Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse, Greenbaum Speech, Mind Control Programming

September 23, 2016 Comments Off on Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse, Greenbaum Speech, Mind Control Programming

Excerpts from various research articles. These articles may describe programming techniques.

Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse


also at:

Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse. The Greenbaum Speech.
audio recording:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FUersarZuo

D. Corydon Hammond, Ph.D. (“Greenbaum Speech”) 

Herein is the lecture by D.C. Hammond, originally entitled “Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse,” but now usually known as the “Greenbaum Speech,” delivered at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), Thursday June 25, 1992, at the Radisson Plaza Hotel, Mark Center, Alexandria, Virginia. Sponsored by the Center for Abuse Recovery & Empowerment, The Psychiatric Institute of Washington, D.C.

D. Corydon Hammond:
B.S., M.S., Ph.D. (Counseling Psychology) from the University of Utah.
Diplomate in Clinical Hypnosis, the American Board of Psychological Hypnosis.
Diplomate in Sex Therapy, the American Board of Sexology.
Clinical Supervisor and Board Examiner, American Board of Sexology.
Diplomate in Marital and Sex Therapy, American Board of Family Psychology.
Licensed Psychologist, Licensed Marital Therapist, Licensed Family Therapist, State of Utah.
Research Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Utah School of Medicine.
Director and Founder of the Sex and Marital Therapy Clinic, University of Utah.
Adjunct Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, University of Utah Abstract.
Editor, The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis.
Advising Editor and Founding Member, Editorial Board, The Ericksonian Monograph.
Referee, The Journal of Abnormal Psychology.
1989 Presidential Award of Merit, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.
1990 Urban Sector Award, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.
Current President, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.

“The Greenbaum Speech”

Okay. I want to start off by talking a little about trance-training and the use of hypnotic phenomena with an MPD dissociative-disorder population, to talk some about unconscious exploration, methods of doing that, the use of imagery and symbolic imagery techniques for managing physical symptoms, input overload, things like that. Before the day’s out, I want to spend some time talking about something I think has been completely neglected in the field of dissociative disorders, and that’s talking about methods of profound calming for automatic hyper-arousal that’s been conditioned in these patients.

We’re going to spend a considerable length of time talking about age-regression and abreaction in working through a trauma. I’ll show you with a non-MPD patient—some of that kind of work—and then extrapolate from what I find so similar and different with MPD cases. Part of that, I would add by the way, is that I’ve been very sensitive through the years about taping MPD cases or ritual-abuse cases, part of it being that some of that feels a little like using patients and I think that this population has been used enough. That’s part of the reason, by choice, that I don’t generally videotape my work. I also want to talk a bunch about hypnotic relapse-prevention strategies and post-integration therapy today….

What I came out of that with was a grasp of a variety of brainwashing methods being used all over the country. I started to hear some similarities. Whereas I hadn’t known, to begin with, how widespread these things were, I was now getting a feeling that there were a lot of people reporting some similar things and that there must be some degree of communication here.

Then approximately two and a half years ago I had some material drop in my lap. My source was saying a lot of things that I knew were accurate about some of the brainwashing, but it was telling me new material I had no idea about. At this point I took note and decided to check it out in three ritual-abuse patients I was seeing at the time. Two of the three had what they were describing, in careful inquiry without leading or contaminating….

Here’s where it appears to have come from. At the end of World War II, before it even ended, Allen Dulles and people from our Intelligence Community were already in Switzerland making contact to get out Nazi scientists. As World War II ends, they not only get out rocket scientists, but they also get out some Nazi doctors who have been doing mind-control research in the camps.

….They started doing mind-control research for Military Intelligence in military hospitals in the United States. The people that came, the Nazi doctors, were Satanists. Subsequently, the boy changed his name, Americanized it some, obtained an M.D. degree, became a physician and continued this work that appears to be at the center of Cult Programming today. His name is known to patients throughout the country. [Pause]

What they basically do is they will get a child and they will start this in basic forms, it appears, by about two and a half after the child’s already been made dissociative. They’ll make him dissociative not only through abuse, like sexual abuse, but also things like putting a mousetrap on their fingers and teaching the parents, “You do not go in until the child stops crying. Only then do you go in and remove it.” They start in rudimentary forms at about two and a half and kick into high gear, it appears, around six or six and a half, continue through adolescence with periodic reinforcements in adulthood.

Basically, in the programming the child will be put typically on a gurney. They will have an I.V. in one hand or arm. They’ll be strapped down, typically naked. There’ll be wires attached to their head to monitor electroencephalograph patterns. They will see a pulsing light, most often described as red, occasionally white or blue. They’ll be given, most commonly I believe, Demerol. Sometimes it’ll be other drugs as well, depending on the kind of programming. They have it, I think, down to a science where they’ve learned you give so much every twenty-five minutes until the programming is done.

They then will describe a pain on one ear, their right ear generally, where it appears a needle has been placed, and they will hear weird, disorienting sounds in that ear while they see photic stimulation to drive the brain into a brain wave pattern with a pulsing light at a certain frequency, not unlike the goggles that are now available through Sharper Image and some of those kinds of stores. Then, after a suitable period when they’re in a certain brain wave state, they will begin programming, programming oriented to self-destruction and debasement of the person. In a patient at this point in time, about eight years old, who has gone through a great deal of early programming that took place on a military installation, that’s not uncommon. I’ve treated and been involved with cases who are part of this original mind-control project, as well as having their programming on military reservations in many cases. We find a lot of connections with the CIA…..

Now let me give you, because we don’t have a lot of time, as much practical information as I can. The way that I would inquire as to whether or not some of this might be there would be with ideomotor finger-signals. After you’ve set them up I would say, “I want the central inner core of you to take control of the finger-signals.” Don’t ask the unconscious mind. The case where you’re inquiring about ritual abuse, that’s for the central inner core. The core is a Cult-created part. “And I want that central inner core of you to take control of this hand, of these finger-signals and what it has to do for the yes-finger to float up. I want to ask the inner core of you is there any part of you, any part of Mary,” that’s the host’s name, “who knows anything about Alpha, Beta, Delta, or Theta?” If you get a Yes, it should raise a red flag that you might have someone with formal intensive brainwashing and programming in place.

I would then ask and say, “I want a part inside who knows something about Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Theta to come up to a level where you can speak to me and when you’re here say, ‘I’m here.'” I would not ask if a part was willing to. No one’s going to particularly want to talk about this. I would just say, “I want some part who can tell me about this to come out.” Without leading them ask them what these things are. I’ve had consults where I’ve come in. Sometimes I’ve gotten a Yes to that, but as I’ve done exploration it appeared to be some kind of compliance response or somebody wanting, in two or three cases, to appear maybe that they were ritual abuse and maybe they were in some way, but with careful inquiry and looking it was obvious that they did not have what we were looking for.

Let me tell you what these are. Let’s suppose that this whole front row here are multiples and that she has an alter named Helen and she has one named Mary, she has one named Gertrude, she has one named Elizabeth, and she has one named Monica. Every one of those alters may have put on it a program, perhaps designated alpha-zero-zero-nine, a Cult person could say, “Alpha-zero-zero-nine” or make some kind of hand gesture to indicate this and get the same part out in any one of them even though they had different names that they may be known by to you. Alphas appear to represent general programming, the first kind of things put in. Betas appear to be sexual programs. For example, how to perform oral sex in a certain way, how to perform sex in rituals, having to do with producing child pornography, directing child pornography, or prostitution. Deltas are killers trained in how to kill in ceremonies. There’ll also be some self-harm stuff mixed in with that, assassination and killing. Thetas are called psychic killers….

The way you create Manchurian Candidates is you divide the mind. It’s part of what the Intelligence Community wanted to look at. If you’re going to get an assassin, you’re going to get somebody to go do something, you divide the mind. It fascinates me about cases like the assassination of Robert Kennedy, where Bernard Diamond, on examining Sirhan Sirhan found that he had total amnesia of the killing of Robert Kennedy, but under hypnosis could remember it. But despite suggestions he would be able to consciously remember, could not remember a thing after was out of hypnosis. I’d love to examine Sirhan Sirhan.

It appears that below this we’ve got some other layers. One is called “Green Programming” it appears. Isn’t it interesting that the doctor’s name is Dr. Green? One of the questions, in a way that does not contaminate, is after I’ve identified some of this stuff is there and they’ve given me a few right answers about what some of it is, “If there was a doctor associated with this programming and his name was a color, you know, like Dr. Chartreuse or something, if his name was a color, what color would the color be?” Now once in a while I’ve had some other colors mentioned, in about three or four patients that I felt were trying to dissimulate in some way and I don’t really believe had this. In one case I got another color and I found out later it was a doctor whose name was a color who was being trained by Dr. Green, almost thirty years ago, and he supervised part of the programming of this woman under this doctor….

The way they did this was they strapped her down and they gave her LSD when she was eight years old. When she began hallucinating they inquired about the nature of the hallucinations, so they could utilize them in good Ericksonian fashion, and build on them and then combine the drug-effect with powerful suggestions. “If you ever get to this point you will go crazy. If you ever get fully integrated and get well you will go crazy like this, and will be locked up in an institution for the rest of your life.” They gave those suggestions vigorously and repetitively. Finally they introduced other suggestions that, “Rather than have this happen, it would be easier to just kill yourself.” In a bloodline patient then, as I began inquiring about deep material, the patient started to experience similar symptoms. We went back and we found the identical things were done to her.

This was called the “Green Bomb.” B-O-M-B. Lots of interesting internal consistencies like that, play on words with Dr. Greenbaum, his original name. Now in this case it was done to her at age nine for the first time, and then only hers was different. Hers was a suggestion for amnesia. “If you ever remember anything about Ultra-Green and the Green Tree you will go crazy. You will become a vegetable and be locked up forever.” Then finally the suggestions added, “And it’ll be easier to just kill yourself than have that happen to you, if you ever remember it.” At age twelve then, three years later, they used what sounds like an Amytal interview to try to breach the amnesia and find out if they could. They couldn’t. So then they strapped her down again, took and gave her something to kind of paralyze her body, gave her LSD, an even bigger dose and reinforced all the suggestions. Did a similar thing at the age of sixteen. So these are some of the kind of booby traps you run into. There are a number of cases where they combined powerful drug effects like this with suggestions, to keep us from discovering some of this deeper level stuff…..

In some of the patients I’m working with we have pretty much dealt with a lot of the top-level stuff. I’ll tell you how we’ve done some of that. We’ll take and erase one system like Omega. Then we will have a huge abreaction of all the memories and feelings in a fractionated abreaction associated with those parts. I typically find I’ll say to them, “Now that we’ve done this, are there any other memories and feelings that any parts that were Omega still have?” The answer’s usually “No.” At that point I will say, “I usually find at this point in time the majority, if not all, of those parts that used to be Omega no longer feel a desire or need to be different, realizing that you split off originally by them and want to go home to Mary and become one with her again.” I use the concept often now—which came from a patient—of going home and becoming one with her. “Going back from whence you came” is another phrase I’ll use with them. “Are there any Omega parts inside who do not feel comfortable with that or have reservations or concerns about that?” If there are we talk to them. We deal with them. A few may not integrate. My experience is most of the time they’ll integrate and we may integrate twenty-five parts at once in a polyfragmented complex MPD…..

