Massive online pedophile ring busted by cops, The Zombie Ward – women were put to sleep for months in an NHS hospital room, Exposing national and international child exploitation and trafficking networks

August 15, 2013 Comments Off on Massive online pedophile ring busted by cops, The Zombie Ward – women were put to sleep for months in an NHS hospital room, Exposing national and international child exploitation and trafficking networks

– Massive online pedophile ring busted by cops
Five Americans among 184 people arrested; 230 abused children taken to safety
– The Zombie Ward: The chilling story of how ‘depressed’ women were put to sleep for months in an NHS hospital room – leaving mental scars that remain 40 years on
– Exposing national and international child exploitation and trafficking networks

Massive online pedophile ring busted by cops
Five Americans among 184 people arrested; 230 abused children taken to safety staff and news service reports

An Internet pedophile ring with up to 70,000 members — thought to be the world’s largest —has been uncovered by police, a security official said Wednesday.

The European police agency Europol said in a statement that “Operation Rescue” had identified 670 suspects and that 230 abused children in 30 countries had been taken to safety. More children are expected to be found, Europol said.

It said that so far 184 people had been arrested and investigations in some countries were continuing. Most of those detained are suspected of direct involvement in sexually abusing children.

They include teachers, police officers and scout leaders, AP reported. One Spaniard who worked at summer youth camps is suspected of abusing some 100 children over five years.

Europol director Rob Wainwright said Wednesday the ring, which communicated using an Internet forum, was “probably the largest online pedophile network in the world.”

Cori Bassett, a public affairs officer for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said in an email that there had been five arrests and four convictions in connection with Operation Rescue in the U.S….

“The website operated from a server based in the Netherlands and, at its height, boasted up to 70,000 members worldwide,” it added….

The Zombie Ward: The chilling story of how ‘depressed’ women were put to sleep for months in an NHS hospital room – leaving mental scars that remain 40 years on
Women with postnatal depression and anorexia passed through Royal Waterloo’s infamous Ward 5
They were drugged and subjected to horrendous levels of ECT
Unluckiest were taken to the ‘Narcosis Room’ and put to sleep for weeks
By Barbara Davies   8 August 2013

There are many horrors that Elizabeth Reed recalls from her time at London’s Royal Waterloo Hospital, but one in particular lingers in her mind. She describes a small, windowless room at the top of the red-brick Edwardian building, just lit by a night lamp on a nurse’s desk.

Six beds are jammed together. The deep breathing of women in a drug-induced sleep. The fetid stench of unwashed bodies.

‘It was like being buried alive,’ she says. ‘I was lying there in the dark, hour after hour, and couldn’t move. I wasn’t aware of my body,  just my head in this darkness. You could hear people moving around and other people breathing and moaning.’

While Elizabeth is one of only a handful of women prepared to speak out, her story is not unique. Up to 500 women, suffering from conditions such as postnatal depression and anorexia, passed through the Royal Waterloo’s infamous Ward 5 before it shut 40 years ago.

Heavily drugged and subjected to horrendous levels of electro-convulsive therapy (ECT) and even lobotomies, the unluckiest were taken to the ‘Narcosis Room’, where they were put to sleep for weeks at a time.

Almost all teenage girls and women in their early 20s, they were treated as little more than guinea pigs by controversial psychiatrist William Sargant as he conducted a bizarre experiment to ‘repattern’ their brains and cure them of depression.

….questions remain about why the women of Ward 5 were subjected to such cruelty at an NHS hospital. Two of them, now in their 60s, spoke about their experiences to Femail this week….

Officially, the Department of Health says it no longer has records of Sargant’s work at the Royal Waterloo, affiliated to London’s St Thomas’s Hospital. However, Elizabeth has a copy of her referral letter from January 1973, stamped with the ominous words: ‘Admit to Ward 5.’ Notes reveal she was given a ‘course of narcosis’….

She was admitted to the Royal Waterloo in spring 1973 when she was 22 and engaged to be married. After arriving on the 22-bed Ward 5, she was sedated and underwent ECT — sometimes every other day.

‘I can remember the sound of the ECT machine being wheeled down the corridor and it being switched on and off in other rooms,’ she says.

‘It was so frightening. First of all, they injected you and you had an awful feeling of falling backwards into yourself. After ECT, you didn’t know who you were.’….

