Members of press issue mea culpas on botched Bill Cosby coverage, Spain arrests Granada priests over child sex abuse

November 26, 2014 Comments Off on Members of press issue mea culpas on botched Bill Cosby coverage, Spain arrests Granada priests over child sex abuse

Members of press issue mea culpas on botched Bill Cosby coverage  November 25, 2014

Some members of the press who covered Bill Cosby over the past 40 years are now issuing mea culpas, saying they failed to follow up on the many accusations leveled at the comedy legend over the years.

Bill Cosby’s official biographer Mark Whitaker says he was wrong in not addressing the numerous allegations of sexual assault leveled against the comedian. Whitaker’s admission comes on the heels of New York Times columnist David Carr taking to task a number of writers – himself included – for turning a blind eye to the claims….

Cosby, 77, has been publicly accused by at least 18 women of sexually assaulting them or attempting to sexually assault them over the past four decades. His lawyers have denied the claims and called many of the women liars and opportunists. Cosby refused to address the stories in recorded interviews with the Associated Press and National Public Radio. He told the publication Florida Today: “I know people are tired of me not saying anything, but a guy doesn’t have to answer to innuendos.”

But despite the denials, venues on Cosby’s tour are dropping like flies….

Spain arrests Granada priests over child sex abuse
24 November 2014
Police in Spain have arrested three priests and one layman on suspicion of child sex abuse, according to the country’s interior minister….

The Archdiocese of Granada suspended several priests last week after a man wrote to Pope Francis saying he was abused when he was an altar boy….

However, Spanish newspaper El Pais said all were believed to be members of the ultraconservative group known as Los Romanones….

Ex-NBC employee Frank Scotti claims Bill Cosby paid off women, more allegations of potential sexual misconduct by Bill Cosby, Fran’s Day Care Case

November 25, 2014 Comments Off on Ex-NBC employee Frank Scotti claims Bill Cosby paid off women, more allegations of potential sexual misconduct by Bill Cosby, Fran’s Day Care Case

– Bill Cosby called a ‘serial rapist’ as yet ANOTHER accuser comes forward
– Bill Cosby’s 1980s Co-Star Claims He Sexually Assaulted Her, Paid College Tuition

EXCLUSIVE: Ex-NBC employee Frank Scotti claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room as he stood guard

Veteran NBC employee Frank Scotti says he helped Bill Cosby deliver thousands of dollars to eight different women in 1989-90 – including Shawn Thompson, whose daughter Autumn Jackson claimed the actor was her dad. The ex-aide also tells the Daily News he stood guard whenever Cosby invited young models to his dressing room, which eventually led him to quitting after years on the job.
BY Chelsia Rose Marcius , Brian Niemietz , Larry Mcshane
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Back when Bill Cosby was the king of network television, veteran NBC employee Frank Scotti served as the royal fixer.

When Cosby invited young models into his Brooklyn dressing room, the megastar’s pal stood watch outside the door. When the married Cosby sought a Queens apartment for another pretty face, Scotti arranged the deal.

And when the man behind Fat Albert needed cash disbursed to his flock of single female friends — hey, hey, hey — Scotti became the conduit for payments of up to $2,000 a month….

“He had everybody fooled,” said Scotti in an exclusive interview with the Daily News. “Nobody suspected.”

Scotti came forward last week with his insider’s look at Cosby’s womanizing ways during the magical 1984-92 run of “The Cosby Show.”….

The 90-year-old Scotti said he decided to speak as the drumbeat of sexual abuse allegations against Cosby, 77, grew steadily louder. “I felt sorry for the women,” he told The News.

The Emmy-winning Cosby, NBC’s most bankable star at the time, used Scotti to deliver monthly payouts to eight different women in 1989-90 — including Shawn Thompson, whose daughter Autumn Jackson claimed the actor was her dad.
Frank Scotti says he did “a lot of crazy things” for Bill Cosby, including being a coverup for the actor. Courtesy Frank Scotti Frank Scotti says he did “a lot of crazy things” for Bill Cosby, including being a coverup for the actor.

Cosby, while denying paternity, paid out more than $100,000 to Thompson over the years after their 1974 affair began. Scotti told The News that he believes Cosby was sleeping with all the women who received money.

“I was suspicious that something was going on,” said Scotti. “I suspected that he was having sex with them because the other person he was sending money to (Thompson) he was definitely having sex with….

He recalled Cosby presenting him with “a satchel of money, all $100 bills,” and pressing Scotti to distribute the payments using money orders in his own name.

“I did a lot of crazy things for him,” recalled Scotti. “He was covering himself by having my name on it. It was a coverup. I realized it later.”

Scotti worked as facilities manager at the Brooklyn studio where “The Cosby Show” was originally taped before a live audience….

Cosby lawyer Martin Singer scoffed at Scotti’s claims. “What evidence does he have of Mr. Cosby’s involvement?” Singer said Saturday….

Bill Cosby called a ‘serial rapist’ as yet ANOTHER accuser comes forward
Nov 24th 2014


Embattled comedian Bill Cosby is now being called a “serial rapist” as details of his bizarre green room demands are emerging, according to a pair of new reports.

Model Jewel Allison told the New York Daily News that Cosby drugged and forced her to touch his genitals during a dinner. Female staffers with CBS’ “Late Show with David Letterman” said he forced them to watch him eat curry before every appearance.

“We may be looking at America’s greatest serial rapist that ever got away with this for the longest amount of time,” Allison told the paper. At least 17 women have now accused Cosby of rape and/or sexual assault.

Many of those accusers were reportedly paid off by an NBC staffer.

Allison said the assault occurred in the late 1980s at Cosby’s brownstone on Manhattan’s East Side. The comedian had invited her over on her birthday.

“He said he wanted to help models and actors who were well-educated, who could do something else,” she recalled. “I thought, ‘Wow, this is Bill Cosby.'”

The accused rapist groomed her in a series of phone calls, often complimenting her….

Bill Cosby’s 1980s Co-Star Claims He Sexually Assaulted Her, Paid College Tuition
The Wrap   By Jason Hughes 11/24/14

Another woman has come forward with allegations of potential sexual misconduct by Bill Cosby, and this one was a co-star of his for four years. Renita Chaney Hill co-starred alongside Cosby during the 1980s in his “Picture Pages” educational videos….

Bill Cosby was at the height of his power with NBC’s “The Cosby Show” when he encountered Hill. His “Picture Pages” segments filmed in Pittsburgh — the shorts started on a local Pittsburgh children’s show — and he was looking for local talent. Hill, a 15-year-old model and aspiring actress, was recommended by her modeling agency.

The Pittsburgh native spoke to local CBS news station KDKA about the alleged attacks late last week. She told KDKA reporter Ralph Iannotti that Cosby flew her to various cities, from New York to Atlanta….

