed their ordeal in a criminal complaint charging 13 people with smuggling dozens into the United States and forcing them into prostitution. Some of the defendants were to appear Wednesday in federal court in Manhattan to face multiple counts including sex trafficking and interstate transportation for prostitution.

The ring “lured their unsuspecting victims to the United States and then consigned them to a living hell,” U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said in a statement.

The investigation was among several aimed at “blockading the repugnant sex trafficking corridor” used to exploit victims from Tenancingo, Mexico, said James Hayes, head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement in New York….

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