Eventually, Elizabeth was moved into the Narcosis Room beside Ward 5 and put into a drug-induced sleep.

‘I was awake, but couldn’t move or speak. It was torture, lying there for hours in the darkness’

Women there were occasionally woken to be taken to the toilet or to be fed. ‘We were like zombies,’ says Elizabeth. ‘I couldn’t walk. I had to be lifted. Afterwards, they put you back to sleep again.

Sargant, a founding member of St Thomas’s department of psychological medicine, who advocated the use of drugs to treat mental illness, operated his ‘sleep room’ for ten years until 1973. Four patients are known to have died there and yet no one stepped in to stop him….

At the heart of his treatment was his belief that the brain could be ‘repatterned’ to erase bad memories.

His fame – due to TV and radio interviews and best-selling books – ensured a steady stream of patients….

The secrecy surrounding Dr Sargant’s work has even led to claims he was being bankrolled by British intelligence and the CIA. He certainly had links to the military in World War II, working at Porton Down, the Ministry of Defence biological and chemical weapons research base.

But long before he died in 1988, Sargant destroyed all his records, which might have shed light on his sinister treatments….

A leading psychiatric expert, Professor Malcolm Lader of King’s College, London, recalls how, as a junior doctor, Sargant showed him his sleep room several times in 1966….

‘The women were really cramped together. It was dark. It was like twilight. There was a terrible smell of unwashed bodies.

‘It was a fraught procedure to be sedated for that amount of time. Most importantly, there was no evidence that narcosis had any effect.

‘He was doling out drugs in large doses that were way above the recommended maximum dose. I resolved never to send anyone there.’….

There were also rumours, says Professor Lader, that Sargant was untouchable because he was supported by British intelligence or the CIA. He was a frequent traveller to the U.S. and wrote in his autobiography of being entertained at the White House during one of his trips.

‘He was interested in brainwashing and so was the CIA. He may have been protected by his contacts.’

Perhaps it is no coincidence that Ward 5 and Sargant’s sleep room closed when he retired in 1973 — the same year the CIA officially ended its top-secret mind-control experiments, codenamed Project MKUltra….

Are US and Canadian Officials Torturing Children?
Judy Byington

August 13, 2013

Exposing national and international child exploitation and trafficking networks by uniting child abuse survivors is the goal of an early September New York Press Conference with Kevin Annett, International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State ( ITCCS ); Neil Brick, Stop Mind Control and Ritual Abuse Today (SMART ) and Judy Byington of Child Abuse Recovery (CAR ).
….The coalition expects to bring together thousands of child sex abuse, ritualized abuse, Satanic Ritual Abuse and mind-control survivors, victims and therapists. Annett recently joined Catholic Priest Abuse survivors from 21 nations to hold their first convention in Italy on September 20.

….Considering present testimonies of severe abuse survivors, it is believed that government-funded mind-control experimentation continues. The history dates to the CIA’s 1950s Project Bluebird, Artichoke, MK-Ultra and MK-Delta brainwashing programs. After World War II the CIA exported experts on human experimentation in Nazi concentration camps into the US via Project Paperclip.

Of the 987 ritual abuse, mind control and other extreme abuse survivors who responded to the 2007 Extreme Abuse Surveys, 234 stated that as children they remember being used in US government-sponsored mind-control experiments, while 83 said they were used in Canadian government-sponsored tests.  ….

The 16th Annual SMART Child Abuse and Ritual Abuse Conference went ahead as scheduled…. Neil Brick held the conference for US, Canadian and worldwide ritual abuse and mind control survivors, their helpers and therapists August 9-11 in Connecticut.

Among the SMART Conference speakers was CAR’s Judy Byington, author of “Twenty-Two Faces” the biography of mind-control victim Jenny Hill. Http:// . Hill was diagnosed with 22 multiple personalities that resulted from childhood trauma. The 2007 Extreme Abuse Surveys document 502 survivors like her who were forced by their perpetrators to participate in murder. She explained one experience in a YouTube video:  ….