He defended his ongoing refusal to comment, telling Florida Today before his performance, “I know people are tired of me not saying anything, but a guy doesn’t have to answer to innuendos. People should fact check….

Local Woman Latest To Come Forward Accusing Bill Cosby Of Being Sexual Predator
Renita Chaney Hill: “The Bottom Line For Me Is That No One Has The Right To Violate Someone Else, No Matter Who They Are” November 20, 2014

Fran’s Day Care case
history and updates

Met trawls files on 200 missing boys in murder probe into VIPs ‘Operation Midland’ searches for clues to three alleged killings by paedophile network

November 24, 2014 Comments Off on Met trawls files on 200 missing boys in murder probe into VIPs ‘Operation Midland’ searches for clues to three alleged killings by paedophile network

Met trawls files on 200 missing boys in murder probe into VIPs
‘Operation Midland’ searches for clues to three alleged killings by paedophile network
By Mark Conrad  22 November 2014

Detectives are trawling through files on at least 200 missing children as they try to identify three boys allegedly killed by the ‘Westminster paedophile network’.

Officers who are carrying out the triple-murder investigation under ‘Operation Midland’, made a request to police forces across the UK for files on boys who disappeared and never turned up between 1977 and 1983….

Nick told detectives that he saw a then-serving Conservative MP murder a boy during a sexual assault at a town house in central London around 1980. He said that he witnessed the murder of another boy in front of a former Conservative cabinet minister in 1981 or 1982. And he told of a third killing by unidentified members of the paedophile network in south-west London in 1979….

Nick told how two former Conservative MPs – including an ex-cabinet minister – and other VIPs sexually abused, even raped, him and other boys.

The detective in charge of ‘Operation Fairbank’, Scotland Yard’s wide-ranging investigation into allegations of child sex abuse by MPs and VIPs, asked Exaro to speak to our two witnesses….

MP ‘told police about VIP paedophile ring’s parties 26 years go, Brazilian trio jailed for total of 63 years for killing and eating two women, man confesses to raping 5-year-old, blames victim: ‘She was experimenting’

November 23, 2014 Comments Off on MP ‘told police about VIP paedophile ring’s parties 26 years go, Brazilian trio jailed for total of 63 years for killing and eating two women, man confesses to raping 5-year-old, blames victim: ‘She was experimenting’

MP ‘told police about VIP paedophile ring’s parties 26 years go’: Labour’s John Mann claims he handed evidence of abuse over to Scotland Yard but investigation was shelved

MP John Mann said he handed evidence of ‘abuse parties’ to police in 1998
Claims case was closed within three months on orders of ‘those at the top’
Police probing reports of murders linked to paedophile ring in 1970 and 80s

By Rebecca Camber for the Daily Mail
17 November 2014

Police were told a Cabinet minister and prominent MPs were abusing children 26 years ago at a block of luxury flats used by politicians but nothing was done, a senior MP revealed yesterday.

Fears of a cover-up of an Establishment paedophile ring deepened last night as an MP said he handed over evidence in 1988 of ‘abuse parties’ at Dolphin Square and other London locations, but an investigation was shelved by Scotland Yard.

Labour’s John Mann said the case was closed within three months on the orders of ‘those at the top’.

His revelation came as it emerged that police are probing disturbing reports of three murders linked to the alleged VIP paedophile ring in the 1970s and 1980s.

A victim has claimed he saw a Conservative MP strangle a 12-year-old boy to death at an ‘abuse party’ in a Central London townhouse around 1980.

The witness, known only as Nick, says a Tory Cabinet minister watched two men kill a second boy in a depraved sexual assault a year later….

As a young councillor investigating corruption in his local borough of Lambeth, Mr Mann uncovered evidence that a Tory Cabinet minister and other serving politicians were sexually abusing children taken from care homes to Dolphin Square, a luxury riverside estate in Pimlico which has been home to dozens of MPs.

He reported his concerns to Lambeth police, but told the Mail: ‘I was told in 1989 by local police that they were very unhappy but they had been instructed to stop the investigation by someone at the top of the police.’….

describes graphic crimes

Brazilian trio jailed for total of 63 years for killing and eating two women before using their flesh to fill pastries

Jorge Beltrao Negromonte da Silveira, Isabel Cristina Pires and Bruna Cristina Oliveira da Silva are all jailed for murder and desecration
They were found guilty of luring young women to their deaths Garanhuns, Brazil, then using their flesh to make empada pastries to eat and sell
The pasties were sold to neighbours, schools and even hospitals by the trio who said they contained tuna or chicken

By Damien Gayle for MailOnline and Associated Press

16 November 2014

A Brazilian man, his wife and his mistress have all been handed long sentences for killing two women and using their flesh to make meat pastries which they atea and sold.

Jorge Beltrao Negromonte da Silveira was jailed for 23 years while his wife, Isabel Cristina Pires, and his mistress, Bruna Cristina Oliveira da Silva, each received 20-year terms.

The defendants’ lawyers told reporters they would appeal the sentences.

….At the time, they reportedly told police they belonged to a sect that preached ‘the purification of the world and the reduction of its population’.

They were convicted of murder, desecration and concealment of a body.

Ohio man confesses to raping 5-year-old, blames victim: ‘She was experimenting’
A Lake County judge sentenced 51-year-old Clifford Taylor to 22 years in prison after he confessed to raping his girlfriend’s daughter and coaxing her into oral sex with the promise of a Pudding Pop. During his sentencing, he tried to backpedal, and claimed his tiny victim forced herself on him.
BY Meg Wagner
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Attorney: L.A. schools pay ‘largest’ public settlement for child abuse at $139 million

November 23, 2014 Comments Off on Attorney: L.A. schools pay ‘largest’ public settlement for child abuse at $139 million

Attorney: L.A. schools pay ‘largest’ public settlement for child abuse at $139 million
By Michael Martinez, CNN
Fri November 21, 2014

Los Angeles (CNN) — The Los Angeles public school district will pay more than $139.2 million to the families of 81 children allegedly abused by an elementary teacher now serving a prison sentence for lewd conduct, officials said Friday.

John Manly, one of the plaintiffs’ attorney, called the amount “the largest settlement in the history of the United States against a public entity involving child abuse.”

The settlement comes after the district earlier paid $30 million to settle 63 other students’ claims alleging they were victims of sexually lewd acts by Mark Berndt of Miramonte Elementary.

A teacher for 30 years, Berndt is now serving a 25-year prison sentence for putting pupils in bondage, and then photographing them with semen-filled spoons held at their mouths and 3-inch cockroaches crawling across their faces….

Manly contended there were “two perpetrators:” Berndt and “those in successive (school) administrations from 1983 to the present who ignored and in some instances actively concealed what he was doing.”….

Berndt had pleaded no contest to felony lewd acts on 23 children. The scandal led to more than 100 students suing the district, claiming that they, too, were victims….

