Sir Edward Heath satanic sex cult 16 child murders, Alleged MS-13 gang members accused in Houston woman’s ‘Satanic’ murder

March 3, 2017 Comments Off on Sir Edward Heath satanic sex cult 16 child murders, Alleged MS-13 gang members accused in Houston woman’s ‘Satanic’ murder

Group of women who say they were abused by Sir Edward Heath also claim their parents ran a satanic sex cult that was involved in SIXTEEN child murders
They say that the cult regularly slaughtered children as ritual sacrifices in church
The woman claim that the former prime minister was part of a paedophile ring
If the allegations are true it would make the cult the worst child murderers in British history
By Rebecca Camber for the Daily Mail  19 February 2017
A group of women who say Sir Edward Heath abused them as children have also accused their parents of being involved in up to 16 murders.

The farce came as police probe incredible claims that the former prime minister was linked to a paedophile ring that killed as many as 16 children – which would make them the worst child murderers in British history.

The seemingly far-fetched allegations have been made by a family who allege that the politician was part of a satanic sex cult run by their own parents.

They say that the cult regularly slaughtered children as ritual sacrifices in churches and forests around southern England and also participated in similar ceremonies in Africa.

They claim their mother and father – who is said to have known the former Conservative leader – were responsible for slaughtering children ranging from babies to teenagers – yet they evaded justice.

The paedophile ring – which they say Sir Edward was part of – stabbed, tortured and maimed youngsters in churches and burnt babies in satanic orgies before men, women and children gorged themselves on blood and body parts, police have been told….

The godson of Sir Edward Heath reacted angrily yesterday after it was claimed that a police chief is ‘120 per cent’ sure that sex abuse allegations against the former prime minister are genuine.

Wiltshire Chief Constable Mike Veale was reported to believe child abuse allegations against the late politician – which include lurid tales of satanic child slaughter – are ‘totally convincing’.

Mr Veale, whose force has been investigating the claims for 18 months, is also said to believe that Sir Edward was a paedophile whose crimes were covered up.

Police have established that, contrary to claims that Sir Edward could not have committed the crimes because he never drove a car and always had a police driver with him, he did drive and once had a car.

Alleged MS-13 gang members accused in Houston woman’s ‘Satanic’ murder

March 02, 2017
Two alleged MS-123 gang members, Diego Hernandez-Riversa, 18, and Miguel Alvarez-Flores, 22, were charged Wednesday in a case involving the killing of a Hispanic woman in Houston as part of a “Satanic” ritual.

The pair had been arrested Monday and charged the following day with aggravated kidnapping in a different case.
The MS-13 gang, also known as the Mara Salvatrucha, has roots in El Salvador and a violent record in several countries. The MS-13 first reached into the U.S. in the 1980s and has become a notorious international street gang.

According to court documents, a 14-year-old girl was kidnapped by the men, forced to ingest drugs and alcohol and sexually assaulted.
In the other case, Hernandez-Rivera and Alvarez-Flores allegedly kidnapped a male victim around Feb. 2 with the intent to inflict bodily injury, sexually abuse and terrorize him, according to court documents.

According to the teenage girl’s testimony to police, inside the apartment was a shrine dedicated to the gang member’s Satanic beliefs.

At one point, the girl whose body was discovered — known as ‘Genesis’ in court documents — spoke out of turn in anger against the gang members’ devil worship.

When the teen awoke the next morning, Genesis was gone…. 

Paedophile ring headed by a senior Anglican priest forced children at a boys’ home to have group sex in a locked room

August 10, 2016 Comments Off on Paedophile ring headed by a senior Anglican priest forced children at a boys’ home to have group sex in a locked room

Paedophile ring headed by a senior Anglican priest forced children at a boys’ home to have group sex in a locked room – and cut them to symbolise ‘the blood of Christ’

A paedophile ring used an Anglican boys home to abuse children
St Alban’s Home in Newcastle was also used to gain access to the boys
Priest Peter Rushton is said to be the head of the paedophile ring
A two week hearing is being conducted by the Royal commission
Paul Gray testified to being raped by Rushton when he was 10

By Australian Associated Press And Cameron Phelps For Daily Mail Australia

2 August 2016

An Anglican home for boys in the Hunter region of NSW was used by a paedophile ring headed by a senior clergyman to access and sexually abuse children.

On Tuesday the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse opened a two-week hearing into what the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle did to stop priest Peter Rushton and a pedophile network of clergy and laypeople who preyed on children for decades.

Victim Paul Gray gave evidence and said he was taken to St Albans School for Boys in the Hunter Valley in the 1960s….

Amnesty demands investigation by UK child abuse inquiry of Kincora Boys’ Home, Mass priest defrocked for sexual abuse

April 1, 2016 Comments Off on Amnesty demands investigation by UK child abuse inquiry of Kincora Boys’ Home, Mass priest defrocked for sexual abuse

Paedophile child psychiatrist revelations – Amnesty demands investigation by UK child abuse inquiry
“It’s too late to save the children abused by Fraser. It’s not too late for the truth to come out.” – Patrick Corrigan

Amnesty International has called again for allegations of involvement by UK security services in child abuse at Kincora Boys’ Home in Northern Ireland to be investigated by the Westminster child abuse inquiry.

The latest Amnesty call comes as a new report reveals that Dr Morris Fraser, a child psychiatrist who has been linked to Kincora, and who was convicted of sexually assaulting a child while working for a Belfast hospital in 1972, was allowed to remain on the British medical register for 24 more years during which he was convicted on abuse charges on two further occasions.

Report author Dr Niall Meehan cites a number of sources linking Dr Fraser to abuse at Kincora Boys’ Home. Allegations have persisted for decades that a paedophile ring at Kincora Boys’ Home in Belfast was linked to the British intelligence services….

Three senior staff at Kincora – William McGrath, Raymond Semple and Joseph Mains – were jailed in 1981 for child abuse, but there have been suggestions of a mass cover-up by MI5, which was rumoured to be protecting high-ranking paedophiles in the military, Civil Service and politics.

One of the child sex abuse victims from Kincora is challenging the home’s exclusion from the inquiry in a judicial review being considered in Belfast High Court. Gary Hoy, who was abused by two of the men who were subsequently convicted, is taking legal action to force a full independent inquiry with the power to compel witnesses and the security services to hand over documents.

The judicial review case has heard allegations that MI5 was involved in covering up the sexual abuse of children in order to protect an intelligence-gathering operation it ran in the 1970s. A decision in the judicial review case is due to be delivered on April 8th.

Government papers disclosed last year revealed that the Belfast boys’ home was at the heart of correspondence involving the security services.

The papers also named former government figures alleged to have been involved in paedophile rings. These include the late Sir William van Straubenzee, who was a government minister in Northern Ireland between 1972-74 when the allegations of a paedophile ring at Kincora were first made; and Sir Peter Hayman, former deputy director of MI6.