Rape charge against Stuart Hall deepens BBC scandal, Paedophile sent extreme net child-abuse images, Dr. Phil – The Rest of the Story – By Judy Byington, Author, Twenty-Two Faces

January 24, 2013 Comments Off on Rape charge against Stuart Hall deepens BBC scandal, Paedophile sent extreme net child-abuse images, Dr. Phil – The Rest of the Story – By Judy Byington, Author, Twenty-Two Faces

Rape charge against Stuart Hall deepens BBC scandal

LONDON Wed Jan 23, 2013

(Reuters) – A veteran British TV presenter was charged with rape and 14 counts of indecent assault on underage girls, police said on Tuesday, deepening concerns about sex abuse by top BBC personalities decades ago.

Stuart Hall, 83, best known for hosting “It’s a Knockout” in the 1970s and 1980s, was questioned after late broadcaster Jimmy Savile was exposed last year as a serial child sex abuser, prompting a flurry of further sex crime allegations.

Hall, who was still appearing regularly on BBC radio until recently, had already been charged with three counts of indecent assault, in December. He denied all charges….

Paedophile sent extreme net child-abuse images
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
By Ted Davenport

A COMPUTER engineer has been jailed for sending extreme child-abuse images to other paedophiles on the internet.

Keith Gibson, 50, was found with more than 2,300 photos and movies after police were alerted by colleagues in the national Child Exploitation and Online Protection squad in London.

He was jailed after a judge at Exeter Crown Court told him his activities amounted to the worst case of child pornography he had encountered.

Gibson formed part of an internet paedophile ring which exchanged child sex fantasies and images in chat rooms where some posed as children.

The victims of the abuse included babies under six months old and two of the movies he distributed showed girls aged about three and 10 being raped….

forwarded with permission

Dr. Phil – The Rest of the Story – By Judy Byington, Author, Twenty-Two Faces
Dr. Phil: “Mentally Ill Moms” – January 11, 2013

As a retired Supervisor of Alberta Mental Health, CEO of Provo Family Counseling Center and therapist for 23 years, I have known and worked with many Dissociate Identity Disorder (DID or multipule personality) sufferers who claimed being ritually abused. Twenty years ago Jenny asked that I write her biography. Since then I have served as a friend, biographer and counselor, though have never done, nor been paid for doing therapy with her.

We intended Twenty-Two Faces as a voice for the ritually abused, explaining DID, exposing the rampant practice of ritual abuse and hopefully saving children from the trauma Jenny endured. We applied to be on the Dr. Phil show in anticipation viewers would gain a better understanding of DID and its tie-in to childhood trauma, specifically ritualized abuse.

We were optimistic, that with Dr. Phil’s help, we might secure Jenny an evaluation at the Colin A Ross Institute. For the last 29 years since she was diagnosed DID at the Utah State Psychiatric Hospital, Jenny has not received therapy for her multiplicity. She is seen by a clinician at Wasatch Mental Health who “maintains” her, but does no treatment for multiplicity. She also sees a psychiatrist twice a year for medication adjustment. For many years she has suffered from DID-related symptoms including Depression.

The Dr. Phil show was taped in 4 sessions. On September 10 just as we left to tape before the live audience, I was informed by staff:

1. Dr. Phil had not read Twenty-Two Faces.

2. Jenny would not be offered treatment.

3. The show producers did not believe Jenny’s story.

As I watched the version that viewers saw on January 11th, I was shocked at what they had done. Jenny’s actual life was apparently not what Dr. Phil intended to portray. His staff had cut and pasted the individual interviews and the taping done before a live audience which resulted in changing the story from a woman who has been without therapy for her multiplicity into describing a mentally ill woman who appears to have been taken advantage of by her therapist. Again, I have never acted as Jenny’s therapist.

Below are some examples of what was left out of “Mentally Ill Moms.”

Producers Revised Jenny’s Story

(1) During my individual taping sessions I was asked to corroborate what is in Jenny’s biography 22 Faces. In the version that aired, none of my answers from the individual tapings were included.

(2) Dr. Phil claimed that major segments of the mental health community believed that DID was a very controversial diagnosis; that some professionals felt it was “near on to impossible to have alter personalities” and in his 30 years of “doing this” he had never met a multiple personality.

Yet, a woman with multiple personalities was on his show last April. Viewers were not told that DID had been an accepted diagnosis included in the APA diagnostic manual, the DSM, since 1994.