Westminster child abuse claims: “Watson said “clear intelligence suggesting a powerful paedophile network linked to parliament and No 10”., Sasha Wass QC to lead island sex abuse inquiry, head investigation into alleged cover-up on St Helena and Ascension

November 21, 2014 Comments Off on Westminster child abuse claims: “Watson said “clear intelligence suggesting a powerful paedophile network linked to parliament and No 10”., Sasha Wass QC to lead island sex abuse inquiry, head investigation into alleged cover-up on St Helena and Ascension

Westminster child abuse claims: what do we know?
Police are investigating possible murders linked to Elm Guest House in south-west London after claims of a cover-up
Matthew Weaver Wednesday 19 November 2014

What do we know about politicians and child abuse at Westminster?

A number of allegations have been made. So far the only politician to have been implicated is the Liberal MP Cyril Smith, who died in 2010, but other unnamed politicians were also alleged to have been involved in a Westminster paedophile ring. Smith is alleged to have abused boys at Knowl View residential school in Rochdale and at Elm Guest House, in Barnes in south-west London, in the 1970s and 80s. Greater Manchester police are investigating allegations of abuse by Smith at Knowl View, where Smith was a governor. Other MPs were said to have attended the Elm Guest House. After claims made by the Labour MP Tom Watson in 2012, the Metropolitan police launched Operation Fairbank into child abuse at the guesthouse. Watson said there was “clear intelligence suggesting a powerful paedophile network linked to parliament and No 10”.

A dossier of evidence of an alleged paedophile ring, involving several MPs, including Smith, and other public figures, was handed to the Home Office in 1983, by the Conservative MP Geoffrey Dickens, who died in 1995. The 40-page dossier has since been destroyed or lost, according to a Home Office review. The Crown Prosecution Service has conceded that Smith should have been prosecuted after rejecting claims against him in 1970, 1998 and 1999.

What happened at Elm Guest House?

At least three MPs were reported to have been questioned in 1982 after a police raid on the guesthouse. It was reported at the time that it was being used as a brothel where children as young as 10 were abused. Two children living in the house were taken into care. The guesthouse was reported to have been used as a brothel for two years before it was raided. Officers found whips, chains and ropes. “They catered for every kind of perversion,” an officer told the News of World at the time. The owners of Elm Guest House, Haroon and Carol Kasir, were subsequently convicted of running a brothel….

Sasha Wass QC, prosecutor in Rolf Harris trial, to lead island sex abuse inquiry

Sasha Wass QC, has been brought into to head an investigation into an alleged cover-up on St Helena and Ascension  Paul Peachey crime correspondent  Thursday 20 November 2014

….Sasha Wass QC, has been brought in after a review of child safety on St Helena and Ascension – two tiny and remote islands in the South Atlantic with a combined population of some 5,500 – revealed that a number of paedophiles had escaped prosecution amid claims of police incompetence and corruption.

The Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond, said yesterday that Ms Wass would travel to the island to investigate a series of claims by whistleblowers against senior police, some brought over from Britain to run the tiny force.

Social workers said they raised concerns about a paedophile officer but were snubbed and told not to rock the boat and “enjoy the view” on St Helena, famous as the island prison of Napoleon.

The announcement by Mr Hammond came a week before the start of what could be a protracted employment tribunal starting in London brought by two of the whistleblowers who say they were hounded off the island. One of them had her home searched by police and was threatened with prosecution for perjury.

They have said that entrenched abuse on the island was worse than the scandal on Pitcairn, another isolated and tiny British territory, where six men jailed for child sex abuse in 2004.

….Experts from the child protection charity, the Lucy Faithfull Foundation, said in a report there had been a “malaise” in the upper ranks of the police force. It criticised its handling of child sex abuse allegations and highlighted how victims were often castigated when coming forward to make claims. It said there were “a number of ‘serial’ offenders, a number of ‘serial’ victims, and a number of women whose children were very much at risk of repeat victimisation.”

Comeback by Cosby Unravels as Rape Claims Re-emerge, What will Bill Cosby’s legacy be?, The sexual exploitation of children: it couldn’t happen here, could it?, Child sexual exploitation in Rotherham, Ritual Abuse, Female Gential Mutilation

November 20, 2014 Comments Off on Comeback by Cosby Unravels as Rape Claims Re-emerge, What will Bill Cosby’s legacy be?, The sexual exploitation of children: it couldn’t happen here, could it?, Child sexual exploitation in Rotherham, Ritual Abuse, Female Gential Mutilation

– Comeback by Cosby Unravels as Rape Claims Re-emerge
– What will Bill Cosby’s legacy be?
– Councils leaving children at sex-abuse risk, says Ofsted
– The sexual exploitation of children: it couldn’t happen here, could it?
– Communities and Local Government Committee – Third Report
– Child sexual exploitation in Rotherham: some issues for local government
– Children first: the child protection system in England – Education RITUAL ABUSE, WITCHCRAFT AND FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION
– Child abuse, adversity associated with poor health and employment outcomes later in life

Comeback by Cosby Unravels as Rape Claims Re-emerge

….But in recent weeks, his triumphant return to the national stage has fallen apart in the face of a wave of accusations by women who say Mr. Cosby drugged and raped them decades ago. On Wednesday, NBC said it was canceling the pilot project, and the cable network TV Land quietly decided to stop showing repeats of “The Cosby Show.” Less than 24 hours earlier, Netflix said it was postponing the debut of the comedy special. Other scheduled appearances by Mr. Cosby — on David Letterman’s late-night show and Queen Latifah’s daytime talk show — have also been canceled.

….Mr. Cosby’s lawyers have vigorously denied the accusations in recent days, and he has never faced criminal charges. But the troubles have put the star’s comeback in limbo and created awkward situations as he seeks to burnish his legacy. Mr. Cosby’s handlers, for instance, realizing that Mr. Letterman would have to ask Mr. Cosby about the rape claims, decided to scrap the appearance.

The accusations against Mr. Cosby have been all the more striking because his hit TV show, his commercials for Jell-O and his best-selling books about fatherhood helped him present an image of the ideal family man.

….A subsequent civil lawsuit brought by Ms. Constand promised to present testimony from 13 “Jane Does” with similar accounts of sexual assault. Mr. Cosby’s lawyer called the claims false and even preposterous; the suit was settled for an undisclosed sum in 2006.

One of the unnamed women in the suit, Barbara Bowman, a former actress, came forward publicly in The Washington Post last week to describe her experiences in detail….

What will Bill Cosby’s legacy be?
Andrea Mandell and Ann Oldenburg, USA TODAY November 19, 2014

….On Sunday, the second woman in a 10-day span, publicist Joan Tarshis, came forward to tell a story of being sexually assaulted by Cosby. She posted a detailed account on Hollywood Elsewhere of being drugged and abused by Cosby, 77, who has been married to wife Camille since 1964.

