Jury hands ex-Penn State assistant $7M in defamation case, Parole denied for convicted Manson follower Charles ‘Tex’ Watson, Grant Davies incarcerated 18 years

October 28, 2016 Comments Off on Jury hands ex-Penn State assistant $7M in defamation case, Parole denied for convicted Manson follower Charles ‘Tex’ Watson, Grant Davies incarcerated 18 years

– Jury hands ex-Penn State assistant $7M in defamation case
– Parole denied for convicted Manson follower Charles ‘Tex’ Watson
– Inside the sick world of paedophile Grant Davies’ and his creepy interests

Jury hands ex-Penn State assistant $7M in defamation case
Oct 27, 2016  By TRAVIS JOHNSON Associated Press

BELLEFONTE, Pa. (AP) – A jury awarded a former Penn State assistant football coach $7.3 million in damages Thursday, finding the university defamed him after it became public that his testimony helped prosecutors charge Jerry Sandusky with child molestation.

Jurors deliberated for about four hours in Mike McQueary’s defamation and misrepresentation lawsuit.

Judge Thomas Gavin still must decide McQueary’s whistleblower claim that he was treated unfairly as the school suspended him from coaching duties, placed him on paid administrative leave, barred him from team facilities and then did not renew his contract shortly after he testified at Sandusky’s 2012 trial.

McQueary remained stoic as the verdict was read, and he and his lawyers made no comment as they left the courthouse.

A Penn State spokesman said the university would not comment on the case and the jury’s verdict until a final decision is rendered on all counts.

McQueary had been seeking more than $4 million in lost wages and other damages, saying he was defamed by a statement the school president released the day Sandusky was charged, retaliated against for helping with the Sandusky investigation and misled by school administrators.

Jurors awarded him $1.15 million on the defamation claim and $1.15 million on the misrepresentation allegation that two administrators lied to him when they said they took his report of Sandusky seriously and would respond appropriately. They also awarded $5 million in punitive damages.

Sandusky, a former defensive coach at Penn State, was convicted of sexual abuse of 10 boys and is serving a 30- to 60-year prison sentence. He maintains his innocence….

Parole denied for convicted Manson follower Charles ‘Tex’ Watson
by Matt Hamilton October 27, 2016

A California review board denied parole Thursday to Charles “Tex” Watson, the self-described right-hand man of Charles Manson and a key figure in the Manson family’s 1969 killing spree in the Los Angeles area.

Watson, 70, was initially sentenced to die in San Quentin’s gas chamber for his part in the murder of pregnant actress Sharon Tate and six others. In 1973, his sentence was commuted to life in prison after the state Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty was unconstitutional….

Watson was convicted of joining other Manson followers in the Aug. 9, 1969, massacre of five people including Tate, who was married to director Roman Polanski….

Prosecutors said Manson and his followers — based out of the Spahn Ranch commune in Chatsworth — were trying to incite a race war that the cult leader believed was foretold in the Beatles’ song “Helter Skelter.”

At Watson’s most recent parole hearing in 2011, Deputy Dist. Atty. Patrick Sequeira called Watson the leader of the rampage at Polanski’s home; he had announced to the victims: “I am the devil. I am here to do the devil’s business.”

“His role within the family was a significant one,” Sequeira said. “He was essentially the main hit man…. These weren’t impulsive actions. Murdering seven people on two subsequent nights were not impulsive actions.”….

Inside the sick world of paedophile Grant Davies’ and his creepy interests
October 28, 2016….

Grant Davies, incarcerated in Silverwater remand centre as a prison committee decides which correctional facility he will spend the next 18 years, took thousands of photographs of his students.

Insisting on girls as young as seven be dressed in skimpy and clingy outfits and painted with showgirl style make-up, Davies adopted the guise of cheeky prankster….

Evidence was given during his trial that the girls’ mother sent Davies sexually explicit photos of her daughters to advance their careers.

Jailed in 2014 for doing so, the mother later said that Davies ran the business “like a cult” and promised her daughters they would be “stars”….

One of Davies’ former dance students, now in her 20s, has since revealed children as young as three had to wear crop tops and shorts which barely covered their private parts.

