More Members of Alleged Church Cult Plead Guilty in Teen’s Fatal Beating, Jimmy Savile was part of satanic ring, Hosanna Church: Satanist paedophile ring ‘ritually raped up to 25 children’, Colin Batley: Victim of satanic sex cult speaks out about a lifetime of horror, Satanic sex cult leader guilty of child rape, Child and Ritual Abuse Research

October 26, 2016 Comments Off on More Members of Alleged Church Cult Plead Guilty in Teen’s Fatal Beating, Jimmy Savile was part of satanic ring, Hosanna Church: Satanist paedophile ring ‘ritually raped up to 25 children’, Colin Batley: Victim of satanic sex cult speaks out about a lifetime of horror, Satanic sex cult leader guilty of child rape, Child and Ritual Abuse Research

4 More Members of Alleged Church Cult Plead Guilty in Teen’s Fatal Beating – Word of Life Christian Church

Jimmy Savile was part of satanic ring
JIMMY SAVILE beat and raped a 12-year-old girl during a secret satanic ritual in a hospital.

Hosanna Church – Louis Lamonica

– Agents graphically describe abuse
– Satanist paedophile ring ‘ritually raped up to 25 children’
– The Devil’s Handiwork? A church laid waste by its pastor’s bizarre behavior.
– [Hosanna Church] Witnesses speak of cult-like activities at Hosanna
– 7 Members of Louisiana Church Charged With Abuse of Children

Colin Batley – Kidwelly, Wales

– The Devil on the Doorstep – My Escape From a Satanic Sex Cult – Victim of satanic sex cult speaks out
– ‘My mother was an evil woman and I’ll never forgive her’: Victim of satanic sex cult speaks out about a lifetime of horror
– Satanic sex cult leader guilty of child rape
– Guilty: Paedo cult’s demon ‘Lord’
– My ‘cult sex’ at 15
– ‘Tattooed child sex cult in cul-de-sac’
– Colin Batley was self-styled high priest of group that handed children around for sex in Kidwelly, west Wales

Child and Ritual Abuse Research

4 More Members of Alleged Church Cult Plead Guilty in Teen’s Fatal Beating
By Chris Harris October 25, 2016
The 30-year-old pastor of a small religious group that former members insist is a cult has pleaded guilty to manslaughter and assault, thus avoiding murder charges in a 2015 attack on two of her church members, PEOPLE confirms.

Her plea — along with the pleas of three other church members on Friday — comes little more than a year after two teenage brothers were savagely beaten over a dozen hours for what prosecutors said was their plan to defect from the upstate New York congregation.

Under the terms of a deal brokered by prosecutors, Tiffanie Irwin, the leader of the Word of Life Christian Church in Chadwicks, New York, pleaded guilty on Friday to two felonies: third-degree manslaughter and second-degree assault.

Irwin will avoid a murder prosecution for 19-year-old Lucas Leonard’s killing, thanks to the plea agreement, which recommends a 12-year prison sentence.

Last fall, Leonard and his then-17-year-old brother, Christopher Leonard, were pummeled by several church members, including their own parents. Lucas eventually died from injuries he sustained in the attack.

Prosecutors contend the beatings began soon after both brothers approached church leaders with their plans to leave the secretive congregation. But in the spring, Christopher, who sustained severe injuries during the beatings, testified that he and his brother had molested the children of several of the church’s members, including his half-sister’s infant child….

Jimmy Savile was part of satanic ring
JIMMY SAVILE beat and raped a 12-year-old girl during a secret satanic ritual in a hospital.

By James Fielding
Sun, Jan 13, 2013
The perverted star wore a hooded robe and mask as he abused the terrifi ed victim in a candle-lit basement.

He also chanted “Hail Satan” in Latin as other paedophile devil worshippers joined in and assaulted the girl at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Buckinghamshire. The attack, which happened in 1975, shines a sinister new light on the former DJ’s 54-year reign of terror.

Savile, who died aged 84 in October 2011, is now Britain’s worst sex offender after police revealed he preyed on at least 450 victims aged eight to 47.

The girl kept her torment hidden for nearly 20 years before finally opening up to therapist Valerie Sinason.

Dr Sinason told the Sunday Express she first spoke to the victim in 1992. “She had been a patient at Stoke Mandeville in 1975 when Savile was a regular visitor.

“She recalled being led into a room that was filled with candles on the lowest level of the hospital, somewhere that was not regularly used by staff. Several adults were there, including Jimmy Savile who, like the others, was wearing a robe and a mask….