It’s a scenario that has now been told by more than a dozen women, all recounting incidents that happened years ago.

….On Sunday, Cosby’s lawyer, John P. Schmitt, issued a statement saying the comedy legend would not “dignify” the “decade-old” claims.

Councils leaving children at sex-abuse risk, says Ofsted   19 November 2014
Vulnerable children in England are at risk of sexual exploitation and abuse because of council failures, the children’s services watchdog has said.

Child sexual exploitation has not been treated as the priority that events in Rotherham and elsewhere suggested it should have been, Ofsted said.

Councils had been too slow to face up to their responsibilities and plans were “under-developed”, Ofsted said.

The Local Government Association said the report was “uncomfortable reading”.

The report – called The sexual exploitation of children: it couldn’t happen here, could it? – was commissioned by Ofsted’s chief inspector, Sir Michael Wilshaw.

It comes against a backdrop of allegations, convictions and resignations over organised child abuse and exploitation over sustained periods in locations including Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford and Telford.

A separate report published by MPs on Tuesday into the Rotherham cases concluded the local authority had “failed” victims targeted in the town.

The MPs also said Rotherham was not an isolated case, child sexual exploitation was “widespread” and “serious”, and questioned the performance of Ofsted itself…. 

The sexual exploitation of children: it couldn’t happen here, could it?
19 Nov 2014 Ref: 140175
This thematic inspection was commissioned to evaluate the effectiveness of local authorities’ current response to child sexual exploitation. The report draws on evidence from inspection and case examination in eight local authorities and from the views of children and young people, parents, carers, practitioners and managers. 

Communities and Local Government Committee – Third Report
Child sexual exploitation in Rotherham: some issues for local government

37. The Jay Report sets out in chilling detail how the authorities responsible for protecting children in Rotherham against sexual exploitation failed at least 1,400 children. On the basis of this inquiry it is clear that, although there was convincing evidence of organised child sexual exploitation in Rotherham, none of the parts of the system designed to scrutinise or challenge had any perceptible effect in identifying or challenging the prevailing insensitivity to child sexual exploitation within the Council. It was the press which stimulated action. One of the lessons for local government from the Jay Report into child sexual exploitation in Rotherham will be the need to improve scrutiny and challenge within council governance.

Children first: the child protection system in England – Education
Committee Contents
3  Older children
Vulnerability of older children

125. Ritual abuse related to accusations of witchcraft and spirit possession occurs in England amongst some communities of African origin. Some child deaths have included elements of ritual abuse, including that of Victoria Climbié and of a headless torso discovered in the Thames.[190] The latest high profile case involving Kristy Bamu and the conviction of his relatives has reignited publicity around the issue. This type of abuse is often linked to a faith setting (church or mosque). Accusations of witchcraft may be made by the church (for example, the pastor) who also professes the solution, usually in the form of a deliverance or exorcism. Once a child has been identified as a witch, often by family members or by a faith leader, different forms of abuse may occur….

126. ECPAT reported in October 2011 that over the last four years, at least 400 African children have been abducted and trafficked into the UK, some for the purpose of ‘juju’ blood rituals. Testimonies from some of the children have described how witch-doctors extracted their blood by force for use in ritual healings.[191] Other estimates about the extent of ritual abuse in the UK are sketchy. Research for the then Department for Children, Schools and Families in 2006 reviewed 74 cases of child abuse which were suspected of connection to spirit possession and witchcraft between 2000 and 2005, and found clear-cut evidence of ritual abuse in 38 of those cases (concerning 47 children). Children and Families Across Borders (CFAB) gave evidence that when a victim of ritual abuse is identified, it is likely that other children exposed to the same informal faith setting may also be at risk.[192]

127. Another form of abuse to which some girls of African origin may be vulnerable is female genital mutilation (FGM, also called female circumcision and genital cutting). It is estimated that approximately 100-140 million African women have undergone FGM worldwide and each year, a further three million girls are estimated to be at risk of the practice in Africa alone.[193] National FGM campaigning organisation FORWARD UK estimate that 24,000 girls under 15 are at risk each year in England and Wales. The most common age at which it occurs is between four and ten, although it appears to be falling….

Child abuse, adversity associated with poor health and employment outcomes later in life

People who currently fall into low-income and educational brackets are up to five times as likely to have faced abuse and adversity during childhood as people who fall into higher socioeconomic groups, according to a University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health analysis of Allegheny County residents.

The findings, which will be presented Tuesday at the American Public Health Association’s (APHA) annual meeting in New Orleans, support the merit of “whole family” programs that seek to break the cycle of adversity and negative health, economic and social outcomes that persist over generations.

Eliminating childhood abuse and adversity significantly improves health – reducing heart disease by more than 26 percent and serious mental illness by more than 41 percent, the research team determined in a separate study presented Monday.

….People with a low socioeconomic status had 1.7 to 4.2 times higher prevalence for each of the six adverse childhood events compared with people of higher socioeconomic status.

People who reported they were unable to work also reported a prevalence of sexual abuse five times higher than those reporting employment.

The results are consistent with those of similar surveys conducted in other communities nationwide….

Janice Dickinson Bill Cosby Rape Allegation, Bill Cosby’s Joke About Drugging Women, Pedophile group member on Savile show, PIE Group campaigned for the age of consent to be reduced to four, Charles Napier guilty of historical child abuse, Rotherham child abuse scandal, Supermodel Ruslana Korshunova

November 19, 2014 Comments Off on Janice Dickinson Bill Cosby Rape Allegation, Bill Cosby’s Joke About Drugging Women, Pedophile group member on Savile show, PIE Group campaigned for the age of consent to be reduced to four, Charles Napier guilty of historical child abuse, Rotherham child abuse scandal, Supermodel Ruslana Korshunova

– Janice Dickinson accuses Bill Cosby of sexual assault during 1982 hotel meetup
– EXCLUSIVE: Janice Dickinson Details Bill Cosby Sexual Assault Accusations: He Raped Me
– Bill Cosby’s Joke About Drugging Women in 1969 Resurfaces as New Alleged Victim Speaks Out
– Rape victim aged 5 writes to police who failed her and asks: ‘Why did you let me down?’
– Convicted sex offender with links to notorious paedophile group appeared on Jimmy Savile show
– Paedophile group linked to Savile show guest
– Charles Napier guilty of historical child abuse
– Rotherham child abuse scandal: Police watchdog to investigate 10 officers over handling of exploitation complaints
– Supermodel Ruslana Korshunova had joined ‘dehumanising’ cult before jumping to death, author claims

Janice Dickinson accuses Bill Cosby of sexual assault during 1982 hotel meetup
In an interview with ‘Entertainment Tonight,’ the former supermodel said Cosby raped her in a Lake Tahoe hotel room in 1982. Dickinson is the third woman to accuse Cosby of sexual assault in the last month.
BY Philip Caulfield , Kirthana Ramisetti NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Former supermodel Janice Dickinson has accused Bill Cosby of sexually assaulting her.