Girls were banned from wearing bras, and students were told to wear a G-string or no underwear at all.

But only some of the girls knew the truth behind their teacher’s jovial exteriors, the man who behind closed doors touched their genital and breast areas, or in one case engaged in anal penetration.

One of the sisters who featured in photographs and videos in Davies child pornography collection later told the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse that she thought Davies would make her a star.

“I didn’t want to do the videos and photos but I thought that was the only way I would become a professional dancer,” she said….

Opened in 2002, by at least January 2003 the studio became a place of hope and misery for children desperate to be dance stars to the point they were subjected to molestation under threat….

He sexually assaulted them at RG Dance’s Chiswick studio, at his home and at various locations around Sydney and the state where he conducted private dance classes.

Davies was so trusted by one girls’ family, he would come to dinner, even though he was regularly abusing her.

In 2007, police seized Davies’ computer following a complaint that had sent very young girls sexually explicit text messages about masturbation and told them of his sexual fantasies.

But the investigation was dropped….

In May 2013, a friend of Davies’ sister alerted Davies’ schoolteacher wife to the fact he had child pornography on his laptop….

Dance teachers and mother complained that they “all knew” about Davies, but previous attempts to have him arrested had failed.

In sentencing Davies to a maximum 24 years’ prison, with an 18 year minimum, Justice Jennie Girdham said he used a “pattern of conduct and groomed the children for sexual exploitation”.

“He constantly found new victims,” she said.

Grant Davies’ next 18 years will predominantly be in his “jail of sentence”, beginning in maximum security….

Neil Brick, Editor of S.M.A.R.T. Newsletter, 20 Years of Child and Ritual Abuse Research http://www.webwire.com/ViewPressRel.asp?aId=205239

Information on Neil Brick
In 1995,  Neil Brick founded the SMART newsletter.  In 1996, SMART was on the Internet and in 1998 SMART started having ritual abuse conferences.

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‘7th Heaven’ actor under investigation for child abuse, Files on Winona Diocese clergy who abused children are made public

October 8, 2014 Comments Off on ‘7th Heaven’ actor under investigation for child abuse, Files on Winona Diocese clergy who abused children are made public

‘7th Heaven’ actor reportedly under investigation for child abuse
– Stephen Collins Network Yanks ‘7th Heaven’ From Schedule
– ‘7th Heaven’ Dad Stephen Collins Confesses on tape to Child Molestation
– Files on Winona Diocese clergy who abused children are made public
– ‘Terror mixed with homesickness meant I cried myself to sleep, night after night’

‘7th Heaven’ actor reportedly under investigation for child abuse
By Mark Shanahan and Meredith Goldstein
Globe Staff   October 07, 2014
Actor Stephen Collins, who played the Rev. Eric Camden on the long-running WB family show “7th Heaven,” is reportedly under investigation for child molestation after an alleged recording surfaced of him confessing in couples therapy to exposing himself to young girls and molesting an 11-year-old, according to TMZ and the New York Daily News. (TMZ has posted the alleged audio on its website. The Daily News reports an NYPD investigation has been confirmed with an unnamed department source.)

Stephen Collins Network Yanks ‘7th Heaven’ From Schedule 10/7/2014 BY TMZ STAFF
Stephen Collins’ confession he molested young girls is already causing collateral damage … episodes of his most famous TV show, “7th Heaven” are being yanked off the air.

A rep for TV Guide Network — which airs re-runs of the show — tells TMZ the two episodes remaining on the schedule will not air — nor will any future episodes of “7th Heaven.”

We’re told … programming honchos dropped the hammer on the show … after seeing our story that Collins was recorded during a therapy session … confessing to acts of molestation years ago….

‘7th Heaven’ Dad Stephen Collins
Confesses on tape to Child Molestation

NYPD Investigating [AUDIO]

Stephen Collins — who played the pastor/dad on “7th Heaven” — confessed to his estranged wife he was a child molester, and it’s all on tape … a tape obtained by TMZ. And the New York Police Dept. is now conducting an active criminal investigation involving sexual contact with multiple children.

