Late BBC Host Jimmy Savile Abused ‘Up to 1,000 People’ (Report), Report: Television Star Jimmy Savile Sexually Abused Victims in BBC Studios, Culture of secrecy blamed for BBC’s failure to stop Jimmy Savile’s crimes, Britain disrupts Philippines online child abuse ring

January 21, 2014 Comments Off on Late BBC Host Jimmy Savile Abused ‘Up to 1,000 People’ (Report), Report: Television Star Jimmy Savile Sexually Abused Victims in BBC Studios, Culture of secrecy blamed for BBC’s failure to stop Jimmy Savile’s crimes, Britain disrupts Philippines online child abuse ring

Late BBC Host Jimmy Savile Abused ‘Up to 1,000 People’ (Report) 1/20/2014 by Georg Szalai

A report about the results of an internal probe at the U.K. public broadcaster is expected to be published in February.

LONDON — The final report on an internal BBC probe is expected to state that late radio and TV host Jimmy Savile sexually abused “many hundreds and potentially up to 1,000 people” while working for the U.K. public broadcaster, the Guardian’s sister publication The Observer reported.

At least 138 victims are believed to be pursuing civil actions against the BBC, according to the newspaper report. Last year, a police report cited 214 abuse cases and about 450 overall complaints recorded by authorities.

The BBC report is also set to call on the broadcaster’s leadership to reform a “culture of secrecy,” according to the paper….

Report: Television Star Jimmy Savile Sexually Abused Victims in BBC Studios
by Warner Todd Huston 19 Jan 2014

Just when the UK may have thought that there could not be any worse news about the sex abuse scandal perpetrated by its once most famous TV and radio star, the Jimmy Savile case gets worse—not just for the late celebrity’s reputation but for those accused of enabling him, including the CEO of the New York Times.

A new report is about to come out saying that Savile abused teens right on the premises of government-run broadcasting facilities.

Jimmy Savile, an actor, TV and radio announcer—or “presenter” as they call it in Britain—and well-loved charity spokesman, passed away in 2011, but only months later, rumors of his rampant abuse of British teens who were enamored of his stardom began to leak out.

In 2012, allegations of his sexual abuse of vulnerable young Brits gained critical mass, and a full-scale government investigation was launched—as the British Broadcasting Service (BBC) is owned and run by the government. This gave Savile’s crimes an air of government approval when it became known that many BBC officials may have known of Savile’s crimes but covered them up, assisted in them, or at the least ignored them.

By June of 2013, not only had hundreds of cases of abuse come to light but the investigation had spread to other BBC employees.

In mid-2013, the BBC released a statement saying that it was “appalled” by all the sexual crimes perpetrated by Savile and his cohorts….

A source close to Dame Janet’s investigation told the British media: “The numbers are shocking. Many hundreds and potentially up to 1,000 people were victims of Savile when he was representing the corporation. The report will overshadow Pollard. It will go right to the heart of how Savile was able to get away with the most heinous of crimes under the very noses of BBC staff for more than 40 years.”….

Culture of secrecy blamed for BBC’s failure to stop Jimmy Savile’s crimes
Chris Patten pressed to prove corporation has changed as inquiry expected to conclude that DJ abused up to 1,000 people
Jason Deans The Guardian, Sunday 19 January 2014

Senior BBC figures are facing calls to reform the corporation’s “culture of secrecy”, as an internal inquiry is expected to reveal Jimmy Savile sexually abused up to 1,000 children while working for the corporation.

The BBC Trust chairman Chris Patten and director general Tony Hall will come under renewed pressure to show that the corporation has decisively changed a culture that allowed Savile to abuse his victims unchecked during more than 40 years as a presenter of TV shows including Top of the Pops and as a Radio 1 DJ. Savile died in 2011.

Former court of appeal judge Dame Janet Smith’s report will say the number of victims of Savile’s sexual activities may never be known but that his behaviour had been recognised by BBC executives who took no action, according to the Observer. At least 138 victims are pursuing civil actions against the BBC.

The paper quoted a source close to the Smith inquiry, expected to report next month, saying that “many hundreds and potentially up to 1,000 people” were victims of Savile while he was working for the BBC from the 1960s until his retirement in 2006….

Britain disrupts Philippines online child abuse ring
Kim Hjelmgaard, USA TODAY January 16, 2014
LONDON — Britain’s National Crime Agency said it has broken up an international crime group that live-streamed child sexual abuse from the Philippines.

The agency said the joint investigation with authorities in the United States and Australia yielded 29 arrests for people in 12 countries who had paid to watch the online abuse, which in some cases was arranged by members of the children’s own families.

In a statement, the NCA said that the “use of Web cams to stream live abuse, particularly from the developing world, is a significant and emerging threat.”

The investigation was started after a routine visit by police in the English county of Northamptonshire to a registered sex offender, the NCA said. The probe began in 2012 and resulted in 15 children ages 6 to 15 being safeguarded from abuse….

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