The 59-year-old “America’s Next Top Model” judge told Entertainment Tonight the 77-year-old TV legend raped her more than two decades ago.

Dickinson claimed that in 1982, Cosby invited her to Lake Tahoe, where he was performing, to discuss a job he had offered her, as well as advice on her singing career.

She said that after she arrived in Tahoe, the two had dinner, and then when the two returned to her room, Cosby gave her “wine and a pill.”….

Cosby has never been criminally charged for any of the alleged sexual assaults.

However, he did settle a civil case in 2006 brought by Temple University employee Andrea Constand who originally claimed he drugged and groped her in his mansion.

Cosby’s lawyer John Schmitt issued a statement that dismissed Tarshis and Bowman’s claims as “decade-old, discredited” allegations….

EXCLUSIVE: Janice Dickinson Details Bill Cosby Sexual Assault Accusations: He Raped Me
by Antoinette Bueno  November 18, 2014
With rape allegations against Bill Cosby mounting, supermodel Janice Dickinson tells ET in a new interview that the comedian sexually assaulted her in 1982.

Dickinson, now 59, recalls first meeting Cosby, now 77, when her agent set up a meeting with him to hire her for a role on The Cosby Show. After they had dinner, she says their next conversation was when he called her out of the blue while she was in rehab for drugs and alcohol. Following her stay in rehab, Dickinson says Cosby reached out to her during a trip to Bali and had her travel to Lake Tahoe, because he was performing there and wanted to offer her the job they had discussed as well as help her with a singing career.

Dickinson says they had dinner in Lake Tahoe, and claims that he gave her a glass of red wine and a pill, which she asked for because she was menstruating and had stomach pains….

Dickinson also says she tried to write about the assault in her 2002 autobiography No Lifeguard on Duty: The Accidental Life of the World’s First Supermodel, but claims that when she submitted a draft with her full story to HarperCollins, Cosby and his lawyers pressured her and the publisher to remove the details.

“I’m doing this because it’s the right thing to do, and it happened to me, and this is the true story,” she says about coming out with her story now. “I believe all the other women.”….

Bill Cosby’s Joke About Drugging Women in 1969 Resurfaces as New Alleged Victim Speaks Out
by Jackie Willis  November 18, 2014
With Bill Cosby’s rape allegations once again in the headlines, some of his old jokes are now being unearthed and scrutinized.

After two women have recently come forward claiming to have been drugged and raped by the comedian, a joke from Cosby’s 1969 album It’s True! It’s True! has been making the rounds. In the stand-up recording, he recounts a story of being a 13-year-old boy and learning that (allegedly) when you slip “Spanish fly” into a woman’s drink, it will make her more susceptible to a man’s advances.

“From then on, anytime you see a girl, ‘Wish I had some Spanish fly,'” Cosby is heard saying in his 1969 act. “Go to a party, see five girls standing alone. Boy, if I had a whole jug of Spanish fly I’d light that corner up over there. Haaa ha ha.”….

Cosby’s lawyer, John P. Schmitt, issued a statement on Sunday in response to the sexual assault allegations after Cosby’s initial response of just silence during an NPR interview.

“Over the last several weeks, decade-old, discredited allegations against Mr. Cosby have resurfaced. The fact they are being repeated does not make them true,” the statement reads. “Mr. Cosby does not intend to dignify these allegations with any comment….

Rape victim aged 5 writes to police who failed her and asks: ‘Why did you let me down?’
Nov 18, 2014    By Jessica Best

The little girl, who is still waiting for justice, told officers:  ‘Something very bad happened and it was your job to make sure he was punished. But you didn’t do your job’….

A five-year-old rape victim has written a devastating letter to police saying officers had “let her down” over the way they investigated the crime.

The youngster was raped by the 12-year-old son of a family friend in 2011, but more than three years later she and her family are still waiting for justice.

The case was brought to light after it emerged the little girl, now aged eight, had written a heartbreaking letter to officers about what had happened to her.

Today, the police and crime commissioner for Essex has said he is “deeply sorry” for how his force failed the child….

The boy admitted the offence in a recorded interview and was given a youth caution, but officers wrongly claimed that they had reported the case to the Crown Prosecution Service, failed to have the rapist’s name added to the Sex Offenders Register and neglected to take fingerprints, DNA samples or photographs, the newspaper said.

The little girl’s letter went on: “Did you do this on purpose because he was 12? I trusted you to push me up but instead you pushed me down.

“I thought police are ment [sic] to be good and catch the bad people but you didn’t. So you are in the wrong and should know better.”

Crime Commisioner Nick Alston….said he became aware of the case in 2013 and immediately discussed the matter with the deputy chief and chief constable.

In April last year, the force referred itself to the Independent Police Complaints Commission and disciplinary action was taken against a number of officers.

Convicted sex offender with links to notorious paedophile group appeared on Jimmy Savile show

Keith Harding, who was convicted of sex offences in 1950s, appeared on Jim’ll Fix It Christmas episode in 1980 Loulla-Mae Eleftheriou-Smith  Monday 17 November 2014

A convicted sex offender with links to a notorious paedophile campaign group appeared as a guest on the Jimmy Savile’s Jim’ll Fix It on a Christmas episode alongside children.

Keith Harding, a British antiques expert who restored items for royalty and who was involved in the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) group, appeared on the show in 1980, BBC News has revealed.

Harding, who died in June this year, was convicted for sex offences nearly thirty years earlier in the 1950s. He was labelled a “schedule 1 offender” after he was found guilty of indecent assault against four children aged eight and nine….

Despite his convictions, Harding was later given the Freedom of the City of London and became a member of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers, which saw him introduced to business and political figures. He later ran a music box museum in Gloucestershire which was regularly visited by children.

BBC News has seen confidential social services reports from 1995 confirming Harding’s involvement with PIE, which campaigned for the age of consent to be reduced to four….

Richard Scorer, who is from the legal firm Slater & Gordon which is representing the near 200 alleged victims of Savile’s sexual abuse, said the information about Harding is “extremely troubling” and that it is “precisely” the kind of allegation that the Government child abuse inquiry should be investigating in detail.

The BBC responded to the news with the statement: “Today’s BBC has appropriate safeguards in place to protect children and young people….

Paedophile group linked to Savile show guest
By Tom Bateman Reporter, Today programme   17 November 2014

A British antiques expert who restored items for royalty was a child abuser involved in a notorious paedophile campaign group, the BBC can reveal.

Keith Harding was active in the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), according to documents seen by the BBC.