Collins — who is in the middle of a nasty, prolonged divorce with actress Faye Grant — revealed to her in 2012 he had molested and/or exposed himself to several underage girls years before. Collins and Grant went to a therapist where she peppered him with questions about the incidents … and he not only answered, he was specific.

Here’s what Collins didn’t know at the time. Grant taped the therapy session. We’re told her lawyer advised her it was legal to secretly record the conversation because in California you’re allowed to secretly record conversations to gather evidence the other person committed a violent felony … and molesting a child under the age of 14 qualifies….

TMZ has learned … the NYPD is in possession of the tape, and last Wednesday 2 NYPD detectives from the Special Victims Unit flew to L.A. to interview Grant. We’re told they asked her about the tape and about other potential witnesses….

Files on Winona Diocese clergy who abused children are made public
JEAN HOPFENSPERGER , Star Tribune  October 7, 2014
Newly unsealed papers expose child sexual abuse by 14 priests in the Winona Diocese.

Winona Bishop John Quinn said the diocese “has worked diligently” to enforce abuse prevention protocols.

The 14 priests worked in all four high schools in the Diocese of Winona and at 45 parishes across southern Minnesota. But the paper trail exposing their sexual abuse of boys and girls had long been sealed — until Tuesday, when a court order pried open the records.

For the first time, the priests’ mental health reports, sexual abuse complaints and hundreds more documents were made public as part of a groundbreaking lawsuit making its way through Ramsey District Court.

The documents also show that the Winona Diocese “anticipates eventual bankruptcy” as a result of that lawsuit and others being filed under the new Minnesota Child Victims Act.

The files indicate that the diocese did not report claims of child sex abuse to law enforcement, did not remove offenders from ministry, and continued to financially support them even as abuse was known.

The document release comes in response to a lawsuit filed last year by a man who said he was abused by former priest Thomas Adamson in the 1970s. Adamson was accused of molesting boys in the Winona Diocese before being transferred to the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, where he allegedly abused the man in St. Paul Park….

While many files about Adamson were released in recent months through the archdiocese lawsuit, the Winona documents shed light on a different set of offenders.

The sexual abuse ranged from oral sex to fondling to rape, the documents showed. Emotional abuse often accompanied the physical abuse.

For example, the Rev. Richard Hatch would force one of his boy victims to have oral sex and then make him go to confession and confess it as if he were the cause of it, documents showed.

Like other dioceses, Winona kept the priests on the move, even after serious allegation of abuse….

‘Terror mixed with homesickness meant I cried myself to sleep, night after night’
Ivan Yates Published 05/10/2014

In 1968 – as a very young boy, Ivan Yates was sent to a boarding school in Bray. In the early part of his book he describes his misery there -and the borderline abuse he suffered:

The worst aspect of it was the constant fear. Charles Mansfield, headmaster and owner of the school, flattered himself that he was a disciplinarian. In fact, he was a sadist, liberally administering corporal punishment for any infringement of a forest of rules. Beatings were meted out with a slipper or a hairbrush on bare buttocks.

In my second year, I was in a dormitory adjacent to the headmaster’s office. If we were caught talking at night or early in the morning, he would come in and beat us. It became a familiar ritual. When he came round to each bed, we would turn over, pull down our pyjamas and receive our beating, faces in our pillows, counting the blows. Some boys got punished much worse than I did. One boy was black and blue from constant thrashings. At eight and nine years old, I was out of my depth. It was unremitting torture.

As I grew up, I remembered the beatings, but not the overwhelming sadness. It took therapy for me to recall the day, when I was about 11, when Mr Mansfield asked me to come and see him in the French room.

When I arrived, he was in the room, alone, standing by a table in the corner. He asked me to pull up a chair and sit down in front of him, explaining that as part of his sex education duties, he had individual consultations with the boys. He needed to see that we were developing properly. He asked me to take down my trousers and pants, so that he could examine me. I vividly recall that we were standing so close together that I could see the tiny blood vessels on his cheeks and could smell him. I did as I was told.