Agents graphically describe abuse
By Don Ellzey 11/30/07

In an interview with Bernard at the Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office Substation on June 10, 2005….She said Bernard described the rituals at the church, although the rituals were not the point of the FBI investigation. Freitas said he volunteered the information. According to Bernard, the rituals took place in what was called “the room,” which was the church’s youth room. He described how six adults would line up shoulder to shoulder and perform sex acts on his daughter or other children, who were passed down the line. The rule was that there would be no penetration or injury.

The rituals had a Satanic theme, including a Pentagram, the use of animals and animal parts such as chicken feet and the use of animal blood. Freitas said that according to Bernard, Patricia Pierson and Robin Lamonica, two defendants in the case, put animal blood on his daughter during one of the rites. She said Bernard claimed Pierson and Lamonica also sexually abused his daughter. He said animal blood was also put on other children, Freitas said….Using a special chemical, a search team found signs of body fluids all over the carpet, she said. Pieces of the carpet with fluid spots were cut out for evidence.

Satanist paedophile ring ‘ritually raped up to 25 children’
By Tom Leonard in Ponchatoula 6/3/05

“In a case that has horrified Americans way beyond the Bible Belt, Louis Lamonica Jnr and eight members the Hosanna Church are accused of being members of a Satanic paedophile ring who ritually raped up to 25 children, as well as performing animal sacrifices.

Police say some of those charged – who include Lamonica’s wife and a deputy sheriff – have already admitted devil worship inside the now defunct church on the outskirts of Ponchatoula, the parish’s main town.

The discovery of badly rubbed-out pentagrams on the floor and eight boxes of hooded black costumes – allegedly used both in the abuse and in “morality tales” performed to prepare the young victims – bear out some of the claims.”

The Devil’s Handiwork? A church laid waste by its pastor’s bizarre behavior.
By Sarah Childress – Newsweek June 6 issue

Louis Lamonica walked into the sheriff’s department in tiny Livingston, La., a few weeks ago and asked to speak with a detective. According to police, for almost the next two hours the middle-aged preacher, dressed casually in a green polo shirt and green slacks, proceeded to tell a story so sickening they could scarcely believe what they were hearing. He explained that he was the former pastor of Hosanna Church, a now defunct house of worship in nearby Ponchatoula.

Matter-of-factly and without remorse, Lamonica said that he and other church members had molested children, and taught them to have sex with each other, as well as with a dog. He told the detectives that he drank cat blood, and poured it on the bodies of his young victims, according to Ponchatoula Police Chief David Vitter….

After Lamonica’s confession, authorities arrested eight other members of the Hosanna Church congregation, including Lamonica’s wife, Robbin, and a Tangipahoa Parish sheriff’s deputy. Police say that church members abused as many as two dozen children, one only a year old, beginning in 1999, in rituals that they say may be tied to devil worship.

[Hosanna Church] Witnesses speak of cult-like activities at Hosanna
The Daily Star, USA 5/25/05 Aimee Yee http://www.hammondstar. com

People dressed in black clothing stood inside pentagrams and performed blood rituals at the Hosanna Church, according to information coming from an investigation by the Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office. The nine suspects now in custody are believed to have been involved in the ritualistic practice of molesting and raping children from 1999 to 2003, when the church disbanded. Since the story broke on May 17, details of the abuse believed to have taken place at the church has become more explicit and graphic.

“The sheriff said there were cult-like activities involved,” Covington said. “Some witnesses said the blood rituals took place inside pentagrams there at the church.”

The pentagrams have been cleaned away, likely by the suspects involved, Covington said, who used solvents and are now reporting to police exactly where the five-pointed stars, usually made with alternate points connected by a continuous line and used as a magic symbol, were located.

Victims have said the suspects wore black clothing while the rituals took place….

7 Members of Louisiana Church Charged With Abuse of Children By Ariel Hart 5/20/05 The pastor of a Louisiana church and six of its members, including the pastor’s wife and a sheriff’s deputy, have been arrested in what the police described as a cult-like sex ring that abused children and animals. All seven are being held on charges of aggravated rape, including rape of a child younger than 13, which can be prosecuted as a capital crime in the state, the authorities said.

The Devil on the Doorstep – My Escape From a Satanic Sex Cult – Victim of satanic sex cult speaks out

September 23, 2014

‘I was a schoolgirl by day and sex slave at night’: Victim of satanic sex cult speak out   Sep 21, 2014     By Cathy Owen

Annabelle Forest was initiated into a sex cult when she was just seven, and was even abused by her own mother

The victim of a satanic sex cult has told how she will never forgive her “evil” mother for putting her through 11 years of hell at the hands of the sick group.