A former chairman of the British Horological Institute, he appeared alongside Jimmy Savile in a Christmas edition of the BBC’s Jim’ll Fix It.

Harding, who died in June, had been convicted of sex offences in the 1950s….

He was convicted of indecent assault against four children aged eight and nine in the late 1950s and was a “schedule 1” offender – meaning his convictions remained on his police file for life.

But he was later given the Freedom of the City of London and became a member of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers, meeting business and political figures at the height of his career.

The clockmaker and music box expert ran a museum regularly visited by children, despite social services being aware 20 years ago of his convictions for child abuse….

Harding’s involvement with PIE, which campaigned for the age of consent to be reduced to four, has never previously come to light.

BBC News has seen confidential social services reports from 1995 which confirm Harding’s “PIE involvement”….

The Corporation of London said Harding’s vetting for the Freedom of the City was carried out by his livery company.

About 1,800 people receive the honour each year.

The Worshipful Company of Clockmakers said Keith Harding did not disclose his offences and was “never involved in the running of the company”.

Charles Napier guilty of historical child abuse  18 November 2014
Charles Napier, a 67-year-old former teacher, has admitted sexually abusing 21 boys between 1967 and 1972.

Napier, of Newland in Sherborne, Dorset, pleaded guilty at Southwark Crown Court in London.

He admitted 28 indecent assault charges and one indecency offence on a child. All his victims were under 16….

The court heard that one boy was indecently assaulted on eight separate occasions between 1969 and 1972….

He faces two further indecent assault charges against two other boys, for which he has yet to enter to a plea.

Napier was cleared of one other charge in October due to lack of evidence.

Police arrested him in 2013 as part of Operation Cayacos, one of the strands of Scotland Yard’s wider investigation into historical child abuse.

That investigation – Operation Fairbank – was launched in 2012 after Labour MP Tom Watson wrote to Scotland Yard about allegations of a paedophile ring linked to Westminster….

Rotherham child abuse scandal: Police watchdog to investigate 10 officers over handling of exploitation complaints
Adam Withnall Tuesday 18 November 2014

The police watchdog is to investigate 10 officers in South Yorkshire over their handling of the Rotherham sex abuse scandal.

The officers were among 13 identified as part of Professor Alexis Jay’s report in late August, which revealed that more than 1,400 children had been subjected to child sexual exploitation in the town from 1997 to 2013.

South Yorkshire Police referred the officers to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) after the Jay report criticised the way agencies in the south Yorkshire town dealt with complaints from teenage girls who said they had been raped and trafficked….

Supermodel Ruslana Korshunova had joined ‘dehumanising’ cult before jumping to death, author claims
November 18, 2014
….Ruslana Korshunova, 20, who graced the cover of British Vogue and had been signed to top agency IMG, had allegedly joined the Moscow-based Rose of the World cult before her death.

Journalist Peter Pomerantsev claims in his new book that Korshunova had been undergoing “dehumanising” treatment during training sessions with the bizarre sect.

….During the sessions, life coaches humiliated trainees and blamed them for the negative aspects of their life, the New York Daily News reports.

In one case, a rape victim who was blamed for her own assault and accused of self-pity,

In his book Nothing Is True And Everything Is Possible, Pomerantsev describes Korshunova as a victim of the new Russia.

….Thrust into a world of fame, money, power and oligarchs at the age of just 16, the stunning teen was wooed by a Moscow-based tycoon who eventually dumped her.

After a second failed relationship with another Russian businessman, the beautiful model’s world began to crumble, the author says.

Suffering from insomnia and losing weight, Korshunova’s modelling career — which had taken her to London, Paris and Milan — began to suffer and bookings dried up.

It was then that she fell into the clutches of the Moscow-based Rose of the World cult, Pomerantsev says….

Bill Cosby Rape Allegations, Organised Child Sex Abuse ‘widespread in England,’ British Murder Allegations of Paedophile Network of MPs and other VIPs

November 18, 2014 Comments Off on Bill Cosby Rape Allegations, Organised Child Sex Abuse ‘widespread in England,’ British Murder Allegations of Paedophile Network of MPs and other VIPs

“Detectives are investigating an allegation that a young boy was murdered by a Conservative MP during a sickening sex attack.
The Metropolitan Police Service’s paedophile unit, under ‘Operation Midland’, is also investigating a claim that a second boy was murdered during a depraved sexual assault in the presence of a former  Conservative cabinet minister….the police are also investigating the murder of a third boy around 30 years ago by members of a paedophile network of MPs and other VIPs.”

– Bill Cosby’s Silence On Rape Allegations Makes Huge Media Noise
– Bill Cosby raped me. Why did it take 30 years for people to believe my story?
– Dr. Huxtable & Mr. Hyde
– Bill Cosby Under Fire The Comedian Settles a Case Accusing Him of Sexual Abuse—but Other Women Make Similar Claims
– Barbara Bowman Speaks About Bill Cosby Sexual Abuse Allegations
– One Very Important Thing Is Missing From the New Cosby –  Biography: A Timeline of the Abuse Charges [Updated]
– In interview with tabloid, Bill Cosby discusses molestation allegations

– Organised child sex abuse ‘widespread in England’, MPs say
– Alexis Jay: Years of missing records mean Rotherham child abuse numbers ‘much higher’ than 1,400
– ‘Operation Midland’ investigates Tory MP over boy’s murder
Met also probes slaying of second boy in sex attack in front of former cabinet minister
– Historical abuse inquiry: Police examine ‘possible homicide’

Bill Cosby’s Silence On Rape Allegations Makes Huge Media Noise
November 17, 2014  Eric Deggans

But in the recent explosion of attention to allegations that the comedy superstar drugged and sexually assaulted several women years ago, in incidents reaching back to the late 1960s, Cosby has remained uncharacteristically silent — epitomized by his interview with NPR’s Scott Simon, who found the comic would only shake his head and utter no sound when asked about the allegations.

His attorney did provide a statement posted on Cosby’s website that said, in part, “decade-old, discredited allegations against Mr. Cosby have resurfaced. The fact that they are being repeated does not make them true. Mr. Cosby doesn’t not intend to dignify these allegations with any comment.”

Later, a joint statement from Cosby’s attorney and a lawyer for Andrea Constand, a woman who settled a lawsuit with Cosby over such allegations in 2006, was posted on the site that read, in part: “The statement released by Mr. Cosby’s attorney over the weekend was not intended to refer in any way to Andrea Constand. As previously reported, differences between Mr. Cosby and Ms. Constand were resolved to the mutual satisfaction of Mr. Cosby and Ms. Constand years ago.”

News of Cosby’s silence rocketed across media; the moment was covered everywhere from NBC’s Today show to CNN, USA Today and The Washington Post, which called it “perhaps the most significant dead air in the history of National Public Radio.”