Secret Weapons – Two Sisters’ Terrifying True Story of Sex, Spies and Sabotage by Cheryl and Lynn Hersha with Dale Griffis, Ph D. and Ted Schwartz. New Horizon Press ISBN 0-88282-196-2 Is a well-documented, verifiable account of not one, but two childrens’ long untold stories of being CHILD subjects of Project MKUltra. Quotes from the book: “By the time Cheryl Hersha came to the facility, knowledge of multiple personality was so complete that doctors understood how the mind separated into distinct ego states,each unaware of the other. First, the person traumatized had to be both extremely intelligent and under the age of seven, two conditions not yet understood though remaining consistent as factors. The trauma was almost always of a sexual nature…” p. 52 “The government researchers,aware of the information in the professional journals, decided to reverse the process (of healing from hysteric dissociation). They decided to use selective trauma on healthy children to create personalities capable of committing acts desired for national security and defense.” p. 53 – 54

Valerie Wolf – Therapist of mind control survivors who gave testimony about mind control experiments in the 1995 US Presidential hearings on radiation experiments. http://www.whale.to/b/wolf.html

Valerie Wolf Interview
CKLN FM 88.1
Ryerson Polytechnic University
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
International Connection

Valerie Wolf:
I am a clinical social worker, and I started working with survivors of trauma and sex abuse in 1973 when I was a student at Syracuse University and basically specialized in it … it gradually became a specialty. I worked at Family Services of Greater New Orleans and became the contact manager for all the child abuse contacts in 1984, and helped set up a whole sex abuse treatment program, got funding from the state, and then when I left there, I worked for a for-profit hospital and set up an in-patient program and picked up more clients. In June 1992, I was at the Eastern Regional Conference in Alexandria, Virginia where the information on the mind control was released. Basically, I didn’t get to the talk, but a colleague of mine did and she had referred a client to me.

When she heard this talk she immediately found me and said, “I think this mutual client is a victim of the mind control they are talking about.” I had a couple of clients who had really worked in therapy, they were doing a lot … but all they could do was maintain … even then they were in and out of the hospital. They became flooded with thoughts of wanting to hurt themselves, or wanting to kill themselves, and had to be hospitalized in spite of everything. I had two clients who started going downhill, and I decided to follow what I had learned from that conference audiotape and lo and behold, both clients ended up being victims of mind control….

Valerie Wolf:

Well basically, the way I have come to understand DID or fuzzy DID … basically what you have is a part that is the core birth personality — the original personality born into the body, not a baby as was commonly thought and it would make sense that it is not a baby. What happens is, a child which develops the way I would say these people have under the age of five to seven, probably under the age of five — you have a very small child, and the easiest way I can explain it is that there is abuse in the family so what happens is, “this person who is abusing me, I also have to love them.”

Little kids, under the age of five, can’t handle ambivalence really well so what they will do is actually create a part that has the ability to take the hurt, and be hurt, and they will create a part that says “I love you” whoever it is that … so they can hold these two mutually incompatible thoughts and feelings at the same time. There has to be amnesia between them, because the part that is being hurt would be too confused by having to love this person who is hurting them and the part that has to love would be confused being hurt, so there has to be an amnesia barrier there. And that’s the purpose. As time goes on, and there is more abuse, and it is prolonged, a child naturally creates more and more personalities and all of the personalities have a job … they are created for a purpose … it’s either to hold memories, or feelings because in an abusive family or situation kids are not allowed to have feelings … if they cry they get hurt; if they get angry they get hurt; so they have to create parts to hold the feelings. If you are being hurt at home, you have to create parts that will go to school and function that will deal with the outside world, and the core birth personality therefore is always protected and allowed to grow up fairly normally. Now what will happen is, you will be presented with somebody who looks kind of flat, who doesn’t have a lot of feeling, who seems kind of pale and passive … the reason is that all of the things that make for character have been split among the parts. So when she needs anger, she switches or blends, with a part. That’s how all of that develops. For some kids, it all depends on what state they don’t develop fully … for kids who have been really severely abused at a very young age going into this, I think their personalities are more well defined. I don’t know what the difference is … as to why some people are full-blown DID and others are less … and I hate to say less well developed, because they function very well. I think they do what they need … they go to the degree that they need to survive.

Wayne Morris:

So at the time the blending takes on between the core person and an alter, does the person have access to the memories and experiences of both identities at that point … what happens at that blending?

Valerie Wolf:

The blending point … when a part blends with the core birth personality, if they have a job to do, they will just do that job … and the memories don’t link … although that part is acting on memories or acting on things they were told they needed to do in order to protect the core birth personality. But as far as giving memories, the parts know where the core birth personality is at all times, and understand their primary function is to protect the core birth personality so they will only give their memories when the core birth personality is ready for them. The thing with the amnesia barriers, going back to your question, the core birth personality is protected from all this information and knowledge by amnesia barriers … may not even know she or he has parts … the amnesia is to that degree and that’s a protection. By the same token, the parts inside know that the core birth personality is there….

Valerie Wolf:

What you have with the mind control is a systematic way of trying to structure someone’s mind so that people could have total control over them. That is what we are dealing with here. They were dealing with very young children, as young as 2 or 3 when this started, some were older, but they found that from 2 1/1 to 3 1/2 (from what I understand) was the best age to start because their minds were much moldable at that point. They created what survivors call The Matrix inside their head and it can take on a lot of variations and forms — the most common one is — survivors talk about it as being like a Rubik’s cube — and they started with a simple 9×9 tic-tac-toe matrix and each little square was a cell or room, and every time an alter came out or was created through the pain, they would condition that alter to respond to a certain word, letter or whatever and then they would have to go into their place in the matrix and that cell had that number or whatever … and they kept track of all of this … so that if you needed a part for a specific job, and they knew what they all were because they either gave the jobs or if the child spontaneously created a job because they knew what they all were … they would just call out that number designation, and get that alter or that group of alters that would suit their purpose at the time.

In the course of treatment, where I start is with safe place imagery — the core birth personality creates a safe place. There is a protocol for doing that, but most of the time they already have it. This is good trauma treatment … I do this with every single client who reports any kind of abuse — that’s where I start. And mind control victims are no different than that … The task is to work through the matrix … once a part’s job is over they can either integrate or go to the safe place. They don’t have to stay in there. Once we get the information or they understand … also that the number refers to the cell, not to them, that’s not their name … and when they realize that (because they think it is their name but it’s not, because they often have other names) … once they realize they don’t have to stay in there any more, they end up going to the safe place where they directly integrate. And a lot of times when they go into the safe place, they will go there, rest a while, and then they will integrate. Your task is to clear out all the parts in the matrix … and all these parts were harmed in the mind control experiments. The other thing is they were told to stay in their cells, they couldn’t talk to anybody, they couldn’t talk to the core birth personality, they had to stay isolated. These kids were as busy undoing it as it was done … a lot of them, probably most whether they admit it or not, then created halls and tunnels, caves or rooms behind the matrix. They learned that they could create this matrix, so why couldn’t they create something else. So a lot of times when I hear an image of a cave, a tunnel, a hall, or whatever … I will ask “is that yours, did you create that, or did they?” If the kid created it, then we know it is a defensive thing, it is useful and it is there for purpose. If they did, then we know it’s something we either have to bypass or deal with to get rid of. We use that series of tunnels or whatever in the back of the matrix … it is like a maze … and that’s how I visualize it … we are working through the maze to get all the kids out of the matrix and once the matrix is empty, you can blow it up, it isn’t needed any more, and then there is always more after that … there is more than one … and I am not going to say how many because I am not going to be suggestive … but there is more than one part to it so you just keep clearing out until you get to the end of those and then there are other memories that come and then you are done….

Wayne Morris:

I would like to talk about how prevalent are memories of ritual abuse and child sexual abuse in the clients that have undergone mind control experimentation …

Valerie Wolf:

They all report sexual, physical and emotional abuse and the systematic — the words are kind of the same in terms of the messages they are given about themselves — they are “worthless” “will never be a success” — really downing yourself, really taking away their control. I have clients with no memories of ritual abuse. I have clients with memories of ritual abuse that is clinical and laboratory based. I think ritual abuse is basically, most of the time, sex rings that get together and use costumes to terrify kids and keep them under control. Satan is a good image because of religion. Here they use mardi gras costumes (in New Orleans) — clients have talked about that. Basically they are groups of pedophiles engaged in child prostitution and sometimes you will hear about child pornography. Some of it is organized crime involved with child pornography and child prostitution, and some of it is groups of pedophiles, men and women, who get together and do whatever they want with kids and I thi nk the satanic imagery heightens the excitement for them. I think there may be true satanic cults but I think the thing that has always been missing for me is how it shows up in your daily life. If you are a practicising satanist, I think it is something that I think would show up in your daily life or show up in rituals or whatever — but it doesn’t — so that kind of leads me to believe it is for another purpose which is to terrify kids and keep them under control. That’s how I see ritual abuse.

I think what happened was Dr. Green started screening kids — apparently there were several criteria for selecting kids for the project — one was that they had to already have been traumatized somewhat so they had the ability to dissociate; another was they had to have good memories; another was they had to be really intelligent. As time went on, he looked for compliance traits because there were some real rebellious ones that fought him. When you look at that, at some point you come across the fact that some of these kids were already being abused in sex rings. One of the things they wanted to do was make kids forget, have amnesia for stuff that was happening to them. There are a number of ways of doing that. Trauma is the best way of inducing amnesia for an event. What Dr. Green would do is order a trauma — and if they had a sex ring lurking in the background, he would just send them back to be ritually abused again and that would create a ritual abuse memory and then he would do his thing, and then send them back again — Claudia describes it like a sandwich: you have a trauma, ritual abuse, back to the laboratory and Green does his nasty little thing and then you have another trauma after and they were spaced in certain ways in order to maximize the dissociative effect and maximize the amnesia for what Green was doing. So they were allowed to remember the ritual abuse, but that was supposed to keep therapists busy, busy, busy for a long time and you were never, ever supposed to get to the mind control stuff. And all my clients have told me this.

Another way it happened was if there was not a sex ring, or satanic cult or whatever in the background readily available, then I think Green produced the same kind of effect in the laboratory and introduced images of satan, people in costumes, did the same kinds of ritual stuff — but you get more of a sense that it is not as full, it is not as much abuse, and there isn’t as much ceremony or learning that takes place like it does in ritual abuse. I have clients that report either….

1995 U. S. congressional hearing:
MKULTRA Victim Testimony A: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iflBkRlpRy0&feature=related
MKULTRA Victim Testimony B: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXDASDDrDkM
MKULTRA Victim Testimony C:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-ES8Bv0_8w

Information on Ellen Lacter and Her Research

Mind Control: Simple to Complex  Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D.    Organizations with a wide range of political and criminal agendas have historically relied on coercive interrogation and brainwashing of various types to force submission and information from enemies and victims, and to indoctrinate and increase cooperation in members and captors.  http://endritualabuse.org/about/mind-control-simple-to-complex/

Mental health and law enforcement professionals working with severe trauma are increasingly seeing victims of torture for the purpose of installation of more covert mind control, that is, mind control that was “installed” in a deeply dissociated (without conscious awareness) state, and controls the person from these unconscious, dissociated, states of mind (Boyd, 1991; Coleman, 1994; Hersha, Hersha, Griffis, & Schwarz, 2001; Katchen & Sakheim, 1992; Keith, 1998; Marks, 1979; Neswald & Gould, 1993; Neswald, Gould, & Graham-Costain, 1991; Noblitt & Perskin, 2000; Oksana, 2001; Ross, 2000; Ryder, 1992; Rutz, 2001; Sheflin & Opton, 1978; Smith, 1993; Weinstein, 1990). The evidence of the existence of covert mind control has begun to surface in the legal arena as well (e.g., Orlikow v. U.S., 682 F.S. 77 (D.D.C. 1988).