Massachusetts priest defrocked for sexually abusing minor: archdiocese
BOSTON By Scott Malone  Thu Mar 31, 2016

A suburban Boston priest has been defrocked by the Vatican after an investigation by the Roman Catholic church found him guilty of child sexual abuse, the Boston Archdiocese said on Thursday.

The priest, Thomas H. Maguire, was serving as pastor of Saint Helen Mother of the Emperor Constantine church in Norwell, Massachusetts, about 25 miles (40 km) southeast of Boston, when he was accused in 2012 of inappropriate sexual activity with minors. Maguire was suspended from priestly duties at that time.

Police investigated that allegation but did not find evidence of a crime.

However, following the news of Maguire’s suspension, other people came forward to accuse him of sexual abuse dating to the mid-1990s and earlier, the Boston Archdiocese said in a statement.

A probe by church officials into those earlier allegations concluded that Maguire was guilty of abuse of a minor, the archdiocese said.

It was unclear if there was one or more victims, and the earlier incidents were too old to be criminally prosecuted….

The 2015 film “Spotlight,” which chronicled the Globe’s reporting of the clergy sex abuse scandal, earlier this year won the Academy Award for Best Picture.

The Vatican unveiled in 2014 that it had defrocked more than 800 priests since the start of the crisis.

Insurance experts told a Vatican conference in 2012 that as many as 100,000 U.S. children may have been the victims of clerical sex abuse. Some 12 U.S. dioceses have filed for bankruptcy since the scandal broke, in part due to more than $3 billion in settlements paid to victims.

Up to 85% of child abuse in England undetected study says, Paedophile ring used boys home

November 24, 2015 Comments Off on Up to 85% of child abuse in England undetected study says, Paedophile ring used boys home

“An ”organised ring” of paedophiles believed to include Anglican and Catholic clergy used a Sunday afternoon ”children’s Christian program” in the 1970s to sexually abuse boys at a church-run Wallsend boys home.”

Up to 85% of child abuse in England remains undetected, study says

Ben Quinn  Monday 23 November 2015

Urgent action is needed to identify and prevent child abuse according to a major new study that suggests only one in eight victims in England comes to the attention of authorities.

About 50,000 cases of sexual abuse were recorded by police and local authorities in the two years to March 2014 but the findings indicate that official figures vastly underestimate the true scale of child sexual abuse. The actual number of children abused in that period is thought to be as many as 450,000.

The report, by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner (OCC), found that about 85% of sexually abused young people are not receiving help and treatment.

The majority of victims remain unidentified because the services that should protect them, including police and social services, rely on children to speak out, says the report. Two-thirds of cases, both known and unknown to the authorities, are believed to be victims of abuse in the family.

Paedophile ring used boys home
September 23, 2013   Joanne McCarthy

An ”organised ring” of paedophiles believed to include Anglican and Catholic clergy used a Sunday afternoon ”children’s Christian program” in the 1970s to sexually abuse boys at a church-run Wallsend boys home.

”These men just came, got the boys, used them, and put them back,” said a Hunter woman whose husband has told the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sex Abuse he was sexually assaulted by multiple offenders at Woodlands Boys Home.

The United Protestant Association has issued an unreserved apology for the ”tragedy” of what occurred to child sex victims at Woodlands, where some of the smallest and youngest boys were targeted by the Sunday group.

”From what the victims have told us, these men changed from week to week, suggesting a larger, organised ring,” UPA general manager Steve Walkerden and after-care support worker Graham Hercus said on Friday.

”We are aware of a group of men who did come to the home in the 1970s for a number of years on a Sunday afternoon, ostensibly to conduct a children’s Christian program, but who routinely took smaller boys into downstairs rooms in the building and abused them.”

Anglican priest Peter Rushton – acknowledged by the church in 2010 as a sexual abuser of children – and ”volunteer carer” and convicted child sex offender Robert Holland, are believed to have taken boys from the home, or to have had links with Woodlands.

A third ”volunteer carer” at Woodlands was quietly convicted of child sex offences more than a decade ago….

”If the boys reported what happened, they were flogged. My husband can still hear it today, the screaming of the boys when they were taken downstairs and flogged for saying what had been done to them.”….

Aylesbury child sex abuse sentencing six men to jail for 82 years for abusing girls in Buckinghamshire, Man convicted in Satanic hotel slayings in Barrie appeals, Man charged with attempted murder

September 9, 2015 Comments Off on Aylesbury child sex abuse sentencing six men to jail for 82 years for abusing girls in Buckinghamshire, Man convicted in Satanic hotel slayings in Barrie appeals, Man charged with attempted murder

– Aylesbury child sex abuse: ‘bad parenting made girls vulnerable’
Judge made the comments while sentencing six men to jail for 82 years for abusing girls in Buckinghamshire
– Man convicted in Satanic hotel slayings in Barrie appeals
– Dobson guilty of first-degree murder in double Satanic slaying in Barrie
– Man charged with attempted murder
a crucifix which a witness stated Gonzalez had taped to the wall upside down, and what the witness said appeared to be a satanic altar which had teeth affixed to it

Aylesbury child sex abuse: ‘bad parenting made girls vulnerable’
Sep 8, 2015 Judge made the comments while sentencing six men to jail for 82 years for abusing girls in Buckinghamshire

Poor parenting made young girls vulnerable to sexual abuse committed by a gang of men in Buckinghamshire, a senior British judge said during sentencing.

Judge John Bevan QC said the attackers, who were all of Asian descent, may have targeted white girls because of the opportunity presented by “inadequate parenting leading to rebellious children”.

He made the comments as he sentenced six members of a paedophile ring in Aylesbury to a total of 82 years in prison for their roles in the child abuse, The Times reports.

The abuse occurred between 2006 and 2012 and included multiple rapes of a child under 13, child prostitution and administering a substance to “stupefy” a girl in order to engage in sexual activity.

The men groomed the vulnerable girls from troubled backgrounds for sex “for the price of a McDonald’s, a milkshake and cinema ticket,” said Judge Bevan. He added that if the men pursued Asian under-age girls, “they would have paid a heavy price in their community.”….

Man convicted in Satanic hotel slayings in Barrie appeals
Barrie Advance By Janis Ramsay   Sep 03, 2015

Mark Dobson is hoping a judge will find him not criminally responsible for the Satanic slayings he committed at a Barrie hotel in May, 2012.

He has appealed his conviction of two counts of first-degree murder while serving life behind bars and is awaiting a court date for his appeal to be heard.

Dobson, 25, was handed the life sentence in jail in January for killing Helen Dorrington, 52, and 32-year-old Mary Hepburn at a Bayfield Street hotel.

Dobson, from British Columbia, met the women through a website called Joy of Satan.

He ended up living with Hepburn in Barrie and Dorrington travelled from Alberta to take part in a suicide pact with the pair.

Court was told Dobson was under orders of the gods of Hell when he killed the women so they could go to another planet and on to paradise. His suicide attempt failed and he was arrested in the blood-soaked motel room….

