PTSD In The Wake Of Abuse Is A Reality For Many Women, Sexual Abuse By Priest, Stop Mind Control and Ritual Abuse Today, Hypnosis in MPD

October 13, 2016 Comments Off on PTSD In The Wake Of Abuse Is A Reality For Many Women, Sexual Abuse By Priest, Stop Mind Control and Ritual Abuse Today, Hypnosis in MPD

– PTSD In The Wake Of Abuse Is A Reality For Many Women
– ‘I Knew It Wasn’t Right’: Winona Woman Speaks Out About Sexual Abuse By Priest
– Stop Mind Control and Ritual Abuse Today
– Becoming Yourself: Overcoming Mind Control and Ritual Abuse by Alison Miller
– Hypnosis in MPD : Ritual Abuse, Greenbaum Speech, Mind Control Programming
– The Power of Story  An Interview with Neil Brick – Facing Down Fears

Has graphic descriptions of violence
PTSD In The Wake Of Abuse Is A Reality For Many Women

Lauren Messervey 10/12/2016

Teal Swan was only six years old when she found herself in the hands of her abuser and forced into a nightmarish world that a lot of people were unwilling (or unable) to believe. For the better part of 13 years, she was was raped, beaten and psychologically tortured by people who she was told to trust. It wasn’t until she was 19 that she was able to escape.

This story of specific ritualistic abuse is unique to Teal’s struggle, but the heart of the issue is something that millions of people experience….

Teal was entrusted to an acquaintance of her family who claimed he could help her become healthier and better adjusted. Instead of helping her, Teal was inducted into two groups of deranged adults who participated in religious blood sacrifice and ritual.

“When I was 12, I was placed on a metal table in a veterinary office after hours,” says Teal. “The cult trainer of the group had black mesh over his face. He hooked me up to electrodes, placing gel under each one and used an old projector to project images of dead animal carcasses onto the wall in front of me. Every time he would change the slide on the projector screen, he would shock me. He kept saying ‘Look what you did,’ over and over, trying to suggest that I had killed all of those animals.”….

‘I Knew It Wasn’t Right’: Winona Woman Speaks Out About Sexual Abuse By Priest
October 11, 2016 By Liz Collin
WINONA, Minn. (WCCO) — A Minnesota woman calls it the untold story in the Catholic Church sex abuse scandal. Jeanie Hansen says a priest beat and raped her when she went to college in Winona. Other women came forward with similar claims against the same man but the priest was never publicly named as doing anything wrong….

She pursued a career in religious administration at St. Teresa’s in the late 70s.  She met Father John Surprenant, the chaplain at the college, in her second year….

It’s why her junior year when she was 20 years old, Hansen stopped by one winter night.  She remembers having trouble with her boyfriend back home at the time.  She says Surprenant told her she struggled receiving male affection as he started to kiss her. “I knew it wasn’t right. I knew a priest shouldn’t be doing that,” Hansen said….

More than 850 people came forward in all as part of the Child Victim’s Act.  Five hundred were claims made against Minnesota Catholic clergy. A civil lawsuit was filed against Surprenant for forcing a female teenager to have sex with him for three years, and exploiting other students.  It was the second case in 1987 charging the Winona Diocese for negligently failing to prevent a priest from committing sexual abuse….

Stop Mind Control and Ritual Abuse Today

S.M.A.R.T. ritual abuse newsletter was founded in 1995 by Neil Brick. The purpose of S.M.A.R.T. is to help stop ritual abuse and child abuse and to help those who have been ritually abused.  We work toward this goal by disseminating information on the connections between secretive organizations, ritual abuse, and mind control, by encouraging healing from the damage done by child abuse, ritual abuse and mind control, and by encouraging survivors to network.

We publish scientific information about ritual abuse and trauma crimes.
We have a web site at , a bimonthly newsletter, an e-mail discussion list, and annual conferences.

Becoming Yourself: Overcoming Mind Control and Ritual Abuse by Alison Miller
Audio versions
Becoming Yourself: Overcoming Mind Control and Ritual Abuse – part 1 – YouTube

Becoming Yourself: Overcoming Mind Control and Ritual Abuse – part 2 – YouTube

In contrast to the author’s previous book, Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control, which was for therapists, this book is designed for survivors of these abuses.
It takes the survivor systematically through understanding the abuses and how his or her symptoms may be consequences of these abuses, and gives practical advice regarding how a survivor can achieve stability and manage the life issues with which he or she may have difficulty.