Information on Valerie Sinason and Her Research

Information on Randy Noblitt and His Research

Information about Alison Miller and Her Research

Interview with Brian Moss: Qualities and Information Useful for a Therapist and a Client Working with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) https://ritualabuse.us/research/did/interview-with-brian-moss-qualities-and-information-useful-for-a-therapist-and-a-client-working-with-dissociative-identity-disorder-did/

Integrating a trauma narrative, especially if it is the result of sophisticated mind control procedures, is a complex and lengthy process where subjective states (hypnosis, drugs) and manipulated states (electric shock, psychic-driving, sensory deprivation, sleep deprivation) are mixed with objective states (veridical memory of ritual/sexual abuse or any other experiences meant to terrorize.)….

Complex DID systems are not simply a response to trauma and stress—even horrific trauma such as ritual abuse, though it does have a role to play. Nor is it caused iatrogenically by well-meaning therapists attempting to treat trauma survivors as Wikipedia would have us believe. DID is mind control, intentionally practiced and requiring a great deal of effort and conditioning over a period of many years. To develop an elaborate DID system is to endure an ongoing medical procedure throughout childhood, one that requires clinical settings with access to extensive equipment and pharmaceuticals…..

Modern DID bears no resemblance to these early, primitive cases but is instead the outcome of a century of covert research on these dissociative states and their successful creation and exploitation.

This statement has caused the most discussion yet is critical in understanding the true causes of present-day Dissociative Identity Disorder. So what is Mind Control Programming? I use the concepts programming and mind control interchangeably. All DID systems are the result of mind control and programming techniques. I want to clarify this statement; it is very important and has serious implications. The mind does indeed dissociate naturally both in normative contexts (selective attention) and in response to trauma—but dissociative states do not self-organize into elaborate systems with the levels of complexity that we are seeing today—that is something that requires interference from without. Modern cases of DID demonstrate hierarchy and are structured to meet a variety of demands. This is never random, or entirely a response to trauma, though trauma is used to create and maintain the compartmentalization in DID. These parallel conscious states, each exhibiting their own conditioning, are what we call alters….

Mind control evolved from two main foundations:
1)  The Soviet discovery of conditioned reflexes (Pavlov 1903) and continued research within the field of behavioral psychology.
2)  Advances in understanding the creation of parallel dissociative states with independent memory systems and control mechanisms utilizing research in hypnosis and trauma-based splitting of conscious processes.

Disinformation and DID: the Politics of Memory
Brian Moss, MA, MFT
The research and opinions in this well documented essay are solely those of the author….based on available documents and nearly 30 years of experience treating Dissociative Identity Disorder.

Understanding the true etiology of DID

Complex DID systems are not simply a response to trauma – even horrific trauma such as ritual abuse, though it does have a role to play. Nor is it caused iatrogenically by well-meaning therapists attempting to treat trauma survivors as Wikipedia would have us believe. DID is mind control, intentionally practiced and requiring a great deal of effort and conditioning over a period of many years. To develop an elaborate DID system is to endure an ongoing medical procedure throughout childhood, one that requires clinical settings with access to extensive equipment and pharmaceuticals.

At the turn of the century there were indeed cases of “split personality,” a phenomena observed by many of the pioneers attempting to make sense of dissociative processes: Pierre Janet in Paris; Breuer and Freud in Vienna; F.W.H. Myers in London; and Morton Prince in Boston. These initial reports were found to be the result of trauma in childhood but rarely produced more than a few alter states and often just one. Childhood incest does not lead to elaborate DID systems.

Modern DID bears no resemblance to these early, primitive cases but is instead the outcome of a century of covert research on these dissociative states and their successful creation and exploitation.

The exploitation can occur in many contexts, with the common feature being that any activity remains hidden and compartmentalized. Typical contexts of abuse, many of which overlap, include: cults and deviant social networks; child pornography/prostitution; medical/psychological research, military or intelligence networks; private contractors; organized crime (banking, drugs/weapons, human trafficking)….

Conclusive evidence that Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly called Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD) is caused by extensive childhood trauma and not iatrogenically (resulting from the activity of physicians) or socially.

Propaganda & Mind Control
After seeing a variety of articles and letters on and off the web that I believed either knowingly or unknowingly used propaganda and/or mind control techniques, I thought it would be a good idea to print an article about this, so that survivors would be able to recognize these techniques and protect themselves against them or avoid them.

How Cues and Programming Work in Mind Control and Propaganda

A survivor may be tortured repeatedly until an new alter is created. This alter will be given a cue to let them know when to come out, this could be a smell, word, number, sound, color and so on. This cue is either paired with the alter’s creation and is given to the alter to listen for or to look for. The law of strength applies to the strength of the trauma and the strength of the cue. A stronger smell may be easier to associate with a strong trauma, which makes the conditioning stronger. Also if the alter and cue are paired together or closer in terms of time, they will associate more easily.

CD Order Form for the 2016 Annual Child and Ritual Abuse Conference

August 15, 2016 Comments Off on CD Order Form for the 2016 Annual Child and Ritual Abuse Conference

CD Order Form for the 2016 Annual Child and Ritual Abuse Conference

Internet conference information: https://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/

For  those looking for more information about the strong accuracy and validity of ritual abuse research:

http://childabusewiki.org/index.php?title=Ritual_Abuse Ritual abuse exists all over the world. There have been reports, journal articles, web pages and criminal convictions of crimes against children and adults. https://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/  Has additional articles and research about child and ritual abuse.

CDs are now available of three of the conference speakers. Please print out the form below to order them and then mail the form to us at: S.M.A.R.T. P O Box 1295 Easthampton, MA 01027 or follow the instructions below to pay by paypal and send the form by e-mail to smartnews@aol.com 

CD Order Form for the 2016 Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference

1)  Pamela Noblitt – Documenting Disability: How to Prepare a Social Security Disability Strategy

2) Dr. Alison Miller – Internal Keys to Safety

3) Randy Noblitt, PhD  – The Making of the Book Cult and Ritual Abuse: Narratives, Evidence, and Healing Approaches

CDs are $14.00 each.  Please make all checks in US funds out to S.M.A.R.T.

Special Deal in the US until September 1, 2016, $40 for all three CDs and no shipping charges.

One CD $17 includes shipping, two CDs $32 includes shipping, three CDs $47.  Please write for shipping charges outside of the US at smartnews@aol.com 

Some of the topics discussed on these CDs may be heavy for survivors. These CDs are educational and not intended as therapy or treatment.  Statements made on these CDs are the speaker’s own statements only and don’t necessarily  represent the policies or views of conference sponsors, cosponsor, speakers, exhibitors or organizers.


Street: _________________________________________________

City: ____________________________State:____________

Zip:__________  E-mail: ______________________

CDs wanted: ____________________________________________

Conference Information

Speakers and Biographies
These descriptions may be heavy for survivors to read, so please use caution while reading these.

Dr. Alison Miller has an M.A. from the University of Delhi (India), a Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia and is a semi-retired psychologist in private practice in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. She has worked with survivors of ritual abuse and mind control since 1991. She has been a fellow of the ISST-D (International Society for the Study of Trauma &Dissociation) since 2013. She is a member of the Board of Directors of Survivorship, and is the Chair-Elect of the Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Special Interest Group of the ISST-D. Her books include: Becoming Yourself: Overcoming Mind Control and Ritual Abuse (for survivors) and Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control (for therapists).

Internal Keys to Safety
Survivors’ safety is endangered both externally by parts who maintain ongoing contact with perpetrators and respond to cues, and internally by parts trained to punish the person for forbidden behavior such as disclosures. I shall give practical suggestions for survivors to achieve and maintain safety both externally and internally. (Skype presentation)

Randy Noblitt, PhD, is a clinical psychologist (licensed in Texas) and professor of clinical psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology at the California School of Psychology at Alliant International University, Los Angeles. In the course of his practice, Randy has treated more than 300 individuals who met the criteria for dissociative identity disorder. He is the principle author of Cult and Ritual Abuse: Its History, Anthropology and Recent Discovery in Contemporary America (Praeger, 1995. 2000), and its third edition, Cult and Ritual Abuse: Narratives, Evidence and Healing Approaches (Praeger, 2014). He is also co-editor and contributing author of the book, Ritual Abuse in the 21st Century: Psychological, Forensic, Social and Political Considerations (Robert Reed, 2008).
The Making of the Book Cult and Ritual Abuse: Narratives, Evidence, and Healing Approaches
In 1979 I was serving as a USAF psychologist in England. It was there that I heard one of my clients tell a story of a bizarre sex party that included people wearing robes and chanting to Satan. I presumed that this was something very unusual and not likely to recur in my psychological practice. Later in the mid-1980s I began hearing client narratives describing what they referred to as ritual abuse. I sought more information about this phenomenon but there was little in the way of research or professional literature that addressed either the existence of ritual abuse or the treatment of the potentially disabling psychological problems produced in some survivors. In fact, most of the literature was composed of anecdotal experiences and religiously oriented speculation. I undertook the arduous task of reviewing the historical and anthropological evidence for ritual abuse in many cultures and compared these with contemporaneous reports of more than 300 alleged ritual abuse survivors and found remarkable similarities. The book Cult and Ritual Abuse: Its History, Anthropology, and Recent Discovery (Praeger, 1995, 2000), and Cult and Ritual Abuse: Narratives, Evidence, and Healing Approaches (Praeger, 2014) are the result. (Skype presentation)

Pamela Noblitt is a Social Security Disability claimant’s representative in independent private practice. Formerly with the national firm of Binder and Binder, Pam has represented over 1,000 claimants in their efforts to obtain the benefits to which they were entitled. She has presented on the topic of Social Security several times and has collaborated with her husband, Randy, on articles published in Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, addressing clinicians’ responsibilities in Social Security Disability cases.
Documenting Disability: How to Prepare a Social Security Disability Strategy
Many Social Security disability cases are won or lost by the quality of the evidence for disability which includes medical and psychotherapy records as well as professional opinions regarding the toll the claimant’s condition takes on their personal, educational, and vocational lives. This presentation offers guidance and suggestions for clinicians and potential claimants about effective documenting practices for disability claims. Included are sample documents that correspond with Social Security Disability definitions and criteria. (Skype presentation)

Eileen Aveni LMSW, ACSW, BCD, AAETS is a psychotherapist with 30+ years in medical and psychiatric settings working alongside other DID, Ritual Abuse, &Mind Control treatment specialists and law enforcement involved in current cases.  She has learned from and presented nationally and internationally with some of the noted researchers and practitioners of this field, and consults internationally. Eileen created and led an 8 year long-term therapy for DID/RA/MC survivors.  In private practice in Michigan, she also sees clients on Skype.  She is Chair of the international Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Special Interest Group, a division of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation.