Houston FBI: One of worst child sex abuse cases ever, teacher who abused 90 boys

April 24, 2014 Comments Off on Houston FBI: One of worst child sex abuse cases ever, teacher who abused 90 boys

Houston FBI: One of worst child sex abuse cases ever
Jace Larson, Investigative Reporter Apr 22 2014

HOUSTON – Local FBI agents tell Local 2 Investigates they are working on a recent case of child sexual assaults that is one of the worst they’ve ever seen, involving more than 90 victims. The FBI says it’s likely there are more victims that law enforcement doesn’t know about and they want to reach out to offer victims’ assistance to those who could now be adults.

“This is one of the most prolific alleged predators we’ve ever seen,” Houston FBI Special Agent Shauna Dunlap told Local 2 Investigates.

The suspect, William James Vahey, 64, of South Carolina, killed himself after the FBI began an investigation….

The case unfolded after Vahey reported his maid was fired after she allegedly stole personal items from his house last November.

In March of this year, the former maid brought a USB thumb drive to the American Nicaraguan School and admitted she stole it, but said she was coming forward because of the child sexual assault images she saw on the drive. A school employee viewed some of the images and described them to local authorities who contacted the FBI, the federal search warrant says.

“These images depict minor males in various states of undress,” court records allege. “The minor males appear to be asleep, unconscious or possibly drugged.”….

Vahey was required to register as a sex offender in California after pleading guilty to child molestation in January of 1970. He was a swim instructor at the time in Santa Ana, California, federal court records show.

He was sentenced to 90 days in jail. Court records show he registered only once in 1970 and never renewed his registration….

FBI investigates London links of teacher who abused 90 boys
William Vahey, who taught at Southbank International School, admitted molesting children while teaching in Caracas
Robert Booth  The Guardian, Wednesday 23 April 2014

An elite London school has become embroiled in an FBI-led international child abuse investigation into a highly regarded teacher who is believed to have molested more than 90 boys.

William Vahey, a 64-year old American who taught at the Southbank International School in Westminster between 2009 and 2013, killed himself in Minnesota in March after confessing to drugging and molesting children while on field trips.

He had been found with a memory stick that contained sexually graphic images of at least 90 boys who appeared to have been drugged. They were catalogued with dates and locations that corresponded to his overnight field trips with students beginning in 2008 when he was teaching in the Escuela Campo Alegre in Caracas, Venezuela….

Vahey was working in Nicaragua when he was exposed in March by his employer who discovered the digitised images, the FBI said. When confronted about the images by a school administrator, he confessed he was molested as a child and had preyed on boys his entire life, giving them sleeping pills prior to the molestation. Within days he killed himself….

Italy’s bishops pass Vatican-backed rule that child molestation does not have to be reported, Harris pleads not guilty to 2011 murder charge (practiced voodoo), Children of serial killer Robert Pickton’s victims will split $4.9M in compensation fund

April 2, 2014 Comments Off on Italy’s bishops pass Vatican-backed rule that child molestation does not have to be reported, Harris pleads not guilty to 2011 murder charge (practiced voodoo), Children of serial killer Robert Pickton’s victims will split $4.9M in compensation fund

Italy’s bishops pass Vatican-backed rule that child molestation does not have to be reported
Kashmira Gander Friday 28 March 2014

Italy’s bishops have adopted a policy, with backing from the Vatican, that states they are not obliged to inform police officers if they suspect a child has been molested.

The Italian Bishops’ Conference said the guidelines published on Friday reflected suggestions from the Vatican’s office that handles sex abuse investigations.

Victims have denounced how bishops systematically covered up abuse by moving priests while keeping prosecutors in the dark.

Only in 2010 did the Vatican instruct bishops to report abuse to police — but only where required by law.

Italian guidelines cite a 1985 treaty between the Vatican and Italy stipulating that clergy aren’t obliged to tell magistrates about information obtained through their religious ministry. The guidelines remind bishops, however, they have a ”moral duty“ to contribute to the common good….

Harris pleads not guilty to 2011 murder charge
Harris trial in late June could take a week and a half

March 31, 2014

By Steve Fry

LYNDON — A defendant charged with using a garrote to kill an older man in 2011 pleaded not guilty to the murder charge Monday in Osage County District Court.