Annabelle Forest was initiated into a notorious sex cult that operated from a quiet Welsh cul-de-sac by her own mum at the age of seven.

Even worse, she was abused by her mother as a teenager under the orders of the cult’s leader Colin Batley – the man she can’t even bring herself to name.

Now a mum herself and living happily in another part of the UK, Annabelle has taken the brave step of recounting her horror in a bid to get others to speak out about suspected abuse.

She told WalesOnline : “Nothing can hurt me as much as my mum and that man.”

“My mother was an evil woman and I’ll never forgive her.”

Annabelle has written a book that tells how she was just seven-years-old when first forced to watch her mother perform a sex act on Batley.

At the age of 11 she raped by him in her own home and three years later she was made to take part in group sex with her mother.

Batley was given an indeterminate sentence for public protection in 2011 with a recommendation he spend at least 11 years in jail….

Now Annabelle has revealed the true extent of the horror she suffered at the hands of the cul-de-sac cult in her memoir The Devil on The Doorstep: My Escape from a Satanic Sex Cult.

The cult’s twisted ideology, based on a bizarre text called the Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley, formed the backdrop to Annabelle’s childhood.

The children of the cult, based in a small cul-de-sac in Kidwelly, were cut off from other children, forced to take part in long church services and obey Batley’s every whim.

“We weren’t even allowed to look in his eyes,” says Annabelle.

“He ruled our little community with an iron will and we were made to do what he ordered for fear of angering the Gods.”
In Batley’s ‘Church’, children were led to believe they were proving themselves to the Gods by passing tests, which usually involved sex with either him or other cult members….

By the time of her escape she had slept with over 1,800 men – the proceeds of which had all gone towards ‘the Church’.

In 2011, her evidence helped convict Batley for life as well as three others, including her mother….

“It was astonishing to me that people who came into contact with these children thought they were behaving this way out of choice. When you have control over a child and you can intimidate them, they will do anything you say.

“It was the same for me. Too many people looked away, too many people ignored the signs. It astonishes me that we lived in that small cul-de-sac for so many years and not one person saw anything that gave them cause for concern,” she says….

“If there’s one thing I would like to achieve with my book, it would be for others to start really paying attention to the community they live in. You can’t just walk around living in a bubble. There are abused children everywhere – it just takes one person to see it and that life could be saved.”

The Devil on The Doorstep: My Escape From a Satanic Sex Cult by Annabelle Forest, published by Simon & Schuster….

‘My mother was an evil woman and I’ll never forgive her’: Victim of satanic sex cult speaks out about a lifetime of horror

Sep 21, 2014
By Cathy Owen

Victim of sex cult bravely recounts horror of 11 years under the rule of the Welsh ‘cul-de-sac cult’ in a bid to encourage others to speak out….

The Devil on the Doorstep
My Escape From a Satanic Sex Cult

By Annabelle Forest
with: Katy Weitz

Annabelle Forest was just seven years old when she was inducted into a twisted sex cult by her own mother. For the next few years she was brainwashed by the cult’s leader, Colin Batley, who ran a harem of followers from his unassuming cul-de-sac in Kidwelly, Wales.

Batley ruled the cult with an iron will, his twisted ideology based on Aleister Crowley’s Book of the Law, which informed their day-to-day lives. From the age of 11, Annabelle was repeatedly raped by Batley, and threatened with going to hell if she angered ‘the gods’ by refusing Batley’s sick demands. Annabelle’s mother joined in the sessions and even filmed them.

Annabelle lived a double life – a schoolgirl by day, a sex slave at night. It might have endured for years had she not fallen pregnant at 17 with Batley’s baby. In February 2008 she gave birth to a daughter, Emily, who gave Annabelle hope and a reason to live. Now she knew she had to escape, especially after Batley forced her into prostitution when Emily was three months old.

She contacted relatives and found the courage to report Batley, her mother and the other cult members to the police. In 2011 her evidence helped convict 48-year-old Batley for life on 11 charges of rape and numerous other sexual offences. Annabelle’s mother was also jailed, along with two others in a case that came to be known as the ‘cul-de-sac cult’.]

Satanic sex cult leader guilty of child rape
March 12, 2011

By Hannah Thomas  on Wednesday 9 March 2011  The quaint cul-de-sac of Kidwelly in west Wales has been stirred by news that a satanic cult has been carrying out sexual assaults and a string of child rapes over the past several decades within the small community.

Self-styled high priest, Colin Batley, was yesterday found guilty of conducting quasi-religious sex sessions involving children with his wife Elaine and fellow cult members Jacqueline Marling and Shelly Millar.