Jeri Shivans has 25+ years in creating Internet Technology as an executive and founder of companies. She holds advanced degrees in Business and Divinity. Jeri is a survivor who has aided other survivors for 20 years including assisting with a long-term therapy group for RA survivors, and leading a Safe House.

4 Hour Workshop – Helping You Work with Your Internal System
Eileen Aveni and Jeri Shivans will discuss The Narcissistic Leader – how cult leaders can create an environment where lies, deception and even torture are approved of; Internal Hierarchies – a look at the overall differences in cults, how internal systems can be constructed, timing and type of abuse in different cults, and the purpose behind it all; Helping Internal Hierarchies to Heal – working with internal parts up and down the hierarchies to heal; Spiritual Abuse and Overcoming it – how it occurs, demons vs internal parts, forgiving yourself, and having genuine spiritual experiences; Selecting a Therapist; and Living Well – you can recover and thrive!

Neil Brick is a survivor of ritual abuse and mind control. His work continues to educate the public about child abuse, trauma and ritual abuse crimes. His child abuse and ritual abuse newsletter S.M.A.R.T. has been published for over 20 years. http://neilbrick.com

First Presentation:
Presentation on How to Avoid Being Mind Controlled at a Conference https://survivorship.org/survivorship-articles/how-to-avoid-being-mind-controlled-at-a-conference/

Second Presentation:
The Urban Legends of Those Attacking Ritual Abuse Theories and the False Logic of False Memory Proponents and Their Occultist Supporters
The vicious attacks, harassment and false logic of those untrained to ascertain recovery and therapeutic techniques continues into recent years from the 1990s. Many of these attacks use the same propaganda techniques, like name calling, insults and repetition as those from the 1980s and 90s. Modern examples will be given and compared to those from prior years.

Alleged child predators caught in undercover April Fools sex sting, Texas man who killed a 12-year-old boy in 1998 after a satanic calling, Common Forms of Misinformation and Tactics of Disinformation about Psychotherapy for Trauma Originating in Ritual Abuse and Mind Control

April 7, 2016 Comments Off on Alleged child predators caught in undercover April Fools sex sting, Texas man who killed a 12-year-old boy in 1998 after a satanic calling, Common Forms of Misinformation and Tactics of Disinformation about Psychotherapy for Trauma Originating in Ritual Abuse and Mind Control

– Alleged child predators caught in undercover April Fools sex sting
– Texas man who killed boy executed
– Common Forms of Misinformation and Tactics of Disinformation about Psychotherapy for Trauma Originating in Ritual Abuse and Mind Control By Ellen Lacter, Ph.D.
– Psychological and legal evidence of the existence of ritual abuse is substantial and rapidly growing
– Scientific Evidence that Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD) is caused by Childhood Trauma

Alleged child predators caught in undercover April Fools sex sting
Apr 6th 2016

While millions across the country were using social media to harmlessly prank their friends and family last week, police in Florida took to the dark corners of the Internet to uncover and stop alleged would-be child sex offenders.

The undercover child sex sting caught 18 men arranging sexual encounters with children.

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd released the results of “Operation April’s Fools” on Tuesday.

“These freaks and these deviants are looking for our children every day online,” Judd said at a news conference. “They worked in all different lines of business, and they had one thing in common: they’re child predators.”

Investigators said the men had arranged to have sex with children from 10 to 14-years-old.

Undercover detectives nabbed the men by luring them with fictitious ads or profiles on social media, websites and phone applications, pretending to be either children or their custodians.

Despite prior coverage of past events, multiple men responded to and engaged with the undercover detectives, and officials divulged some of the most shocking details of those alleged encounters….

describes graphic crimes

Texas man who killed boy, drank his blood executed
Vasquez has appealed his execution
By Holly Yan CNN  04/06 2016

Pablo Vasquez, a Texas man who killed a 12-year-old boy in 1998 and reportedly drank his blood after a satanic calling, was executed Wednesday, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice announced….

Vasquez, 38, had appealed his execution, but a stay was denied and he was put to death at 6:35 p.m.
Vasquez was convicted of killing 12-year-old David Cardenas in Donna, Texas, 18 years ago. Authorities said Vasquez and his cousin met the boy at a party.

On the night of April 18, 1998, “Vasquez struck the victim in the head with a piece of pipe and a shovel,” the Department of Criminal Justice said. “The victim’s body was buried behind a residence. … Vasquez took a ring and a necklace from the victim.”….

Vasquez told police in a videotaped interview that he drank the boy’s blood, according to The Monitor newspaper in South Texas.
“The blood was dripping, and (I) got it all over my face, so I don’t know. I mean, something just told me drink,” Vasquez said, according to a transcript of the statement.

Vasquez said he tried to cut off the boy’s head, according to The Monitor. A detective asked Vasquez why.
“The devil was telling me to take it away from, to keep it, keep it, couldn’t come off,” Vasquez said. “I was just freaking out cause I was hearing that.”….

Common Forms of Misinformation and Tactics of Disinformation about Psychotherapy for Trauma Originating in Ritual Abuse and Mind Control By Ellen Lacter, Ph.D., December 18, 2012.
from http://endritualabuse.org/activism/misinfo/

This page on my website seeks to expose a number of common forms of misinformation and tactics of disinformation about psychotherapy for trauma originating in ritual abuse and mind control. Disinformation is distinguished from misinformation in that it is intentionally fraudulent.

Misinformation and disinformation about ritual abuse and mind control trauma and psychotherapy to treat such trauma appear in both paper and electronic media, but are particularly abundant on the Internet on websites of individuals and organizations, bookseller reviews, blogs, newsletters, online encyclopedias, social networking sites, and e-group listservs.

Brief Synopsis of the Literature on the Existence of Ritualistic Abuse  By Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D.
Psychological and legal evidence of the existence of ritual abuse is substantial and rapidly growing.

Publications on Ritual Abuse and Mind Control in 2008
from End Ritual Abuse – The Website of Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D

Data on Survivors of Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, and Healing Methods
Results of 2007 “International Survey for Adult Survivors of Extreme Abuse”

Ritual Abuse Evidence with information on the McMartin Case

Mind Control: Simple to Complex  Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D.  (Revised 9-9-2007)
Organizations with a wide range of political and criminal agendas have historically relied on coercive interrogation and brainwashing of various types to force submission and information from enemies and victims, and to indoctrinate and increase cooperation in members and captors.    http://endritualabuse.org/about/mind-control-simple-to-complex/

Scientific Evidence that Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD) is caused by Childhood Trauma

20th Bill Cosby accuser comes forward, Bill Cosby Sued For Alleged Sexual Assault, DID valid disorder found around the globe – empirical overview

December 4, 2014 Comments Off on 20th Bill Cosby accuser comes forward, Bill Cosby Sued For Alleged Sexual Assault, DID valid disorder found around the globe – empirical overview

– Bill Cosby Sued For Alleged Sexual Assault of Teenager in 1970s
– More women detail sex abuse claims against Bill Cosby

– Dissociative identity disorder: An empirical overview
“Existing data show DID (dissociative identity disorder formerly called MPD) as a complex, valid and not uncommon disorder, associated with developmental and cultural variables, that is amenable to psychotherapeutic intervention….Because the aetiology of DID is associated with childhood relational trauma, the discomfort caused by studying DID may serve as a potent disincentive to its investigation…. to retain a comforting denial of both the occurrence of abuse and its disabling psychiatric legacy….affects approximately 1% of the general population.”

– USC study challenges traditional data: points to higher rates of child abuse
“one in 20 children in California are victims of substantiated abuse or neglect before they reach their fifth birthday.”

Bill Cosby Sued For Alleged Sexual Assault of Teenager in 1970s
By Maria Elena Fernandez and Andrew Blankstein  December 3, 2014

A 55-year-old woman sued comedian Bill Cosby on Tuesday in Los Angeles Superior Court claiming sexual battery and infliction of emotional distress for allegedly molesting her in a bedroom at the Playboy Mansion when she was 15 years old.

According to the complaint, Judy Huth and a friend, who was 16 at the time, met Cosby at an outdoor film set at Lacy Park in Los Angeles County in 1974 and accepted an invitation to socialize with him at a tennis club the following week. When they got together, the lawsuit alleges, they played billiards and Cosby served them alcoholic beverages….

“When Plaintiff emerged from the bathroom, she found COSBY sitting on the bed,” the suit states. “He asked her to sit beside him. He then proceeded to sexually molest her by attempting to put his hand down her pants, and then taking her hand in his hand and performing a sex act on himself without her consent.” ….

In recent weeks, 20 other women have come forward to accuse Cosby of sexual assault — charges which began to surface a decade ago when the former director of operations for Temple’s women’s basketball team sued him for drugging her and assaulting her in 2004.

The comedian has not been criminally charged and many of the claims are so old, they are barred by statutes of limitations.

Huth’s lawsuit, however, contends that she became aware of the serious effect the abuse had on her within the past three years. California law allows victims of sex abuse when they were minors to bring a claim after adulthood if they discover later in life that they suffered psychological injuries as a result of the abuse….

More women detail sex abuse claims against Bill Cosby
By Piya Sinha-Roy and Eric Kelsey, Reuters  December 3, 2014 Los Angeles

20th Bill Cosby accuser comes forward

Three women on Wednesday came together and detailed allegations that comedian Bill Cosby sexually abused and groped them decades ago, a day after Cosby was sued by a woman who said he molested her when she was a teenager in 1974.

More than a dozen women have publicly accused the comedian of sexual abuse as far back as the 1960s as the allegations have scuttled Cosby’s television projects and led to cancellations of numerous comedy performances, including two gigs in suburban New York that were scheduled for Saturday.

Dissociative identity disorder: An empirical overview 
Martin J Dorahy, Bethany L Brand, Vedat Sar, Christa Krüger, Pam Stavropoulos, Alfonso Martínez-Taboas, Roberto Lewis-Fernández, Warwick Middleton, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2014, Vol. 48(5) 402–417  DOI: 10.1177/0004867414527523

The overview is limited to DID-specific research in which one or more of the following conditions are met: (i) a sample of participants with DID was systematically investigated, (ii) psychometrically-sound measures were utilised, (iii) comparisons were made with other samples, (iv) DID was differentiated from other disorders, including other dissociative disorders, (v) extraneous variables were controlled or (vi) DID diagnosis was confirmed. Following an examination of challenges to research, data are organised around the validity and phenomenology of DID, its aetiology and epidemiology, the neurobiological and cognitive correlates of the disorder, and finally its treatment.

DID was found to be a complex yet valid disorder across a range of markers. It can be accurately discriminated from other disorders, especially when structured diagnostic interviews assess identity alterations and amnesia. DID is aetiologically associated with a complex combination of developmental and cultural factors, including severe childhood relational trauma. The prevalence of DID appears highest in emergency psychiatric settings and affects approximately 1% of the general population. Psychobiological studies are beginning to identify clear correlates of DID associated with diverse brain areas and cognitive functions. They are also providing an understanding of the potential metacognitive origins of amnesia. Phase-oriented empirically-guided treatments are emerging for DID.

