Paedo MP cover-up claim: Top cop removed from sex abuse probe after naming politicians as suspects, Anger rises in Gabon after rash of ritual killings, Ritual Abuse Crimes, Ritual Abuse Legal Codes

March 27, 2013 Comments Off on Paedo MP cover-up claim: Top cop removed from sex abuse probe after naming politicians as suspects, Anger rises in Gabon after rash of ritual killings, Ritual Abuse Crimes, Ritual Abuse Legal Codes

Paedo MP cover-up claim: Top cop removed from sex abuse probe after naming politicians as suspects
By Tom Pettifor 26 Mar 2013

The officer suddenly found himself booted off the case and put on a disciplinary after revealing ­politicians were among the suspects

Tasked with flushing out ­paedophiles preying on vulnerable youngsters at children’s homes, Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll relished the challenge.

But the officer suddenly found himself booted off the case and put on a ­disciplinary after revealing ­politicians were named among the suspects. At least one of the figures is understood to have been an MP.

And former Labour councillor Anna Tapsell claims she was visited by a police chief to “warn her off” after she raised concerns that detectives would not ­properly investigate allegations of ­paedophile activity in care homes.

Mr Driscoll launched his probe into child sex abuse claims in the South London borough of Lambeth in 1998. But he claims Scotland Yard began meddling as soon as the politicians were named….

The Met set up a five year investigation into sexual abuse linked to Lambeth social care called Operation Middleton. It was a joint probe with the council and was based in the town hall, leading to criticism that the Met were working too closely with the organisation that had employed abusers.

Officers traced 200 victims between 1998 to 2003 and the probe secured three convictions. A total of 19 suspects were never identified, fuelling fears a ­paedophile ring had operated involving men from outside the care system.

Michael John Carroll, the former boss of the Angell Road home, was arrested in 1998 by Merseyside police for abuse spanning decades. By that time Ms Tapsell had spent more than 10 years highlighting his case after she discovered Lambeth bosses let him run children’s homes until 1991 despite ­executives learning in 1986 he was a convicted ­paedophile.

In 1994, she wrote to Elizabeth Appleby QC, who had been ­commissioned to head a probe into sex abuse and misconduct in the borough. Ms Tapsell told the judge that Carroll, who had not at that point been arrested, was “protected” by Lambeth social ­services bosses along with paedophile Les Paul who worked in South Vale.

Paul was jailed for two and a half years in 1994 for abusing three boys including one from the children’s home. Ms Tapsell wrote: “Les Paul took little boys home and on holiday, just as Carroll did with the full knowledge of area staff. The examples are numerous.

“Almost all the internal abuse issues have involved collusion across divisions.
“I have no doubt Angell Road may have been used for organised child abuse which involved adults other than staff. “This view is reinforced by the strong investment that officers and politicians have in blocking any effective investigation.”….

Anger rises in Gabon after rash of ritual killings
By Jean Rovys Dabany Reuters 3/26/13

LIBREVILLE (Reuters) – A rising number of mutilated bodies washing up on Gabon’s beaches this year has sown fear in the normally sleepy capital Libreville of a resurgence in ritual killings.

The body parts of humans and animals are prized by some in central Africa for their supposed supernatural powers, including among some politicians bent on gaining influence.

“We have seen 20 killings since the start of the year,” said Jean-Elvis Ebang Ondo, the president of Gabon’s Association for the Prevention of Ritual Crimes, in Libreville….

“The phenomenon of ritual crimes is real. But no one here is willing to turn anyone else in for fear they too will be in danger,” said a member of parliament, who asked that his name not be used for fear of reprisals.

In the most high-profile ritual murder court case in Gabon to date, a convicted killer accused a Gabonese senator of ordering the 2009 murder of a 12-year-old girl for her organs.

The senator’s immunity was lifted after the accusation was made late last year, but he has not been indicted. The senator has denied any involvement….

Criminal sentence – Colin David Batley – court  Swansea Crown Court
Colin David Batley….
Total Sentence : 11 Years…

Distinguishing Features/Facts : He was the leader of a cult which operated as a paedophile ring sexually abusing children, both male and female, as young as 10-years-old over a period of at least 10-years. Children were told if they behaved and did what they were told that they would be rewarded in the afterlife by going to ‘The Palace’ where they would be looked after by the gods, otherwise they would fall into the abyss. They were also threatened with assassination by the cult. Two female victims became pregnant as a result of the rapes and were told children conceived within the cult belonged to the cult. One of the victims went to the police fearing her child would also become a victim of the cult.