Dobson guilty of first-degree murder in double Satanic slaying in Barrie

Barrie suicide-pact killer tells judge he believed he did “the right thing”
Barrie Advance By Rick Vanderlinde   Jan 15, 2015

…. Dobson’s defence lawyer Mitch Eisen claimed he was unable to appreciate the significance of the acts because he suffers from schizophrenia and argued his client was not criminally responsible.

However, Justice J.A Watt rejected that claim this morning and found Dobson guilty of two counts of first-degree murder, which carries an automatic life sentence without chance of parole until 25 years.

“Nothing supports that Mark Dobson did not appreciate that he was cutting the throats of  Helen Dorrington and Mary Hepburn. That was his very purpose,” Watt said.

Watt agreed Dobson has likely been suffering from schizophrenia for years, but determined he knew and appreciated the murders were against the law and morally wrong.

“The existence of a mental disorder does not (excuse) anyone from criminal responsibility,’ Watt said in his ruling. “It’s only if it renders the person incapable of knowing the act was wrong.”

Watt said evidence throughout the trial showed Dobson himself understood the significance of his crimes when he made admissions to paramedics, hospital staff and ultimately a Barrie police detective.

“In a police interview he said it didn’t matter what happened to him. He said he thought he’d get the death penalty or life in prison. He was willing to accept that. Mark Dobson said: ‘I’ll be looked at as a monster. I know that.’”

At one point after his arrest, Dobson was asked by a psychiatrist if he would have carried out the murders if there was a police officer standing in the room.

“Mark Dobson said he would have waited because the officer would have seen it as murder,” Watt said.

Watt also noted that Dobson had mentioned on more than one occasion that he would prefer to be found not criminally responsible so he would go to a psychiatric hospital instead of prison….

Man charged with attempted murder
Accused of throwing a knife at a woman September 2nd, 2015
Staff Report
PACOLET — A resident of the Pacolet community was charged with attempted murder by the Union County Sheriff’s Office on Monday.

Luis Angel Gonzalez, 18, of 166 Cedar Lane, Pacolet, was charged with attempted murder around 2 a.m. Aug. 31.

Union County Deputies responded to the Cedar Lane residence for an assault involving a knife, and while en route, deputies were advised that Gonzalez had run into the woods. When officers arrived, they were met by four people who stated Gonzalez had assaulted a woman by throwing a knife at her….

A man turned over the knife Gonzalez allegedly threw at the woman, a crucifix which a witness stated Gonzalez had taped to the wall upside down, and what the witness said appeared to be a satanic altar which had teeth affixed to it. Deputies took the altar and knife as evidence and photographed the crucifix….
Aylesbury child sex abuse – six men – 82 years, Double Satanic hotel slayings

Aylesbury child sex abuse sentencing six men to jail for 82 years for abusing girls in Buckinghamshire, Man convicted in Satanic hotel slayings in Barrie appeals, Man charged with attempted murder

– Aylesbury child sex abuse: ‘bad parenting made girls vulnerable’
Judge made the comments while sentencing six men to jail for 82 years for abusing girls in Buckinghamshire
– Man convicted in Satanic hotel slayings in Barrie appeals
– Dobson guilty of first-degree murder in double Satanic slaying in Barrie
– Man charged with attempted murder
a crucifix which a witness stated Gonzalez had taped to the wall upside down, and what the witness said appeared to be a satanic altar which had teeth affixed to it

Aylesbury child sex abuse: ‘bad parenting made girls vulnerable’
Sep 8, 2015 Judge made the comments while sentencing six men to jail for 82 years for abusing girls in Buckinghamshire

Poor parenting made young girls vulnerable to sexual abuse committed by a gang of men in Buckinghamshire, a senior British judge said during sentencing.

Judge John Bevan QC said the attackers, who were all of Asian descent, may have targeted white girls because of the opportunity presented by “inadequate parenting leading to rebellious children”.

He made the comments as he sentenced six members of a paedophile ring in Aylesbury to a total of 82 years in prison for their roles in the child abuse, The Times reports.

The abuse occurred between 2006 and 2012 and included multiple rapes of a child under 13, child prostitution and administering a substance to “stupefy” a girl in order to engage in sexual activity.

The men groomed the vulnerable girls from troubled backgrounds for sex “for the price of a McDonald’s, a milkshake and cinema ticket,” said Judge Bevan. He added that if the men pursued Asian under-age girls, “they would have paid a heavy price in their community.”….

Man convicted in Satanic hotel slayings in Barrie appeals
Barrie Advance By Janis Ramsay   Sep 03, 2015

Mark Dobson is hoping a judge will find him not criminally responsible for the Satanic slayings he committed at a Barrie hotel in May, 2012.

He has appealed his conviction of two counts of first-degree murder while serving life behind bars and is awaiting a court date for his appeal to be heard.

Dobson, 25, was handed the life sentence in jail in January for killing Helen Dorrington, 52, and 32-year-old Mary Hepburn at a Bayfield Street hotel.

Dobson, from British Columbia, met the women through a website called Joy of Satan.

He ended up living with Hepburn in Barrie and Dorrington travelled from Alberta to take part in a suicide pact with the pair.

Court was told Dobson was under orders of the gods of Hell when he killed the women so they could go to another planet and on to paradise. His suicide attempt failed and he was arrested in the blood-soaked motel room….

Dobson guilty of first-degree murder in double Satanic slaying in Barrie

Barrie suicide-pact killer tells judge he believed he did “the right thing”
Barrie Advance By Rick Vanderlinde   Jan 15, 2015

…. Dobson’s defence lawyer Mitch Eisen claimed he was unable to appreciate the significance of the acts because he suffers from schizophrenia and argued his client was not criminally responsible.

However, Justice J.A Watt rejected that claim this morning and found Dobson guilty of two counts of first-degree murder, which carries an automatic life sentence without chance of parole until 25 years.

“Nothing supports that Mark Dobson did not appreciate that he was cutting the throats of  Helen Dorrington and Mary Hepburn. That was his very purpose,” Watt said.

Watt agreed Dobson has likely been suffering from schizophrenia for years, but determined he knew and appreciated the murders were against the law and morally wrong.

“The existence of a mental disorder does not (excuse) anyone from criminal responsibility,’ Watt said in his ruling. “It’s only if it renders the person incapable of knowing the act was wrong.”

Watt said evidence throughout the trial showed Dobson himself understood the significance of his crimes when he made admissions to paramedics, hospital staff and ultimately a Barrie police detective.

“In a police interview he said it didn’t matter what happened to him. He said he thought he’d get the death penalty or life in prison. He was willing to accept that. Mark Dobson said: ‘I’ll be looked at as a monster. I know that.’”

At one point after his arrest, Dobson was asked by a psychiatrist if he would have carried out the murders if there was a police officer standing in the room.

“Mark Dobson said he would have waited because the officer would have seen it as murder,” Watt said.

Watt also noted that Dobson had mentioned on more than one occasion that he would prefer to be found not criminally responsible so he would go to a psychiatric hospital instead of prison….