The empirical literature on DID is accumulating, although some areas remain under-investigated. Existing data show DID as a complex, valid and not uncommon disorder, associated with developmental and cultural variables, that is amenable to psychotherapeutic intervention….

Because the aetiology of DID is associated with childhood relational trauma, the discomfort caused by studying DID may serve as a potent disincentive to its investigation. Thus avoiding study of DID protects mainstream social institutions – at the expense of the children who are violated by them – as well as enabling researchers, clinicians and the public to retain a comforting denial of both the occurrence of abuse and its disabling psychiatric legacy. Hence avoidance of the central issues associated with DID operates not only in the patient, but in society at large….

Both universal and cultural processes influence the development and phenomenology of DID (Dorahy, 2001a). Dissociation and DD can be found in all cultural settings (e.g. Spiegel et al., 2013; Stein et al., 2013). DID has been documented in Turkey, Puerto Rico, Scandinavia, Japan, Canada, Australia, the USA, the Philippines, Ireland, the UK and Argentina, among many other cultural and geographical contexts (Rhoades and Sar, 2005)….

Every study that has systematically examined aetiology has found that antecedent severe, chronic childhood trauma is present in the histories of almost all individuals with DID….

It is important to consider health costs associated with DID. A Canadian treatment study of DID concluded that annual costs dropped from C$75,000 to C$36,000 in the 3 years after treatment for DID (Ross and Dua, 1993). This and other studies document considerable cost savings even for those who had been chronically ill before being appropriately treated for DID (Lloyd, 2011)….

The empirical literature on DID emerging over the past 30 years shows that, beyond the rhetoric and controversy, DID is a valid disorder characterised by amnesia, identity confusion and coexistence of dissociative identities which can be differentiated from other psychiatric disorders as well as from feigned presentations of DID. Characteristic features include a complex array of co-existing symptoms associated with psychosis, mood, anxiety, affect regulation and personality functioning. A mix of subtle and overt developmental, interpersonal and cultural drivers produce DID, with childhood attachment-based trauma appearing to be a universal factor, while social idioms of self produce components of cultural specificity.

DID is found around the globe in almost every culture in which researchers have carefully assessed for the range of dissociative symptoms. Orbitofrontal, cortico-limbic and temporal anomalies are evident in DID, with different neurobiological profiles found across identities than those in simulation….

USC study challenges traditional data: points to higher rates of child abuse
Andrea Gardner

New research from the University of Southern California’s Children’s Data Network shows that approximately one in 20 children in California are victims of substantiated abuse or neglect before they reach their fifth birthday.

The study separately found that about 1 in 7 California children are reported to county Child Protective Services agencies over suspected abuse before they reach age 5….

Evidence that Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD) is caused by Childhood Trauma

November 7, 2014 Comments Off on Evidence that Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD) is caused by Childhood Trauma

Conclusive evidence that Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly called Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD) is caused by extensive childhood trauma and not iatrogenically (resulting from the activity of physicians) or socially. Individual identities have been shown to have clear physiological differences. These are only a few of the many studies available in professional journals and research books.

Child Abuse Wiki – Dissociative Identity Disorder

Dissociative identity disorder (formerly called Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD) is defined in the DSM-IV-TR as the presence of two or more personality states or distinct identities that repeatedly take control of one’s behavior. The patient has an inability to recall personal information. The extent of this lack of recall is too great to be explained by normal forgetfulness. The disorder cannot be due to the direct physical effects of a general medical condition or substance.

DID entails a failure to integrate certain aspects of memory, consciousness and identity. Patients experience frequent gaps in their memory for their personal history, past and present. Patients with DID report having severe physical and sexual abuse, especially during childhood. The reports of patients with DID are often validated by objective evidence.


The causes of dissociative identity disorder are theoretically linked with the interaction of overwhelming stress, traumatic antecedents, insufficient childhood nurturing, and an innate ability to dissociate memories or experiences from consciousness. Prolonged child abuse is frequently a factor, with a very high percentage of patients reporting documented abuse often confirmed by objective evidence. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders states that patients with DID often report having a history of severe physical and sexual abuse. The reports of patients suffering from DID are “often confirmed by objective evidence,” and the DSM notes that the abusers in those situations may be inclined to “deny or distort” these acts. Research has consistently shown that DID is characterized by reports of extensive childhood trauma, usually child abuse. Dissociation is recognized as a symptomatic presentation in response to psychological trauma, extreme emotional stress, and in association with emotional dysregulation and borderline personality disorder. A study of 12 murderers established the connection between early severe abuse and DID. A recent psychobiological study shows that dissociative identity disorder (DID) sufferers’ “origins of their ailment stem more likely from trauma” than sociogenic or iatrogenic origins.

There is strong evidence that DID is not a culture bound phenomenon.
Dissociative disorders have been found in more than a dozen countries. DID has been found in China and Turkey.

Physiological Evidence

Physiological evidence has provided additional evidence to back the existence of DID. One review of the literature found “physiologic and ocular differences across alter personalities.” Additional studies have been found showing optical differences in DID cases. One study found that “eight of the nine MPD subjects consistently manifested physiologically distinct alter personality states.” Other reviews have found additional physiological differences. Brain mapping has also found physiological differences in alternate personalities. A variety of psychiatric rating scales found that multiple personality is strongly related to childhood trauma rather than to an underlying electrophysiological dysfunction. Dissociative identity disorder patients have been found to have smaller hippocampal and amygdalar volumes than healthy subjects.  The involvement of the orbitalfrontal cortex has been proposed in the development of DID, suggesting a possible neurodevelopmental mechanism that would be responsible for the development of “multiple representations of self.” More recent research presents psychobiological evidence indicating actual physical alter states not found in controls.
with permission from http://childabusewiki.org/index.php?title=Dissociative_Identity_Disorder

Research Evidence showing a connection between Dissociative Identity Disorder and Trauma

Objective Documentation of Child Abuse and Dissociation in 12 Murderers With Dissociative Identity Disorder
“Signs and symptoms of dissociative identity disorder in childhood and adulthood were corroborated independently and from several sources in all 12 cases; objective evidence of severe abuse was obtained in 11 cases. The subjects had amnesia for most of the abuse and underreported it. Marked changes in writing style and/or signatures were documented in 10 cases. CONCLUSIONS: This study establishes, once and for all, the linkage between early severe abuse and dissociative identity disorder.”

Multiple personality disorder in The Netherlands: a clinical investigation of 71 patients.
The presenting characteristics of the patients showed a striking resemblance to those in several large North American series. Patients had spent an average of 8.2 years in the mental health system prior to correct diagnosis. Patients presented with many different symptoms and frequently received other psychiatric or neurological diagnoses. A history of childhood physical and/or sexual abuse was reported by 94.4% of the subjects, and 80.6% met criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder.
Patients with multiple personality disorder have a stable set of core symptoms throughout North America as well as in Europe.

Abuse histories in 102 cases of multiple personality disorder.
The authors interviewed 102 individuals with clinical diagnoses of multiple personality disorder at four centres using the Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule. The patients reported high rates of childhood trauma: 90.2% had been sexually abused, 82.4% physically abused, and 95.1% subjected to one or both forms of child abuse. Over 50% of subjects reported initial physical and sexual abuse before age five. The average duration of both types of abuse was ten years, and numerous different perpetrators were identified. Subjects were equally likely to be physically abused by their mothers or fathers. Sexual abusers were more often male than female, but a substantial amount of sexual abuse was perpetrated by mothers, female relatives, and other females. Multiple personality disorder appears to be a response to chronic trauma originating during a vulnerable period in childhood.

Evidence Against Iatrogenic and Sociocognitive Models of Dissociative Identity Disorder

Evidence against the iatrogenesis of multiple personality disorder
The authors present data which argue against the iatrogenesis of multiple personality disorder (MPD). Twenty-two cases reported by one Canadian psychiatrist, 23 cases reported by a second Canadian psychiatrist, 48 cases seen by 44 American psychiatrists specializing in MPD, and 44 cases seen by 40 Canadian general psychiatrists without a special interest in MPD are compared. The Canadian general psychiatrists had seen an average of 2.2 cases of MPD, while the Americans had seen an average of 160. There were no differences between these groups on the diagnostic criteria, for MPD or the number of personalities identified. Specialists in MPD are not influencing their patients to create an increased number of personalities or to endorse more diagnostic criteria. Exposure to hypnosis does not appear to influence the phenomenology of MPD.

Iatrogenic DID-An Evaluation of the Scientific Evidence: D. Brown, E. Frischholz & A. Scheflin” from The fall-winter 1999 issue of “The Journal of Psychiatry & Law – “Conclusions…At present the scientific evidence is insufficient and inadequate to support plaintiffs’ complaints that suggestive influences allegedly operative in psychotherapy can create a major psychiatric disorder like MPD per se…there is virtually no support for the unique contribution of hypnosis to the alleged iatrogenic creation of MPD in appropriately controlled research.….alter shaping is not to be confused with alter creation.” p. 624

The sociocognitive model of dissociative identity disorder: A reexamination of the evidence.
According to the sociocognitive model of dissociative identity disorder (DID; formerly, multiple personality disorder), DID is not a valid psychiatric disorder of posttraumatic origin; rather, it is a creation of psychotherapy and the media….No reason exists to doubt the connection between DID and childhood trauma. Treatment recommendations that follow from the sociocognitive model may be harmful because they involve ignoring the posttraumatic symptomatology of persons with DID.

Dissociative identity disorder is a real condition, and it’s not quite as rare as you might imagine.  https://psychcentral.com/disorders/dissociative-identity-disorder

Separating Fact from Fiction: An Empirical Examination of Six Myths About Dissociative Identity Disorder  Bethany L. Brand, PhD, Vedat Sar, MD, Pam Stavropoulos, PhD, Christa Krüger, MB BCh, MMed (Psych), MD, Marilyn Korzekwa, MD, Alfonso Martínez-Taboas, PhD, and Warwick Middleton, MB BS, FRANZCP, MD  –  Harv Rev Psychiatry. 2016 Jul; 24(4): 257–270.  Published online 2016 Jul 8. doi: 10.1097/HRP.0000000000000100  PMCID: PMC4959824   PMID: 27384396

Fact or Factitious? A Psychobiological Study of Authentic and Simulated Dissocative Identity States
The findings are at odds with the idea that differences among different types of dissociative identity states in DID can be explained by high fantasy proneness, motivated role-enactment, and suggestion. They indicate that DID does not have a sociocultural (e.g., iatrogenic) origin. For the first time, it is shown using brain imaging that neither high nor low fantasy prone healthy women, who enacted two different types of dissociative identity states, were able to substantially simulate these identity states in psychobiological terms. These results do  not support the idea of a sociogenic origin for DID.”