He faced 36 charges and was sentenced on 35 offences. He was found not guilty of one count of rape which he faced with a co-defendant and he pleaded guilty to an indecent assault….

Blood-drinking devil worshippers face life for ritual Satanic killing
Murder trial reveals sinister link to British vampire groups     John Hooper in Berlin
The Guardian, Thursday 31 January 2002

A young married couple who admitted to a ritual Satanic killing were yesterday told they could spend the rest of their lives in a secure psychiatric unit after a trial which has raised the spectre of bizarre underground occult groups in Britain.

Manuela Ruda, aged 23, who told a German court she had become a vampire in London, and her husband, Daniel, aged 26, were given prison sentences of 13 and 15 years respectively after admitting to the hacking to death of a friend in their flat in Witten, in the Ruhr valley.
….The couple stabbed Hackert 66 times, carving an occult pentagram on his chest and collecting his blood in a bowl and then drinking it. When police broke into the flat they found a scalpel still embedded in his stomach with his body lying beneath a banner saying “When Satan Lives”.

They also found imitation human skulls and a coffin in which Manuela slept during the day….

Neither of the two self-styled devil worshippers showed the slightest emotion as the sentences were read out to a courtroom dotted with supporters and admirers of the bizarre couple, many dressed in black and holding roses.

….When she was on the stand, Manuela’s lawyer asked her if she had actually signed over her soul to the devil. “That was two-and-a-half years ago, on the night before Halloween,” she replied, adding in quasi-Biblical language: “That was when I placed myself in, and swore myself, to, the service of our Lord, his will to perform.”

Her Lord, though, was Satan, and he had come to play a big role too in the life of Daniel, the car parts salesman she met through an advert he placed in a heavy metal magazine in August 2000. “Pitch-black vampire seeks princess of darkness who hates everything and everyone,” he wrote.

She and her husband were arrested after being spotted at a petrol station after a nationwide manhunt. Police found a list in their flat of their intended future victims. There were 16 names on it.

Manuela, in verbal testimony, and Daniel, in a statement read to the court, both denied murder on the grounds that they were acting on a command from a higher authority. “I got the order to sacrifice a human for Satan,” Daniel insisted.

Argentinean courts confirm boy was killed in satanic ritual
Buenos Aires, Argentina, Jan 28, 2008 (CNA)

In Argentina the trial of Cesar Beguiristain has begun, the 20 year-old leader of an Afro-Brazilian, satanic cult accused of carrying out the ritual killing of a 12 year-old street boy. Last week Beguiristain confessed to killing “Ramoncito,” a street boy who the cult leader said “had agreed to sell his soul to the devil.”

….According to prosecutor Gustavo Schmitt, Beguiristain “broke down and confessed to decapitating the boy, but he claimed that it was not his idea and that he was hired to do the killing during a satanic game.”

Schmitt said seven people have been detained in the case, but that authorities are still seeking other individuals “who organized and financed the murder.”
….According to the investigation, the boy was raped, decapitated and dismembered in an Afro-Brazilian ritual. The witness to the crime said the method of killing caused the boy immense pain and was a source of excitement for his killers….

National Center for Prosecution of Child Abuse
National District Attorneys Association

(1) A person is guilty of a felony when he commits any of the following acts with, upon, or in the presence of a child as part of a ceremony, rite or any similar observance:
(a) Actually or in simulation, tortures, mutilates or sacrifices any warm blooded animal or human being;
(b) Forces ingestion, injection or other application of any narcotic, drug, hallucinogen or
anaesthetic for the purpose of dulling sensitivity, cognition, recollection of, or resistance to any criminal activity;
(c) Forces ingestion, or external application, of human or animal urine, feces, flesh, blood, bones, body secretions, nonprescribed drugs or chemical compounds; (d) Involves the child in a mock, unauthorized or unlawful marriage ceremony with another person or representation of any force or deity, followed by sexual contact with the child;
(e) Places a living child into a coffin or open grave containing a human corpse or remains;
(f) Threatens death or serious harm to a child, his parents, family, pets or friends which instills a well founded fear in the child that the threat will be carried out; or
(g) Unlawfully dissects, mutilates, or incinerates a human corpse.