Batley began the sordid rituals by reading from The Book Of The Law, written more than 100 years ago by occultist Aleister Crowley, to brainwash his victims before ordering hooded cult members to have sex.

One victim was told she would be killed if she did not take part in an initiation ceremony, which concluded with sex. ‘I did it because I was told to by Colin,’ she sobbed as she gave evidence by videolink.

The cult leader was yesterday found guilty of 27 offences and warned by the judge at Swansea crown court that he faced a vast prison sentence. His wife and the two other women were also found guilty of a range of sexual offences and will be sentenced tomorrow.

Batley’s obsession with Satanism and Egyptian icons was well documented by police before his arrest last summer.

Guilty: Paedo cult’s demon ‘Lord’ By JOHN COLES
10 Mar 2011 THE self-styled “Lord” of a black magic sex cult was facing jail last night – after being convicted of sexually abusing young children.  Colin Batley, 48, ran a group whose members wore hooded robes for group sex and paedophile crimes over 15 years.

The scruffy Svengali surrounded himself with four “disciples” – wife Elaine, 47, and three other women – who helped him abuse youngsters.

All four women were tattooed on Batley’s orders with an Egyptian symbol, the Eye of Horus.  At meetings, Batley read from an occult “bible” and told youngsters they would go to Hell if they did not agree to his sexual demands.  Their “temple” was the Batleys’ semi-detached home on a sleepy cul-de-sac in Kidwelly, west Wales.

Jobless Batley, who charged members a quarter of their income, was exposed when a woman groomed for sex from age six went to cops.

My ‘cult sex’ at 15 By JOHN COLES 09 Feb 2011

A WOMAN yesterday told a court she was forced to have sex with the leader of a cult when she was just 15. The alleged victim said “evil” Colin Batley told her she would be killed if she didn’t take part in the sickening initiation ceremony.

She claimed she was then ordered to perform sex acts on Batley’s wife Elaine – and was taken to meetings where she had to have sex with men and women.  The alleged victim, now an adult, said: “I was told I’d be killed if I didn’t become part of the cult. Colin Batley had a gun and took it to meetings. I was so scared I just did what I was told. I was in the living room at his home and he told me there would be an initiation.

‘Tattooed child sex cult in cul-de-sac’ By JOHN COLES
03 Feb 2011 THREE couples and a woman pal moved from London to a cul-de-sac in rural Wales to set up a sick sex cult, a jury heard yesterday. They relocated over four years and were led by “evil and manipulative” Colin Batley, it was said.  He allegedly persuaded the women to get identical tattoos and find youngsters for three-in-a-bed sex. He raped boys and girls, forced children to have sex with each other and ordered the women to join in, it was claimed.

Batley, 48, preached from a text known as The Book of The Law – while living off the earnings of women he forced into prostitution in Bristol, Swansea Crown Court was told.
Prosecutor Peter Murphy described Batley as a sexual predator who corrupted others to do his bidding through coercion and control. He added: “He is the principal.
“The four families became closely intertwined. It became much more than that – a cult. The usual restraints went out of the window.”

Colin Batley was self-styled high priest of group that handed children around for sex in Kidwelly, west Wales 9 March 2011

describes crimes

A man has been found guilty of leading a “satanic” sex cult from his home in a small Welsh town. Colin Batley, 48, of Kidwelly, west Wales, presided over a group that preyed on young children and held occult rites. He was found guilty at Swansea crown court of rape and carrying out perverted sexual acts on children and adults. Batley was the self-styled high priest of the group, which operated from a series of homes in a cul-de-sac in the seaside town. He and five other alleged members insisted throughout the five-week trial that no cult had ever existed.

But the jury dismissed that, finding him guilty of more than two dozen acts of sexual perversion linked to his activities in the cult. They included 11 separate rapes, three indecent assaults, causing prostitution for personal gain, causing a child to have sex and inciting a child to have sex. The jury also found him guilty of six counts of buggery and four counts of possessing indecent images of a child.

His wife, Elaine Batley, 47, was convicted of sex-related charges after the trial, as were Jacqueline Marling, 42, and Shelly Millar, 35. All lived in Kidwelly. …Colin Batley is said to have forced a number of his victims into prostitution and claimed 25% of their earnings. In one instance, the trial heard, Batley tried to force a pregnant schoolgirl to give birth. The girl, who had been raped by a cult member, was told all children conceived within the cult belonged to it.

New cult members, often deeply troubled children, were forced to go through an elaborate initiation ceremony. At its heart would be sex with an adult, with anyone unwilling to take part warned they risked being killed by a cult assassin.

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