The clinical phenomenology of multiple personality disorder: review of 100 recent cases

F W PutnamJ J GuroffE K SilbermanL Barban, R M Post    J Clin Psychiatry . 1986 Jun;47(6):285-93.  PMID: 3711025  Abstract :  The clinical syndrome of multiple personality disorder (MPD) is an unusual dissociative condition that has been poorly characterized. In an attempt to better delineate the clinical phenomenology of MPD, 100 recent cases were collected on a 386-item questionnaire completed by clinicians involved in the treatment of MPD patients. This study documents the existence of a clinical syndrome characterized by a core of depressive and dissociative symptoms and a childhood history of significant trauma, primarily child abuse.   https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3711025/

Physiological Evidence Showing Physical Differences Between Dissociative Identity Disorder Identity States
Multiple personality disorder. A clinical investigation of 50 cases.
To study the clinical phenomenology of multiple personality, 50 consecutive patients with DSM-III multiple personality disorder were assessed using clinical history, psychiatric interview, neurological examination, electroencephalogram, MMPI, intelligence testing, and a variety of psychiatric rating scales. Results revealed that patients with multiple personality are usually women who present with depression, suicide attempts, repeated amnesic episodes, and a history of childhood trauma, particularly sexual abuse. Also common were headaches, hysterical conversion, and sexual dysfunction. Intellectual level varied from borderline to superior. The MMPI reflected underlying character pathology in addition to depression and dissociation. Significant neurological or electroencephalographical abnormalities were infrequent. These data suggest that the etiology of multiple personality is strongly related to childhood trauma rather than to an underlying electrophysiological dysfunction.

Psychobiological characteristics of dissociative identity disorder: a symptom provocation study.
Dissociative identity disorder (DID) patients function as two or more identities or dissociative identity states (DIS), categorized as ‘neutral identity states’ (NIS) and ‘traumatic identity states’ (TIS). NIS inhibit access to traumatic memories thereby enabling daily life functioning. TIS have access and responses to these memories. We tested whether these DIS show different psychobiological reactions to trauma-related memory.
Psychobiological differences were found for the different DIS. Subjective and cardiovascular reactions revealed significant main and interactions effects. Regional cerebral blood flow data revealed different neural networks to be associated with different processing of the neutral and trauma-related memory script by NIS and TIS.
Patients with DID encompass at least two different DIS. These identities involve different subjective reactions, cardiovascular responses and cerebral activation patterns to a trauma-related memory script.

One Brain, Two Selves
Our findings reveal the existence of different regional cerebral blood flow patterns for different senses of self. We present evidence for the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) and the posterior associative cortices to have an integral role in conscious experience.  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14683715

Research Articles and Books about Dissociative Identity Disorder and MPD

Overcoming Multiple Personality Disorder By Anne Underwood
Multiple personality disorder is a perplexing phenomenon to outside observers, believed to be brought on by persistent childhood abuse. What is it like living with MPD? And how does a sufferer function, with so many alternate personalities—or “alters”—some of them adults and some children? NEWSWEEK’s Anne Underwood spoke with Karen Overhill—a former sufferer and the subject of a new book, “Switching Time,” by Dr. Richard Baer.

Multiple personality and dissociation, 1791-1992: a complete bibliography

The official journal of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD), published between 1988 and 1997

Forensic Aspects of Dissociative Identity Disorder
This ground-breaking book examines the role of crime in the lives of people with Dissociative Identity Disorder, formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder, a condition which appears to be caused by prolonged trauma in infancy and childhood. This trauma may be linked with crimes committed against them, crimes they have witnessed, and crimes they have committed under duress.

Trauma And Dissociation in a Cross-cultural Perspective: Not Just a North American Phenomenon
An international look at the similarities and differences of long-lasting trauma – Trauma and Dissociation in a Cross-Cultural Perspective examines the psychological, sociological, political, economic, and cultural aspects of trauma and its consequences on people around the world. Dispelling the myth that trauma-related dissociative disorders are a North American phenomenon, this unique book travels through more than a dozen countries to analyze the effects of long-lasting traumatization-both natural and man-made-on adults and children.  http://www.amazon.com/Trauma-Dissociation-Cross-cultural-Perspective-Phenomenon/dp/0789034077


Sybil in Her Own Words  Patrick Suraci Psychologist

Sybil and Multiple Personality Disorder

Review of “Sybil in her own words”

Twenty-Two Faces – Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities Judy Byington

Open Letter to Dr. Phil From Jenny Hill

Basic Information on DID
Basic Information on Dissociative Identity Disorder with sections on Basic Information on DID from the DSM-IV-TR, The History of DID/MPD, Diagnosing DID, Responses to those that state that DID is iatrogenic or a social construct,  MPD/DID connection to severe abuse, Recent information and DID resources,
Physiological studies showing differences between DID patients and non-DID patients

Research and Information on Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly called Multiple Personality Disorder) http://ritualabuse.us/research/did/

Disinformation and DID: the Politics of Memory – Brian Moss, MA, MFT
Information on the False Memory Syndrome, Mind Control, Dissociative Identity Disorder, The Media, Ritual Abuse, The Nazis and Programming.

Secret Weapons – Two Sisters’ Terrifying True Story of Sex, Spies and Sabotage by Cheryl and Lynn Hersha with Dale Griffis, Ph D. and Ted Schwartz. New Horizon Press ISBN 0-88282-196-2 Is a well-documented, verifiable account of not one, but two childrens’ long untold stories of being CHILD subjects of Project MKUltra. Quotes from the book: “By the time Cheryl Hersha came to the facility, knowledge of multiple personality was so complete that doctors understood how the mind separated into distinct ego states,each unaware of the other. First, the person traumatized had to be both extremely intelligent and under the age of seven, two conditions not yet understood though remaining consistent as factors. The trauma was almost always of a sexual nature…” p. 52 “The government researchers,aware of the information in the professional journals, decided to reverse the process (of healing from hysteric dissociation). They decided to use selective trauma on healthy children to create personalities capable of committing acts desired for national security and defense.” p. 53 – 54 0

When the Mind Splits – Dissociative identity disorder affects millions of people, most of whom are former child abuse victims

October 31, 2014 Comments Off on When the Mind Splits – Dissociative identity disorder affects millions of people, most of whom are former child abuse victims

When the Mind Splits
Dissociative identity disorder affects millions of people, most of whom are former child abuse victims.
Why do some psychologists doubt that the condition even exists?
By Sam Levin

….I met Elyse a few weeks after she sent me an email, stating that she has was trying to find a journalist to help her raise awareness about dissociative identity disorder, or DID (pronounced D-I-D), a misunderstood and stigmatized condition that is far more common than most people realize. Elyse was officially diagnosed with DID two years ago at Stanford University Medical Center, but she said she has had the condition for much longer.

“The majority of the public knows little to no correct information about DID, and even those in the professional field of psychology debate whether or not this disorder is even real,” Elyse wrote to me over the summer. “But it is. It is very, very real, and so I am working hard to spread awareness.”

Research has increasingly demonstrated that DID is a trauma-based disorder that typically emerges among people who have experienced childhood sexual or physical abuse. Dissociation occurs when people mentally detach themselves from their surroundings, a common coping mechanism for a child victim of abuse. When the abuse continues over a period of time, that dissociation can become extreme and lead the victim to develop distinct, dissociated parts of himself or herself that exist to withstand the abuse.

Experts on DID say that roughly 1 percent of the population suffers from the condition, making it as common as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.

….Every year, child protective service agencies in the United States receive more than 3 million reports of child abuse. In 2012, there were nearly 63,000 documented cases of child sexual abuse, according to US Department of Health and Human Services data. And experts believe that the number of cases reported and investigated represents just a small fraction of the abuse and trauma that children suffer across the country.

“When they are reported, they are not dealt with well,” said David Spiegel, associate chair of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine and an expert on dissociative identity disorder. Some research has suggested that two-thirds of child trauma cases aren’t reported, he said. “These children have to live with it. How do you live with it? … You act as though it isn’t happening or it’s happening to somebody else that isn’t you.”

Cases involving the most severe and disturbing trauma — prolonged physical and sexual abuse by parents, other family members, or caregivers — are especially likely to go unreported. And so children in these cases develop their own ways to survive. “You can’t run away. You can’t fight it, so you go away in your head,” explained Bethany Brand, a clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at Towson University in Maryland, who recently completed the world’s largest study on the treatment of dissociative disorders. “That makes it easier to disconnect from the body in pain.”

When a young mind repeatedly enters these dissociative states in response to ongoing abuse, the coping mechanism can evolve into DID. “It’s an interesting paradox of sort of breaking apart, so that you don’t break,” explained Janelle Salah, a Berkeley-based therapist who treats DID patients.

….A 2006 Journal of Psychiatric Research study concluded that 1.5 percent of the general population has DID. And a 2011 epidemiological overview of DID studies — which stated that “dissociative disorders constitute a hidden and neglected public health problem” — said the disorder exists in 0.4 to 3.1 percent of the general population, and in roughly 5 percent of psychiatric patients. That study also stated that dissociative patients are more likely to report childhood psychological trauma than people suffering from any other psychiatric disorder.

When The Mind Splits: Processing Dissociative Identity Disorder Through Art
by Sam Levin

In this week’s cover story, I profiled Elyse Winter-Volkova, a 21-year-old San Leandro woman who suffers from dissociative identity disorder, the condition formerly known as multiple personality disorder. Experts believe the disorder, also known as DID, affects roughly 1 percent of the population and most often emerges in people who have experienced severe childhood trauma, typically prolonged physical or sexual abuse. One of the leading DID experts featured in my story is Bethany Brand, a professor of psychology at Towson University in Maryland, who conducted the world’s largest study on the treatment of dissociative disorders. In addition to discussing her extensive research with me, Brand helped connect me to two women in Maryland who also have DID…..

DID most often develops as a highly complex coping mechanism in the face of intense abuse and trauma, meaning a child mentally detaches from his or her surroundings, and eventually develops distinct, dissociated parts (or personalities) that exist to withstand the abuse. The challenge for people living with DID is to develop a functional system of communication between different personalities or identities (sometimes called “alters”), with some sufferers working toward “integration” — that is, the fusion of different identities into one. While integration is not always the ultimate goal for people with DID, Elise told me that she is working toward integration — an incredibly difficult process of trying to merge different parts of herself that carry different memories and perspective on her past abuse. “I would like to come back together as much as possible,” she said….

When the Mind Splits
from East Bay Express

Elyse Winter-Volkova has been diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder, but instead of hiding it, she openly talks about her condition online, with the people in her life, and as a guest lecturer in college psychology classes. She hopes to raise awareness and advocate for greater acceptance of people with mental illnesses.

Dissociative identity disorder (formerly called Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD) is defined in the DSM-IV-TR as the presence of two or more personality states or distinct identities that repeatedly take control of one’s behavior. The patient has an inability to recall personal information. The extent of this lack of recall is too great to be explained by normal forgetfulness. The disorder cannot be due to the direct physical effects of a general medical condition or substance.

Survivorship Webinar – Going From Being Split to Having Achieved Full Integration

September 25, 2013 Comments Off on Survivorship Webinar – Going From Being Split to Having Achieved Full Integration

Saturday, October 5, 2013
12:00 noon Pacific Time
Presenter: Alison
“What it has been/is like for me to go from being split to having achieved full integration.”

What it has been/is like for me to go from being split into over 30 parts for the past 30 plus years to having achieved full integration, with a few surprises along the way as of April 15 of this year, and what it’s like living as a whole person, after being dissociated and living life as a multiple for the past 38 years. As well as what lies ahead for me now that I am integrated and facing the world from a whole new perspective.