When NPR most recently spoke to Cosby, four women had come forward publicly with rape allegations: Constand, Beth Ferrier, Tamara Green and Barbara Bowman. (See this story for a more detailed account of their allegations.) Over the weekend, another woman, 66-year-old publicist Joan Tarshis, also told media outlets she was drugged and raped by Cosby when she was 19 years old. Constand filed a lawsuit in 2005 that included 13 women willing to tell similar stories, Greene and Bowman among them; the suit was settled, no terms were disclosed and Cosby was never charged with a crime….
Bill Cosby raped me. Why did it take 30 years for people to believe my story?
Only when a male comedian called Cosby a rapist did the accusation take hold.
By Barbara Bowman November 13

In 2004, when Andrea Constand filed a lawsuit against Bill Cosby for sexual assault, her lawyers asked me to testify. Cosby had drugged and raped me, too, I told them. The lawyers said I could testify anonymously as a Jane Doe, but I ardently rejected that idea. My name is not Jane Doe. My name is Barbara Bowman, and I wanted to tell my story in court. In the end, I didn’t have the opportunity to do that, because Cosby settled the suit for an undisclosed amount of money.

Over the years, I’ve struggled to get people to take my story seriously. So last month, when reporter Lycia Naff contacted me for an interview for the Daily Mail, I gave her a detailed account. I told her how Cosby won my trust as a 17-year-old aspiring actress in 1985, brainwashed me into viewing him as a father figure, and then assaulted me multiple times. In one case, I blacked out after having dinner and one glass of wine at his New York City brownstone, where he had offered to mentor me and discuss the entertainment industry. When I came to, I was in my panties and a man’s t-shirt, and Cosby was looming over me. I’m certain now that he drugged and raped me. But as a teenager, I tried to convince myself I had imagined it. I even tried to rationalize it: Bill Cosby was going to make me a star and this was part of the deal. The final incident was in Atlantic City, where we had traveled for an industry event….

They, like other sexual assault victims, deserve our support. It’s the perpetrators who should be facing public humiliation – not the victims….

Dr. Huxtable & Mr. Hyde

Who is Bill Cosby? What’s happened to the man who taught us to laugh at ourselves — and what do we do with him now? By Robert Huber   June 9, 2006

…. A young Canadian woman he met in Philadelphia through Temple University is accusing him of drugging her and then, when she was in a near-comatose state, molesting her. It went nowhere legally — the woman, Andrea Constand, waited a year before going to police, it boiled down to a he said/she said (Cosby claimed the sex was consensual, according to ABC News), and the police dropped the case for lack of evidence. But Constand filed a civil complaint in federal court in Philly last year, suing for an unspecified amount of money over $150,000. It is still Cosby’s no against her yes, except for one difference: Thirteen women are waiting to be deposed in the suit; in a court filing, Constand’s lawyer says that all of them — with nothing to gain, with no payout waiting, with their own statutes of limitations run out — have stories about Bill Cosby as well, and some of them will claim a similar drug-and-fondling M.O.

….The Story That Andrea Constand Tells
She met Bill Cosby in late 2002 when she was director of operations for Temple’s women’s basketball. He became a friend and mentor. In January 2004, Cosby invited Constand to his home in Elkins Park. She went there at about 9 p.m. Constand wanted to change careers and told Cosby she felt stressed. Cosby offered her three blue pills — herbal medication, he said, that would help her relax. She took the pills….

….The Story That Tamara Green Tells
Back in the ’70s, before Green became a lawyer, Cosby hired her to help him open a club in L.A. A week into the job, she felt sick, and called Cosby at Figero, a restaurant he owned, to say she was leaving for home. He invited her to the restaurant for lunch — it might make her feel better. She went. Cosby asked if she wanted some Contac, then handed her two gray-and-red capsules. She took them….

….The Story That Beth Ferrier Tells
Ferrier, 47, met Bill Cosby in 1984 when she was modeling in New York. They started an affair that lasted about six months. Cosby ended it without explanation. Then he called her one night in Denver, where she lived; they met backstage at a nightclub there, where he was performing. He said, “Here’s your favorite coffee, something I made, to relax you.” She drank it….

….The Story That Barbara Bowman Tells
Bowman’s incident with Bill Cosby occurred 20 years ago, when she was an aspiring actress. She told a lawyer. The lawyer laughed at her. She never mentioned it to an authority figure again. Bowman won’t disclose details of what happened before she’s deposed. But when she read about Andrea Constand, she decided that enough was enough — she couldn’t sit in silence any longer.

Bill Cosby Under Fire By Alex Tresniowski  The Comedian Settles a Case Accusing Him of Sexual Abuse—but Other Women Make Similar Claims    December 18, 2006    Vol. 66     No. 25

….What Cosby never mentioned was the civil lawsuit he settled just two days earlier with Andrea Constand, 32, a former Temple University employee who claimed Cosby drugged and sexually assaulted her in his Philadelphia-area mansion in 2004. Constand’s lawyers Dolores Troiani and Bebe Kivitz ended up with 13 witnesses, most referred to in court documents as “Jane Does,” who came forward voluntarily with strikingly similar claims of drugging and or abuse by Cosby. Terms of the settlement, reached before any of the women could testify, were not disclosed. But PEOPLE reporters have interviewed five of the women and share three of their stories now.

As in so many cases alleging sexual assault, these women make imperfect witnesses. They are talking about events two or three decades old. Many of their recollections are fragmentary, and in some cases, they are not even sure what happened between them and Cosby, though that is not unusual in cases where a possible date-rape drug is involved. None of the women ever contacted police with their stories, either at the time of the alleged assaults or in the years leading up to Constand’s revelations, and two of the five women reached by PEOPLE allowed Cosby to pay part or all of their travel and/or living expenses for some time. Three accepted cash from him years after the incidents, and two even went on to have consensual relationships with him.

But none of them stand to profit from suing Cosby for monetary damages; the statute of limitations on all their charges has expired. And their stories, which take place in several cities and span two decades, illustrate the same pattern of behavior….,,20059561,00.html

Barbara Bowman Speaks About Bill Cosby Sexual Abuse Allegations

By Katie J.M. Baker 2/12/14
Last week, Newsweek interviewed Tamara Green, one of 13 women who accused Bill Cosby of drugging and sexually assaulting them in a civil lawsuit brought by Andrea Constand in 2004, and settled under undisclosed terms in 2006. Now, a second woman is speaking out: Barbara Bowman, a 46-year-old artist who says Cosby took her under his wing in the late ‘80s, when she was a teenager — and repeatedly emotionally and physically abused her.

Both Bowman and Green joined the 2004 lawsuit as witnesses after hearing about it on television; neither had anything to gain financially, as the statute of limitations had expired for both of them….