33. Ritualized abuse of a child. (a) A person is guilty of ritualized abuse of a child when
he or she commits any of the following acts with, upon, or in the presence of a child as part of a ceremony, rite or any similar observance: (1) actually or in simulation, tortures, mutilates, or sacrifices any warm blooded animal or human being;
(2) forces ingestion, injection or other application of any narcotic, drug, hallucinogen or
anaesthetic for the purpose of dulling sensitivity, cognition, recollection of, or resistance to any criminal activity;
(3) forces ingestion, or external application, of human or animal urine, feces, flesh, blood, bones,
body secretions, nonprescribed drugs or chemical compounds;
(4) involves the child in a mock, unauthorized or unlawful marriage ceremony with another person or representation of any force or deity, followed by sexual contact with the child;
(5) places a living child into a coffin or open grave containing a human corpse or remains;
(6) threatens death or serious harm to a child, his or her parents, family, pets, or friends that instills a well founded fear in the child that the threat will be carried out; or
(7) unlawfully dissects, mutilates, or incinerates a human corpse.

A. (1) The legislature hereby finds that this enactment is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, morals, safety, and welfare and for the support of state government and its existing public institutions.
(2) The legislature further recognizes that:
(a) The preamble to the Constitution of Louisiana affirmatively states “We, the people of
Louisiana, grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political, economic, and religious liberties we enjoy, and desiring to protect individual rights to life, liberty, and property; afford opportunity for the fullest development of the individual; assure equality of rights; promote the health, safety, education, and welfare of the people; maintain a representative and orderly government; ensure
domestic tranquility; provide for the common defense; and secure the blessings of freedom and justice to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establis
h this constitution.”
(b) The state, under its police power, may enact laws in order to promote public peace, health, morals, and safety.
B. (1) For purposes of this Subsection, “ritualistic acts” means those acts undertaken as part of a ceremony, rite, initiation, observance, performance, or practice that result in or are intended to result in:
(a) The mutilation, dismemberment, torture, abuse, or sacrifice of animals.
(b) The ingestion of human or animal blood or human or animal waste.
(2) The acts defined in this Subsection are hereby determined to be destructive of the peace, health, morals, and safety of the citizens of this state and are hereby prohibited.
(3) Any person committing, attempting to commit, or conspiring with another to commit a ritualistic act may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five years or fined not more than five thousand dollars, or both.
C. (1) No person shall commit ritualistic mutilation, dismemberment, or torture of a human as part of a ceremony, rite, initiation, observance, performance, or practice.
(2) No person shall commit ritualistic sexual abuse of children or of physically or mentally disabled adults as part of a ceremony, rite, initiation, observance, performance, or practice.
(3) No person shall commit ritualistic psychological abuse of children or of physically or
mentally disabled adults as part of a ceremony, rite, initiation, observance, performance, or practice.
(4) Any person who commits, attempts to commit, or conspires with another to comm
it a violation of this Subsection shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not less than five nor more
than twenty five years and may be fined not more than twenty five thousand dollars.
D. Each violation that occurs under the provisions of this Section shall be considered a separate violation.
E. The provisions of this Section shall not be construed to apply to generally accepted agricultural or horticultural practices and specifically the branding or identification of livestock.
F. The provisions of this Section shall not be construed to apply to any state or federally
approved, licensed, or funded research project.

(1) A person commits the offense of ritual abuse of a minor if the person purposely or knowingly and as part of any ceremony, rite, or ritual or of any training or practice for any ceremony, rite, or ritual:
(a) has sexual intercourse without consent with a per
son less than 16 years of age; commits assault, aggravated assault, assault on a minor, or assault with a weapon against a victim less than 16 years of age; or kills a person less than 16 years of age;
(b) actually or by simulation tortures, mutilates, or sacrifices an animal or person in the presence of the minor;
(c) dissects, mutilates, or incinerates a human corpse or remains in the presence of the minor;
(d) forces upon the minor or upon another person in the presence of a minor the ingestion or the external bodily application of human or animal urine, feces, flesh, blood, bone, or bodily secretions or drugs or chemical compounds;
(e) places a living minor or another living person in the presence of a minor in a coffin or open grave that is empty or that contains a human corpse or remains; or
(f) threatens the minor or, in the presence of the minor, threatens any person or animal with death or serious bodily harm and the minor reasonably believes that the threat will or may be carried out.

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