Man charged with attempted murder
Accused of throwing a knife at a woman September 2nd, 2015
Staff Report
PACOLET — A resident of the Pacolet community was charged with attempted murder by the Union County Sheriff’s Office on Monday.

Luis Angel Gonzalez, 18, of 166 Cedar Lane, Pacolet, was charged with attempted murder around 2 a.m. Aug. 31.

Union County Deputies responded to the Cedar Lane residence for an assault involving a knife, and while en route, deputies were advised that Gonzalez had run into the woods. When officers arrived, they were met by four people who stated Gonzalez had assaulted a woman by throwing a knife at her….

A man turned over the knife Gonzalez allegedly threw at the woman, a crucifix which a witness stated Gonzalez had taped to the wall upside down, and what the witness said appeared to be a satanic altar which had teeth affixed to it. Deputies took the altar and knife as evidence and photographed the crucifix….

Jimmy Savile: Hospital staff knew of abuse, report finds, Savile received a knighthood, Posed for the cameras with Prince Charles and Princess Diana

February 27, 2015 Comments Off on Jimmy Savile: Hospital staff knew of abuse, report finds, Savile received a knighthood, Posed for the cameras with Prince Charles and Princess Diana

– Jeremy Hunt to apologise to Savile victims as ‘horrific’ scale of abuse emerges
An official report will reveal that Jimmy Savile allegedly assaulted and raped at least 44 victims at a single hospital
– In 1978, five years before he (Savile) had posed for the cameras with Prince Charles and Princess Diana at the opening of the new National Spinal Injury Centre
– Savile was so famous in Britain that he had met British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and received a knighthood.

Jimmy Savile: Hospital staff knew of abuse, report finds
Report finds that NHS hospital staff knew about Jimmy Savile abuse, hospital staff apologise for failings

By Charlotte Krol, and AP, video source Sky
26 Feb 2015

Two new reports into widespread sex abuse by the late BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) entertainer Jimmy Savile have found that victims’ complaints about his activities were ignored.

The reports released on Thursday showed an extensive pattern of abuse by Savile at numerous National Health Service (NHS) hospitals where the celebrity broadcaster was given wide access to patients, even though he was known by some staff to be a sexual predator.

Savile was so famous in Britain that he had met British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and received a knighthood.

The reports detailed numerous cases of abuse of patients who were helpless to protect themselves.

One report concluded he had abused roughly 60 patients at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital where he was an active fundraiser.

The victims included an eight-year-old boy who had tonsil surgery, an 11-year-old girl being treated for cancer, a pregnant mother and a 19-year-old paralyzed woman.

The report suggests his crimes were known to some hospital staff as early as 1973, but no action was taken, allowing his attacks to continue for 20 years….

Jeremy Hunt to apologise to Savile victims as ‘horrific’ scale of abuse emerges
An official report will reveal that Jimmy Savile allegedly assaulted and raped at least 44 victims at a single hospital

By Steven Swinford, Deputy Political Editor  25 Feb 2015

Jeremy Hunt, the Health Secretary, will apologise to dozens of hospital patients who were abused by Jimmy Savile amid new allegations about the “horrific” scale of abuse.

An official report, published by barrister Kate Lampard on Thursday, will disclose allegations that Savile assaulted and raped at least 44 victims at Stoke Mandeville hospital.

The victims, some of whom were as young as eight, say that their complaints about Savile’s behaviour were ignored by the authorities.

A former children’s doctor has also been convicted of sexually assaulting young girls at the hospital in the 1970s and 1980s, raising fears that there may have been a paedophile ring operating at the hospital.

The victims are calling on the government to make it a criminal offence not to report child abuse, an approach known as “mandatory reporting”. David Cameron has previously suggested that he is supportive of new legislation.

The report will also examine allegations about Savile’s activity at a further 43 hospitals across the country.

One woman told the inquiry that she was abused when she was eight-years-old and recovering from cancer surgery. At the time she had 144 stitches across the lower part of her body as a result of an operation.

She says that when she raised her complaint with a ward sister, she was met with the response: “Be quiet, you silly girl. Do you realise how much he has done for the hospital.”….

The great dictator: Inside the mind of Jimmy Savile
“I’ve got a great aptitude for dead people”: the grotesque details in the latest Savile report confirm the star’s pyschopathy, says the man who spent a decade getting to know him

By Dan Davies 26 Feb 2015

There was a framed picture in the bathroom of Jimmy Savile’s flat overlooking Roundhay Park in Leeds. It contained pictures of the most fearsome dictators of the 20th century and there, among the images of Hitler and Stalin and Mao Tse-tung, was Savile’s business card from Stoke Mandeville. I know because I spent many days at the flat. In fact, in all I spent six years interviewing him before his death – part of a decade long quest to find the real Jimmy Savile….

In 1978, five years before he had posed for the cameras with Prince Charles and Princess Diana at the opening of the new National Spinal Injury Centre, the moment when his fame and status within Britain were at their peak, Jimmy Savile described what he got out of the association with the Buckinghamshire hospital. “There are forty wards at Stoke Mandeville… and they are all filled with people; I will be able to do exactly what I feel like doing. If I feel like going on the ladies’ ward and pulling their legs, I can do that. If I want to go the kids’ ward and have a bit of a knock about, I can do that.”

Some might say that this would have seemed innocent at the time. Not true. In the same period a detective constable with the Thames Valley Police was contacted by a nurse at the hospital because staff were said to be worried that Savile was touching girls inappropriately during hospital visits. When the police officer reported the matter to a senior colleague, he was told: “Jimmy Savile is a high-profile man. He must be OK. He could not be doing anything irregular. Don’t worry about it.” It was, tragically, just one of many missed opportunities….

Jimmy Savile scandal: DJ’s brother abused patients, visitors and staff at psychiatric hospital
Report uncovers complaints, from at least five patients, one visitor and one member of staff against Jimmy Savile’s brother Johnny

By Martin Evans, Crime Correspondent  26 Feb 2015

Jimmy Savile’s older brother, Johnny, abused at least seven patients, visitors and staff at a psychiatric hospital in south London, a report has found.

Johnny, who died in 1998 worked as a recreation officer at the Springfield Hospital in Tooting between 1978 and 1980.

But an investigation into his activities at the unit revealed how he traded on his association with his famous older brother to sexually abuse people at the hospital.

Allegations relating to five patients, one visitor and one member of staff have now been uncovered.

The report stated that “on the balance of probabilities” Johnny Savile raped at least one of the victims.
He was eventually dismissed for gross misconduct, relating to a sexual matter, in 1980….