Why do you think people find it so hard to believe celebrities can be sexual assaulters?
The media creates this idealized image of celebrities: that they are untouchable, that they’re not one of us… I don’t think people want to believe it; to believe would shatter the illusion….

One Very Important Thing Is Missing From the New Cosby Biography: A Timeline of the Abuse Charges [Updated]
By Matt Giles

In interview with tabloid, Bill Cosby discusses molestation allegations
By Bill Bergstrom ASSOCIATED PRESS  March 4, 2005

PHILADELPHIA – Comedian Bill Cosby, responding to a woman’s allegations of sexual molestation, said “words and actions can be misinterpreted,” but he insisted he wouldn’t give in to any attempt to “exploit” him because he’s a celebrity….

The 67-year-old entertainer, best-known as a warm, wisecracking TV dad, was cleared of criminal charges in connection with the allegations. Attorneys for the Canadian woman said they plan to file a civil lawsuit against Cosby next week.

In the interview, Cosby said he didn’t speculate on whether money was the woman’s motive. “Let’s not go there,” he said. But he asserted: “I am not going to give in to people who try to exploit me because of my celebrity status.”….

The woman, who lives in Ontario, told Canadian authorities that, after a night out with friends in January 2004, Cosby gave her medication that made her dizzy, then fondled her.

Cosby denied the allegations. The accuser’s family had described Cosby as a friend and mentor to the woman, which he didn’t deny. He told the tabloid a role as mentor can lead to trouble.

“Sometimes you try to help people and it backfires on you and then they try to take advantage of you,” Cosby said.

Organised child sex abuse ‘widespread in England’, MPs say
17 November 2014
Organised child sex abuse is widespread in England, a report by MPs on the Rotherham exploitation scandal says.

A review of child protection systems across the country has been called for by the Commons’ Communities and Local Government Committee.

Its report also said Rotherham Council and Ofsted had “failed” the victims targeted in the town.

It suggested the council’s protection policies were “divorced from reality”, enabling the abuse to continue.

MPs said, however, the town was “not an outlier” for abuse and all councils needed to review child protection policies.

‘More rigorous inspection’

Their inquiry was prompted by a report by Professor Alexis Jay, which revealed up to 1,400 children were estimated to have been victims of abuse in the South Yorkshire town between 1997 and 2013….

Alexis Jay: Years of missing records mean Rotherham child abuse numbers ‘much higher’ than 1,400  11/17/04

….Inquiry author Professor Jay said five years of data from Rotherham Council about victims is missing, while South Yorkshire Police was unable to record the scale of the problem before 2013 as it did not categorise child sexual exploitation as a form of crime until last year.

Four years’ worth of meeting minutes discussing child abuse cases between 1999 and 2003 have also disappeared.

A letter Prof Jay sent to the Communities and Local Government Committee has been made public ahead of a report by MPs being published tomorrow. She said a category for recording child sexual exploitation cases was introduced by police only in 2013, meaning the force was ‘unable to quantify the scale of the problem’ prior to last year.

While social services did officially recognise the issue from 2001, she said some victims were wrongly classified as being ‘out of control’.

Prof Jay said Rotherham Council provided information for only 11 of the 16 years covered by the inquiry.

‘Operation Midland’ investigates Tory MP over boy’s murder
Met also probes slaying of second boy in sex attack in front of former cabinet minister
By Mark Conrad  15 November 2014

….Detectives are investigating an allegation that a young boy was murdered by a Conservative MP during a sickening sex attack.
The Metropolitan Police Service’s paedophile unit, under ‘Operation Midland’, is also investigating a claim that a second boy was murdered during a depraved sexual assault in the presence of a former  Conservative cabinet minister….

Historical abuse inquiry: Police examine ‘possible homicide’
By Tom Symonds Home Affairs correspondent   14 November 2014
The man says he was first abused by his own father before being “handed over” as a young boy to the group

Child abuse investigations

Police are investigating “possible homicide” linked to what has been described as a paedophile ring involving powerful people in the 1970s and 1980s.

The group is alleged to have included senior figures in public life, the military, politics and law enforcement….

A key witness who has spoken to police has told the BBC that he was abused for nine years as a boy….

Speaking anonymously to the BBC but using the name “Nick”, the alleged victim said he had given three days of video-taped evidence to detectives.

His accounts are being assessed as part of Operation Midland, a new Scotland Yard investigation which is under the umbrella of its inquiry into historical abuse, Operation Fairbank.

Nick, now in his 40s, says that he was first abused by his own father before being “handed over” as a young boy to the group.

“They were very powerful people and they controlled my life for the next nine years,” Nick added.

“They created fear that penetrated every part of me, day in day out. You didn’t question what they wanted, you did as they asked without question and the punishments were very severe.”

Nick said the group was “very organised” and would arrange for chauffeur-driven cars to pick up boys, sometimes from school, and drive them to “parties” or “sessions” at locations including hotels and private apartments in London and other cities.

Dundee charity reveals terrible toll of ritual sexual abuse, Notorious cult leader and sex attacker Little Pebble to be released on bail

November 16, 2014 Comments Off on Dundee charity reveals terrible toll of ritual sexual abuse, Notorious cult leader and sex attacker Little Pebble to be released on bail

Dundee charity reveals terrible toll of ritual sexual abuse
By Dave Lord, 16 November 2014
A Scottish charity has warned that local children as young as five are suffering systematic and brutal sexual abuse.

Izzy’s Promise fear that many cases, some of which are carried out as part of gruesome rituals, are going unreported due to a pervasive culture of fear.

The charity, which is based in Dundee, said it receives numerous calls relating to grotesque sexual crimes.

Project co-ordinator, Joseph Lumbasi, told The Courier many young victims are too terrified to speak out at the time of their horrific ordeals, instead reporting abuse only when they reach adulthood.

Mr Lumbasi also claimed that some of the calls received by the charity relate to violent ceremonies and ritual abuse.

He said that traditional religious festival periods, including Easter and Christmas, see the highest frequency of such cases….

Notorious cult leader and sex attacker Little Pebble to be released on bail November 12, 2014
NSW cult leader and convicted sex attacker William “Little Pebble” Kamm is set to walk free from Long Bay jail in Sydney’s south-east after being granted parole.

The German-born 64-year-old, who was convicted in 2005 of carrying out a number of assaults on two 15-year-old girls, was given early release with 11 months still to run on his maximum 10-year sentence….

The attacks were carried out while he ran a pseudo-Catholic cult known as the Order of St Charbel, based in a compound in Nowra, NSW.

Kamm claimed the Virgin Mary had appeared in a vision and told him one of the girls was meant to be one of his brides.

He claimed he had been divinely ordained as a “new Abraham” and would become the patriarch of a new blessed race….

The Order of St Charbel is not regarded by the Catholic Church as part of its hierarchy, and Kamm himself was excommunicated in 2003 after he was illicitly ordained a bishop.


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