(3) On the show Jenny stated that she hadn’t read 22 Faces. She clarifies in a notarized “Open Letter to Dr. Phil” on the 22 faces website ( ) that the book is difficult for her to read because doing so “brings out bad memories” for her. However, she is aware of the contents portraying her life because she lived it and helped write her own biography.

(4) It was not until the very week the show aired in January that I realized they were portraying me as her therapist. I immediately emailed the producer and asked that he change my title to retired therapist. He emailed back that he changed my title on the CBS website, but could not change anything on the actual show.

(5) In August, 2013 producers asked for a video of Jenny changing personalities. We videotaped her changing into Alter J.J. and Homicidal Alter Jenese. It was not a therapy session as labeled on the show, but done with Jenny’s consent and at their request.

(6) I did not sue Robert as Dr. Phil announced. During the break Robert reminded him that it was not a lawsuit, but a Cease and Desist letter from my lawyer. Dr. Phil did not correct that fact that it was not a lawsuit and gave me no opportunity to correct it.

(7) In the taping before a live audience Dr. Phil appeared very surprised when I told him that multiple personalities could only be caused by childhood trauma. His eyes widened, he sat back, and immediately changed the subject. This also did not appear in the final version.

(8) Story rights and book proceeds

Dr. Phil asked, “What happens to the money? Does it go to you?”

I answered, “It’s placed in the 22 Faces account.”

Dr. Phil, “Then why did you make her sign over her rights to the story? You get the money, right?”

I was given no opportunity to answer as the audience was directed to applaud Dr. Phil’s question. After the applause I tried to explain more, but was cut off. My attempt to explain was not included in the final version.

The applause was later pasted in after Robert’s question to me. Again, I was given no time to respond to Robert.

The answer that I would have said if given the opportunity: I signed a legal contract with my literary agent, Paul McCarthy, so he could represent film, electronic and manuscript rights to Jenny’s story. He wanted to make sure that we had a contract with Jenny showing I had the rights to her story. If we were to spend time and money publishing the biography assurance was needed that we had copyright to the story. Thus, Jenny agreed to sign over her story rights. Jenny understood this legality as shown in her notarized “Open Letter to Dr. Phil” on the website ( )

Also in that notarized “Open Letter to Dr. Phil” Jenny states, “I am fully capable of making my own decisions and if I wanted to set up a bank account for monies received from sale of my book I could and would do so. It has been my decision not to set up an account at this time.”

In my individual interviews it was related that the Hill family was upset that I was receiving money for 22 Faces while Jenny wouldn’t benefit from book proceeds. I replied that thus far I had received two royalty checks for $4.00 and $20.00, invested over $20,000.00 of my own money to edit, publish and publicize the biography, plus spent 20 years of my life writing it. It would be quite a while before the book made a profit, if ever. I explained that Hill’s story had never been about money for either Jenny nor myself. It was our purpose to publish Twenty-Two Faces so it could be a voice for the ritually abused and help make the public aware of children who are being traumatized through satanic worship. This answer from me was not in the final version of the show. What was portrayed to viewers was a “therapist” who was taking advantage of her mentally ill client.


I’ve been asked if I regret appearing on Dr. Phil. In part, yes.

Within a couple of days after the program aired 33 one-star negative reviews had been placed on the Amazon Twenty-Two Faces sale site. The majority didn’t refer to the book, but how I was portrayed on the Dr. Phil show. These also included personal attacks on my character. There are hundreds of negative comments under the reviews, while new negative one-star reviews and more personal attacks appear there daily.

On the other hand, the book has been highly publicized. And, many who experienced abuse similar to Jenny’s and their therapists have placed comments refuting these demeaning attacks. Most have thanked us for speaking out through Twenty-Two Faces and appearing on Dr. Phil.

My hope for Jenny is that we can find treatment for her multiplicity. The APA psychiatric manual DSM states that Dissociation affects a large section of the population. Thus, I am also in hope that Dr. Phil will revist DID or multiplicity and it’s relationship to childhood trauma with the purpose of educating his viewers on this growing problem.

Open Letter to Dr. Phil From Jenny Hill

January 16, 2013 Comments Off on Open Letter to Dr. Phil From Jenny Hill

Open Letter to Dr. Phil From Jenny Hill

Judy Byington and I have been close friends for 20 years. She has been my confidant and dearest friend. She and her husband have adopted me as part of their family and I feel they are my family. I trust Judy completely. She listens to me when I hurt and need consolation. Judy has given me her time, love, acceptance, money, food, bought me glasses, clothing and on occasions even provided me a place to live.