A life long advocate for justice in every facet of society, Alison has consistently refused to take “no” for an answer when the moral imperative shouts “yes,” regardless of inconvenience to the status quo. Alison a survivor of inter-generational cult abuse from Canada., diagnosed with MPD/DID at the age of 18, has been determined to live a life free from the fear of being abused in the future, achieved her dream and in 2010, and no longer lives in constant fear for her life. Over the past 3 1/2 years of intensive psycho-therapy, Alison has achieved integration and on April 15th of this year went from being split into multiple different parts to one whole person, and is now in the process of learning to live her life coping with this new reality.

When not working publicly as an activist, she creates and shares music with others, reminding us all that justice and art can hold hands. Alison currently works part-time as a Piano teacher and is a member of her local paper’s Community Editorial Board, responsible for writing a bimonthly op-ed column on a topic of her choosing.

Registration closes Thursday evening October 3, 2013

To reserve a space in the webinar, e-mail Shamai at shamai@survivorship.org    and give her this information:

1. Your name
2. The webinar you wish to attend: What it has been/is like
3. Amount and method of payment (check, PayPal, money order)
4. Your preferred e-mail address (so we can send you instructions)
5. The name you will be using for the webinar. (This does not have to be your real name or your message board screen name.)

You will receive a confirmation email immediately and an invitation link and instructions after the registration closes. Even though you register with Survivorship, please remember to register with the webinar invitation link in order to get all the information you will need.

Webinars are on a sliding scale from $50.00 to full scholarship (while we offer full scholarships for webinars please consider paying whatever you are able to. Even $5 will help to cover the cost of the webinar provider). Please remember to factor in the cost of the telephone call if you don’t have a computer headset. The PayPal button is near the bottom of the page at http://www.survivorship.org/webinars.html

If you wish to pay by check please send it to: Survivorship, Family Justice Center, 470 27th Street, Oakland, CA 94612.


Saturday, November 16, 2013
12:00 noon Pacific Time
Presenter: Christine DesJardins
“Energy Psychology and Muscle Testing, Ensuring You Are in Balance to Do the Work.”

A survivor of satanic worship and ritual abuse in the Catholic Church, Chris has spent so much time in therapy that 5 years ago she decided to launch a late life career as a therapist with the intention of finding methods that work for extreme abuse. She spent 30 years as part of a Buddhist community and has a love of meditation that has been helpful in her counseling practice. In her search for a method that works for extreme abuse she has turned to Energy Psychology which recognizes that all trauma has an energetic piece that is held in the body and which needs to be released in order to be free of the traumatic patterns. After dabbling in different methods she found Advanced Integrative Therapy (AIT) which works through the chakras. The technique has a calming almost meditative effect which allows difficult material to surface and be let go with relative ease.

Chris will be teaching Kinesiology, Muscle Testing, which is used in AIT to determine if the client is in balance, what issues need to be worked on and in what order. It is based on the idea that the body has an intelligence that can accurately give yes/no answers. She will also demonstrate how to determine if you are neurologically organized or disorganized and give some simple exercise to correct disorganization. The various energy psychology techniques work best if you are neurologically organized.
Everyone gets disorganized at times but Survivors are particularly prone to this and it can lead to frustration if you don’t know about balancing.

Chris will explain more about AIT which really needs to be done with a therapist and demonstrate EFT, the Tapping Solution, which has lots of freely available material on the Internet. Also, if you can, work with a partner. If you can’t find a partner Chris will demonstrate ways to muscle test yourself.

Chris lives in Covington, Louisiana and works in Mandeville and New Orleans at Northshore and Southshore Counseling and Wellness. She is a graduate of the University of New Orleans in Counselor Education and is presently working on licensure.

Survivorship members may listen to past webinars in the members’ section.
We strive to present all webinars in our archives, and sometimes, for technical reasons, we are unable to.

For information on joining Survivorship, go to http://www.survivorship.org/about/membership.html

Complete details on all our webinars are at http://www.survivorship.org/webinars.html

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Shamai@survivorship.org

Do Church and State Continue to Cover-up Child Abuse?, Satanic cult blamed for ritualistic killing, ‘Against Their Will’ looks at children used for tests

July 26, 2013 Comments Off on Do Church and State Continue to Cover-up Child Abuse?, Satanic cult blamed for ritualistic killing, ‘Against Their Will’ looks at children used for tests

Led by the Catholic Pope, Do Church and State Continue to Cover-up Child Abuse?
Child Safety  July 24, 2013 By: Judy Byington

“Catholic Pope Francis’s July 2013 ruling to protect perpetrators rather than their child victims and the 20 years it took Kevin Annett of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) to bring justice for 150,000 missing children from Canadian, Catholic and other church-run residential schools are only a few examples where church and state are blatantly covering up crimes against children,” stated Judy Byington, CEO of Child Abuse Recovery (CAR http://www.ChildAbuseRecovery.com  and author of “Twenty-Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities” (Tate Publishing, Oklahoma: 2012 http://www.22faces.com ).

“That’s why CAR and Neil Brick of Stop Mind Control and Ritual Abuse Today (S.M.A.R.T. http://ritualabuse.us ) are joining forces with the ITCCS on September 2 in New York to unite severe abuse survivors and expose child trafficking networks (time and place to be announced on http://www.itccs.org ).”

SMART’s annual conference which draws severe abuse survivors, their helpers and therapists from across the US, will be held August 9-11 in Windsor Locks, Connecticut, ( http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/    ).

….Saturday night of the SMART conference features Kevin Annett of the ITCCS (via live feed) and Judy Byington, author of “Twenty-Two Faces,” the biography of Jenny Hill, the only-known survivor of a human sacrifice ceremony. Hill was made to witness the murder of another six year-old identified as Kathleen Shea. Although the murder took place back on June 21 1965, Hill’s and Shea’s cases in Garden Grove California and Tyrone Penn. remain unsolved.

“One complication for investigators is the often-inability of survivors like Hill, who are severely affected by their childhood torture, to come forward until they are adults – also a major problem for prosecutors in Catholic Priest sex abuse scandals,” Byington says. “Another commonality is the very effective cover-ups of child abuse by perpetrators who have high ranking in church and state.”

….Another example was when over an almost 20-year period, the Walter E. Fernald State residential school in Waltham Mass. enrolled children who were fed a steady diet of radioactive isotopes and placed in solitary confinement if they refused to cooperate. Allen Hornblum, Judith Newman, and Gregory Dober painfully describe the state residential school atrocities in their chilling new book, “Against Their Will: The Secret History of Medical Experimentation on Children in Cold War America.”….

Satanic cult blamed for ritualistic killing of Dartmoor foal which was horrifically mutilated in centre of ring of fire during full moon

….There are fears the stricken animal may have been alive during its ordeal
The pony was found in a remote part of Devon National Park on Tuesday
Patches of burned grass surrounded it and it had white paint on it’s leg
By Stuart Woledge  25 July 2013

A Satanic cult has been blamed for the sickening death of a pony, which was found horrifically mutilated and laying in the remnants of a ring of fire after full moon….

It was also surrounded by circular patches of burnt moorland, which experts believe were left by a ring of torches or candles. The two-month old pony seemed to have been dragged into a clearing and placed at the foot of a slope to face the previous night’s full moon.  It was found on Tuesday morning by a horse rider at Yennadon Down, a remote, area of Devon National Park….

Horse carers believe the butchery was part of an evil occult or Pagan ceremony by Devil worshippers….

Dartmoor and the surrounding countryside in Devon and Cornwall has been dogged by rumours of Satanic rituals for years. In 2012 a two-year-old horse called Eric belonging to Dawn Jewell, 27, was found mutilated on the day of satanic animal sacrifice….

The horrific attack happened on St Winebald Day, a date in the satanic calendar traditionally celebrated with bloody rituals. In 2006 around 100 sheep animals were found slaughtered….

The bodies had been arranged in a Satanic star shape, known as a pentangle, or laid out in a circle….

In June of this year police appealed for information after two horses were found … in neighbouring fields in the village of Stokeinteignhead, Devon. Locals feared the two thoroughbred were attacked to mark the summer solstice, a key date in the Satanic calender.

Book Review
‘Against Their Will’ looks at children used for tests
By Dennis Rosen  Globe Correspondent     July 08, 2013

Unfortunately, as Allen Hornblum, Judith Newman, and Gregory Dober painfully describe in their chilling new book, “Against Their Will: The Secret History of Medical Experimentation on Children in Cold War America,’’ Fernald was not the only institution in the country, or even in the state, where children were conscripted into sometimes deadly medical experiments. These were conducted by ambitious physicians and scientists whose belief in what they were trying to accomplish often blinded them to the potentially horrific consequences of their actions.

“Against Their Will’’ opens with an overview of the eugenics movement in the United States, which found sympathizers among many luminaries of American medicine in the 19th and early 20th centuries. With its disdain for the disabled, who were considered genetically inferior, the movement paved the way for use of “defective’’ children in research. The book then provides multiple examples of medical experiments perpetrated on developmentally delayed and physically disabled children at multiple institutions across the country over the course of decades.

Often reading like case studies straight out of the 1947 Nazi doctors’ trial, these include the forced castration of dozens of boys to prevent or halt regular masturbation; infecting developmentally delayed children as young as 4 with gonorrhea; and treating children as young as 6 who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia or autism with twice-daily doses of LSD for months on end.

One of the most famous examples of the abuse of institutionalized children occurred at the Willowbrook State School on Staten Island, where hundreds of mentally and physically disabled children were purposely infected with hepatitis. While the experiments did yield information about the disease, there is no escaping the fact that these were conducted on children who were supposedly under the protection of the state and who had nothing to gain, but everything to lose, by participating….

What do Rosanne Barr, Herschel Walker, J.Hill and 2,186 others have in common?, After Sexual Abuse Case, a Hasidic Accuser Is Shunned, Then Indicted

June 20, 2013 Comments Off on What do Rosanne Barr, Herschel Walker, J.Hill and 2,186 others have in common?, After Sexual Abuse Case, a Hasidic Accuser Is Shunned, Then Indicted

What do Rosanne Barr, Herschel Walker, J.Hill and 2,186 others have in common?  Child Safety  June 19, 2013 Judy Byington

Emmy, People’s Choice and Golden Globes Award Winner Rosanne Barr claims that her multiple personalities resulted from childhood parental abuse; Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker unveiled his multiplicity from child abuse in “Breaking Free: My Life with Dissociative Identity Disorder”; the 2007 Extreme Abuse Survey documents DID sufferers of extreme abuse like Barr and Walker from different countries http://extreme-abuse-survey.net/  , while the biography, “Twenty-Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities” by Judy Byington (Tate Publishing) is digging up the 1980s DID “Satanic Panic.” http://youtu.be/ 8SECeoTGRgE and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F626Lsrdwg4  ….

This Satanic Ritual Abuse controversy was buried in the 1990s, though evidently didn’t completely disappear. Six year-old Jenny Hill plus DID respondents to the EAS survey, claimed they were ritually abused into multiplicity by a satanic cult. http://extreme-abuse-survey.net/  and http://youtu.be/ 8SECeoTGRgE    Hill claims to be the only known survivor-intended-victim of a human sacrificial ceremony that took place on June 21 1965 in Garden Grove, California. Author of her biography, Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, states, “SRA is the extreme abuse of a child done to deliberately create multiple personalities or DID for the purpose of having life-long control over the victim.”

