Jared Fogle, ex-Subway spokesman, gets 15 years in prison for child porn and sex crimes, Ritual killings

November 20, 2015 Comments Off on Jared Fogle, ex-Subway spokesman, gets 15 years in prison for child porn and sex crimes, Ritual killings

Jared Fogle, ex-Subway spokesman, gets 15 years in prison for child porn, sex crimes
By Sarah Larimer November 19

Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle was sentenced Thursday to more than 15 years in prison after pleading guilty to federal charges related to child pornography and sexual conduct involving minors.

Fogle faced two counts: traveling to engage in illicit sexual conduct with a minor, and distribution and receipt of child pornography.

“How do you plead to the charges?” U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Walton Pratt asked Fogle on Thursday at the federal courthouse in Indianapolis, according to the Indianapolis Star.

“Guilty,” Fogle replied.

Pratt sentenced him to 15 years and eight months behind bars, according to the Associated Press.

The news service reported that prosecutors had recommended a 12½-year sentence.

“The level of perversion and lawlessness exhibited by Mr. Fogle is extreme,” the judge said, according to the Star….

Court documents released earlier this year detailed the allegations against Fogle. The documents claimed that he had used Web sites to solicit commercial sex and that he had traveled to engage in sexual acts with minors. Authorities also believe that Fogle received images and videos of nude children from the former executive director of his charity foundation.

That man, Russell Taylor, has agreed to plead guilty to child exploitation and child pornography charges.

Before his sentencing, Fogle delivered a statement in which he apologized for his actions, the Star reported….


describes violence

Liberia president says ritual killings on the rise
Source: Reuters – Thu, 19 Nov 2015

MONROVIA, Nov 19 (Reuters) – Liberia’s President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Thursday vowed to crack down on those responsible for a rise in ritual killings in the West African country as it seeks to emerge from the shadow of an Ebola epidemic.

In some areas of central Africa, body parts are prized for their supernatural powers and are used in black magic ceremonies. Local media have reported at least 10 related murders in Liberia since the summer.

“We are witnessing the rise in what appears to be ritualistic killings and armed robbery in the country, thus threatening our security,” Johnson Sirleaf said in a speech on Thursday.

“I am instructing the security forces to rigorously enforce the law to the letter and bring this ugly situation under immediate control,” she added.

It is not yet clear why ritual killings are rising and Johnson Sirleaf offered no explanation. But some residents have speculated that presidential hopefuls seeking to replace Johnson Sirleaf when her final term expires 2017 are using black magic to boost their chances….  http://www.trust.org/item/20151119225408-8l0u8

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