At no time has she ever tried to take advantage of me. Without Judy’s love and concern over the years I might not be alive today.

Judy has not been my therapist as they said on the Dr. Phil show. I have a therapist at Wasatch Mental Health. My other therapist was Dr. Weston Whatcott at the Utah State Psychiatric Hospital who was one of a team of mental health professionals who diagnosed me with Multiple Personality Disorder now known as Dissociate Identity Disorder. That was ten years before I met Judy.

Early in my life I decided I wanted to have my biography written to help other victims of the horrible abuse I suffered as a child. I asked Judy to write my biography. It was my decision to deliberately bring some of my parts forward so Judy could meet them. Last August at the request of producers at the Dr. Phil show, Judy and I taped my alters taking over.

I understand that after the Dr. Phil show aired some people may have the impression that I would not receive a profit from the sale of my biography,”Twenty-Two Faces.” That is not true.

I am fully capable of making my own decisions and if I wanted to set up a bank account for monies received from the sales of my book I could and would do so. It has been my decision not to set up an account at this time. Judy and I haven’t talked much about profits from the book because it has yet to make a profit. I have told Judy I don’t want to make money off “Twenty-Two Faces” but wish my share of profits to go toward helping victims of ritual abuse. That has been the goal of both Judy and myself since we started writing the book 20 years ago. It’s not about the money. It’s about being able to help ritual abuse survivors.

Another concern has been the contract I signed with Judy giving her copyright to my story. I agreed to sign the contract knowing this was because our literary agent required my and Judy’s literary, electronic and film rights to the story in order to present the book to publishers. I made this decision myself, knowing exactly what I was doing. I took my time to think and pray about this and when I signed the agreement I did so of my own volition and was not manipulated into doing it.

I also want to make it clear that I have multiple personalities or DID. Most of the time I am in complete control of myself but occasionally one of my alters will take over and do something which I am not aware of. I can’t remember doing it and I can’t help that. I am moving forward with my life one day at a time and making progress.

I understand the following is a statement about me written by my sister Susan. It is taken from my son Robert’s blog on the internet..

“She has confided in me on numerous occasions that Judy Byington has manipulated and used her. I have a recently-recorded phone message from Jenny stating that she does not condone what Judy has done with her life story. She has been repeatedly lied to and has been harassed so much by Judy that her case worker at Wasatch Mental put a restraining order against her (Judy). Jenny complained that she wants some help to get away from Judy so that she might tell her own version, but Judy holds the copyright to her life story, and she (Jenny) legally can’t speak out. ….”

I cannot remember calling Susan and saying these things, nor would I even think of saying something like this.

It is common for me to get depressed. In December I checked myself into inpatient care and told my caseworker that no one was to know where I was including the only two people who I have regular contact with, my son Robert and Judy.

I do not believe Judy has manipulated and used me. I do not believe Judy has ever lied to me. Judy has never harassed me. I did not ask my caseworker to file a restraining order against Judy. I do not want any help to get away from Judy. I certainly do not want to write another version of my story. It took Judy and I 20 years to write “Twenty-Two Faces.” I don’t want to do that again. Judy has never said I can’t speak out about my life story. In fact, Judy encourages me to speak about it and has given me opportunities to do so.

I asked Judy to write my biography. We wrote it together. We outlined what was to be in each chapter and then I wrote out the chapters. Sometimes my alters would take over and write their feelings in the chapters. The book was taken from those writings, those in my diaries and my writings at the Utah State Hospital.

I completely agree with my life history as it is written by Judy in “Twenty-Two Faces.”

I stated on the Dr. Phil show that it was hard for me to read the book. And it is. I read a little bit and then have to put it down because my childhood is very traumatic and reading about it brings back bad memories. That doesn’t mean that I don’t know what’s in my biography because I do. I lived it. I helped write it.

Because of the time restraints of a TV show like Dr. Phil I didn’t have the opportunity to say everything I wanted to say.

This is my statement and no one else’s.