The book also teaches the survivor how to work with his or her complex personality system and with the traumatic memories, to heal the wounds created by the abuse.
A unique feature of this book is that it addresses the reader as if he or she is dissociative, and directs some information and exercises towards the internal leaders of the personality system, teaching them how to build a cooperative and healing inner community within which information is shared, each part’s needs are met, and traumatic memories can be worked through successfully.

Hypnosis in MPD : Ritual Abuse, Greenbaum Speech, Mind Control Programming

also at:

Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse. The Greenbaum Speech.
audio recording:

The Power of Story  An Interview with Neil Brick – Facing Down Fears

Boston Archdiocese settles with 7 alleged victims of clergy abuse, Globe’s Spotlight team on clergy sex abuse, “Kots Kaal Pato” ritual of animal murdering is banned

March 30, 2016 Comments Off on Boston Archdiocese settles with 7 alleged victims of clergy abuse, Globe’s Spotlight team on clergy sex abuse, “Kots Kaal Pato” ritual of animal murdering is banned

Boston Archdiocese settles with 7 alleged victims of clergy abuse
By Brian MacQuarrie Globe Staff  March 28, 2016

The Archdiocese of Boston has agreed to settlements involving cash and counseling with seven people who say they were sexually abused by priests, including one case that stretches back to the 1930s, according to the attorney for the alleged victims.

Two other settlements with religious orders have been reached in cases involving priests who allegedly abused victims while they worked in the archdiocese, according to the attorney, Mitchell Garabedian.

Another, separate settlement with the Carmelite Order involved a brother who had been accused of abuse in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles before being assigned to a chapel at the Northshore Mall in Peabody.

In all, the 10 settlements paid $778,500 and involved allegations of sexual abuse in every decade from the 1930s through the 1980s, Garabedian said. The attorney said he also reached agreements in six other cases across the country, including four in New Jersey.

The agreements carried no admission of liability.
Recent priest abuse settlements

The settlements are the latest reminders of the breadth of the crisis that rocked the archdiocese after the Globe reported in 2002 that abuse had occurred over decades, and that church officials transferred abusive priests to other parishes and routinely hid cases from the public and parishioners.

The Globe’s investigation into the abuse was chronicled in the movie “Spotlight” and earned the newspaper a Pulitzer Prize in 2003…..

Key reports from Globe’s Spotlight team on clergy sex abuse

March 11, 2016

The Boston Globe’s 2001-2002 investigation into sexual abuses by clergy in the Catholic Church resulted in more than 600 stories, with eight Globe reporters playing key roles. The first history-changing report was the work of Spotlight editor Walter V. Robinson, and reporters Sacha Pfeiffer, Michael Rezendes, and Matt Carroll. As the scope of the story widened, four other reporters joined the effort: Stephen Kurkjian, Thomas Farragher, Michael Paulson, and Kevin Cullen.

Here is a sampling of their work:

1. This Globe column by Eileen McNamara got the investigation rolling when new Globe editor Martin Baron read it in July 2001 and asked the Spotlight Team to pursue a wider look at abusive priests and what the church leadership knew.

2. The story that changed everything: The Spotlight Team’s first major report, published Jan. 6, 2002.

3. A few weeks later, the Spotlight Team widened the horrifying picture to include scores of priests.

2002: Church allowed abuse by priest for years
Why did it take a succession of three cardinals and many bishops 34 years to place children out of John J. Geoghan’s reach?
2002: Scores of priests involved in sex abuse cases
More on the story behind the ‘Spotlight’ movie

“Kots Kaal Pato” ritual of animal murdering is finally banned
By Yucatan Times
Wed, Mar 23rd, 2016

Almost one year after the online magazine Vice published an article about an unknown tradition practiced in a small town in Yucatan: “Kots Kaal Pato”, this barbaric practice has been finally prohibited by the local and state authorities.

This ritual that takes place in the town of Citilcum involved filling up piñatas with small animals, like iguanas, birds, kittens and possums, and beating them to dead….

Local animal shelters and pro animal defense groups took notice immediately and began to collect signatures through the website in order to ban this barbaric tradition. The online petition reached more than 750,000 signatures from around the world and even Mexican celebrities, like Eugenio Derbez and Sasha Sokol, helped gathered signatures through twitter. However, the government kept silent and it seemed there was no finding a solution.

Finally, with the help of the Humane Society International (HSI), local church members, pro animal defense groups, animal shelters, and the Municipality of Izamal, Kots Kaal Pato will be officially banned on April 23, almost a year after the article was published in Vice (May, 2015). As part of the agreement with HIS, authorities will only promote the organization of traditions in which no animals will be injured or killed….

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