SRA appears to be a global issue. Recent media coverage in the Jimmy Savile Satanic Sex Abuse scandal has uncovered hundreds of stories about the ritualized abuse of children in the UK. Author Laurie Matthew in her 2002 “Where Angels Fear” identifies locations in the Dundee area of Scotland where survivors say that as children, they were ritually abused in groups….

Toos Nijenhuis is a psychotherapist and ritual abuse survivor who explains her torture and experience with human sacrifice in Holland on this UTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=PyrPEu7nk1Q  ….

Hundreds of ritual abuse survivors are speaking out by publishing their biographies and the annual SMART conference in Hartford Conn. (August 9,10,11 2013) draws ritual abuse survivors and therapists across the nation. http://ritualabuse.us

The EAS also showed that the Roman Catholic Priest scandal was not limited to sexual abuse, revealing 139 victims who claimed being ritually abused by Catholic Priests. In 2004 a case found the court room. On the 1980 Easter weekend in Toledo, Ohio the Reverend Gerald Robinson was convicted of killing Sister Margaret Ann Pahl in a Catholic Black Mass ceremony….

For more information visit: http://www.ChildAbuseRecovery.com , http://www.22faces.com , Utah Woman Jenny Hill Sees Human Sacrifice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F626Lsrdwg4


After Sexual Abuse Case, a Hasidic Accuser Is Shunned, Then Indicted
By MICHAEL POWELL June 17, 2013
Sam Kellner is a man twice shunned and living in a deepening shadow.

Five years ago, this gray-bearded and excitable man with a black velvet yarmulke spoke out about the sexual abuse of his 16-year-old son by a prominent Hasidic cantor. As Mr. Kellner helped investigators with the Brooklyn district attorney’s office search for other young Orthodox victims of this man, the Orthodox establishment grew ever angrier at him. The rabbi at his Hasidic synagogue in Borough Park, Brooklyn, denounced Mr. Kellner as a traitor and forbade parishioners to talk with him on the street. Yeshivas barred his sons. His businesses dried up — he pawned his silverware to meet his bills. And he still fears that he will never find a marriage match for his son.

“I felt murdered and abandoned,” Mr. Kellner said. “I’m ruined.”

This, however, was a prologue to a worse situation. In April 2011, after the district attorney’s office gained a conviction against that cantor, Baruch Lebovits, the prosecutors turned around and obtained an indictment of Mr. Kellner. They said, based on a secret tape and the grand jury testimony of a prominent Satmar supporter of Mr. Lebovits, that he had tried to extort hundreds of thousands of dollars from Mr. Lebovits.

District Attorney Charles J. Hynes has shown great deference to the politically powerful Hasidic community over the years, and it has rewarded him with large margins on election days. Even his heralded crackdown on Hasidic sexual abuse was a velvet glove wrapped around a velvet fist, as he took the unusual step of refusing to publicize the names of defendants — even the convicted.

Mr. Hynes extended no such courtesy to Mr. Kellner. “We allege that Kellner sent emissaries to Lebovits’s family telling them that he controlled the witnesses against Baruch Lebovits,” the district attorney said at a 2011 news conference, “and that in return for $400,000, he would ensure that the witnesses would not testify.” ….

Mr. Lebovits’s lawyers used his indictment and other technicalities to persuade a state appeals court to overturn his conviction….

Two weeks ago, I talked with the three-member rabbinical court — known as a Beit Din — in Monsey. These rabbis rarely grant interviews, but spoke now of their moral obligation. Their community for too long has resisted coming to grips with sexual abuse.

They view Mr. Kellner as a brave pioneer. He did not seek out witnesses at random; rather their court, with the help of local leaders in Williamsburg, gave him the name of a victim.

“Lebovits is known to have a long history” of sexual abuse, Rabbi Chaim Flohr said. But Mr. Lebovits has powerful supporters, and people are fearful, he added.

Mr. Lebovits’s lawyers maintain that he is innocent of all charges….


Growing Not Dwindling: Worldwide Phenomenon of Dissociative Disorders, Disinformation About Dissociation Dr Joel Paris’s Notions About Dissociative Identity Disorder

April 4, 2013 Comments Off on Growing Not Dwindling: Worldwide Phenomenon of Dissociative Disorders, Disinformation About Dissociation Dr Joel Paris’s Notions About Dissociative Identity Disorder

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR  The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease & Volume 201, Number 4, April 2013 http://www.jonmd.com p. 353 – 358

Growing Not Dwindling: Worldwide Phenomenon of Dissociative Disorders

To the Editor:

In the December 2012 issue of the Journal, Joel Paris, MD, wrote an article about the current status of dissociative identity disorder (DID) and the dissociative disorder field in general. He suggests that DID is merely a ‘‘fad’’ and that there is no credible evidence to connect traumatic experiences with the development of DID. We refute several of the claims made by Dr Paris.

Our biggest concern as non-North American researchers is that Dr Paris does not reference a single international study related to dissociative disorders and DID, despite the considerable and increasing empirical literature from around the world. His speculation that DID is not diagnosed outside clinics that specialize in treating dissociation is not consistent with current data. DID and dissociative disorders have been reliably found in general psychiatric hospitals; psychiatric emergency departments; and private practices in countries including England, the Netherlands, Turkey, Puerto Rico, Northern Ireland, Germany, Finland, China, and Australia, among many others….

Much of the international research, using sophisticated epidemiological and clinical research methods, has replicated dozens of times the finding that dissociative processes and disorders (including DID) can be reliably detected in a wide spectrum of different societies. Epidemiological general population studies indicate that 1.1% to 1.5% meet diagnostic criteria for DID; and 8.6% to 18.3%, for any DSM-IV dissociative disorder  (Johnson et al., 2006; Sar et al., 2007a). The international literature on DID and dissociative disorders has been widely published in mainstream journals of psychiatry and psychopathology and is inconsistent with Dr Paris’s conclusions….

Dr Paris also opines that there is only a ‘‘weak link’’ between child abuse and psychopathology, quoting an article published 17 years ago. Current research illustrates a very different picture. Persons with early abusive experiences demonstrate increased illnesses (Green and Kimerling, 2004), impaired work functioning (Lee and Tolman, 2006), serious interpersonal difficulties (Van der Kolk and d’Andrea, 2010), and a high risk for traumatic revictimization (Rich et al., 2004). The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, an American epidemiological study, has provided retrospective and prospective data from more than 17,000 individuals on the effects of traumatic experiences during the first 18 years of life.

In conclusion, Dr Paris’s assessment of the supposedly dwindling fad of DID and dissociative disorders is not in keeping with current peer-reviewed international research. The dissociative disorder field has been producing solid and consistent evidence that provides guidance to clinicians and researchers about the epidemiology, phenomenology, diagnosis, and treatment of DID (and closely related conditions).

Alfonso Marti´nez-Taboas, PhD  Department of Psychology
Carlos Albizu University San Juan, Puerto Rico

Martin Dorahy, PhD Department of Psychology University of Canterbury
Christchurch, New Zealand

Vedat Sar, MD Department of Psychiatry Istanbul University Istanbul, Turkey
Warwick Middleton, MD Department of Psychiatry University of Queensland
St Lucia, Australia

Christa Kru¨ger, MD Department of Psychiatry University of Pretoria
Pretoria, South Africa

Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease: April 2013 – Volume 201 – Issue 4 – p 353–354  doi: 10.1097/NMD.0b013e318288d27f
Letters to the Editor

Disinformation About Dissociation Dr Joel Paris’s Notions About Dissociative Identity Disorder

To the Editor:
We write to record our objections to both the form and the content of Dr Joel Paris’s recent article entitled The Rise and Fall of Dissociative Identity Disorder (Paris, 2012). His claim that dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a ‘‘medical fad’’ is simply wrong, and he provides no substantive evidence to support his claim. From the mistaken identification of Pierre Janet as a psychiatrist in the first line (Janet was the most famous psychologist of his day), it is replete with errors, false claims, and lack of scholarship and just plainly ignores the published literature. Dr Paris provided a highly biased article that is based on opinion rather than on science. His review of the literature is extremely selective. Of 48 references, Dr Paris cites exactly 7 peer-reviewed articles published from 2000 onward (7/48 references equals 14%) and only 8 peer-reviewed, data-driven articles from before 2000 (8/48 equals 16%). Rather than relying on the recent peer-reviewed, scientific literature, Paris relied almost entirely on the non-peer-reviewed books, including a popular press book written by a journalist whose methods and conclusions have been strongly challenged.

He claims that interest and research in DID have waned, yet he fails to cite the multitude of studies that have been conducted about it. In fact, Dalenberg et al. (2007) documented evidence of the exact opposite pattern described by Paris: ‘‘A search of the PILOTS database offered by the National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder for articles on dissociation reveals 64 studies in 1985-1989, 236 published in 1990-1994, 426 published in 1995-1999 and 477 in the last 5-year block (2000-2004)’’ (p. 401)….

In addition, he fails to cite a variety of neurobiological and psychophysiological studies of DID documenting similar brain morphology abnormalities in patients with DID to those of other traumatized patients (Reinders et al., 2006; Vermetten et al., 2006). Despite failing to review this and other relevant research, Dr Paris made the claim that ‘‘Neither the theory behind the diagnosis nor the methods of treatment are consistent with the current preference for biological theories’’ (p. 1078). Furthermore, he fails to cite any research that has been done by researchers outside North America. For example, Vedat Sar, MD, in Turkey has published more than 70 articles and chapters on dissociative disorders and trauma (http://vedatsar.com/ index_2.htm), but Dr Paris failed to mention a single one….

A recent review in Psychological Bulletin by 2012) found strong support for the etiological relationship of trauma and dissociation. These included several large meta-analyses, some of which focused on patients with DID. Dalenberg et al. (2012) found an effect size of r = 0.52 and 0.54 for the relationship between childhood physical abuse and sexual abuse, respectively, in studies that compared individuals with dissociative disorders with those without dissociative disorders. In addition, Dalenberg et al. (2012) tested eight different predictions of the trauma versus the fantasy (sociocognitive/iatrogenic) model of dissociation. On each, careful of reviews of the literature, including meta-analyses, on memory, suggestibility, and neurobiology, among others, Dalenberg et al. (2012) found minimal scientific evidence to support the fantasy model. Further, reviews have shown that there are no research studies in the literature in any population studied to support the iatrogenic/sociocognitive etiology of DID promulgated by Dr Paris (Brown et al., 1999; Loewenstein, 2007)….

Dr Paris’s article does not provide scholarly criticism based upon peer reviewed research, scientific data, or accurate discussion of the history of psychiatry. His point of view is incorrect and outmoded. It is the so-called false-memory, iatrogenesis model of the dissociative disorders that is the fallen fad, buried under the weight of rigorous data that contradict it. Dissociative disorders have not risen and fallen. These existed before the fields of psychiatry and psychology did….

Bethany Brand, PhD Department of Psychology Towson University, MD

Richard J. Loewenstein, MD The Trauma Disorders Program Sheppard Pratt Health System Baltimore, MD Department of Psychiatry University of Maryland School of Medicine Baltimore

David Spiegel, MD Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Stanford University School of Medicine CA

Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease: April 2013 – Volume 201 – Issue 4 – p 354–356 doi: 10.1097/NMD.0b013e318288d2ee Letters to the Editor

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