See my notarized letter of 14 January, 2013 on

Twenty-Two Faces on Dr. Phil Friday, January 11, 2013

January 12, 2013 Comments Off on Twenty-Two Faces on Dr. Phil Friday, January 11, 2013

Twenty-Two Faces – Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities Judy Byington MSW, LCSW, ret.

Twenty-Two Faces documents how the only known survivor-intended-victim of a modern-day human sacrifice ceremony six year-old Jenny Hill, overcomes multiplicity resulting from brainwashing, her perpetrators having subjected the child to insidious mind-control techniques culled from Nazi Germany. As is the case for thousands of children across the globe unfortunate enough to be born into families still practicing these aberrant religious rites…. Eventually with help of a psychologist: she takes charge of her divided mind by facing alter personalities and their traumatic repressed memories, overcomes family-society rejection, confronts and forgives abusers, showing an ability of the human spirit to overcome against all odds, profound emotional shock and miraculously healing from severe childhood trauma. Tate Publishing May, 2012 ISBN-13: 978-1620240328

A Brief History of Trauma as it Relates to Multiple Personalities and Ritual Abuse Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret.

Multiple Personalities generally result from child abuse, where Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is more commonly found in adults who have undergone extreme stress. The underlying problem in both adults and children subjected to prolonged trauma is Dissociation, a disconnect from life events that ranges from excessive daydreaming to Post Traumatic Stress to Multiple Personalities.

Guest Post by Judy Byington, author of “22 Faces” Tracee Gleichner June 21, 2012 Judy Byington, M.S.W., L.C.S.W., ret, has dedicated her life to humanizing and raising public awareness about the little known effects of ritual abuse and mind-control programming that tragically cause formation of multiple personalities in children….

A Utah woman claims she underwent mind-control, survived a human sacrifice ceremony, witnessed another child’s homicide and was not alone in her allegations of ritual abuse according to her newly released biography, Twenty-Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities (Tate Publishing, Oklahoma).

Dr. Phil on NBC – Friday, January 11: Twenty-Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities

January 11, 2013 Comments Off on Dr. Phil on NBC – Friday, January 11: Twenty-Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities

Dr. Phil January 11, 2013 NBC will feature Twenty Two Faces – A Story of Ritual Abuse and Multiple Personalities

The Dr. Phil Show featuring Jenny Hill, her son Robert, Judy Byington and Jenny’s biography “Twenty-Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities ” will air this Friday, January 11, 2013 on NBC

Twenty-Two Faces Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities
Twenty-Two Faces documents how the only known survivor-intended-victim of a modern-day human sacrifice ceremony six year-old Jenny Hill, overcomes multiplicity resulting from brainwashing, her perpetrators having subjected the child to insidious mind-control techniques.

ABC Channel 4 Kimberly Nelson 10-26-12 with Author Judy Byington,MSW, LCSW, ret;
Jenny Hill and her therapist Weston Whatcott, Phd, LCSW, MSW “The Woman With 22 Personalities”

Jenny Hill testimony:

Dr. – Shows This Week    Friday – January 11, 2013
Jenny is a 56-year-old mother of three who says she suffers from dissociative identity disorder, formally known as multiple personality disorder. She says she has 22 “alters,” who she calls “parts of me.” Jenny reveals the traumatic childhood experiences that she believes caused her to take on multiple personalities. And, Jenny’s son, Robert, 30, shares what life was like growing up with Jenny. Then, Jenny’s therapist, Judy, who wrote the book, 22 Faces, based on Jenny’s journals and their sessions together, joins the show to defend herself against accusations that she may be exploiting her patient. Go inside the world of real-life families rocked by mental illness in this all-new Dr. Phil!

Survivorship Webinar “Trauma Treatment” Judy Byington – Nov 17

November 10, 2012 Comments Off on Survivorship Webinar “Trauma Treatment” Judy Byington – Nov 17

Survivorship Webinar “Trauma Treatment”  Judy Byington  – Nov 17

Another great webinar coming up!

Saturday, November 17
12:00 noon Pacific Time
Presenter: Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret.
“Trauma Treatment”

Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret presents a historical perspective on the growth of the Dissociate Identity Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress diagnoses, showing underlying causes using her twenty year research with over fifty ritually abused victims while writing the biography “Twenty-Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities.”