Westminster child abuse inquiry to hear Margaret Thatcher was presented ‘allegations of unnatural sexual proclivities’, Prince Andrew denies sex abuse claims, NSW may extend time limit on child sex abuse claims

January 23, 2015 Comments Off on Westminster child abuse inquiry to hear Margaret Thatcher was presented ‘allegations of unnatural sexual proclivities’, Prince Andrew denies sex abuse claims, NSW may extend time limit on child sex abuse claims

Westminster child abuse inquiry to hear Margaret Thatcher was presented ‘allegations of unnatural sexual proclivities’
Secret document suggests claims against ‘public figures’ were taken to the PM at height of alleged paedophile scandal  Adam Withnal Wednesday 21 January 2015

A UK academic has uncovered a file which he claims could contain allegations of “unnatural” sexual activities against public figures at the height of the Westminster child abuse scandal.

Dr Chris Murphy, a security and intelligence lecturer at the University of Salford, found the classified document while searching the National Archives in Kew.

While its contents have not been made public, Dr Murphy said he was immediately alerted by the title showing it had been taken to the then-Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher.

The title read: “PREM19/588 – SECURITY. Allegations against former public [word missing] of unnatural sexual proclivities; security aspects 1980 Oct 27 – 1981 Mar 20.”

According to Sky News, the Cabinet Office has been made aware of the file and it will be made available to the ongoing panel inquiry into the alleged existence of a paedophile ring involving senior Westminster figures….

‘Unnatural Sex’ File Given To Abuse Inquiry 
  The secret document was not handed over to a review into child abuse, the chief executive of the NSPCC tells Sky News.  UK, Wednesday 21 January 2015
By Tom Parmenter, Sky News Correspondent

A secret file on “unnatural” sexual behaviour was not handed over to a Government backed review that looked for official documents linked to child abuse.

The file prepared for then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s was found recently at the National Archives in Kew and is entitled:  “PREM19/588 – SECURITY. Allegations against former public [word missing] of unnatural sexual proclivities; security aspects 1980 Oct 27 – 1981 Mar 20”.

The Cabinet Office still holds the file. Thirty-five years after it was prepared it remains closed on grounds of national security….

It is highly likely Margaret Thatcher saw the documents, and was briefed on the security implications, but the identities of those within them remain secret.

Dr Murphy added: “The fact that this file is concerning the Prime Minister and these allegations are being taken to the Prime Minister I think would strike anybody of being potentially of some interest.”….

Mrs Thatcher’s former press secretary, Sir Bernard Ingham, told Sky News he could not recall the file.

He did, though, confirm that both he and Mrs Thatcher were aware of allegations against a Government minister in the early 1980s.

Sir Bernard would not name the individual, but said: “I asked him about it and he denied it, so no, I didn’t do anything else. What was the alternative?”….

Officials at the Cabinet Office have previously attempted to block requests for information relating to Cyril Smith, the late Liberal politician who is now known to have abused youngsters….

NSW may extend time limit on child sex abuse claims
Royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse has shown survivors do not disclose or act on their experience until decades after abuse
Brad Hazzard
Attorney general Brad Hazzard: under the NSW Statute of Limitations people abused as children generally have three to 12 years from the time of the offence to launch a civil claim.
Australian Associated Press  Thursday 22 January 2015

The NSW government is considering lifting the time limit in which survivors of child sexual abuse can sue for damages.

The NSW attorney general Brad Hazzard said the royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse had uncovered widespread claims about abuse and the legal barriers survivors face in pursuing justice many years after the crime.

“It is well documented that many survivors of child sexual abuse do not disclose their experiences or act on them until decades after the abuse, well after the time period has ended,” Hazzard said on Friday.

The government has released a discussion paper on whether to amend the Limitation Act 1969 and wants to hear from the public.

Under the NSW Statute of Limitations people abused as children generally have between three and 12 years from the time of the offence to launch a civil claim.

“People who have suffered at the hands of others sometimes take 20, 30 years just to build up the courage to be able to say anything … it’s a bit strange that there’s a limitation in the law that says you can’t bring proceedings,” Hazzard told ABC radio on Friday….

Prince Andrew denies sex abuse claims
By Laura Smith-Spark and Lindsay Isaac, CNN  January 22, 2015
(CNN)In his first public remarks since being accused of having sex with an underage American woman, Britain Prince Andrews briefly addressed the allegation before a crowd in Davos, Switzerland.

“Firstly, I think I must, want, for the record to refer to the events that have taken place in the last three weeks. And I just wish to reiterate and to reaffirm the statements which have already been made on my behalf by Buckingham Palace,” he said Thursday at the World Economic Forum.

Earlier this month, Buckingham Palace issued a statement which said, “It is emphatically denied that the Duke of York [Andrew] had any form of sexual contact or relationship” with the woman. “Any claim to the contrary is false and without foundation.”

Andrew is a son of Queen Elizabeth II and a brother of Prince Charles, the next in line for the British throne….

The woman, identified by Buckingham Palace as Virginia Roberts, first named the prince in a civil motion filed December 30 in the U.S. District Court in southern Florida in which she claims she was forced to have sex with several men. She is referred to as Jane Doe No. 3 in the legal filings.

In the letter the woman’s lawyers sent to Buckingham Palace, attorneys Paul Cassell and Bradley Edwards asked to interview Prince Andrew “under oath regarding interactions that you had with Jane Doe No. 3 beginning in approximately early 2001. Jane Doe No. 3 was then 17 years old.”

The letter includes a picture of the woman and Andrew which was taken around that time, they say. The lawyers also want to discuss subsequent interactions with their client in New York City later that year, the letter says….


Florida man reveals childhood of being ‘trafficked by his FAMILY, who made thousands from clients that choked and raped him’

January 12, 2015 Comments Off on Florida man reveals childhood of being ‘trafficked by his FAMILY, who made thousands from clients that choked and raped him’

– Florida man reveals childhood of being ‘trafficked by his FAMILY, who made thousands from clients that choked and raped him’
– Local man tells horrifying tales of child sex slavery
– For victims of child sex trafficking there is no Christmas

‘I was a five-year-old sex slave’: Florida man reveals childhood of being ‘trafficked by his FAMILY, who made thousands from clients that choked and raped him’

Jerome Elam said he was forced into sexual slavery as a young boy
Says he was beaten and abused, and forced to appear in pornography
Described to news station how doctors and lawyers paid to abuse him
Said he is sharing his story to give hope to other abused children

By Kieran Corcoran For 10 January 2015

A man has revealed his horrifying childhood as a five-year-old sex slave in Florida, where he says a member of his family made thousands forcing him to indulge the pedophile desires of pillars of the local community.

Jerome Elam said that he was taken advantage of by a relative, who kept him in servitude for seven years and made him participate in child pornography and take drugs.

He said that clients of his trafficker would beat, choke and rape him – and punish him severely whenever he tried to escape his life of abuse.

Elam told local station WTLV how he was dragged in and out of school in Jacksonville to fulfill the whims of his relatives’ clients, whom he claims were often doctors and lawyers with a ‘darker side’….

In a first-person account for the Communities Digital News website, Elam told how he was subjected to beatings and rape by each member of a pedophile ring before he was turned over to the clients.

He wrote: ‘My indoctrination to the “group,” as they often referred to themselves in private, consisted of being raped and beaten by each member….