The trial of James Paul Harris, 29, will start June 23, and is expected to require 11/2 weeks….

A part of the victim’s skull was discovered March 24, 2012, at a house in rural Carbondale in Osage County. Shirley Johnson, who lives with Jeff Harris, the defendant’s father, testified she was searching for mushrooms when she found a “ball” — the top of Gerety’s skull — and took it inside to show Jeff Harris. He called police. Another witness, Topeka police Detective Brian Hill, testified Bobbie Williams, Harris’ girlfriend, told him during questioning that Harris kept the victim’s head nearby so he could talk to it. Harris was into voodoo and practiced it, Hill said Williams told him.

Children of serial killer Robert Pickton’s victims will split $4.9M in compensation fund
VANCOUVER — A man whose mother was the last to be reported missing in connection with serial killer Robert Pickton says $4.9 million in government compensation for the 98 children of women who disappeared provides some recognition for decades of pain.

“It’s been a long battle to get this far,” Troy Boen, 28, said Tuesday after the federal, B.C. and Vancouver governments announced the fund that will provide $50,000 for each of the children of 67 missing and murdered women, mostly Pickton’s victims.

Boen’s mother, Yvonne Marie Boen, went missing on March 16, 2001, soon after they’d planned to spend spring break together. He called her back repeatedly, but there was no answer.

A 2012 report from a public inquiry that outlined years of police failures made 63 recommendations, including compensating the offspring of the women who’d disappeared up to 2002, when Pickton was arrested.

Boen’s DNA was later found on Pickton’s pig farm in Port Coquitlam, where the killer lured vulnerable women from Vancouver’s impoverished Downtown Eastside….

Green Bay diocese liable for molestation cover-up

May 23, 2012 Comments Off on Green Bay diocese liable for molestation cover-up

Jury awards brothers $700K in Wis. diocese lawsuit
Monday, May 21, 2012

APPLETON, Wis. (AP) — An Outagamie County jury on Monday awarded two brothers $700,000 in a fraud trial against the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay.

The civil jury found the diocese responsible Monday for concealing a former priest’s history of child molestation.

Brothers Todd and Troy Merryfield sued the diocese in 2008, alleging the diocese was aware the Rev. John Feeney sexually assaulted others before 1978, when it assigned him to Freedom’s St. Nicholas Church. Feeney was convicted in 2004 for the sexual assaults of the Merryfields and has already served his prison sentence.

The jury awarded Troy Merryfield $475,000 and Todd $225,000 in damages, The Post-Crescent reported….

Over the past week, Jeffrey Anderson and John Peterson, the Merryfields’ attorneys, called several priests as witnesses. The priests testified there were allegations of inappropriate behavior by Feeney — that he swam naked with boys and showered with them after basketball games — long before he assaulted the Merryfields in 1978.

But the bishop, who died in 2005, said in a previous deposition testimony that if there was merit to complaints of sexual abuse by Feeney, he would have immediately suspended the priest.

Green Bay diocese liable for molestation cover-up
May. 21, 2012

APPLETON — When an Outagamie County jury decided the Roman Catholic Diocese of Green Bay covered up a priest’s history of child molestation, it sent a message to the rest of Wisconsin, an advocate for sexual abuse victims said….

Rev. John Feeney molested the Merryfields in 1978, when they were 12 and 14 years old. In 2004, Feeney was convicted of sexual assault of the brothers. After the criminal trial, the brothers said they learned the priest had a history of similar assaults in the 1960s and 1970s that the diocese knew about and hid from parishioners at St. Nicholas Church in Freedom, which the Merryfields attended.

So in 2008, they sued the diocese and now-deceased Bishop Aloysius Wycislo, who was in charge of ensuring priests were fit to serve, for fraudulent misrepresentation and sought unspecified damages….

Feeney was attending mental health counseling in 1974 after he touched girls inappropriately at a church retreat, Rev. Lawrence Canavera testified. Anderson and Peterson presented a letter forwarded from psychologist Thomas Kelley to the bishop stating under stress Feeney’s “usual controls over sexual impulses may fail and cause some indiscretions.”

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