Byington tracks the ever-present phenomenon of denial as to recognition of dissociation; explains birth of alter personalities within a traumatized child’s developing brain in order to cope with ongoing trauma; shows how alternative thinking patterns function to protect the core personality and encourages survivors and practitioners to re-evaluate their treatment modalities to better confront, cope and heal from trauma so as to lead more productive lives.

Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, has dedicated her life to humanizing and raising public awareness about the little-known effects of ritual abuse and mind-control programming that tragically cause formation of multiple personalities in children. The CEO of the Trauma Research Center; retired therapist; Supervisor, Alberta Canada Mental Health and Director, Provo Utah Family Counseling Center is Author of the newly-released biography, Twenty-Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities (Tate Publishing: Oklahoma).

Registration closes Thursday evening November 15th , 2012

To reserve a space in the webinar, see


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Twenty-Two Faces – Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities Judy Byington MSW, LCSW

September 5, 2012 Comments Off on Twenty-Two Faces – Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities Judy Byington MSW, LCSW

Jenny Hill Utube Video on Viewing a Child Sacrifice
Woman Sees Human Sacrifice

As the only known survivor-intended-victim of a modern day human sacrificial ceremony, Jenny Hill is living proof that ritual abuse is, in fact, a reality. With great courage and in open defiance of her abusers, she wants her story told. The ending will shock you.

Twenty-Two Faces – Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities Judy Byington MSW, LCSW, ret.

Twenty-Two Faces documents how the only known survivor-intended-victim of a modern-day human sacrifice ceremony six year-old Jenny Hill, overcomes multiplicity resulting from brainwashing, her perpetrators having subjected the child to insidious mind-control techniques culled from Nazi Germany. As is the case for thousands of children across the globe unfortunate enough to be born into families still practicing these aberrant religious rites. Using a lone resource: faith in God, Jenny tries to make sense of a life where she jumps from one day to the next. Eventually with help of a psychologist: she takes charge of her divided mind by facing alter personalities and their traumatic repressed memories, overcomes family-society rejection, confronts and forgives abusers, showing an ability of the human spirit to overcome against all odds, profound emotional shock and miraculously healing from severe childhood trauma. Tate Publishing May, 2012 ISBN-13: 978-1620240328

A Brief History of Trauma as it Relates to Multiple Personalities and Ritual Abuse Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret.

Multiple Personalities generally result from child abuse, where Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is more commonly found in adults who have undergone extreme stress. The underlying problem in both adults and children subjected to prolonged trauma is Dissociation, a disconnect from life events that ranges from excessive daydreaming to Post Traumatic Stress to Multiple Personalities.
Mind-control is a process of subjecting one to torture on a prolonged basis so as to develop nervous disorders, the most common in children being multiple personalities – a  system of brainwashing that was developed by Adolf Hitler during World War II.

Guest Post by Judy Byington, author of “22 Faces” Tracee Gleichner June 21, 2012 Judy Byington, M.S.W., L.C.S.W., ret, has dedicated her life to humanizing and raising public awareness about the little known effects of ritual abuse and mind-control programming that tragically cause formation of multiple personalities in children….

A Utah woman claims she underwent mind-control, survived a human sacrifice ceremony, witnessed another child’s homicide and was not alone in her allegations of ritual abuse according to her newly released biography, Twenty-Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities (Tate Publishing, Oklahoma).

Hill states that on June 21, 1965 she was taken to a “Black Temple” rite in Garden Grove, California where the six year-old was strapped to an alter, tortured and forced to watch the murder of another six year-old….

Twenty-Two Faces author Judy Byington, M.S.W., L.C.S.W., ret., secured an exclusive interview with Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints General Authority Elder Glen Pace. In 1990 Pace sent a memo to President Ezra Taft Benson summarizing a church committee’s year of interviews with what was to be over a hundred ritual abuse survivors in the U.S. and Mexico, exposing, “45 members witnessed human sacrifice.”

These shocking disclosures were further verified by the Utah Governor’s Task Force on Ritual Abuse co-chaired by Noemi Mattis, J.D., Ph.D. During the same time as the LDS report, community leaders surveyed therapists and legal entities throughout the state. These two evaluations resulted in hiring of Satanic Ritual Abuse Investigators at the Utah Attorney General’s office headed by Lieutenant Mike King. King later transferred to Homeland Security to do ritual abuse investigation training across the nation….

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