According to child abuse experts, pimps can make as much as $200,000 per year from a single child, and often have as many as six under their control at any given time….

Local man tells horrifying tales of child sex slavery
Heather Crawford, WTLV May 31, 2014
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Human sex trafficking is a multi-billion dollar industry in the United States according the Department of Justice, and it’s happening right here on the First Coast. Some of the victims are young children forced to have sex dozens of times a day….

For victims of child sex trafficking there is no Christmas
by Jerome Elam – Jan 9, 2015

….My mother had married a man who forced me into being a sexual slave as the property of the pedophile ring that he belonged to. My fate had been sealed so long ago as I was ushered into this world and set adrift on a sea of dysfunction, a rudderless ship whose sails rose and fell at the whim of my mother’s addiction to chaos.

While many children were filled with the glow of the holiday spirit and the expectation of dreams fulfilled on Christmas morning, my childhood was filled with hopeless desperation. I had seen violence in my life and most often times been the target, but seeing the bottomless evil that dwelled in the eyes of my traffickers scared me down to the depths of my very soul.

….My stepfather and the pedophile ring he belonged to were on a whole different level. We are often told stories about evil but most of us are oblivious to its presence as it silently moves among us. My indoctrination to the “group,” as they often referred to themselves in private, consisted of being raped and beaten by each member. Many of the members enjoyed inflicting pain on innocent children as they were tied up, but several were as unhinged as a barn door in a tornado. Children were choked unconscious to satisfy the twisted sexual appetites of a select few of the members, and many clients of the trafficking ring also shared this sick practice.

Those who employed the “services” of my traffickers were pillars of society and the type of people who would sit beside you in church. There was a transformation that took place when I was forced into a room with them.

….The Department of Justice estimates that between 100,000 and 300,000 children are at risk of being trafficked in this country right now. Human trafficking is a $9.5 billion a year business in the U.S. according to the United Nations, and within the first forty-eight hours of leaving home a runaway child will be approached by a human trafficker. Human trafficking is second only to the drug trade as the largest criminal enterprise, according to the Justice Department. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) reports that pimps can make from $150,000 to $200,000 per year for each child. The NCMEC also reports a pimp has an average of four children, and the Polaris Project, an anti-trafficking non profit, reports the average victim of sex trafficking is forced to have sex 20-48 times a day.

Westminster child abuse claims: “Watson said “clear intelligence suggesting a powerful paedophile network linked to parliament and No 10”., Sasha Wass QC to lead island sex abuse inquiry, head investigation into alleged cover-up on St Helena and Ascension

November 21, 2014 Comments Off on Westminster child abuse claims: “Watson said “clear intelligence suggesting a powerful paedophile network linked to parliament and No 10”., Sasha Wass QC to lead island sex abuse inquiry, head investigation into alleged cover-up on St Helena and Ascension

Westminster child abuse claims: what do we know?
Police are investigating possible murders linked to Elm Guest House in south-west London after claims of a cover-up
Matthew Weaver Wednesday 19 November 2014

What do we know about politicians and child abuse at Westminster?

A number of allegations have been made. So far the only politician to have been implicated is the Liberal MP Cyril Smith, who died in 2010, but other unnamed politicians were also alleged to have been involved in a Westminster paedophile ring. Smith is alleged to have abused boys at Knowl View residential school in Rochdale and at Elm Guest House, in Barnes in south-west London, in the 1970s and 80s. Greater Manchester police are investigating allegations of abuse by Smith at Knowl View, where Smith was a governor. Other MPs were said to have attended the Elm Guest House. After claims made by the Labour MP Tom Watson in 2012, the Metropolitan police launched Operation Fairbank into child abuse at the guesthouse. Watson said there was “clear intelligence suggesting a powerful paedophile network linked to parliament and No 10”.

A dossier of evidence of an alleged paedophile ring, involving several MPs, including Smith, and other public figures, was handed to the Home Office in 1983, by the Conservative MP Geoffrey Dickens, who died in 1995. The 40-page dossier has since been destroyed or lost, according to a Home Office review. The Crown Prosecution Service has conceded that Smith should have been prosecuted after rejecting claims against him in 1970, 1998 and 1999.

What happened at Elm Guest House?

At least three MPs were reported to have been questioned in 1982 after a police raid on the guesthouse. It was reported at the time that it was being used as a brothel where children as young as 10 were abused. Two children living in the house were taken into care. The guesthouse was reported to have been used as a brothel for two years before it was raided. Officers found whips, chains and ropes. “They catered for every kind of perversion,” an officer told the News of World at the time. The owners of Elm Guest House, Haroon and Carol Kasir, were subsequently convicted of running a brothel….

Sasha Wass QC, prosecutor in Rolf Harris trial, to lead island sex abuse inquiry

Sasha Wass QC, has been brought into to head an investigation into an alleged cover-up on St Helena and Ascension  Paul Peachey crime correspondent  Thursday 20 November 2014

….Sasha Wass QC, has been brought in after a review of child safety on St Helena and Ascension – two tiny and remote islands in the South Atlantic with a combined population of some 5,500 – revealed that a number of paedophiles had escaped prosecution amid claims of police incompetence and corruption.

The Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond, said yesterday that Ms Wass would travel to the island to investigate a series of claims by whistleblowers against senior police, some brought over from Britain to run the tiny force.

Social workers said they raised concerns about a paedophile officer but were snubbed and told not to rock the boat and “enjoy the view” on St Helena, famous as the island prison of Napoleon.

The announcement by Mr Hammond came a week before the start of what could be a protracted employment tribunal starting in London brought by two of the whistleblowers who say they were hounded off the island. One of them had her home searched by police and was threatened with prosecution for perjury.

They have said that entrenched abuse on the island was worse than the scandal on Pitcairn, another isolated and tiny British territory, where six men jailed for child sex abuse in 2004.

….Experts from the child protection charity, the Lucy Faithfull Foundation, said in a report there had been a “malaise” in the upper ranks of the police force. It criticised its handling of child sex abuse allegations and highlighted how victims were often castigated when coming forward to make claims. It said there were “a number of ‘serial’ offenders, a number of ‘serial’ victims, and a number of women whose children were very much at risk of repeat victimisation.”

Bill Cosby Rape Allegations, Organised Child Sex Abuse ‘widespread in England,’ British Murder Allegations of Paedophile Network of MPs and other VIPs

November 18, 2014 Comments Off on Bill Cosby Rape Allegations, Organised Child Sex Abuse ‘widespread in England,’ British Murder Allegations of Paedophile Network of MPs and other VIPs

“Detectives are investigating an allegation that a young boy was murdered by a Conservative MP during a sickening sex attack.
The Metropolitan Police Service’s paedophile unit, under ‘Operation Midland’, is also investigating a claim that a second boy was murdered during a depraved sexual assault in the presence of a former  Conservative cabinet minister….the police are also investigating the murder of a third boy around 30 years ago by members of a paedophile network of MPs and other VIPs.”

