The woman who helped break the Jared Fogle case, The number of child abuse cases in the military hits a decade high

September 3, 2015 Comments Off on The woman who helped break the Jared Fogle case, The number of child abuse cases in the military hits a decade high

– The woman who helped break the Jared Fogle case
– Perverse text messages led to Jared Fogle’s downfall
– The number of child abuse cases in the military hits a decade high

The woman who helped break the Jared Fogle case
Tim Evans and Mark Alesia, The Indianapolis Star September 1, 2015

INDIANAPOLIS ….the Indianapolis woman who provided information that led police to discover the child pornography that will send Jared Fogle and Russell Taylor — the former head of Fogle’s charitable foundation — to prison for years.

….“If she doesn’t make the phone call, we don’t find out about Taylor,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Steve DeBrota told The Indianapolis Star. “If we don’t find out about Taylor, we don’t find out about Fogle. And 14 (young victims) wouldn’t have been rescued.”

Less than two weeks after Fogle, the former Subway sandwich pitchman, agreed to plead guilty to child pornography charges, Taylor on Tuesday also took a plea deal….

Taylor’s plea is the latest development in the shocking child pornography investigation that shattered Fogle’s wholesome and lucrative image and exposed the criminal activities of the man Fogle hired to run his charitable organization focused on fighting childhood obesity….

Perverse text messages led to Jared Fogle’s downfall
Hayley Peterson September 2, 2015

An investigation into Subway’s ex-spokesman Jared Fogle’s connection to child pornography picked up steam last fall thanks to a phone call from an Indianapolis woman, the Indianapolis Star reports.

The woman, identified in court papers as “Jane Doe,” said she was getting disturbing messages from Russell Taylor, a friend of Fogle’s who was also the head of his charitable foundation, the Jared Foundation.

Jane Doe called an Indiana state police officer and told him about the messages.

“If she doesn’t make the phone call, we don’t find out about Taylor,” Assistant US Attorney Steve DeBrota told The Indianapolis Star. “If we don’t find out about Taylor, we don’t find out about Fogle. And 14 [young victims] wouldn’t have been rescued.”

In the messages, Taylor had “offered to send her images or videos of young girls,” an affidavit states. “Russell Taylor made this offer during a series of text messages that included discussions of sexual matters, including bestiality and sadistic or masochistic abuse.”….

Getz said he viewed the messages on Jane Doe’s phone in October 2014 and discovered that she and the Taylors had exchanged dozens of texts that were sexual in nature, according to the affidavit.

Jane Doe apparently grew uncomfortable with the messages when Taylor allegedly began offering to send her child pornography and asked if he and another adult woman could engage in a sexual act with one of her horses…..

Police discovered videos of nude children ages 11 to 16 who were secretly recorded in his home, according to the affidavit.

Investigators also found a thumb drive containing commercially produced child pornography, along with a document with Taylor’s employer, the Jared Foundation, listed in the file name.

In a plea deal Tuesday, Taylor admitted to secretly producing videos of 12 children and sharing some of the videos with Fogle. He faces at least 15 years in prison….

The number of child abuse cases in the military hits a decade high
By Missy Ryan September 2, 2015

Confirmed cases of abuse and neglect of military children increased markedly in 2014, Defense Department data showed on Wednesday, prompting concerns among Pentagon about efforts to safeguard the nation’s over 1 million military children.

In fiscal year 2014, officials tracking family violence within the military confirmed 7,676 cases of child abuse or neglect, an increase of 10 percent from the previous year, according to annual statistics on child abuse and domestic violence. Confirmed cases of neglect – which excludes physical and sexual abuse – rose by 14 percent, military officials said.

The data, which has not been released publicly and was obtained by the Washington Post, contrasts with a years-long decline in child abuse and neglect among civilian families nationwide….

David Finkelhor, director of the Crimes against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, said the rate of abuse among military families, at 5.6 victims per 1,000 children, remains well below that for the general population, which is around 9 per 1,000 nationally….

The Pentagon is also struggling to end a chronic problem with sexual assault among service members. In May, the Defense Dept. released a report showing that instances of sexual assault had fallen but that retaliation against those who report such attacks remains a major problem. For the first time, the military is also expanding the scope of its effort to contain sexual assault to include male-on-male attacks.

The family abuse data also shows positive trends, including a 6 percent decrease in spousal abuse in 2014.


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