– Bill Cosby’s Silence On Rape Allegations Makes Huge Media Noise
– Bill Cosby raped me. Why did it take 30 years for people to believe my story?
– Dr. Huxtable & Mr. Hyde
– Bill Cosby Under Fire The Comedian Settles a Case Accusing Him of Sexual Abuse—but Other Women Make Similar Claims
– Barbara Bowman Speaks About Bill Cosby Sexual Abuse Allegations
– One Very Important Thing Is Missing From the New Cosby –  Biography: A Timeline of the Abuse Charges [Updated]
– In interview with tabloid, Bill Cosby discusses molestation allegations

– Organised child sex abuse ‘widespread in England’, MPs say
– Alexis Jay: Years of missing records mean Rotherham child abuse numbers ‘much higher’ than 1,400
– ‘Operation Midland’ investigates Tory MP over boy’s murder
Met also probes slaying of second boy in sex attack in front of former cabinet minister
– Historical abuse inquiry: Police examine ‘possible homicide’

Bill Cosby’s Silence On Rape Allegations Makes Huge Media Noise
November 17, 2014  Eric Deggans

But in the recent explosion of attention to allegations that the comedy superstar drugged and sexually assaulted several women years ago, in incidents reaching back to the late 1960s, Cosby has remained uncharacteristically silent — epitomized by his interview with NPR’s Scott Simon, who found the comic would only shake his head and utter no sound when asked about the allegations.

His attorney did provide a statement posted on Cosby’s website that said, in part, “decade-old, discredited allegations against Mr. Cosby have resurfaced. The fact that they are being repeated does not make them true. Mr. Cosby doesn’t not intend to dignify these allegations with any comment.”

Later, a joint statement from Cosby’s attorney and a lawyer for Andrea Constand, a woman who settled a lawsuit with Cosby over such allegations in 2006, was posted on the site that read, in part: “The statement released by Mr. Cosby’s attorney over the weekend was not intended to refer in any way to Andrea Constand. As previously reported, differences between Mr. Cosby and Ms. Constand were resolved to the mutual satisfaction of Mr. Cosby and Ms. Constand years ago.”

News of Cosby’s silence rocketed across media; the moment was covered everywhere from NBC’s Today show to CNN, USA Today and The Washington Post, which called it “perhaps the most significant dead air in the history of National Public Radio.”

When NPR most recently spoke to Cosby, four women had come forward publicly with rape allegations: Constand, Beth Ferrier, Tamara Green and Barbara Bowman. (See this story for a more detailed account of their allegations.) Over the weekend, another woman, 66-year-old publicist Joan Tarshis, also told media outlets she was drugged and raped by Cosby when she was 19 years old. Constand filed a lawsuit in 2005 that included 13 women willing to tell similar stories, Greene and Bowman among them; the suit was settled, no terms were disclosed and Cosby was never charged with a crime….
Bill Cosby raped me. Why did it take 30 years for people to believe my story?
Only when a male comedian called Cosby a rapist did the accusation take hold.
By Barbara Bowman November 13

In 2004, when Andrea Constand filed a lawsuit against Bill Cosby for sexual assault, her lawyers asked me to testify. Cosby had drugged and raped me, too, I told them. The lawyers said I could testify anonymously as a Jane Doe, but I ardently rejected that idea. My name is not Jane Doe. My name is Barbara Bowman, and I wanted to tell my story in court. In the end, I didn’t have the opportunity to do that, because Cosby settled the suit for an undisclosed amount of money.

Over the years, I’ve struggled to get people to take my story seriously. So last month, when reporter Lycia Naff contacted me for an interview for the Daily Mail, I gave her a detailed account. I told her how Cosby won my trust as a 17-year-old aspiring actress in 1985, brainwashed me into viewing him as a father figure, and then assaulted me multiple times. In one case, I blacked out after having dinner and one glass of wine at his New York City brownstone, where he had offered to mentor me and discuss the entertainment industry. When I came to, I was in my panties and a man’s t-shirt, and Cosby was looming over me. I’m certain now that he drugged and raped me. But as a teenager, I tried to convince myself I had imagined it. I even tried to rationalize it: Bill Cosby was going to make me a star and this was part of the deal. The final incident was in Atlantic City, where we had traveled for an industry event….

They, like other sexual assault victims, deserve our support. It’s the perpetrators who should be facing public humiliation – not the victims….

Dr. Huxtable & Mr. Hyde

Who is Bill Cosby? What’s happened to the man who taught us to laugh at ourselves — and what do we do with him now? By Robert Huber   June 9, 2006

…. A young Canadian woman he met in Philadelphia through Temple University is accusing him of drugging her and then, when she was in a near-comatose state, molesting her. It went nowhere legally — the woman, Andrea Constand, waited a year before going to police, it boiled down to a he said/she said (Cosby claimed the sex was consensual, according to ABC News), and the police dropped the case for lack of evidence. But Constand filed a civil complaint in federal court in Philly last year, suing for an unspecified amount of money over $150,000. It is still Cosby’s no against her yes, except for one difference: Thirteen women are waiting to be deposed in the suit; in a court filing, Constand’s lawyer says that all of them — with nothing to gain, with no payout waiting, with their own statutes of limitations run out — have stories about Bill Cosby as well, and some of them will claim a similar drug-and-fondling M.O.

….The Story That Andrea Constand Tells
She met Bill Cosby in late 2002 when she was director of operations for Temple’s women’s basketball. He became a friend and mentor. In January 2004, Cosby invited Constand to his home in Elkins Park. She went there at about 9 p.m. Constand wanted to change careers and told Cosby she felt stressed. Cosby offered her three blue pills — herbal medication, he said, that would help her relax. She took the pills….

….The Story That Tamara Green Tells
Back in the ’70s, before Green became a lawyer, Cosby hired her to help him open a club in L.A. A week into the job, she felt sick, and called Cosby at Figero, a restaurant he owned, to say she was leaving for home. He invited her to the restaurant for lunch — it might make her feel better. She went. Cosby asked if she wanted some Contac, then handed her two gray-and-red capsules. She took them….

….The Story That Beth Ferrier Tells
Ferrier, 47, met Bill Cosby in 1984 when she was modeling in New York. They started an affair that lasted about six months. Cosby ended it without explanation. Then he called her one night in Denver, where she lived; they met backstage at a nightclub there, where he was performing. He said, “Here’s your favorite coffee, something I made, to relax you.” She drank it….

….The Story That Barbara Bowman Tells
Bowman’s incident with Bill Cosby occurred 20 years ago, when she was an aspiring actress. She told a lawyer. The lawyer laughed at her. She never mentioned it to an authority figure again. Bowman won’t disclose details of what happened before she’s deposed. But when she read about Andrea Constand, she decided that enough was enough — she couldn’t sit in silence any longer.

Bill Cosby Under Fire By Alex Tresniowski  The Comedian Settles a Case Accusing Him of Sexual Abuse—but Other Women Make Similar Claims    December 18, 2006    Vol. 66     No. 25

….What Cosby never mentioned was the civil lawsuit he settled just two days earlier with Andrea Constand, 32, a former Temple University employee who claimed Cosby drugged and sexually assaulted her in his Philadelphia-area mansion in 2004. Constand’s lawyers Dolores Troiani and Bebe Kivitz ended up with 13 witnesses, most referred to in court documents as “Jane Does,” who came forward voluntarily with strikingly similar claims of drugging and or abuse by Cosby. Terms of the settlement, reached before any of the women could testify, were not disclosed. But PEOPLE reporters have interviewed five of the women and share three of their stories now.

As in so many cases alleging sexual assault, these women make imperfect witnesses. They are talking about events two or three decades old. Many of their recollections are fragmentary, and in some cases, they are not even sure what happened between them and Cosby, though that is not unusual in cases where a possible date-rape drug is involved. None of the women ever contacted police with their stories, either at the time of the alleged assaults or in the years leading up to Constand’s revelations, and two of the five women reached by PEOPLE allowed Cosby to pay part or all of their travel and/or living expenses for some time. Three accepted cash from him years after the incidents, and two even went on to have consensual relationships with him.

But none of them stand to profit from suing Cosby for monetary damages; the statute of limitations on all their charges has expired. And their stories, which take place in several cities and span two decades, illustrate the same pattern of behavior….,,20059561,00.html

Barbara Bowman Speaks About Bill Cosby Sexual Abuse Allegations

By Katie J.M. Baker 2/12/14
Last week, Newsweek interviewed Tamara Green, one of 13 women who accused Bill Cosby of drugging and sexually assaulting them in a civil lawsuit brought by Andrea Constand in 2004, and settled under undisclosed terms in 2006. Now, a second woman is speaking out: Barbara Bowman, a 46-year-old artist who says Cosby took her under his wing in the late ‘80s, when she was a teenager — and repeatedly emotionally and physically abused her.

Both Bowman and Green joined the 2004 lawsuit as witnesses after hearing about it on television; neither had anything to gain financially, as the statute of limitations had expired for both of them….

Why do you think people find it so hard to believe celebrities can be sexual assaulters?
The media creates this idealized image of celebrities: that they are untouchable, that they’re not one of us… I don’t think people want to believe it; to believe would shatter the illusion….

One Very Important Thing Is Missing From the New Cosby Biography: A Timeline of the Abuse Charges [Updated]
By Matt Giles

In interview with tabloid, Bill Cosby discusses molestation allegations
By Bill Bergstrom ASSOCIATED PRESS  March 4, 2005

PHILADELPHIA – Comedian Bill Cosby, responding to a woman’s allegations of sexual molestation, said “words and actions can be misinterpreted,” but he insisted he wouldn’t give in to any attempt to “exploit” him because he’s a celebrity….

The 67-year-old entertainer, best-known as a warm, wisecracking TV dad, was cleared of criminal charges in connection with the allegations. Attorneys for the Canadian woman said they plan to file a civil lawsuit against Cosby next week.

In the interview, Cosby said he didn’t speculate on whether money was the woman’s motive. “Let’s not go there,” he said. But he asserted: “I am not going to give in to people who try to exploit me because of my celebrity status.”….

The woman, who lives in Ontario, told Canadian authorities that, after a night out with friends in January 2004, Cosby gave her medication that made her dizzy, then fondled her.

Cosby denied the allegations. The accuser’s family had described Cosby as a friend and mentor to the woman, which he didn’t deny. He told the tabloid a role as mentor can lead to trouble.

“Sometimes you try to help people and it backfires on you and then they try to take advantage of you,” Cosby said.

Organised child sex abuse ‘widespread in England’, MPs say
17 November 2014
Organised child sex abuse is widespread in England, a report by MPs on the Rotherham exploitation scandal says.

A review of child protection systems across the country has been called for by the Commons’ Communities and Local Government Committee.

Its report also said Rotherham Council and Ofsted had “failed” the victims targeted in the town.

It suggested the council’s protection policies were “divorced from reality”, enabling the abuse to continue.

MPs said, however, the town was “not an outlier” for abuse and all councils needed to review child protection policies.

‘More rigorous inspection’

Their inquiry was prompted by a report by Professor Alexis Jay, which revealed up to 1,400 children were estimated to have been victims of abuse in the South Yorkshire town between 1997 and 2013….

Alexis Jay: Years of missing records mean Rotherham child abuse numbers ‘much higher’ than 1,400  11/17/04

….Inquiry author Professor Jay said five years of data from Rotherham Council about victims is missing, while South Yorkshire Police was unable to record the scale of the problem before 2013 as it did not categorise child sexual exploitation as a form of crime until last year.

Four years’ worth of meeting minutes discussing child abuse cases between 1999 and 2003 have also disappeared.

A letter Prof Jay sent to the Communities and Local Government Committee has been made public ahead of a report by MPs being published tomorrow. She said a category for recording child sexual exploitation cases was introduced by police only in 2013, meaning the force was ‘unable to quantify the scale of the problem’ prior to last year.

While social services did officially recognise the issue from 2001, she said some victims were wrongly classified as being ‘out of control’.

Prof Jay said Rotherham Council provided information for only 11 of the 16 years covered by the inquiry.

‘Operation Midland’ investigates Tory MP over boy’s murder
Met also probes slaying of second boy in sex attack in front of former cabinet minister
By Mark Conrad  15 November 2014

….Detectives are investigating an allegation that a young boy was murdered by a Conservative MP during a sickening sex attack.
The Metropolitan Police Service’s paedophile unit, under ‘Operation Midland’, is also investigating a claim that a second boy was murdered during a depraved sexual assault in the presence of a former  Conservative cabinet minister….

Historical abuse inquiry: Police examine ‘possible homicide’
By Tom Symonds Home Affairs correspondent   14 November 2014
The man says he was first abused by his own father before being “handed over” as a young boy to the group

Child abuse investigations

Police are investigating “possible homicide” linked to what has been described as a paedophile ring involving powerful people in the 1970s and 1980s.

The group is alleged to have included senior figures in public life, the military, politics and law enforcement….

A key witness who has spoken to police has told the BBC that he was abused for nine years as a boy….

Speaking anonymously to the BBC but using the name “Nick”, the alleged victim said he had given three days of video-taped evidence to detectives.

His accounts are being assessed as part of Operation Midland, a new Scotland Yard investigation which is under the umbrella of its inquiry into historical abuse, Operation Fairbank.

Nick, now in his 40s, says that he was first abused by his own father before being “handed over” as a young boy to the group.

“They were very powerful people and they controlled my life for the next nine years,” Nick added.

“They created fear that penetrated every part of me, day in day out. You didn’t question what they wanted, you did as they asked without question and the punishments were very severe.”

Nick said the group was “very organised” and would arrange for chauffeur-driven cars to pick up boys, sometimes from school, and drive them to “parties” or “sessions” at locations including hotels and private apartments in London and other cities.

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